pmspulpit · 6 years
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pmspulpit · 6 years
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Romeo + Juliet (1996) Directed by Baz Luhrmann
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pmspulpit · 7 years
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Love as an offering… 
To love is not to possess the other person or to consume all their attention and love. To love is to offer the other person joy and a balm for their suffering. This capacity is what we have to learn to cultivate.
~Thich Nhat Hanh
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pmspulpit · 7 years
The void is my therapist,
we get coffee on Wednesdays.
He holds me close at nights.
He tells me I need better friends.
I don’t take advice from the void.
    Dysphoria is my lover
Dissociation, my ex
Narcissism my best friend 
Depression is my ally
When we are apart
thoughts of him fill me.
The sweet whispering of reassurance,
the idle thoughts of getting lost in him
His arms, strong and comforting
His voice, deep and rumbling
wetting me at my core.
  I would have an affair with depression
I would give myself to him completely.
Depression is all consuming
He cares not, about my soul or my morals
he wants me for me
loves me for my filth and anger,
feeds off my self hate and manic energy
wants to comfort me from the inside
dreams of drawing warmth from my corpse.
  Depression is my confidant
and he is dangerous
and deranged
He would eat me whole
and feel hungry moments later
and I love him
and I would give myself to him
because he is my everything
and for as long as I’m alive
I consume him as well
  He wants me
looks at me with blood red eyes,
sees me for me,
and craves me.
  I lust for him
for his pain
for his wrath
I want for him.
  I feel a fire in my belly
at the thought of someone that wants me so completely
  I would give myself to depression
for he is my everything
he knows me
and breaths me
and I would die
as soon as he asked.
 - stilesinatrenchcoat
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pmspulpit · 7 years
1) Acknowledge the trauma you’ve reacted to.
Try to forget about the symptoms and think about what has happened to make you react this way.
When we experience trauma, we react to protect ourselves. These negative emotions are necessary for survival, but you can also get stuck in this survival mode.
Emotional suppression could stem from childhood or developmental trauma or abuse in which you felt vulnerable, isolated, ignored, or powerless.
You could have lost someone important to you, had a bad break up, or been taken advantage of.
You could be carrying a label given to you by someone.
There could be underlying feelings of worthlessness or low self-esteem.
You could feel alone.
Accept whatever comes to mind calmly and free of judgement.
Don’t dwell on it or beat yourself up.
You’re not what happened to you.
Go easy and reconnect with yourself.
2) Ask yourself why suppressing is acceptable to you.
Examine with a clear and honest mind, the true reasons you’ve adopted this mindset.
Do you like the way you feel when internalizing your emotions?
What are you getting out of it?
Do you feel a measure of safety, protection, strength, or control?
Are you trying to keep up a facade?
Are you worried how others will react to the real you?
Are you addicted to feeling like this?
Are you willing to release these feelings?
You have to want to change for anything to happen.
3) Realize that negative emotion is a part of life.
There is nothing bad or shameful about negative emotions.
Just because you have negative emotions does not mean that something has gone wrong.
Negative emotions are part of what guide us.  They are necessary for survival and just as valid as the positive.
Negative emotions make us ask questions.
You’ll always learn something valuable from your negative emotions.
Life has highs and lows, you cannot deny them.
You would never know what love or peace is without experiencing the contrast of life.
4) Accept your experience.
We’re talking about self-acceptance, self-discovery, and freedom.
Acknowledge what you’re feeling; don’t run from it.
The more attention you put towards resisting your thoughts, the stronger they become.  The more mental energy required to resist them, and the more you’ll end up focusing on them.
When you accept uncomfortable emotions, you become more confident in your ability to overcome them.
Own how you’re feeling and realize that your body wants to release this stress.
How can you ever feel fully alive without embracing life?
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pmspulpit · 7 years
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pmspulpit · 7 years
Marcy Marcy is a bright and beautiful woman. She often says that her main goal in life is “to get to the top of the heap, and stay there.”  Marcy puts her all into everything she does, and doesn’t mind stepping on a few people on her way to the...
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pmspulpit · 7 years
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pmspulpit · 7 years
False Twin Flames, Karmic Attachment, A Spiritual & Psychological Fusion.
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A ‘false twin flame’ is a specific type of karmic attachment that leaves a pretty lasting impression, and a lasting impact, that is, until the actual twin flame makes themselves apparent. And sometimes, even then, the dent left by the false twin may be so prevalent, that it too affects the twin flame union, and the ways in which the twin in question perceives love, and perceives members of the opposite sex, (opposing energy).
Just like not everybody has a twin flame, not everybody has a false twin. The two sort of go hand in hand, and you cannot have one without the other.
Keep reading
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pmspulpit · 7 years
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#OcupaOuvidor63 #QueerFestival #Queer  Foto: Wilson Liger Baggio
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pmspulpit · 7 years
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pmspulpit · 7 years
Loving yourself
Some of the reasons we fall in love with someone is because we feel the need to escape from ourself. To fall in love with someone who is beautiful, brave and accomplished when we feel to be flawed, dumb and mediocre. What if one day someone decides to love us back when we feel so much self pity. We would reject it and ask ourself why would such a person care to love someone like me. We would be self destructive and unconsciously repel the relationship as if we were given a prize we aren’t worthy of. The central requirement for a healthy relationship needs both partners to be accepting of themselves. The best thing you could do for your partner is learning to love yourself.
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pmspulpit · 7 years
The reason people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go instead of how far they’ve come. You got this shit!
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pmspulpit · 7 years
Me: time to go to sleep My brain(making my mouth shout) : robin williams really killed himself WHAT THE FUCK
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pmspulpit · 7 years
So my friend gave me a bath bomb for christmas and I finally used it last weekend and so I was going to take before and after pictures like everyone’s been doing on tumblr 
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Then I dropped it in the water and 
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pmspulpit · 7 years
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frank ocean x june jordan
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pmspulpit · 7 years
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Life is for the living And death for the dead Let life be like music And death, a note unsaid. -Langston Hughes
a smile can take you where depression doesn’t want you to go. choose to smile through it all. It helps. -B♥️ 04.29.2017
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