putastakeinit · 1 day
a concept: your muse and angela are stuck in a silent hill-esque town.
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putastakeinit · 4 days
 I’ll tell you:
The first character I first fell in love with:  The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  The character I love that everyone else hates:  The character I used to love but don’t any longer: The character I would totally smooch:  The character I’d want to be like:  The character I’d slap:  A pairing that I love: A pairing that I despise: 
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putastakeinit · 7 days
“ it’s okay, you know. if you need to vent. “
hurt comfort prompts.
A heavy sigh heaved its way from her chest, she had done it all too many times. It'd release the weight but the weight would return and soon she'd have to force out another sigh. The tension around them felt so dense and she could feel the gravity of her emotions pulling her down.
"I wouldn't know where to start." Her eyes drifted from Sol's as she stared down at the floor. What the hell was she supposed to say? That her brother's ex-girlfriend turned him into a vampire? And worse, she felt she lost him because of it?
"I just miss him, things aren't..the same anymore." Angela gripped her arms, her nails digging into the soft cotton of her cardigan. She bit her lower lip as she tried to choke back her tears.
"She took him from me..."
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putastakeinit · 7 days
hurt comfort prompts
“ you can stay here, if you'd like. “
“ please don't go. “
“ why don't we stay at your place tonight? “
“ can i get you anything? “
“ let's be pathetic together. “
“ are you crying? “
“ i'm glad that you're here. “
“ you're not doing this alone. “
“ i don't have anyone anymore. “ “ you have me. “
“ are you sure [about staying]? “
“ you didn't force me. i volunteered [to be here], remember? “
“ you are what’s important right now. “
“ it’s okay, you know. if you need to vent. “
“ are you sure? it's quite heavy [of a topic]. “ “ i've got all night. “
“ tonight is about you. you can make it up to me some other time. “
“ i've got nowhere else to be. “
“ you said you needed a distraction. “ “ so... where is it? “ “ you're looking right at it. “
“ why don't you come here for a second? “
“ wanna talk about it? “
“ i can't talk about it. not tonight. “
“ you need to distract me. do something, anything. “
“ i just don't want to be alone tonight. “
“ i'm tired of thinking. let's just... make out, or something “
“ i feel like shit. “ “ you look like it, too. “ “ hey! “
“ it’s okay to cry, you know. “
“ you’re a little hurt, that’s all. “
“ anything you want me to get you? “
“ nothing a good [drink] can't fix. “
“ let’s get you cleaned up. “
“ this is you thinking rationally? “
“ you're really all i've got. “
“ c'mere. let me give you a hug. “
“ and you're absolutely sure this is what you need? “
“ you don't need this right now. “
“ how long are you gonna sit there? “ “ all night, if that's what it takes. “
“ what's it gonna take to make you smile? “
“ if you're not ready to talk about it, let's not talk about it. “
“ wanna play some mario kart? it'll give us both a reason to cry when you beat me. “
“ how about we stay like this, holding each other? “
“ i don’t know what’s wrong with me. “
“ i can’t stop crying. “ “ i'll be strong for the both of us. “
“ i didn’t know where else to go. “
“ the door's always open, you know that. “
“ i thought you were leaving town. “ “ i can't leave now. “
“ there's that smile i know and love... “
“ stay with me. “
“ hey, what’s your favorite snack? “
“ i’m not leaving. “
“ just let it out. “
“ you're stronger than you think. “
“ how about i make a quick run to the store, get you some aspirin? “
“ grab a burger or something on your way home. “
“ you were always there when i needed you. let me repay the favor. “
“ i don't mean to bother you. “ “ you're not. “
“ hey, listen to me... “
“ you’re not a burden. “
“ aren’t you tired? “ “ this isn't about me. “
“ you’re going to be okay. “
“ hey, look at me… “
“ i don’t know what to do. “ “ we’ll figure it out. “
“ you’re not alone. “
“ hey, hey, hey, it's okay... it's okay. you're okay. “
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putastakeinit · 9 days
His crimson calloused face was a sight to behold, but the visions she saw in his eyes were far more intimidating. Thankfully, the longer they stood there, the more the screams and the sight of a cold desolate place began to subside.
"The devil.." she repeated. She had encountered demons before, so the idea of the devil wasn't too far, but to find him here of all places was highly unexpected.
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"Why are you here?" Her eyes glanced over the newly deceased man on the floor, a strange sharp weapon was plunged in his chest. The scene looked bad, and while she didn't normally give supernaturals the benefit of the doubt, she also knew how something could look dicey without context.
The tail end of the conversation she caught earlier also didn't help. Something about being a monster, and not being able to hide or run from what you are. And that bone-chilling laugh from the dying man.
"Maybe you aren't, maybe you are. I wouldn't know." A lack of christian upbringing certainly contributed to her open mind, but the fear of unknown put her on edge. Better safe than sorry.
Angela only caught the tail end of the stranger's menacing words. She had been more focused on the creature, running around and hiding behind statues and crates to avoid getting slashed and torn to bits in the midst of its rampage.
From behind a marble statue, she aimed for its chest. The target had been reached and the creature fell over with a bellowing howl that echoed around them. A haunting sound that made her shudder a little, but it was nothing in comparison to what she'd see after.
As she left her hiding spot, she was caught in her tracks by the sight of a crimson faced man with equally as bright crimson eyes. There was an aura radiating off of him and in his eyes she could see a cold desolate place, one of many doors and the screams of the damned filled her head.
And as much as it startled her, even nearly paralyzed her with shock, she found herself curious. Head tilted slightly as she cautiously approached him, the building dead quiet aside from the sound of her boots against the smooth tiled floor.
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As much as she already had an idea of what he was, she still couldn't help but ask, "Who are you...what are you?" Her hands trembled as they raised, her gaze never once wavering from his. The strange urge came over her to touch his face but she just barely stopped herself.
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putastakeinit · 13 days
"Correct." Her teeth clenched as she moved slightly, letting out a hiss of air between them. "And I wouldn't know where to start looking, it's not like you can just look them up." It'd be awfully convenient if there was such a thing, maybe they had a billboard somewhere. Dial one eight hundred and we'll get back to you.
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"Great." She leaned onto him for support, not wanting to strain herself more than necessary. "Sorry if your suit gets bloody." Not like he didn't have the money to replace it if need be. The man probably had dozens of them hanging in a closet in his penthouse.
"I think so, maybe not on my own." Hence the leaning. Now her arms were now wrapped around his, her own wounded side burning with pain. She tried to not breath too sharply or suddenly, but it was hard to do. It seemed any movement, no matter how gentle, still brought some level of pain.
"I don't want to involve anyone else, especially my family." It was bad enough her brother had been turned into a vampire.
Now with the pain and being in a back alley with Lucifer checking her over for injuries, things were beginning to feel rather awkward. "Can we just go inside?" Maybe him bringing an injured girl in would draw too much attention, but suddenly she no longer felt like being outside. She wanted somewhere more comfortable and less shady than a back alley.
A pained hiss came from her teeth as she steadied herself against a wall, not wanting to lose balance. "I could use a piña colada, non-alcoholic of course." She gave him a pain but still very cheeky grin.
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putastakeinit · 13 days
Send 💭 for a thought my Muse has had about yours.
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putastakeinit · 13 days
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60 days of holland roden — day 3
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putastakeinit · 13 days
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Guys, there’s only a dozen of them out there, we can take them.
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putastakeinit · 13 days
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putastakeinit · 13 days
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Holland Roden in Teen Wolf 6x19 
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putastakeinit · 16 days
The room was at a standstill, it was so quiet one could hear a pin drop. Her breath was shaky as she sunk to the floor, heart beating rapidly. She could hear it thudding in her ears as she ran her fingers through her hair.
Yuki's face came into view. She hadn't heard him enter the room and she jumped slightly at the sight of him. His soft voice calmed her a little and she squeezed his hand.
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"Don't leave me."
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putastakeinit · 16 days
on "sinday" discourse:
I know I don't write any smut on here, but that doesn't mean I can't have feelings on this topic.
I never knew this but I learned recently some use this term as a way of reclamation and personal empowerment. And I'm happy for them, but I don't like how with most discourse on this website, it's becoming a very much black/white sort of thing.
I'm not about to tell anyone what they can or can't call sexy sunday, sexual sunday, or sinday or whatever your preference is.
I speak for myself when the name sinday puts a poor taste in my mouth and I think people who feel similar to me are just as valid as people who feel empowered by reclaiming shame they got from religious institutions who taught them it was sinful to enjoy pre-marital sex and such.
For me, it's like re-opening a wound. I don't like referring to anything pertaining to sex as sinful or dirty or naughty because it puts a bad taste in my mouth. And just because something is seemingly benign like "dirty" or "naughty" doesn't mean it can't be harmful. (I especially dislike it when people refer to anything sexual related as dirty or naughty, even if it's meant playfully or in a 'neutral' way. Dirty in particular has some very negative connotations for me so it gives me the ick sometimes.)
There's no objectivity to this, it's all entirely subjective. What is empowering for one may not be empowering for another. I don't condone anyone be harassed for using the term sinday or being policed for it, but I think it's best to respect both sides of the coin and do what's best for you.
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putastakeinit · 17 days
"Yeah, lovely is one way to put it." she sad dryly. The chilly air, the falling ash from the sky? There weren't any clouds or stars or even a sun. Just an empty void. The hall they stood in stretched out to an endless row of doors and she could hear the faint screams of damned souls.
Her head felt hazy.
"Hell is an apt description." Much as she didn't want to accept this place could be hell, the strange feeling it gave her and the overall environment sent the very clear message that it was.
@protectxthem for luci.
The last thing she remembered was dying. She was certain she was dead but she was back. Had there been some inference? Likely of the supernatural kind?
Was she really alive?
And if she had died that meant she couldn't save Damien nor protect him or her family. There wasn't anyone else in their circle, far as she was aware, who knew how to deal with vampires. And if Damien couldn't be cured..
Angela's stomach sank. He'd be that way permanently.
As she tried to ground herself, she began to observe her surroundings. Things seemed normal but something felt strange, there was a hazy feeling in the air. It was rather dreamlike in an unsettling way and the longer she stayed, the more uneasy she felt.
"Hello?" The room was empty and her voice almost seemed to echo. A moment later she heard footsteps from behind and turned on her heels. The man, otherwise known as Lucifer Morningstar, came into view. Until now she had known him as a club owner and a rather eccentric one at that. A man who claimed to be the devil and was known for his shady favours to shady people..
What he was doing here? And why?
"What is this place?"
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putastakeinit · 17 days
✦ :>c
drop a ✦ in my inbox and i’ll tell you at least one thing i like about your blog.
Ok, I like your pinned post header and your dash header. The colors are really nice and the pictures themselves are chef's kiss.
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putastakeinit · 17 days
@byanyan || Original
Byan's persistent urging on coming to her house to each other's make-up and came as a shock. The two weren't exactly the most well acquainted and often times, their dynamic was quite strained. They were like siblings that frequently got on each other's nerves and that was on a good day.
So when Byan came up to her after class, insisting they should hang out, a puzzled look came across her face. It was like she had entered an alternate reality.
Not to mention their attempts to not come off desperate were failing them.
"You want to come over and hang out and do each other's makeup." Angela adjusted her backpack, enunciating each word as she processed the request. Whatever. One night couldn't hurt.
~ ~ ~
Byan's array of makeup was quite impressive, full of various mascaras and eyeshadow palettes and some products she didn't know of. And while her collection was anything but small, it certainly paled in comparison to Byan's.
Her eyes glanced across the room, albeit unintentionally and what she didn't see made her do a double take. Byan's reflection was not there. And to make matters worse, Byan was drawing attention to it did them no favours. If they played it smooth she might not have notice as quick as she did.
The air got tense as Byan grew anxious and the puzzled expression from before etched its way back onto Angela's face.
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"Okay, what the hell is going on with you? First, you insist we hang out which is weird because we never do one on one, and second of all," she motioned to the mirror and their apparent lack of reflection.
"Start talking."
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putastakeinit · 17 days
folklore. —— prompts from taylor swift's folklore album.
if you wanted me, you really should've showed.
but we were something, don't you think so?
i didn't have it in myself to go with grace.
those eyes add insult to injury.
would it be enough if i could never give you peace?
and some things you just can't speak about.
love you to the moon and to saturn.
a friend to all is a friend to none.
i didn't know if you'd care if i came back.
were there clues i didn't see?
i'm still a believer but i don't know why.
but the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me.
who knows if i never showed up what could've been.
i was nowhere to be found. i hate the crowds. you know that.
you didn't even hear me out.
wanting was enough. for me, it was enough.
in my defence, i have none, for never leaving well enough alone.
i'm not your problem anymore.
i don't belong, my beloved, and neither do you.
what do you sing on your drive home?
look at this idiotic fool that you made me.
i never had the courage of my convictions.
all i do is try, try, try.
you knew you won so what's the point of keeping score?
the worst thing that i ever did was what i did to you.
are there still beautiful things?
i knew you'd haunt all of my what if's.
so what am i defending now?
i knew i'd curse you for the longest time.
you are not like the regulars.
i think your house is haunted.
i had a marvellous time ruining everything.
what did you think i'd say to that?
'cause i loved you. i swear i loved you.
i have a lot of regrets about that.
the devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me.
the only thing i wanna do is make it up to you.
make sure nobody sees you leave.
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