purplesecrete · 3 days
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purplesecrete · 16 days
Why is it preferable to obtain a skin turgor over the caudal abdomen or the dorsal skull rather than over the neck? Skin over dorsal neck is too pliable to be accurate
What do we do if the patient is panting and we are unable to obtain an accurate respiratory rate? Panting dogs, gently hold muzzle closed – if still can’t get it – note that the patient is panting
When the temperature of the body exceeds the normal range it is referred to as…..?
​Hypothermia - low body temperature <37.5C
​Pyrexia​- fever condition
​Hyperthermia - > 40C
What are the 7 parameters of a complete history?
Date of examination
Signalment – the name, age, breed and sex of the patient
Presenting complaint - what are the clinical signs of the illness, onset and duration of symptoms
Past history – vaccinations, medications, previous surgeries
Family history – if known ( hip dysplasia etc…)
Environment – indoor vs outdoor kitties, recent travel?
Diet – what food, how often fed, appetite, vomiting? Diarrhea?
What information are we looking for with following?
Temperament – Are they Calm? Aggressive? Nervous?
Mental alertness/attitude – Depressed? Bright and alert?, Confused?
General Condition – Body condition score, Hair coat quality, Observable lumps or bumps.
Gait and Posture – Limping?, Have a Head tilt?, Arched back?, Ataxic?
Know your vital signs – what are the “normals” for both cats and dogs
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What might cause errors when taking a temperature?
In a fecal ball, or not in the rectum long enough
Where is the easiest location to palpate a pulse rate?​Femoral artery up high in the groin
If we count 5 breaths taken by a patient in 15 seconds, what is respiratory rate? Is this a normal rate? 20, yes
What are the 3 ways in which we can assess our patient’s hydration status?
Skin Turgor - refers to the pliability of the skin, or its’ ability to spring back into shape when stretched.
Method Of Hydration
Grasp the skin over the dorsal midline of the lumbar region while the animal is in a standing position
Skin over the neck region is has too much play to be an accurate assessment!
Gently extend the skin up until it forms a “tent”, twist and release
Normal – skin bounces back in less than 2 seconds
Abnormal – skin is prolonged returning to position
Eyes should be well placed, forward in the eye socket and bright.
Eyes that are dull or dry and exhibiting a slight to obvious depression in the eye socket may represent dehydration
Mucous Membranes
gums in the mouth are the easiest to utilize for hydration assessment.
gums should be warm and moist. Gums that are cool, dry and/or sticky indicate a dehydrated patient
How many pounds per kilogram are there? 2.2
What do we mean by capillary refill time? What is normal? This is different from just assessing the mucous membranes – how?
parameter is an indicator the efficiency of the patient’s blood flow or blood pressure.
The gums or gingiva overlaying the canine teeth is a good site to do a CRT. This may be difficult in dogs with pigmented or dark gums.
Press down on the area indicated until you can see the area around your finger blanch or whiten
Release the pressure and count in seconds how long it takes for the gum to return to it’s pink color
Normal is less than 2 seconds
How do we know where to place the stethoscope in order to auscultate the heart and obtain a heart rate?
placement of the stethoscope on the chest of the patient is at ​the level of the space between the 4th and 6th rib
partially flex the elbow so the point lies over the ventral 1/3rd of the chest.
What comprises patient signalment
That part of the veterinary medical history dealing with the animal's age, sex and breed. Including reproductive status
What does the term “Ataxia” mean?
Neurological sign and symptom consisting of gross lack of coordination of muscle movements
When trimming black dog nails, what is one method or indicator that we can use to determine when we are approaching the quick?
Watch the cut end for a lightening of the center may indicate that you are getting close to the quick
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purplesecrete · 1 year
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purplesecrete · 1 year
I’ll do what i want
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purplesecrete · 7 years
I lose interest when I get ignored.
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purplesecrete · 7 years
Slowly losing someone is so fucking painful.
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purplesecrete · 7 years
All I do is sleep all day and think of you
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purplesecrete · 7 years
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142K notes · View notes
purplesecrete · 7 years
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purplesecrete · 7 years
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purplesecrete · 7 years
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purplesecrete · 7 years
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