I spent my entire school career afraid of being wrong because I was taught that to make a mistake was embarrassing. Now I’ve discovered that making a mistake just means you are one step closer to the right answer, and everyday I have to work to shake the mindset that a single wrong answer equals failure.
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“If you lose a baby, and nobody knew about it in the first place, does it make a sound? You’re damn right it does. And when you are brave, when you open your mouth and tell people about that hole that was punched through the center of your heart, you’ll be surprised at who comes to fill it, at how many women raise their hands and say “me, too.”
- Nora McInerry Purmont
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people always list important early inventions like ‘the wheel’ and ‘plow’ first, but usually never get around to one of the most important inventions of all time
you know what completely revolutionized mankind, Reginald? Fucking thread and needle, when we stopped having to be bare-ass naked all the time and could put clothe together for everything from shoes to bags to carry shit in, we could go farther, last longer, sustain ourselves in harsher conditions
domestic labor, ie ‘women’s work,’ is so undervalued that it barely touches the public’s mind on how monumental it was to be able to make things out of fabric, how game-changing the thread and needle were… wack
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This makes my heart so happy ❤️
Remember that Raccoon that was crushed by the cruel fate that is cotton candy plus water? Well, there was a happy ending after all!
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I adore all of you 💛
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my granddad just called me to tell me how big his cauliflowers are growing and it was so cute theyre “TWICE as big as the ones you get in the shop”
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By all means,
Be profoundly gentle, Be radically kind, Be acutely sensitive, Be consistently understanding, Be lovingly graceful,
to everyone.
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Back on the pokewagon, add me!
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***isolation by bex-chan: a classic. here’s the rundown: draco goes into hiding at hogwarts. hermione is the only one who can take him in. there is drama, there is violence, there is pride, prejudice, blood, pain, angst, drama, and love. isolation is a masterpiece.  279k words, 48 chapters, complete.
***silencio by akashathekitty: THIS SHIT MADE ME CRY. hogwarts!fic. draco and hermione have a secret relationship. 92k words, 15 chapters, complete.
***difficult by provocative-envy: the forbidden relationship trope is so real tbh dead about this….. 87k words, 30 chapters, complete.
***beautiful things can come from the dark by yesterdayschild4: this is so sad and beautiful????? it’s very dark, though. (rape tw) 138 words, 17 chapters, complete.
vitrius et iudicium by anjalimalfoy: i love the writing style of this one!! 78k words, 13 chapters, complete.
presque toujours pur by shayalonnie: pureblood!hermione is a trope i generally don’t like, but i’m completely enamored with this plot!! after bellatrix tortures hermione, a secret is uncovered, and it changes everything. there is so much going on in this fic, i highly recommend it. 180k words, 38 chapters, complete.
the virgin conundrum  by akashathekitty: hermione wants to get rid of her virginity. she makes a list of suitable candidates. 57k words, 10 chapters, complete.
what the room requires by alydia rackham: hermione is the one who finds draco crying in myrtle’s bathroom. he runs away to the room of requirement, she follows him, and they get locked in. 111k words, 26 chapters, complete.
the bracelet by akashathekitty: honestly i didn’t like this one at first, but you get into it after the first few chapters. hermione and theo nott are heads. she and draco make a bet. 303k words, 103 chapters, complete.
linked by philyra 912: potions assignment gone wrong. fun, hogwarts era. 61k words, 24 chapters, complete.
and we all fall down by rumaan: the spring term at hogwarts starts with a bang with the return of draco malfoy, back for his eighth year after a stint in azkaban. but all is not right when draco and head girl hermione granger can’t help but get involved. 127k words, 30 chapters, complete.
the serpent, the witch, and the broom closet by bitchywitchy: draco and hermione get stuck in a broom closet during winter holidays. 106k words, 30 chapters, complete.
if it kills me by hidge: 8th year fic. canon compliant through DH. head boy/head girl dynamic. 101k words, 31 chapters, complete.
love thy enemy by alphaLMN: honestly kind of basic, but the story is fun. head boy/head girl. hermione transformation. 27k words, 35 chapters, complete.
temptation by jodielove: hermione is intrigued by draco malfoy. hogwarts fic. 70k words, 26 chapters, complete.
inverse by elesrea: EVERYONE IS RAVING ABOUT THIS FIC and for good reason! dumbledore gives hermione the task of helping draco malfoy see the light. it starts off in fourth year and goes from there. 109k words, 20 chapters, WIP.
***seven times by kerriclifford240879: this is one of my favorites. draco goes insane after watching bellatrix torture hermione, and switches sides. beautifully written. 16k words, 7 chapters, complete.
***when the bell tolls by everythursday: this is honestly my favorite dramione fanfic of all time. draco is in azkaban, hermione’s working for the ministry, they need to hatch a plan to catch old death-eaters. everyone needs to read this. it’s long and wonderful and thrilling. 148k words, 20 chapters, complete.
***static by galfoy: I LOVE THIS. voldemort turns on draco and lucius, so they go to the order for help. hermione has to take them in. she’s just suffered a nervous breakdown. 75k words, 21 chapters, complete.
***the fallout by everythursday: a classic, everyone recommends this one. the storyline is perfect, the characterization is perfect, everything is perfect. romance is perfect. hogwarts era dramione, during the war. 310k words, 49 chapters, complete.
***bad faith by morrighan256: another one of my favorites, war!fic with reformed draco. i love. 56k words, 24 chapters, complete.
***cruel and beautiful world by lena phoria: i loved this one. it has some darker themes than most of the other stories on here, so beware. voldywins!au. 422k words, 50 chapters, complete.
unanswered by kyra4: he dove in after her. angst. angst. angst. 8k words, 3 chapters, complete.
we learned the sea by luckei1: beautiful. draco offers to be a spy for the order. 201k words, 37 chapters, complete.
the ones who ran by colubrina: a lighter take on the voldemort wins trope. i love the dynamics here. side blinny and thuna!! 69k words, 27 chapters, complete.
sugar water by everythursday: draco is on the run and forced to supply information to the order through hermione. 60k words, 7 chapters, complete.
the boy in the hammock by galfoy: amazing. basically canon compliant through DH. hermione and the trio are on the run, when they get separated. hermione makes a startling discovery at her new location. 61k words, 18 chapters, complete.
turncoat by elizaye: draco switches sides and acts as an informant for the order during the war. he has one condition: he wants hermione to be the liaison. 256k words, 101 chapters, complete.
***ambition’s end by hanako a: i don’t generally like marriage law fics, but this is good. ambitious ministry!fic.  255k words, 37 chapters, complete.
***a pale and pointed mirror by musyc: hermione is working at the department of magical law enforcement, trying to figure out who’s been murdering former death eaters. draco’s been on house arrest since the war, and when he’s put at risk, they find they would do anything to protect each other. I LOVEd this? 43k words, 10 chapters, complete.
***the politician’s wife by pir8fancier: ahh this one is so brilliant, draco and hermione are both trying to rise in ministry ranks, and find that they need to work together in order to accomplish their goal. featuring manipulative!hermione and ambitious!draco. 67k words, 14 chapters, complete.
***the nietzche classes by beringae: this fic changed my life. hermione is assigned the task of helping reform death eaters and pureblood sympathizers. 45k words, 15 chapters, complete.
***hunted by bex-chan: ministry!fic. draco and hermione are hunting down a killer. good read, i promise! 191k words, 36 chapters, complete.
the case of the creature kidnappings by frostykitten: draco and hermione make a good team. ministry!fic. 102k words, 32 chapters, complete.
find your way back by musyc: draco and hermione working on a case for the ministry. 76k words, 25 chapters, complete.
everything changes by inadaze22: “thank you for cheating on me, ron. it’s the best thing you could’ve done. thank you for stopping me from making the worst mistake of my life.” draco and hermione ministry!fic. looove. 76k words, 17 chapters, complete.
the ends of the earth by silverstar24: love this one. 112k words, 21 chapters, complete.
flickering flames by akashathekitty: infidelity!fic. ooooh. 27k words, 8 chapters, complete.
***when love and hate collide by RZZMG: written kind of ooc. draco and hermione are compelled to be together. 205k words, 39 chapters, complete.
***picture retribution by eirawen: this one’s nice and long, tells a dramione story across a decade. 97k words, 8 chapters, complete.
a marriage most convenient by annem. oliver: hermione lost everything when she divorced, draco would lose everything if he didn’t marry before he turned 30. 184k words, 54 chapters, complete.
the essence of life by cklls: astoria can’t conceive, draco has to turn elsewhere to find an heir. 56k words, 3 chapters, complete.
the dragon’s bride by rizzle: draco and hermione wake up naked in a hotel room, married. oh shit. the beginning has some non-con, so don’t read if you’re not interested in that. 225 words, 61 chapters, complete.
how hermione granger got her ring by drcjsnider: this one is fun. basically hermione is trying to get draco to propose when he doesn’t think he wants to. 23k words, 6 chapters, complete.
seven days in april by inadaze22: they were still the same people with the same problems on either side of a bathroom door. angst. 40k words, 7 chapters, complete.
***it’s all uncharted by redhead414: this one is quite fluffy. hermione comes back in town, draco and harry are friends, she stays at draco’s house. babies are involved. 232k words, 38 chapters, complete.
***the revenant by atalanta85: i love this one! story about second chances. 69k words, 10 chapters, complete.
broken by inadaze22: “he felt something close to pity for the woman in front of him. and while that disturbed draco to no end, what really disgusted him most of all was the harrowing fact that someone or something had broken hermione granger’s spirit beyond recognition.” i haven’t read this one in a while. brilliant, though. 368k words, 36 chapters, complete.
the accidental malfoy by rumaan: hermione is sick of being left behind, so she takes matters into her own hands in order to have a child. 86k words, 21 chapters, complete.
beneath your window by crookshanks: hermione decides to leave, but apparently draco has, too. 90k words, 24 chapters, complete.
an illustrated guide to torturing house-elves by captainraychill: funny two-shot. kind of weird and ooc, but fun. 11k words.
the gates of istanbul  by pagan: there’s a death eater attack and draco and hermione are both in turkey. 18k words, 5 chapters, complete.
switch by RZZMG: this is really smutty. BDSM stuff. hermione’s looking for a sub. 44k words, 18 chapters, complete.
***creatures of the wind by everythursday / 15k words.
***silhouettes by bex-chan / 11k words.
***with teeth by provocative-envy / 5k words.
***graveyard valentine by bex-chan / 9k words.
***the mind trap by lainella fay / 5k words.
***little, fragile toys by bex-chan / 12k words.
a little something extra by rumaan / 1.5k words.
intoxication by namelessamelie / 4k words.
slowly toward desire by phlox / 12k words.
private & confidential  by mihnn / 1k words.
lesson/absolution by eilonwy / 600 words.
atrophy in the library by applecede / 4k words.
how we imagined light by atalanta85 / 5k words.
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Seal of approval is rooting for you
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“Sometimes it’s better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens.”
— Gautama Buddha (via mikekeetonstainedroad)
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Imagine how better of a world this could be if all the random people coming out to say good things about you after you die, said it when you’re alive and well.
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i understand when ur 13 and u just realized u have a mental illness and ur so relieved to know there are other ppl going thru the same thing as u, its easy to slip into the idea that your newly labeled thoughts and behaviors are normal and okay.
they are not. suicidal thoughts arent normal. violent impulses arent normal. delusions and hallucinations arent normal.
now that you have a name for this behavior you need to seek help. dont let tumblr trick you into thinking unhealthy coping mechanisms are the only ways to deal with your mental illness. dont let it fester, dont let it worsen. seek as much help as you can. actively try to better yourself.
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When life attacks, laugh back.
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