posttale · 7 years
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@fitting-user-not-found I got them on fangamer. It’s where official Undertale merch gets sold. You can buy them all as a set or separately! 
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posttale · 7 years
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I know I haven’t posted here in so long, but I received these guys today and figured some of you would enjoy them! They’re nice quality just like the previous figures I got from the first series. I especially like Flowey since he comes with multiple faces!
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This was a great surprise and I am super happy about this little feature. He came with really great faces!
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posttale · 7 years
I really enjoyed your comic, but I don't want you to feel forced either! I still am super into the fandom, and most of the people to me have been super nice, but it doesn't work for everyone. I hope you get your motivation back, even if it's not Undertale related. You have good art!
I do hope to get back to it, but we will see what happens. And thank you I’m glad you like my art! :D
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posttale · 7 years
I didn't know you already had a seperate blog for art. It all looks really good! I especially like the picture of your mother's WoW character. :D
Aw thanks! I worked really hard on her. :]
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posttale · 7 years
If you don't want to do it anymore, then you should stop. It was a fun comic and I enjoyed it, but you shouldn't force yourself to make it if you don't want to. Sure it's sad for a comic to end, but it's worse for everyone to see the creator trying to force a passion that isn't there anymore.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, I’m sad to end to there too. I was hoping to finish the comic, but like you say it is worse to read a forced made comic. It won’t make me happy.
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posttale · 7 years
We can wait you don't have to force out content i just am new and like discovering new aus hope you get movtional back or stop like this feeling like a chore you can put up the next comic when you feel like it
Thanks so much for understanding. ^^
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posttale · 7 years
(sorry, i'm tired and clicked ask too soon XD) You don't need to force out content to make people happy. Maybe you could re-name your tumblr blog, and draw whatever you feel like. (not telling you what to do or anything, just coming up with ideas) Whatever you decide to do, i'm sure people will like it.
I don’t want to force people to see my regular art when they followed for Undertale but if those who are still interested I do have my regular art blog here! 
Thanks so much for your support! :D
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posttale · 7 years
I can see why people don't enjoy Undertale as much, tbh. Though i'm not sure if this is the case for you, a lot of people have been saying they don't like it anymore due to its over-exposure.... and the fanbase being more ravenous than that of other games. But if you don't feel like drawing this comic anymore, That's fine! :)
I agree! I think for me, I over hyped it for myself by drawing the comic and eventually forcing out pages. And I wanted to stop before I made myself hate Undertale, which I don’t its a great game! Currently I don’t feel like drawing the comic, not sure if I’ll ever come back but for now don’t expect me to. I had so much fun the whole year, and I was so happy other people were enjoying the comic too, it was so amazing. It made me so happy. :]
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posttale · 7 years
*watches a tumbleweed blow by* Sure is quiet around here.
Yeah.... I’ve attempted to draw posttale so many times and it hasn’t ended well. While I don’t want to give it up, it might be the end. :[ I’ve been very unmotivated and been finding myself not enjoying Undertale as much as I used to. I could come back I could not, but I’ve enjoyed everyday I did the comic. I just don’t get that enjoyment anymore.It feels like a chore now, and I don’t want to force out content. It feels wrong.
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posttale · 7 years
sorry i missed the stream! wasn't on tumblr yesterday.
That’s okay :] It was a last minute thing. ^^
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posttale · 7 years
Part 88's NEXT link isn't working, could you please fix it?
I fixed it :]
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posttale · 7 years
I’m gonna stream me drawing the next posttale update, if you want to come and chat that’d be cool! I’ll be streaming until I finish or until my tablet dies :] Stream
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posttale · 7 years
Do you have a main blog or deviantart?
I don’t have a deviantart, but I started a pure art blog awhile ago.
It’s hereI’ve been quiet everywhere, but hope to hop back in next month.
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posttale · 7 years
Doing ok? its been a while.
I’ve been okay. There’s a lot that I’ve been doing, going to school and working on finals. Then the days I have off of school I spend working, so I haven’t had much free time. I’m planning to hopping back in here the beginning of next month when school is over.Sorry I’ve been silent!
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posttale · 7 years
Hows it going?
It’s been okay, I’ve been sketching out pages during my free time. But mostly been going to school and then working when I’m not at school. I am very tired!
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posttale · 7 years
Sorry for being quiet for so long, I’ve been working every day I didn’t have classes. AND I got Lasik (Laser eye surgery) just today! So I had been preparing for that all month. It all went well, I’m worried because my right eye is more blurry than my left eye. But it’s only been like 5 hours since it was done.
But i do have another appointment tomorrow so I can ask about that. Anywho, I’ll try to have an update next week some time. I don’t really have a planned date since I’m working everyday I don’t have class again. But I’ll try my best!
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posttale · 7 years
Take all the time you need, bab !! Rest well, okay?
Awe, thanks I will try ^^
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