pizzaocs · 7 years
Tony Stark: *is an asshole*
Them: Disgusting. Irredeemable. Fucking selfish piece of shi,t. Hope he dies.
Tony Stark: *immediately shuts down biggest division of his company and risks everything he spent years building bc principals* *creates a suit with his own two hands and goes out and saves people in it despite the fact he has no training and Does Not Need To* *draws himself as the one who needs to be saved by the kid who asked him 2 sign her drawing* *is pretty much only avenger on team that actively shows remorse/guilt/ character growth at a l l* “everyone else’s fears: personal shit. Tony’s fear: his team dying* *makes drinks for his team/houses his team/funds his team/ loves his team even tho they don’t really give much of a shit for him* *treats Jarvis and his bots like his kiddies.* *treats any lonely science kiddie he meets as His Personal Science Kiddies* *will throw himself into line of fire in order to protect everyone else* *is the literal embodiment of a human shield. Will not hesitate to put everyone else’s life above his own*
Them: Disgusting. Irredeemable. Fucking selfish piece of shi,t. hope he dies.
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pizzaocs · 7 years
i havent seen some of these in any of the vine compilations ive watched so uhhh. here’s my own. 
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pizzaocs · 7 years
New OC and Story
Main OC inspired by A Wolf Amongst Ravens by After the Burial
—Main OC is a man tormented by the world. His entire life he’s been beaten down by humanity and his rage against humans has built up to the breaking point. In a whirlwind of fire and ash he is reborn into a God and deemed the Deity of Destruction. His only desire to wipe humanity from the face of the planet entirely.
—Second Main OC is a woman who is loved and full of love. She’s faced hardships in her life but hasn’t let them get her down. She gives back to the world around and has been witness to many miracles at the hand of the human race. In a burst of blinding light her love transforms her into a God as well, and she is deemed the Deity of Redemption. Her only desire to see humanity flourish and grow into a thriving and loving race, and watch their love better the world around them. She comes into being as a result of the catalyst the main OCs transformation sparks.
Their dance is one of good and evil: a beautiful and terrible waltz of which the outcome determines the fate of humanity.
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pizzaocs · 7 years
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Flora (by Kristina Manchenko)
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pizzaocs · 7 years
Butterfly story
This is what I'm talking about when I tag things as "butterfly story insp". This was a dream I had last night and now I want to make it into something. ---It was about this village that lived in forested area. And there was a part of the forest located not very far from the town that no one went into because it was extremely dark in that area, even during the day. The reason for that is because there was a species of butterfly that lived in the treetops and completely blacked out all light because it didn't like it. Basically they'd huddle together and spread their wings out so that they're backs were facing the light and fronts facing the dark. And they were like bats in the fact that they were nocturnal. ---Well in my dream one of the members of town stumbled into this part of the forest and spooked the butterflies during the day, causing a massive migration of them. They all moved in a giant wave and covered the town, blacking out all light. This was bad because the town needed light to function and for crops to grow and stuff. So they called in an expert. ---The expert was an older woman who rode in on a black horse, and wore an all black cloak herself. She looked to be of Indian descent. And when she took off her cloak every piece of clothing she wore was in this deep red color that would show up in the darkness but wasn't bright. It didn't put out any light on it's ok it just withstood the darkness. ---And so this lady went into the deepest part of the forest, where the majority of the butterflies had migrated, and she was there for days. So the town sent in a young girl who had always been very sneaky and quiet to check on the woman and make sure she hadn't gotten in trouble. ---The young girl went into the forest and at first it was pitch black. But she was familiar enough with the forest that she was able to maneuver through the trees without causing any noise and therefore spooking the butterflies again. And the deeper she went in, the more she noticed the tree tops were glowing. Upon looking up she saw that in the darkness the butterflies produced their own type of light, an eerie blue that made the forest look alien but beautiful. ---And in the center of that light was the woman, in her red costume. And she was singing to the butterflies. A beautiful and haunting song that was very quiet but in the darkness and silence it became very profound. And as she was singing the butterflies she was walking away from the town and the butterflies seemed to be slowly following her. ---The girl took this as her queue to leave and made it back to the town. She reported this and after another few days the butterflies had moved completely away from the town and back to their original location. The light had come back. ---A day or two after that the woman came back, still in her red costume and found the girl. She told her that there were precious few people who could walk amongst the butterflies without scaring them, and she wanted to cultivate that talent into making the girl into what she was. And the girl accepted. ---And that's when I woke up
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pizzaocs · 7 years
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What makes butterfly wings colorful? Butterfly wings are covered with tiny scales, each a single color. Most of the colors are produced by pigments, but the beautiful iridescence of some butterflies results from a reflective microstructure on the scale’s surface. Don’t touch a butterfly’s wing—the “powder” that rubs off is actually the scales.
Explore the Butterfly Conservatory. 
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pizzaocs · 7 years
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pizzaocs · 7 years
Current OCs
Here's a list of my current OCs. Doc Holliday - Demon ---- He's part of my angels vs demons story. After his reign of terror with Wyatt Erp and his eventual passing, his soul was visited by the angel Gabriel. He offered him a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of God and escape his fate in the pits of hell if he agreed to take on the burden of becoming a demon in heavens service. He agreed and was given his famous six-shooters, this time equipped with the ability to charm the bullets and make them able to exorcise a demon on earth back to hell. Word of his deal made its way to around and now he wanders the earth avoiding anyone that might try to exorcise him. Cain - Demon ---- Another demon in my story. He is the first human to become a demon, considering he was the first human to commit murder. He is looked up to by pretty much all the other human to demon conversions and because of this Lucifer made him a high ranking general in his armies, the only human demon to achieve that in Hell. The other Fallen were upset about this change at first but after seeing the influence he can have amongst the lower ranks they begrudgingly accepted him. - After thousands of years of the flames of hell licking away any scraps of humanity he might have had left he stepped down from his rank and chose to live on Earth. It was a spontaneous decision and most of the time he's not sure why he did it. All he knows is he wanted a change, a change to something simpler and.. not torturing souls for all eternity. World Ender - Destructive Diety ---- This one is still in development. He's inspired by The World Ender by Lord Huron. All I know is he used to be human before he was changed into a being that only knows destruction and there's a lot of pain in his past cuz that's what OCs are for 👍🏻
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