pure--as-snow · 10 years
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Jessica Lowndes as Snow White→ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder→ Taken
D I S O R D E R (S)
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? A severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma. This event may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to one’s own or someone else’s physical, sexual, or psychological integrity, overwhelming the individual’s ability to cope.
P R E - A S Y L U M
The world is crazy if they think a girl can survive a stepmother’s pure hatred, being abandoned in the woods, living and working for seven horny men, and then almost being killed by a fruit without coming out a little unhinged. Sadly Snow went through each thing along with losing her sister at a very young age, and not a day goes by where Snow doesn’t wonder what would have happened if their father had never been forced to marry the evil queen. Or even if she had gotten to stay with her mother like Rose had. Though she’s never been good at voicing her opinions or her desires, and that is why she has been taken advantaged of so many times in her life, first by her stepmother, then by many of the men, she slaved for in that small horrid house. They were not dwarfs, they were monsters, and she was their plaything.
Because of all the trauma, Snow’s now stuck in a fairytale freak house where she cries herself to sleep at night, fights depression each day, and screams out into the night when she dreams of her mother, or her sister that was never there, or the seven men that would sneak into her room at night. Snow doesn’t remember much of her sister, just her red hair and pale skin. She often wondered what happened to her sister and what she’s like. But of course now that she and Rose are here, she might get a chance to find out for herself. She just needs to stop being so timid and attempt to get to know her sister. The staff is always kind and gentle to Snow, hoping she will not break down again. Maybe that is why Snow was okay with living here. She was medicated and others were just as bad off as she was, so why not stay here? After all, no where else would want her messed up goods anyways.
In the asylum, Snow had been making slow and steady progress from the moment she had arrived. Though she had to be forced out of her room for the first couple of weeks, she soon found herself leaving on her own, curious about the other people living with her. Despite having lived in a castle in the past, the asylum brought a comfort to Snow that she had never before experienced and, though she often struggled with conversations with the opposite gender, just being separated from the abusive lifestyle she had previously been accustomed to was enough to lessen her fear. It wasn’t until the trip to Grimmsvale, however, that she realised just how much she had progressed. It wasn’t complete freedom, but Snow liked the idea that she could live out there with a few less rules and in the comfort of a home that was entirely her own. Now that she’s there she feels like it might just be possible for her to one day live a normal life. Her job as a server at The Hunter’s Lounge proves to be a bit of a struggle for her some days, but she often feels rather proud of herself for facing her fears instead of running from them.
Asylum: Rose Red
Grimmsvale: Queen Grimhilde
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Snow hurried to the man's side to help him up without thinking, but once she realised what she was doing, she hesitated just a little. It was silly, she knew it was. They were out in the open, it was safe to approach him, and yet the fear still tugged at the back of her mind. Still though, she had caused this man to fall and it was the right thing to do to help him.
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She held a hand out to him as she responded. "No, it was entirely my fault. I shouldn't have stretched my legs out so far." Snow nodded her head at his question, "I'm fine. Are you? Are you okay?"
Roger was wandering through the park with Pongo, absentmindedly humming to himself. The latter was having far too much fun running around chasing a butterfly, and since they were in the center of the park and cars weren’t a problem, and Roger knew he wouldn’t stray too far away, he had taken him off his leash. Roger, on the other hand, was distracted by the tune running through his head, inspired by the catchy music he’d hear when he was playing the dance game with Camilla at the arcade, but with a big band twist. He hadn’t brought his notebook - he’d misplaced it somewhere in the shop - so he was trying to remember the melody until he could get back and write it down later. Suddenly, with an oomph, he found himself tripping, flying through the air, and landing face down on the dirt path. He remained motionless for a moment before he gave a laugh at the absurdity of his position.
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When he heard a panicked apology from overhead, he rolled over on his back so he could see who had addressed him. “Ah, it’s my fault, for not seeing you there!” he said, staring up at the unfamiliar woman. “Are you alright?”
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Snow rushed to the girl's side with the intention of helping her up, but when she spoke she recoiled slightly. What had she been thinking, sticking her legs out like that? She should have been more considerate to the people around her. "I'm so sorry." she repeated, offering her a hand to help her. "I'll buy you another cone. I'm so sorry."
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Determined to make the most of the sunshine, Camilla has decided to spend her day at Grimmsvale park, which is thankfully devoid of bratty red-heads this time. With a whippy ice cream in hand, she’s just wandering about looking for a place to park herself for a minute, when suddenly her legs are knocked from beneath her. She goes stumbling forward, but manages to save herself from whacking her head on the floor at the expense of her frozen treat. “Ouch, bloody hell!” She squawks indignantly, looking dismayed at the sight of her ice cream splattered across the grass, the cone crushed to smithereens. It’s one of the few foods she’s enjoyed that isn’t a meat product, and she’ll be sad not to finish it. “What is it with you people? It seems like everybody in this place is out to trip me up!”
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Though her doctor had insisted that she was ready to be out here, Snow still hadn't really faced her fear of men. The asylum had helped her through many of her other insecurities, but her doctor felt sure that being around men was the only way for Snow to learn that they weren't all out to hurt her. So when she had been offered this job, she had taken it with the hopes that her doctor was right, but she could only imagine how pathetic she must have looked to Gaston. He was being so nice though... something she hadn't exactly been expecting.
"I- I will. I'll let you know." she nodded with a smile, though the thought of someone leaving on a stretcher because of her was not something she felt too happy about. "Thank you, Mr Gaston."
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It was a curious thing, to see a frail mind struggle with confidence. She was so highly recommended by the asylum and yet, Snow was still becoming acclimated to life with normal people. To Gaston however, sticking her in a position full of inebriated men seemed counter-productive to her rehabilitation process. He guessed the immersion therapy she had voluntarily signed up for, was a means for conquering her fear of men. The concept of subduing your fears by facing them head on was an idea so foreign to Gaston, since fear nothing to the burly brute. 
"If anyone ever talks to you like that again, you let me know, okay? I’ll make sure they leave here on a stretcher" Gaston confessed. 
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
"I'm sure he does." She replied with a smile. "He wouldn't act in such a way if he didn't." Again, Snow's thoughts drifted back to Hans. Many people might say that with the way he acted he may very well like her. That was ludicrous, of course, but she still couldn't stop the smile that tugged at the corner of her lips when she thought of the possibility. When Cinderella spoke again though, Snow snapped back into reality. "Really?" Snow always thought that love was a rather funny thing. Yes, she loved her family- she knew how to love, but what was it like to be in love? Still though, she wasn't about to question her friend on it. "Who cares what you've read in books... Books can't tell you how you feel and they certainly can't tell you when it's too soon. Besides, don't fairytales always talk about love at first sight?"
Mimicking her movement, Snow took a drink at the same time as Cinderella. "I know what you mean. I thought this place would be terrible, but I do quite like it." She wouldn't be going to the salon any time soon, but she did. "Oh, it's nice, I guess. The men there worry me a little, but I think being there is actually helping me. Gaston isn't quite as scary as I thought he was either. He stops drunk men from harassing the girls who work there so... I wouldn't spend my free time there though."
Snow smiled warmly when she said that she wouldn't go to the salon. It was nice that she was doing it for her, but also because it put her mind at ease that her stepmother wouldn't be able to touch her friend. At her question, Snow shook her head. "I don't trust her at all." she admitted, but what more could she really do? "I guess... I mean, what could she do to me when someone is looking out for me, right? Really? Thank you." Her smile returned. She really was grateful that she had Cinderella. She knew that she would feel rather lonely without her, and a great deal more unsafe.
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"I hope so," She murmurs, her smile turning towards the bashful. Berlioz’s attempted rescue is the kind of old-fashioned chivalry that Cinderella appreciates, and she’s so grateful that he seems to instinctively know this about her. For a moment she’s quiet, sounding slightly anxious when she finally speaks again, "Sometimes I think I might love him, Snow, but what do I know about romantic love? Only what I have read in books, and I know real life isn’t like that but- he’s everything I could have wished for." He’s everything she thought she could never have. It’s too soon though, isn’t it? Too soon to be in love.
Taking a small sip of her lemonade, Cinderella nods emphatically, “And to think I was so worried about coming here, about what the people would be like. Honestly I haven’t met a single unpleasant person so far,” Aside from the obvious, of course. “What about you? How is your job going?” She hasn’t been inside the Hunter’s Lounge yet, finding the owner a little intimidating.
"Well I won’t go in there either, I will boycott her salon out of solidarity with you," She promises. "Do you trust her to keep her word?" How many times has she made that mistake with her own stepmother, only to be disappointed and humiliated when she broke her promise? "You don’t have to tell him all that she has done… just enough so he will know you need some security. If anything happens, you are always welcome to come and stay with me." There’s safety in numbers, after all, and their similar experiences mean there’s a level of understanding between the two girls that’s not quite the same as with anyone else.
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
As he spoke, Snow White found herself just standing there staring at him. She hadn't looked at him properly for such a long time, with most of their conversations leaving her unable to hold eye contact with him. He really was very attractive. Snow wasn't entirely sure what it was that made people attractive, but she understood that, as a general requirement, they were rather pleasing to look at, and looking at Hans was definitely not unpleasant. She watched as the wind blew his hair slightly, she could see the way his eyes caught the lights on the carnival stalls and rides, and she was almost entranced by the way his lips moved around every word he spoke. But no... she didn't have feelings. There were no feelings.
It took her a long while before she realised that she hadn't spoken at all and she hoped that he hadn't asked her a direct question while she stared. Snow could feel a blush creep up on her cheeks and she couldn't help but wonder how ridiculous she must have looked. He hadn't even done anything directly to cause this reaction. She managed to catch his question and shook her head. Was it really such a shock that she hadn't been to a carnival before?
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"The Ferris wheel?" She asked, but he was already pointing. Snow turned in that direction, seeing the giant wheel which only caused her eyes to widen. She turned back to him as he asked if she was afraid of heights. "What? No." It was obviously a lie, but she wasn't about to admit that. "Are you?" she retorted with a small smile. "Maybe you should come on it with me."
He refused to acknowledge the way his heart sped up at the sound of her voice or the way his stomach churned whenever he met her eyes. The smile stayed plastered to his face, though as time passed he wasn’t sure it was so forced anymore. Being in her presence wasn’t easy for him. He didn’t like they way he always second guessed himself or how his ability to charm and deceive became utterly useless. These were tools he relied on heavily, without them he was like a chicken with it’s head cut off. "I’ve never seen the town look quite so lively." He agreed with a soft chuckle, taking the opportunity to avert his eyes and take in the carnival again. He’d almost forgotten that they were standing in the middle of a crowd, but it was always that way when he was with her. "I think we should have celebrations more often."
Her second question warrants a smile and he returns his gaze to hers, “You’ve never been a carnival before?” He asked incredulously. He almost continued on to question how that was possible if she were a princess but he didn’t for two reasons: one, because he didn’t want her to think all he cared about was her status especially given his track record, and two, because he remembered that she’d had a difficult childhood and didn’t want to stir up any unwanted memories like he had the time they’d had coffee together, seeing her upset was unbearable.
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"For a carnival newbie I’d definitely suggest the Ferris wheel.” He pointed behind her at the ride that seemed to be the focal point of the entire event. “You aren’t afraid of heights, right?” He asked, arching one of his brows, a mixture of concern and amusement playing on his features. “Oh and you’ll need a partner of course, though I’m sure it won’t be too difficult to find someone who’d be willing to accompany you.” He looked behind him, as if he were searching for someone for her to ask, though somewhere hidden deep down inside he secretly hoped that she’d want to ride it with him. 
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
His voice hit her hard and Snow could literally feel herself go weak at the knees. She didn't have feelings for him. She couldn't have feelings for him. She was determined to hold on to these lies for as long as she possibly could, but even she wasn't so convinced anymore. His smile faded ever so slightly when he realised it was her and she could quite visibly see that. As usual whenever she was in Hans' presence, a knot tied in her stomach and she found it difficult to form a sentence.
"Hi..." she finally spoke, though the noise sounded very similar to a sigh. Snow wasn't observant enough in such a busy environment to notice that his voice seemed slightly shaky, but she found it strange that he seemed happy to see her when the last time they spoke he had walked out on her. Would talking to this man ever not be stressful?
Snow shrugged her shoulders at his question, "I only just got here." she admitted. "Everything looks wonderful though, don't you think?" She had never seen anything quite like it all before and she found it difficult to hide her excitement despite also feeling incredibly nervous. "Could you recommend anything that's particularly fun for a girl who's never been to a carnival before?"
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The carnival was already in full swing when Hans decided to make an appearance. In all honesty he’d had his fill of celebrating the night before, but the promise of another deep fried snickers bar or funnel cake had eventually coaxed him out of his flat. He wandered around in search of one of the food vendors but it almost impossible to tell which booth was which. Crowds of people swarmed around them like angry bees, and he couldn’t even follow the sweet scent that wafted through the air, it seemed to coming from all directions.
He paused for a moment in the sea of bodies and stood on his tiptoes, trying to see over other people’s heads. He thought he saw a man selling cotton candy up ahead and decided to head in that general direction. He had serious tunnel vision and didn’t even notice someone had paused in the middle of his pathway. When their bodies bumped into one another, he was a little stunned. He blinked a few times like he was coming out of a trance.
“No, it was my fault. I caught sight of something delicious and I…” His sentence trailed off when he met her eyes for the first time and the casual smile he’d had plastered on his face faltered. It took him a moment to regain his bearings. His palms were sweating? Why the hell were his palms sweating? Was it hot out or was it just him? He cleared his throat and shoved his hands deep into his pockets. “Snow White, what a pleasant surprise.” His voice was a little unsteady, but otherwise he seemed genuinely happy to see her, beneath the surface he wasn’t nearly as calm. Luckily he’d had several years of practice keeping false face. “Are you enjoying the carnival?” Of course she was enjoying the carnival, Hans. What an idiotic question.
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Snow had missed the fireworks from the previous night in favour of her warm cosy bed. Loud noises weren't exactly her favourite thing and being in town at night with no idea where Regina was was frankly quite nerve-racking to her. At least during the day she felt a little safer. She was still a little iffy with the idea of being at the carnival, but the second she arrived her spirits lifted entirely. It all looked so wonderful and everyone seemed to be having fun. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she imagined. So mesmerised by everything around her, she accidentally backed herself into someone causing her to jump and turn. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Snow furrowed her brow slightly. It was kind of hard to not take everything she had said about him to heart when what she had said was that he had tried to kill her and her sister. Anna switched so suddenly to talk of Gaston, but Snow's thoughts were still on Hans. She needed to know the truth. "Yeah... Hey, I'm not feeling so great so I- well if Gaston shows up can you tell him I'm sorry? I just need to go..."
Not So Very Well | Anna and Snow White
"Okay, okay we won’t." She looked at her for a moment, "just don’t take everything I say about him to heart, okay? It’s just personal stuff." Anna  sat back down—the tavern was pretty empty. "I wish Gaston would get here and entrain us with his ‘stories,’" she laughed. "Whether or not they’re true and although I don’t like the idea of harming animals, he is very animated when he speaks."
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
"What?" Snow looked at her with a confused expression. "I never said that." She had specifically said nothing so as to avoid this kind of conversation and yet here they were, having this kind of conversation. What was she wearing a sign on her forehead that said 'I love Hans! Please ask me about it!'? It was all completely ridiculous.
"Anna. Anna!" she had to say her name multiple times to try and get her to stop talking. "I don't like Hans! I don't want him in here and we're not going to try and set me up on a date with him! Okay?"
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Not So Very Well | Anna and Snow White
Anna picked up on Snow ignoring her comment right away. “So, you like him then? I can tell. You didn’t answer me.” She was smiling, “I say we get him in here while you’re just about to end your shift or, oh! When we’re both working he will come in, you be his waitress, you flirt a little.”
Anna looked so into her idea and was very animated with her facial expressions and hands. “Then you give me the signal, which will be ruffling hair hair and bam, I’ll tell you to take the rest of the day off. I can lie and say Gaston called. It is brilliant!”
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Snow flinched at her words, but she tried to hide that fact. She didn't want her to have the upper hand... even though she probably already did. There was no reply she could give the woman. Quite frankly, she would take pneumonia over spending time with her any day, but she couldn't bring herself to tell her that. Granted, she was rather confused when Regina apologised, though it was for something insignificant. "Good. Good, that you think it's fair." she choked out, wanting nothing more than to leave.
"Seeing each other in passing is one thing, but I don't see why you'll ever have a valid need to talk to me." It was so difficult keeping her voice steady, but she was sure she was managing pretty well.
Snow watched as Regina opened and closed her mouth and wondered if what she had eventually said was what she had originally intended to. She caught the card and looked at it for a long moment before politely replying with a "Thanks." There was, however, no way that she would be stepping foot in there. The woman herself had just admitted that if she wanted Snow dead, her staff would help her. She was the crazy one if she thought that she would ever come here willingly.
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"Exactly! And having learned from my mistakes, if I’d wanted you dead just now, believe me, my salon team and I would be hiding your snapped-necked carcass and coming up with an alibi." She said harshly.
VERONA! What it’s okay for HER to go there?
"But whatever. Have fun with that cold or pneumonia you’re about to catch." She said.
Maybe THAT would be fun to see. Red nose, puffy eyes, those red lips swollen but NOT in the pretty way. Or lying in a hospital bed, coughing her as her glowing skin starts to dim an- Verona. We’re past this now, are we NOT?
She cocked her head at Snow’s threat. “Oh will you now? And who do you THINK they’ll be-” The good in her kicked in. “No. I won’t go there. Sorry I even began to. You’ve made a very fair deal, dearie.”
She breathed out. “I don’t really know how you expect that ‘stay away from me’ thing to work. This is a small town and I’m a social bloody butterfly. You haven’t seen the last me and I doubt I’ve seen the last of you.”
She was silent for a moment. Part of her wanted this ‘new leaf’ thing to include a truce. She had a job where she would easily make other women less beautiful than her. Maybe she could deal with Snow White being the one victim that got away.
That’s very good thinking, Verona. Tell her that. Really? Well… maybe not about purposely ruining other women. You know the good-two-shoes wouldn’t stand for THAT. Did you just call- I have my moments.
She looked at her fair stepdaughter. She wanted to do it. She COULD do it. She opened her mouth… She couldn’t do it. Her pride wouldn’t let her.
"Well if you ever decide to come in, here…." she tossed a laminated and therefore waterproof card her way, "call and ask if I’m in. If not, go ahead. These girls can be trusted and you’ll look great." 
And if you STILL don’t come in after that, it’s no hair off my head.
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Snow smiled as Cinderella told her about Berlioz. Though it was dangerous for him to do something like that, she was right- it was incredibly romantic. Part of her almost wished that she had someone who would want to protect her like that. For a brief moment, her mind shifted to thoughts of Hans, but she forced them away as quickly as they came. "He must really care for you." she smiled, so happy that her friend had something so great in her life. She hoped Berliozs realised how lucky he was. "I hope he wasn't in lockdown for too long."
She smiled a little as she talked about Ratigan. "Really? That's very kind of him. Very kind of Madame De Vil too." Maybe Snow should start meeting people like that. Her small circle of friends wasn't going to do anything about her stepmother.
Shrugging her shoulders, Snow sighed. "I don't really know how I feel." she admitted. "She- um... She runs the salon in town. I saw the place and then I saw her. She tried to get me to come inside, but I-..." When Cinderella took her hand, Snow held on to it for dear life. "Oh, I wouldn't want to trouble him and I- Well, I- I promised her that if she stayed away from me I wouldn't tell people about our past and- Oh, I don't know what she would do if she found out Mr Ratigan knew about her."
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Removing her dirty gardening gloves, Cinderella ducks into her kitchen to fetch a pitcher of ice-cold lemonade and a pair of glasses, and then sets everything down on the small iron table she has set up on the patio. “It was so nice to see him again, just to be with him for even a moment… but he was hurt. It was my own silly fault, I sent him a letter panicking about my stepmother and he tried to break out of the asylum and rescue me by climbing over the gate.” A small smile tugs the corners of her mouth in spite of herself, “It was wonderfully romantic, but the orderlies caught him and put him in lockdown.”
She nods, perfectly happy to sing Ratigan’s praises after he has been so helpful. “Yes, he collects my rent now and keeps her away from my cottage. I can’t believe how fortunate I have been in my acquaintances here- Madame De Vil has even said that she would consider barring her and my stepsister from The Spot if they give me trouble.”
"Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. Oh, Snow, are you alright? She hasn’t tried to contact you, has she?" She reaches out to take the other girl’s hand, her blue eyes wide and sympathetic. "Should I speak to Monsieur Ratigan? Maybe he can help you as he is helping me?" After all Snow has done for her, it’s the least Cinderella can do.
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
"Thank you." she replied politely, a small smile on her lips. Snow really wasn't sure how to go about talking to him after that, but it would be rude to just turn back around and ignore him, right? So, instead, she tried for awkward small talk. "Have you lived here long? I'm fairly new myself, but you don't look familiar." She really needed to get better at talking to people...
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"Lovely name," he said with a smile, hoping to ease the girl’s obvious nerves. "I’m Undertow." He watched her carefully, not sure how to next approach her. She seemed to match her name, pale with darker features, and yet as seemingly shy as a weed trying to burst through a snow dusting. Of course, he was well aware that she could turn out to be the opposite and be a hellion, but impressions were all he had to go off of.
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Snow had been sitting in the park for an hour or so now all alone. Ever since her last encounter with Hans and the abrupt meeting with the stepmother she had thought was long behind her, Snow hadn't really been sure about what to do with herself. If she stayed at home in her cottage the silence drove her crazy, she couldn't bring herself to wander anywhere near Mirror On The Wall for fear of running into Regina- or Verona- whatever she was calling herself, and no matter where else she went she couldn't stop herself looking for a sign of Hans- not that she was sure she even wanted to see him. As for The Hunter's Lounge- a place that probably wouldn't have either of them- there was apparently no extra shifts for her to work just now and she didn't quite feel like going there just to hang out. So she had ended up sitting alone on a park bench, trying to drown out her thoughts with the low buzz of people surrounding her. When she leaned back, eyes closed and legs stretched out slightly in front of her, however, someone suddenly tripped over her legs causing her to sit abruptly back up straight. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!"
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Snow hadn't realised that Gaston had been so nearby until he spoke, causing her to jump slightly. She continued to clean the tables, however, not even looking up when he made the man who had been hassling her leave. She was grateful though.
When he directly spoke to her, she finally lifted her head. "What? Um... No, no, I'll be here tomorrow." Snow wasn't sure how these things worked, but she was sure that it wouldn't look too good on her in the eyes of the asylum staff if she left her job so quickly.
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"You’ve never seen a beautiful woman? You drunk!" the owner of the lounge snarled to the intoxicated patron. "In fact,  I think you had enough guy!" he continued "It’s time to go home". He raised his hand and pointed to the door.
Gaston made his way over to her. It had been a long day and working at the Lounge wasn’t for the weak but, she handled herself wonderfully. It was strange because the look on her face was different than the self assured grin  that was on her face when she had her interview. “Ready for tomorrow?” he joked “Or is it your last day?”
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pure--as-snow · 10 years
Looking at Cinderella smiling over at her, Snow almost couldn't believe that she actually had a friend. When she had been sent to the asylum she had seen it as an escape- a way of getting away from her old life, if you could even call it one, and being able to live in a place where she was safe. Never in her wildest dreams would she have ever imagined that she would find someone who genuinely seemed to like her.
As she headed towards the gate, Snow nodded her head. "I would love some!" she grinned, closing the gate behind her. "You saw him? I'm glad you're doing better. And him? How is he?" Snow wasn't entirely sure what the whole story was between the two of them, but for a time they were all anyone could talk about and it must be so hard for the both of them to be separated like they are. "He- He has? That's... very kind of him..." Her words trailed off without her realising. Maybe if he was helping Cinderella he would help her too?
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"Um..." How was she? It was difficult to say really. "I'm okay... I- Funny story actually..." There was nothing funny about it at all of course. "My stepmother's here too.
"Snow White! It’s so lovely to see you," Cinderella exclaims, her smile only widening as she realises the girl she had greeted is, in fact, her friend. For Snow White, she is quite happy to open her gate, gesturing for her to enter the garden if she likes. "Please, come in- would you like some lemonade? I made it myself."
Snow’s question returns Cinderella’s thoughts to that dark place she had been in, and her smile becomes slightly embarrassed. “I’ve been well. Better. I saw Berlioz when I went for my check up…” And seeing him had put her more at ease. Now she just hopes he will be able to come to town soon. “And I have had some help on the… stepmother front. Monsieur Ratigan has offered to keep her away from me, act as a go-between so I will not have to see her.”
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"How have you been, Snow?"
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