p5-trans-week · 2 years
Will there be a Persona 5 Trans Week 2022?
Unfortunately I won't be able to run it again this year due to various real life commitments. But if you (or anyone else seeing this) wants to run a P5 trans event, please feel free and please message me/tag me in posts about it so that I can use this page to boost it!
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
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(If this shows up multiple times, I’m sorry-my internet is having issues)
P5 Trans Week-Day 2, Family! 
They are enby siblings.
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
The lights go down, the curtain rises, a hush falls over the audience. Goro Akechi surveys the roles he plays.
@p5-trans-week: Performance. Part 1 of 2.
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
In which Shiho's final encounter with Kamoshida in his office plays out very differently, leading to a change in the Phantom Thief lineup...
@p5-trans-week: Coming Out
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
(I changed the title right after uploading so I don't know if that will fix it here so if the title here is The Banal Horror of Apathy I'm so sorry, that was such a misleading title this story is happy I swear)
A quiet moment between Akiza and Yusuke, as they contemplate shared experiences in parents being less than supportive.
@p5-trans-week: Solidarity
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
It's Akiza Kurusu's first day in Tokyo, and she's already hating every second of it.
@p5-trans-week: Defiance
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
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Persona 5 Trans Week starts tomorrow! The AO3 collection has been created, and we’ll be reblogging your works tagged with #P5TransWeek starting tomorrow!
(Prompts and other FAQ can be found on our blog as well as on our twitter @p5_trans_week)
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
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There are six weeks (technically, six weeks from yesterday) until Persona 5 Trans Week! We’re super excited to see what everyone creates!
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
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This event week is about fanworks that portray character(s) from Persona 5 (including Royal & Strikers) as trans/non-binary. Feel free to use as many of the prompts as you want, and to create content for as many or as few of the days as you want! The prompts are just suggestions to provide some inspiration. We encourage you to contribute all sorts of fanworks: written word, digital art, traditional art, cosplay, mixed media, playlists, and more! (For visual mediums, please consider using image descriptions, in order to make this event as accessible as possible!)
Please tag all works #P5TransWeek on Twitter and Tumblr so that we can retweet/reblog your content, and add it to the P5 Trans Week 2021 collection on AO3!
Can cis people participate? Yes, everyone is welcome to participate! Just make sure you’re being respectful, and if you’re writing about the specifics of an experience that is not your own, do your research!
Can cis characters be included in the fanwork? Yes, but the focus should be on the trans character(s)!
Are ships allowed? Yes! Ship content is allowed but not required! Fanworks can be focused on an individual character as well as romantic, platonic, or familial relationships!
What counts as trans? Anything that’s not cis (i.e. any content in which a character is portrayed as not 100% identifying with the gender that was assigned to them at birth)! Non-binary content is welcome, including genderfluid, genderqueer, agender, demigender, bigender, transmasc, transfem, or any other non-cisgender identity that you want to depict! So for example, a character who is a man in canon can be depicted as a trans man, a non-binary person (using any of the many available labels), or a trans woman, and any of those would be accepted in this event!
Will NSFW content be included? Yes! But we do ask that you make sure to tag your work fully and use the tag #P5TransWeekNSFW in addition to the main event tag, in order to keep this event safe and accessible for as many people as possible. If your work is not properly tagged, it will not be retweeted/reblogged. If your piece hasn’t been retweeted/reblogged or added to the AO3 collection, you’re welcome to message this account to ask what tags need to be added so that your work can be shared! (The answer might just be that we accidentally missed it due to human/computer error, so anyone at any time should feel free to message us or @ us to make sure we see your work!)
For the sake of transparency, we want to share the reasoning behind this decision: We strongly believe both that being trans is not an inherently sexual thing for adults only, which is why this is not an 18+ only event, and also that trans adults should be allowed to see themselves depicted in sexual situations if they want, which is why NSFW content is permitted. We ask that minors and anyone else who does not wish to view NSFW content mute the tag #P5TransWeekNSFW for everyone’s safety and comfort!
A further note on content guidelines and transphobia: There is no one single trans experience and no one correct way to depict trans characters! That being said, transphobic content (or bigoted content of any kind) is not allowed, obviously, so be respectful! Transphobia can be referenced or discussed in your piece, but we ask that you be aware of the difference between a work that depicts transphobia and a work that is transphobic. The former is fine, although we ask that you don’t focus solely on that aspect of being trans since this is meant to be a celebratory event, and the latter is absolutely not accepted.
Additionally, any content that is tagged as “content warning: trans character” or “trigger warning: trans character” (or “content/trigger warning: trans [character name]”) will not be retweeted/reblogged. We support extensive tagging, and tagging “trans characters” or “trans [character name]” is fine, but treating the existence of trans people as something that needs to be warned for is transphobic. If you reach out to us to ask why we haven’t promoted your fanwork and that’s why, you’re more than welcome to repost or edit it to remove that language and then we’ll retweet/reblog/add it to the AO3 collection. Thanks for your understanding!
Any more questions? Send us an ask on Tumblr, or send us a message on Twitter or CuriousCat! Have fun, and we look forward to seeing what you create!
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
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Prompts for Persona 5 Trans Week 2021 are here!
Day 1: Solidarity | Secrets | Defiance
Day 2: Coming Out | Family | Growth
Day 3: Voice | Awakening | Performance
Day 4: Gifts | Competition | Exploration
Day 5: Scars | Fashion | Acceptance
Day 6: Future | Pride | Love
Day 7: Free Day
The event will take place June 13-19, 2021. Feel free to create fanwork (of any kind: we welcome fic, art, mixed media, playlists, cosplay, etc.) based on as many/few of the prompts for each day as you want, and participate on as many/few days as you want! You're welcome to skip days or create multiple pieces for any day as the inspiration strikes you! We look forward to seeing what you create!
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p5-trans-week · 3 years
Two weeks remain to fill out the interest check form for Persona 5 Trans Week 2021!
Please fill out and share the form if you’re interested, let us know if you have any questions or prompt suggestions, and check out the event twitter for more updates!
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