p5-canons · 6 years
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Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth | Cute Ren
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p5-canons · 6 years
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p5-canons · 6 years
Never Give In!
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Happy New Year, everyone!
I hope 2018 will be a great year for you all. Remember to believe in yourself when times are tough. And please- never give in to any negative thoughts! I love you all!
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p5-canons · 6 years
Bother My Askbox?
1: What color are your socks?
2: Have you ever lied about your age? Why?
3: What is something you regret in the past month?
4: Do you believe in love at first sight?
5: When was the last time you wrote someone a letter on paper?
6: How old were you when you first learned how to ride a bike? Who taught you?
7: Do you get along with your parents? Why or why not?
8: What’s your favorite season?
9: Do you currently like someone?
10: Have you ever used an Ouija board?
11: What’s the last song you sang?
12: What’s your favorite scent?
13: What’s your favorite urban legend?
14: What’s a bad habit that you have?
15: What’s a strange habit that you have?
16: What’s the first instrument that you learned to play?
17: How would you describe your ‘type?’
18: Would you rather stay in or go out?
19: What was the last thing you said to your mom?
20: Do you want to get married someday?
21: Have you ever snuck out?
22: Can you sing well?
23: What’s an embarrassing thing that happened this week?
24: When was the last time you went sledding?
25: Have you ever/do you liked someone you know you can never be with?
26: Do people often mispronounce your name?
27: Would you like to live in another country?
28: Do you like to watch ghost-hunting shows?
29: Who was the last person you said you loved to?
30: What’s something you’d like to be better at?
31: Have you ever stayed up to talk to someone who was sad?
32: What was the last thing you cooked?
33: Do you think you would make a good parent?
34: Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
35: Where is your best friend right now?
36: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
37: How late do you usually stay up at night?
38: When was the last time you cried and why?
39: Have you ever won a contest?
40: Can you draw well?
41: Would you ever date someone you met on Tumblr/the internet?
42: What was the last thing you ate?
43: Do you think you’re/you’d make a good boyfriend/girlfriend?
44: Have you ever had a near-death experience?
45: What do you think people think of you?
46: What is your middle name and do you like it?
47: Are you close with either of your parents?
48: Do you like yourself?
49: State five facts about your appearance –
50: State five facts about your personality –
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p5-canons · 6 years
Can I have yusuke x futaba headcanons pleaaassee!!!!
You got it! (Sorry it took so long too)
• Futaba begs Yusuke to draw fanart of her favorite characters. Yusuke reluctantly says ok
• Futaba would be sending the poor boy memes. Yusuke would try to catch onto the memes, but doesn’t properly know how to do them right
• Yusuke sketches her everyday, so for her bday he gives the sketchbook to futaba.
• Pat pat on the head UwU
• when yusuke is upset about something, futaba will try her best to cheer him up.
• invites him over to leblanc as much as she can so that the boy will eat and be nourished
• nose boops and forehead kisses
• They’re very cute. All of the team members agree.
• when driving around in mementos, futaba and yusuke like to rest on each others shoulders
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p5-canons · 6 years
Got any Adult!Futaba HCs? (Also, I'm sorry to hear you're stressed. Hope you'll do better soon.)
Ooo! I’ve always wondered what adult futaba would be like. Also thanks a bunch. I’ve been doing better with the whole stress thing. I’m doing quite better now ^_^ but here’s your request!
• still a big nerd
• a slacker- usual pushes her work to the side but manages to complete it all last minute
• Hacked the giant screens in shibuya to play games
• I see her kinda working with Makoto in the police force, working as a hacker
• she does her job incredibly well, even though others think she’s lazy. Makoto still has to reassure the others though.
• Futaba will always be smol. She’d probably be like 5’0”-5’2” as an adult
• I think it’d be cool if she dyed her hair to black but kept the orange at the ends of her hair
• She’s doing really well in social situations. She can still be a bit awkward though.
• she video chats akira when she has the time.
• we would all be proud of futaba
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p5-canons · 6 years
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p5-canons · 7 years
I’ve been so stressed because of school lately im so sorry i havent been catching up with this blog, i see you’ve all sent in some lovely requests so hopefully i’ll get to do all of them
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p5-canons · 7 years
can you do futaba and akira dating hcs?
Lol sure!
* places to go out on a date: arcade, akihabara, technically anywhere that has air conditioning
* Futaba can’t flirt (I mean, she tries to!)
* Futaba: what’s cookin…uHH.. good lookin..??
* Akira would laugh cuz it’s cute
* Akira bought her cat ear headphones for christmas (I hope u know what i’m talking about)
* When they’re in leblanc futaba brings her wii and they play good ol’ wii sports
* Sojiro can hear them screaming “fuCK YOU!” Or “you suck at tennis” while they play upstairs
* They stream gameplay together
* When at futaba’s place, they watch illegally downloaded movies on her computer
* The s m o l forehead kisses even makes futaba as red as a tomato
* She boops Akira on the nose a lot
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p5-canons · 7 years
Ooh I've got another one! How do you think Ryuji would react to his non-thief s/o gushing over Morgana, not realizing he's not just a normal cat? (Btw not that it matters but you have your anon turned off! Which os fine but I wanted to make sure you knew ^^)
(Thank you for letting me know about the anon being turned off!)
Honestly, I think Ryuji would be jealous. Not normal jealous, but like HELLA jealous. He probably would grind his teeth. Morgana would tease him about it too.
* Whenever Ryuji’s S/o would compliment Morgana, he would sweat drop. He would only agree with them because he loves them.
* Morgana thinks he’s the shit for getting s/o’s attention
* Ryuji has a tendency to argue with morgana. When he does, his s/o looks at him like he’s crazy (cuz they can’t hear morgana speaking)
* Ryuji sighing heavily into a pillow
* He told Akira to keep morgana out of leblanc when ryuji’s s/o is there
s/o : Isn’t Morgana so cute? His fur is soft and his eyes are so blue!
Ryuji: Y-yeah I guess…
Morgana: mwehehe~!
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p5-canons · 7 years
You still here? It's been a month since your last post :(
Yes i’m still here, I’ve been very busy at school! I’ve been trying to set up a portfolio for this art program i really want to get in to. And also exams :3 i’ll try to be keeping up with this blog, though!
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p5-canons · 7 years
Yall I ain’t dead
Please excuse me for my absence, imma be getting back to your questions
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p5-canons · 7 years
I had a dream that i got to touch akira's hair and it was soft af lmao
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p5-canons · 7 years
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@cyamelinda This is what I drew for the female!akira headcanons ^_^
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p5-canons · 7 years
Hullo! Female!Akira headcanons? Withanotsosecretcrushontheartboi? I'm very sorry I'll show myself out;;;
Lolol it’s ok! I’ll try my best with these headcanons!
* Has a LOT of curly hair, usually braided in pigtails (school), or let down
* So cute ok so cute she’s cute
* Loves wearing street fashion, is a fan of pinafore skirts (I’ll draw a pic ok)
* Likes to wear cat ear headbands sometimes
* About the same height as Makoto
* Still Sassmaster 3000
* Ok but she can do splits with ease
* Has a separate group chat with Ann, Haru, Makoto and Futaba to discuss how to win yusuke’s heart
* When Yusuke talks to her she isn’t as calm and collected as with everyone else
* Drew Yusuke a picture of him and gave it to him and Cried over it
* Keeps begging Yusuke to go to Leblanc to eat curry
* Tries to have art conversations with Yusuke like:
* Akira: “So… Acrylics, huh? Have you ever tried watercolor?”
* Yusuke: “I always use watercolor, Akira.”
* Akira: “Oh.”
* Daydreams in class about yusuke 75% of the time
* Attempted asking Yusuke out 8 times already but was always interrupted
I thought your ask was v cute! ^_^ i hope you like these!
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p5-canons · 7 years
Ahh you answered my request. It was very 👌🏼yes v good. Thank you ^////^
(*´∇`*) ahh I’m so glad you liked it! It’s no problem, lolol. I always try to answer requests when I can. I had a lot of fun writing those up!
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p5-canons · 7 years
Headcanons for the male thieves when their s/o over exhausts themselves while exploring a palace but try to insist that they can keep going? (Even if they can barely stand)
Akira: “Everyone, I think that’s it for the day.”
Akira cares about his s/o very much and wants the best for them. He always checks up on them to see if they’re alright. If his s/o pushes themself to the point of exhaustion, he’s willing to make a stop for the day. When they’re out of the palace, He’d probably also take his s/o to leblanc and look after them. Look forward to a healthy curry dinner at the end of it.
Ryuji: “Damn it, you’re hurt! You need to rest, Now!”
Ryuji’s eyes are filled with worry when he sees you trying to keep up with the rest of the team. He rushes over to you and gives you a piggy-back ride over to a safe room, the rest of the team following. There, you rest your head on his lap as you start recovering.
Yusuke: “I have plenty of home remedies once we get back to the real world.”
Yusuke holds his s/o’s hand as they walk out of the current palace. He keeps holding their hand as they go out to the market to grab a few things to make a special tea. He escorts you back to your home and tends to your injuries.
Akechi: “Do you think you can keep going? From the looks of it, We can always stop now.”
Akechi glances over to see you struggling to keep up. He gives you a soft smile and asks Joker for a break in the safe room. In the safe room he massages your aches and pains away and he makes sure you’re up and back to normal.
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