orestescontact · 2 years
Good day to you! I'm Ore (Tes is also acceptable). She/her pronouns only, please. I've roleplayed off and on since Quizilla was a common fandom name, from Email to Tumblr to Twitter and a scattering of others. My hyper-fixations are Undertale - more so its abundance of AUs - and Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. The only roleplay(s) I would have an interest in would involve either or in some capacity, whether that be canon-compliant or lifting the characters off the page for use in an original idea. I'll unabashedly admit my interest lies in OC x CC plots but how that is portrayed is up for discussion; as much as I fancy a romance, it's a shame platonic pairings often fall by the wayside.
While I'll consider OC x OC, CC x CC is off the table.
FxM is where I'm most comfortable but I'm open to MxM. FxF I've never done but am not opposed to.
21+ is preferred. Due to the possibility of dark content and heavy topics, I won't write with anyone under 18. Honestly, the thought of writing romance alone with a minor squicks me out.
Smut is an option and can even be the focus. I'm not picky between plot or lewd-driven. Limits and kinks will be thoroughly discussed if anything sexual is to take place.
Speaking of, my tastes are extensive. I love horror, thriller, survival, romance, slice of life, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort—suggest something and there'll likely be an angle I'd enjoy.
I default to 2-3 paragraphs per character or thereabouts and expect a similar effort. No one-liners of any sort. I'll mirror you when applicable and can write more if need be. Just please, no 1,000+ word replies. Mad respect to you lot but I just do not have that amount of energy anymore, good Lord.
Doubling is the expectation, yes? No? Is that how it's done here? I'd be happy to do so so we're both satisfied, at any rate.
Depending on the length of a reply, expect a response every one to three days. Take as long as you need to get back to me; I'm unbothered if you need some personal time or have a busy life. Take a week or two—hell, a month. I've got a chock-full schedule myself.
Over Discord (Orestes#6316) would be the highly preferred option.
Fnaf SB: I haven't gotten the opportunity to write for this yet. I'd be willing to try out most of the cast as long as wiggle room is given. As for who I want to write against, a Sundrop, Moondrop, or even an Eclipse are, well, it. They are responsible for 80% of my current brain rot.
Undertale: My experience here is spotty and with so many AUs and interpretations of those AUs, I'm not confident making a blanket statement. I'd be able to write one of the skeletons, particularly a Sans, far better than any of the other characters. Be mindful that I can't guarantee the portrayal you're seeking; fandom is vast and a lot of original canon has been lost before even touching upon my personal headcanons. Who I'm looking for in return is also a long list of Sanses. In no particular order: any of the Bad Sanses group (including the less accounted for Error), multiple -fell verses, multiple -echo verses, and any iteration of -swapfell or -fellswap (though I have my favorites, many versions appeal to me). On occasion, I catch myself eyeing the Papyruses from the mess of -fells. There's more AU's I like but we'll be here all day if I list them all.
If you have any interest or questions, you can contact me through PMs or Discord (if the ad is old, Discord is your best bet). Please, please, please tell me something in your message. A plot, which fandom, what characters you're thinking—anything. "Hi" or "can we rp" doesn't inform me of any of your wants nor expectations.
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orestescontact · 2 years
Leaving another blank post 'cause the tags are not showing up :')
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orestescontact · 2 years
test, testing
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