prototyperk-blog · 6 years
Like this for Callie to give your muse something Halloween related! Candy, costume props, a scare etc.
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
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Callie’s dash icon has been Halloween-ifyed. :3c Plus some small fixes to theme bc yes much needed.
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
I meant to do this a while ago but!! This is basically a collection of ( most of ) the ways my fingernails have been done. :D For anybody curious, they are gel constructions and not fake fingernails.
Keep reading
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
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I was gonna rb my old promo but I might make a new one?? I need to Halloween-ify my dash icons anyway so hmmmmmmm.
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
Like this for Callie to give your muse something Halloween related! Candy, costume props, a scare etc.
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
❝30 texts to send to my muse:❞ | Sentence Starter
Warning(s): Alcohol
[ text ]: I woke up to a half empty bottle of cider on my dresser. I drank it and have no regrets. Morning.
[ text ]: I’d ask why there’s pictures of Kayne West all over my bedroom floor but I don’t actually want an answer at this point.
[ text ]: I can hear your life falling apart through the ceiling.  Shut up.
[ text ]: I just googled ‘Rarest Pepe’ and I’m crying.
[ text ]: I just brought the Spice Girls Greatest Hits.
[ text ]: I’ve had nothing to do all day so I’ve been learning the lyrics to ‘Trap Queen’.
[ text ]: Be proud of drunk me. I managed to only eat HALF of a large pizza this time.
[ text ]: We all got really drunk and communally agreed Bucky Barnes was a ‘cute little button babe’.
[ text ]: What a massive egotistical penis.
[ text ]: Does today require people clothes or can I just wear my pyjamas?
[ text ]: I’m certain he heard me shout and LOUDLY ‘nap time comes before pants time’.
[ text ]: I’m not responding to this because I have died. I’m dead. Dead people don’t answer texts.
[ text ]: I think I’m going to retire and become a hermit.
[ text ]: I want Lucky Charms.
[ text ]: I’m not surprised he didn’t show up. He didn’t arrange it.
[ text ]: I miss hugging you and smelling your hair (in a non-weird way!).
[ text ]: Why are you saved in my phone as ‘Prison Wife’?
[ text ]: I was in the middle of a check-up and the doctor quoted Jurrassic Park at me.
[ text ]: I replaced your apple juice with whiskey six months ago.
[ text ]: Why did you send me pictures of yourself dressed in all of my coats?
[ text ]: I’ve watched so much Peppa Pig I am reaching my point of insanity.
[ text ]: What a complete ball of Human-shaped trash.
[ text ]: You need to stop shouting about Communism in public places.
[ text ]: I was just legitimately asked if Human was a form of meat.
[ text ]: The Devil has a British accent.
[ text ]: You kept making train noises all night. Are you okay?
[ text ]: I just brought some muscle cream and I smell like a herb garden.
[ text ]: I think our neighbour may have gone rabid.
[ text ]: I realise we were joking at the time but are you considering a stripping career?
[ text ]: I don’t want to go out today. I’d rather wear wet socks all day.
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
I. Honestly still can't believe so many of you enjoy Callie so much. Tbh I didn't expect many, if any at all, to even look at her, much less actually give her a chance. And I appreciate it. I appreciate and love every each and one of you.
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
Calliope wearing a witch hat ( maybe similar to H.at Ki.d's one from A Ha.t in T.ime ) throughout October, a different colour each day and going full costume on Halloween.
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
“I’m right here beside you.”
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A noise akin to a mouse’s squeak leaves her lips when his proximity sinks in. Mere moments ago he was nowhere to be seen which is why she just sat down at her desk ( no plaque yet everybody collectively decided who it belongs to ) and just called out to him. She must have been too engrossed in her work to notice him approaching her. 
“I’d like my Thirium pump to not malfunction yet, please and thank you.“ and a small, breathless laugh before she looks up at him “They were looking for you earlier. Fixed whatever they needed help with before I could even respond then hung up. How rude.“ 
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
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and don’t resent me and when you’re feeling empty 
                                                   keep me in your memory
                                                                      leave out all the rest, leave out all the rest
© || © || ©
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
Where to find me aka a small blogroll. 
AMARVLENCE // Sixty RK800-60
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RK800-60 also known as bitter asshole his chosen name Sixty. A renegade / fugitive / what have you left for dead after being shot during the events on the Belle Isle. Presumably dead, he keeps a somewhat low profile while trying to survive on his own.
NINTHDROID // Charon RK900
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RK900 also known as his chosen name Charon. Been slowly deviating during his tests due to receiving Connor’s data in real time as opposed to having it dumped in all at once. Deviates once Connor frees the androids in the warehouse on the Belle Isle and later joins the DCPD.
PROTOTYPERK // Calliope RK500
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RK500 also known as her chosen name Calliope. The only female negotiator of the RK line, she’s something that wasn’t meant to be more than a test run. Also infused w/ feelings. Basically CyberLife’s attempt at trying Something New™ before backpedalling at Mach 10 and fixing it. An outdated model now who still hangs around the DCPD.
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WR400 also known as her chosen name North. One of the oldest members of the Jericho group, she’s not afraid to get physical should the need arise. She carries a spiky baseball bat that is stained blood red while a small robot follows her everywhere.
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
“Come out of hiding.”
“I am what I am.”
“I believe there’s something in you.”
“I could find the whole meaning of life in those sad eyes.”
“I can fix this.”
“I didn’t plan it.”
“I don’t believe in silver linings.”
“I don’t like guessing games.”
“I hope, someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight.”
“I hope you become addicted to saying things and having them matter to someone.“
“I promise you.”
“I was lost for you to find.”
“I’ll stay here as long as you let me.”
“I’m gonna do this right.”
“I’m just fine.”
“I’m not defensive!”
“I’m right here beside you.”
“It’s addictive the minute you let yourself think the things that I say just might matter to someone.”
“Make it work.”
“The days don’t stretch any longer.”
“Time’s just sand slippin’ past.”
“When you think you can’t, you can.”
“Win or lose, it’s one hell of a ride.”
“You matter to me.”
“You matter, too.”
“You saved me.”
“You’ll see.”
“You’re never, ever, ever getting rid of me!”
“You’re no better than me.”
“You’ve seen things you never quite say, but I hear.”w
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
There’s an obvious distance between them that goes unmentioned by him. He can’t be mad at her, it’s not like their relationship was off to the greatest start. It was more than obvious that she was at least uncomfortable around him and so far he’d done nothing to change that, or to make her feel more at ease. Granted, he couldn’t really let his guard down often at work. Still, he feels like he owes her an apology.
“Callie then, what a sweet name. I’m Chester.”
He smiles at her fondly, before leaning back to relax and looking up at the sky. “Thank you for keeping me company.” He starts again after just a moment of silence. “I’m sorry I haven’t exactly been.. the most approachable in the past.”
The precinct isn’t exactly a good place for first impressions. People usually tend to be stiffer, concentrated on their work and whatnot. Of course, there are exceptions like her but then again she’s been more or less programmed to be bouncy so to speak in order to gain possible suspect’s trust. All in all, in spite of her uneasiness, she’s glad to have caught Chester outside it. 
A small tint of blue colours her cheeks when he compliments her on her name choice. “O-oh, thank you! It’s nice to be finally properly acquainted.” 
Seeing his smile draws a soft oh out of her before she pointedly looks up at the sky as well. It’s. It’s not possible that somebody who can smile so kindly at her to be the same as the feared RK900. And yet. Chester is such model. How odd. “The pleasure is mine.” then softly “I want to apologize too. I shouldn’t let myself be influenced so easily.” 
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
i think we’re very broken people. but i think together we’re much greater than the sum of our parts.
critical role sentence starters !!!
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“I want to believe that you’re saying that our work combined is better even if we are outdated.“ the other variant is that he means it in the way of the value of their parts which would sell for a pretty nice sum of money.
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
Lost? If anything, Calliope knows Detroit like the back of her hand. It comes with being active for so long and then getting to explore it when she was no longer needed in her line of work. Needless to say, she’s seen every nook and cranny of the place. 
And even so.  .  .  
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She comes to a stop a few steps after passing by the android with the guitar, stopping and half turning to listen to him and the sweet notes coming from the strings he plucks delicately. “Kind of. I mean, I’m just out for an aimless walk but pointers to good places to see are always welcome.“ 
@prototyperk liked !!
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an RK series ,,, on the streets of detroit ?  the guitarist scans the other android a couple more times, just to make sure – why was it just roaming about ?   eddy shifts in his spot, absently picking at the strings of his guitar as the RK passes by.    ‘   are you lost ?  ‘
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
Were it not for the fact that she’s holding things in both hands ( a paper bag in her right and a coffee cup in her left ) Calliope would have helped the poor informant with his predicament. Or, well, attempted to at the very least considering the harsh outburst as a consequence of her just standing there. 
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“My apologies.“ and if her voice sounds softer ( more timid ) than normal then she tries her best to bring it back to normal “I didn’t mean to disturb your concentration. I was merely waiting for a good moment to talk to you.“ followed by the items being set down on the desk “I couldn’t help but notice that you haven’t eaten or drank anything in the past few hours so I took the liberty of walking to the nearest cafe and getting you something.“ 
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          “look.” laptop is slammed shut, desk chair is spun ‘round and the informant fixes the android with a harsh glare - or at least the harshest glare he can manage with headphones still looped around his neck and wires pulling uncomfortably at the movement. taking a less than gracious few seconds to remove the offending item, parker fixes her with a renewed glare. “i can’t fuckin’ concentrate with you hovering around behind me - i can see your reflection in my screen don’t even think about actin’ dumb!” // @prototyperk /sc./
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prototyperk-blog · 6 years
"Do humans regard you strangely when you analyse samples?" He offers Calliope a bag of lollipops, brows raising. "Here. Connor gave me too many of these."
The bag of lollipops is accepted more or less mechanically, processors whirring as she tries to wrap her mind around what has just been asked of her. A small nod is offered as a thank you, brows drawing together as she opens the bag and grabs one lollipop from inside. 
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“Sometimes. I don’t do it often, though, because the software is outdated by now.“ that and all the jokes people make at her expense. Sweet RA9, she’s never going to put anything in her mouth ever again.
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