If you ever feel sad just remember that Carlos is absolutely horrible at doing accents (but thinks he’s great at them) and that he occasionally wears feather boas and looks amazing when he does
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“The moment you realize your bones are made of the same dust as the planets, your lungs are breathing the same air as the migrating butterflies, and your blood is pumping because of the love and care of thousands; is when you realize you are not as broken as you think you are. you are full of the world.”
“Into my soul”, Watercolor on Arches, 2014
Via Della De Leos 
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First blog post! At last - hi y'all! Took me a while to get here, and I'm not entirely sure why. I think I thought it might be egotistical of me? Not that I think other people with blogs are egotistical! It's a strange sort of contradiction, thinking that you have plenty to say and being unsure that anyone could care what you have to say. But if we don't tell the human-being story of ourselves (a phrase I'm borrowing from Tom Spanbauer) then how do we make sense of the story at all? I don't think I know how to process reality without finding the words to make sense of it. And then there's the fact that sometimes I'm just too full of words, and they have to be let out. I can feel them building up inside of me, until I'm sure that if I press too hard on any surface the tips of my fingers will begin to leak black ink. The words have to be let out ... And so these few words have been released at last, and more may follow, and even if it's just a shout into the void that's okay by me - there's always the chance that the void might shout back. Be good to yourselves today.
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You can not hate yourself into a version of yourself that you love.
You must MUST practice love and forgiveness or you will never become friends with who you see staring back at you in the mirror.
(via journeyoftheartist)
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If you can’t beat fear, just do it scared.
Glennon Doyle Melton
(via wordsnquotes)
THIS QUOTE LITERALLY SUMS UP THE PAST TWO WEEKS (and kinda my whole life woops) but seriously. resonating so hard
(via happy-plant-girl)
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Don’t bring a gun to a knife fight. Don’t bring a knife to a knife fight either. Stop going to knife fights all together. What’s your deal with knife fights?
Welcome to Night Vale, We Must Give Praise, Proverb (via welcometonightblogging)
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Cecil Palmer's Horoscopes in The Librarian
Aries: Aries, you have much in common with a tree. A sadness that no one can see, or understand. Communication only through silence and wind. Skin made of wood. The way you collect sustenance through roots buried in soil. You are very, very much like a tree. Almost impossible to tell the difference.
Taurus: Taurus, today is the day that you change everything. Oh, I’m sorry. I misspoke, I’m sorry. Uh, let me try that again, OK? *Ahem* Today is the day that everything changes you. You will be completely unrecognizable. Yeah, that’s it. There ya go.
Gemini: How scared are you of centipedes, Gemini? I mean, no reason. The stars are just asking. Like, are you super super scared, because I can’t say for sure, but you’re pretty brave, right? Like, you could handle a couple of centipedes! You could handle a bunch of centipedes! Right, Gemini? No reason. I’m just asking.
Cancer: Today is an excellent day for you to demand a promotion, to approach the one that you’ve been secretly thinking about for years, to try your hand at that new hobby that you are considering. Unfortunately, it is a terrible day for getting that promotion, having that person say yes, and not injuring yourself badly on a power sander. But you should at least feel great about the attempt.
Leo: There’s just a thick, green smudge here, and the word “cryptotoxicology.” So I guess that’s a good thing, right?
Virgo: Now, wait. There are still some of you left? How did you survive the great culling of Virgos that swept through – oh! You know what? I’m sorry, that’s not ‘til next week. Sorry, I got confused there. Oh, yeah, today looks very good for you, Virgo! Maybe use this lovely day to get all your affairs in order. Just a thought.
Libra: All your dreams will come true today. Or…I mean, one of them will. You know that recurring dream where you’re chased through a house that seems like your own, but it isn’t quite, by a swarm of bees that you can’t see even though you totally know that they’re there? Well, it’s not that recurring dream, it’s the other one. And I am so, so sorry.
Scorpio: Your arms look weird. And your face is a natural irritant. And your personality leaves much to be desired, the principal desire being your immediate absence. You disgust me, Steve Carlsbe–…I mean, Scorpios? Ugh. Scorpios, right?
Sagittarius: Buy a tourniquet. The best that money can buy.
Capricorn: Today’s lucky number is imaginary! But, coincidentally, so are you, and your entire experience of the world.
Aquarius: You wanna make some money fast? I don’t know, rob somebody. Commit fraud. There’s lots of ways.
Pieces: You’ve just won another brand new car! You stare bleakly at your home filled with stacks upon stacks of new cars, occupying every possible space at impossible angles. Today’s brand new car is wheeled in and as you feel its bulk pressing up against you, taking the last bit of your home that had still been yours to live in, you feel tears hot upon your cheeks. Congratulations on your prize!
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First post, hi!
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