petrichorborealis · 3 years
wish i could unmeet some people
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
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ig : thetypewriterdaily
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
Do you get déjà vu when she's with you?
So when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?
She thinks it's special, but it's all reused
That was the show we talked about
Played you the songs she's singing now when she's with you
I  know you get déjà vu, M
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
Hi M,
If you see this post someday this one is (again) for you wkw
Never a second or a slight of thought I would dare to think or even to expect you.. again.. come to me just to greet happy Eid and nothing else. I mean...
Then, I came up with such rational analysis on how would you do that to your ex that broke up 3 years ago?
1. Maybe you're just being such a kind human being
2. Maybe you try to create a good bridge between you and your exes
3. Maybe your new ones suggested to greet me atleast in this festive day (but this one is weird sih wkwk)
But then why?
1. We are not that close
2. We don't even follow each other socmed acc
3. Last time we talked was like..months ago? And it's nothing close to personal's life
4. I still strongly believe you are with your new ones
However, regardless what's your legit intention, I just wanna say yes I still scream a little when your name pop up in my screen and get my heartbeat goes dug dug dug. I don't know when can I stay calm and react normal when it comes to you. But I wont force myself to do so. Like water runs into the river flow, let it be.
Thankss anyway for greet me. Nope. I don't want to think further that make me end up in hopeful thinking. I just convience myself that you're just being nice and that's all.
Wishing you a very joyful Eid, send my warmest regards from me to your fam :)
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
I deeply sorry for your lover, for what everything we used to have..what we have done... and you did the same thing to her
No wonder she was pathetic, till have guts to follow me on my social media perhaps wondering how am I, how do I look like, what kind of person am I
Then, you asked me to see you after 3 years you've been gone. And it makes me realise that I'm not the one who loss, but it's you
Oh how I still remember how you keep your mouth silent when I brought up the topic about her. Again, I'm sorry for your lover for not getting recognize by you
No, I'm not going to say like Adele's in "Send my love to your lover" song, nope thanks. This writing is just how I express the emotion of finally getting the 'epiphany' for god knows how many are them
I wish you nothing but a head straight up.
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
Where did we go wrong? I know we started out alright
Where did we go wrong? I swear I knew we'd last this time
Where did we go wrong? Oh did you, did you change your mind?
How could you change your mind?
Who got inside your mind?
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
wish i could unmeet some people
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
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رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ
"My God, I am truly in great need of any good that You might send down to me." {Quran - 28:24}
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
This is the post where indicates one of my workaround I need to execute this year.
It is all started by the fact that I saw you(we) again, in a serious kind of official bond and even worse it felt so strange afterwards
I'll give myself due date to actually get rid of yourself to stop live in my mind rent-free.
Probably in Nov or Jan 2022 I will see a professional.
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petrichorborealis · 3 years
Writing this post 15 mins before this year turn into another +1. 2020 was indeed such extreme roller coaster rides, started with a job in a place that I never imagine before, live with my other parents, date someone as well as got my first heartbreak after 3 years being single. Then, I move out from a household that their values don't match with mine. Live alone, all by myself. Before I got to experience the whole new ride, the pandemic came, where I supposed to live in the new place, work in different country, and explore things in wider perspective. But then.. I came back to that-so-called home. Work remotely for almost a year, without interacting in social environment. Tired? Definetely. But... I came back to live with the one I *finally* realise, the ones who I care the most. I came back to treat better the ones I matter the most in this life Who ever thought a major avalanche has come this one & only life? Who ever thought all the plans I had previously were gone? Who ever thought a world turned upside down? Who ever thought I met my ex after 3 frickin years???? wkwkw To be honest,I really don't have idea what plans should I list down for this upcoming new year, should I ask glorious wishes or just as simple as I get to spend my time with my loved ones in such healthy and content conditions? Nah I want to list down all!!! :D BTS was right, life goes on eventually, no matter how strange this world has become, we still have other days to come. Other hopes to pray. I hope in 2021 everything that we have prayed, everything we have worked on will eventually happen. Bismillah for better days to come. Bring it on 2021! HAPPY NEW YEAR :)
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petrichorborealis · 4 years
“I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I was beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.”
— Lisa Kleypas, Blue-Eyed Devil (via perrfectly)
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petrichorborealis · 4 years
“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye”
— (via perrfectly)
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