onlydogscanhearme · 4 years
This blog is two years old today! I’d love to take some tiny fic requests or something??
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onlydogscanhearme · 4 years
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
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So Roger dated Josephine Morris for seven years... is that a ring on her finger???? Photo from Hawaii, 1976, I believe (the same year that Roger met Dominique)
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
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me, crying over jim and freddie? more likely than you think.
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
Broo ok could you give me ANYTHING HONESTLY ANYTHING with a king scenario?? Like theres johanna and regina (or whatever names you want idc) and ronald (gdhdns UGLY NAME SORRY) and dominic? Like sexy stuff, fluffy stuff, sexy fluffy stuff I DONT CARE (also its understandable if you dont write genderbends i just love ur hcs and style of writing SO MUCH)
i love genderbends, don’t worry! one day i will write my joger epic wherein roger is regina, the kickass drummer who blows john richard deacon’s mind because this fandom is lacking in genderbends particularly with girl!roger
Anyways, hope you enjoy!!
i feel like??? it just goes without saying that in the king!au they’re a little more…cautious about having babies
Regina and Johanna aren’t just like, normal women, they are Musicians and their job is 24/7 and demanding
Johanna getting pregnant initially was a Big Deal and not just because of Ron’s uber catholic family but because the band had to wrap up a tour as fast as possible, start working on a new album, and schedule in some maternity leave because yknow BABY
(Johanna was SO SCARED to tell the girls?? like she was worried they’d kick her out and make her leave because it was so ill-timed)
(not that you can TIME an accidental pregnancy. and really, if we’re gonna blame anyone blame Melina because she’s the one who literally poured tequila down her’s and Ron’s throats)
(so when Johanna found out she told, in order, her doctor, Ron, her mother, Ron’s mother, the cab driver who picked her up from the station, the woman who gave her the chocolate chip scone at her favorite bakery, and then the girls)
(Regina was the first to recover from the shock. she practically flew into her arms and started babbling about how wonderful it all was, how exciting, a baby!! what would they name it?? definitely Regina, such a regal name, and of course she’ll be godmother–
While Melina tried to hide that she was crying before sending Miami off to go fetch a bottle of sparkling apple cider as they deserved a toast! 
Brianna was the only one who was hesitant in celebrating, after all, they’d have a lot to manage before it came, but yes, congrats, Johanna! such a blessing)
Yes, so babies
Very strict about the babies because while little Rebecca was the reason they all got together, another baby could easily be why they all fell apart
Regina never wants to give up touring and making music, which a baby could impede
Johanna of course wants more, but she also doesn’t want to stop while they’re still going
(it’s also so not her turn, okay she only just managed to fit back into her prebaby jeans)
Ron and Dominic? 
They definitely want more kids 
For sure
Like Dominic just wants more little girls with Regina’s eyes and Ron’s reddish hair or Johanna’s smile and his own nose
But they’d never enforce that on their girls 
So they all decide: no babies until they’re ready
(they last exactly one year)
On Dominic’s birthday, they all proceed to get absolutely blitzed on too much red wine and too much good food while on tour in the south of Spain
Regina is the one who suggests skinny dipping in the Mediterranean but its Ron who initiates the sex
what originally was just Regina and Johanna splashing each other turns into Ron carrying Johanna caveman style back into their rental house and laying her out on the floor and licking the salt from her skin while Regina throws her legs over her shoulders and goes to town
Dominic follows shortly behind, shouting that it’s his birthday and he will not be ignored like this and someone better touch his dick before he leaves them all on grounds of emotional cruelty
Needless to say, everyone :) has :) fun :)
A month later, Regina is aware that Something Is Not Right
Regina is very in tune with her body
She has to be, as it is the most important part of her job for everything to be in working order
Drumming is more than just wrists and arms, if she’s sick or her legs are hurting she won’t be able to play like she usually does
So when she begins to feel…different? 
She freaks out, goes to the doctor, and discovers that their passion filled night by the mediterranean blitzed their Planned Babies Only Decision 
Regina freaks and drives straight to Miami’s office because, well
there’s a huge giant possibility that this baby’s father is a married man (Ron)
Miami, who already dealt with the logistics of their relationship and potential baby the moment he found out they were together gives her a big hug
 (Regina is totally his favorite he would rather die than admit it but it’s true) 
And tells her that he’s already figured it all out and that she’ll be taken care of
Also, they were due for time in the studio anyways, so they can work on a new album until regina has the baby and then they’ll have the break before the tour
With the band all handled, Regina decides that all she has to do is tell the others 
She goes back to the doctor, gets her first scan, and then she comes home, puts the picture of the Bean in a frame, and hangs it on the wall
“There’s no way they won’t notice it,” Regina says, resting her hands on her hips and admiring her little miracle
It takes them three weeks
At first it was cute
Then it was annoying
By the third week she’s ready to take the baby herself and find another three people who are more observant
Desperate times call for desperate measures 
She asks Dom if the photos in the living room are crooked and he’s like, nope, they’re looking good, Reg!
She asks Johanna to help her dust, and sends her to take care of the pictures in the living room. She watches as Jo dusts for 15min, chattering away about the new album but not noticing a thing
She straight up asks Ron if he noticed the new frame in the living room and Ron was like, oh, no, but i’m sure it looks great!
She’s completely given up when Melina, Marc, Brianna, and Chris come to dinner
Dom and Brianna have commandeered the kitchen, working side by side to make a roast with lots of vegetarian options
(Dom keeps trying to hip check her away when she starts Touching The Meat because what does she know about a roast??? They are Delicate Cuts of Meat and You Cannot Disturb Them! No Brianna, it’s not too dry!!) 
Her and Jo are curled up next to each other the couch chatting with Marc and Ron about the upcoming album
While Melina and Chris stand around shooting the shit and drinking beers by their record player
It’s Chris who spots it first, just out of the corner of his eye
Regina was quite proud the way she set it up. It’s just the picture in the frame, but underneath she’s written
Condom Failed: Deacon-Taylor-Tetlaff-Beyrand Baby, Due Spring 1977
She had a bit of a giggle when she was writing it, but now, knowing that she’s involved with Three Idiots, she thinks it was more than just condom failure that led her here
So Chris sees it, and he immediately drops his beer bottle, reaching out to grab Melina’s arm tightly
“The fuck, Mullen,” Regina snaps, staring at the mess on her floor.
“Are you alright?” Johanna asks, standing up to check on him
Melina stares at him, then his arm, before looking at where he’s staring
She sees the picture, and lets out a scream of excitement, her hands covering her mouth 
“Holy fuck!” 
Brianna comes running out of the kitchen at the sound, Dom on her heels (after he checked to make sure the roast was okay)
Meanwhile, Chris is really trying not to blubber because he really just loves babies and well, CLEARLY this is why they invited them over!
(Dom just wanted an excuse to make a roast) (he’s very proud of his recipe) (So So So Proud)
“Oh my god, you guys, congratulations!” Chris cries, moving to pull Johanna into a hug
Because let’s face it, she was the last one pregnant, so it’s a safe bet!
He’s Wrong though
“Thank you…?” Johanna says, returning the hug and making a face at Brianna over his shoulder. 
Brianna shrugs
“I can’t believe it! This is so exciting, you must be so excited!” Melina shrieks, barely able to get the words out
Chris is still hugging Jo tight
He pulls back, staring at her in horror, then at the wine glass in her hand
The wine glass
That he filled
“Johanna!” he yelps, unaware that Regina is burrying her face in her hands while Johanna is Confused
“You can’t drink when you’re pregnant!” 
There is a long pause
Very long
Johanna stares him deadass in the eyes and takes a large sip
“I’m not,” she says, as dry as her Merlot
“Then who’s sonogram is on the wall?” Melina demands
“What sonogram?” Ron snorts turning to look at the wall. 
“God you’re so lucky you’re cute,” Regina drawls, still perched on the edge of the couch, sipping at her tonic-lime-mint-hold-the-vodka
Ron frowns
Johanna gasps
Dom freezes
“Regina,” Dom says, his voice fragile. “Regina, are you–?”
“Hi Papa.” she smirks before looking at the other three, “Daddy, Mummy. Took you long enough to notice.” 
Johanna, who has never once shrieked in her life, shrieks before pressing their mouths together, her thumbs brushing the apples of Regina’s cheeks, whispering, “I love you so much.” 
Ron jumps to his feet with a whoop, grabbing Regina so as to spin her around and around in circles before letting her go to yank Johanna into a kiss
“We’re having a baby!” he cheers
Dom rushes towards her, falling to his knees before Regina and buries his face into her stomach
There may be tears
“Hi, baby,” he whispers, “It’s your Papa.” 
Regina runs her fingers through his hair, smiling wetly at the other three
“I hope the baby gets my brains because otherwise they’re fucked,” she laughs. “That photo’s been up for three fucking weeks!” 
The three of them laugh and cry and kiss
Regina is passed around the rest of them, where they, too, press kisses to her cheeks and hands to the slight curve of her stomach
It’s not until the faint scent of smoke wafts to them do they remember why they were all together to begin with
“My roast!” Dom wails
(seven and a half months later, Regina cuddles her newborn daughter while the three stand around, all three ready to greet the newest member of their family)
(“Im just saying she looks like a Tiger Lily,” Regina coos) 
(”Over my dead body,” Johanna says wetly. Picking her name has been the second biggest fight in their entire relationship. “She’s too perfect for that.”) 
(They name her Catherine)
(It isn’t until they bring her home to they realize their mistake) 
(”This is my daughter, Cat,” Regina smirks.) 
("Goddamnit,” Johanna hisses.) 
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
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Im clearing out my phone take these important pics before i delete them 🌟
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
Brian May drunkenly playing “All My Loving” for you after the power goes out in the middle of a storm. 
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
Me after seeing anything present roger related where he looks so suave and a whole ass daddy:
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
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John Deacon | Backtage at Milton Keynes - 1982
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
It is nearly 3am in my area lol and I cannot sleep bc this thought keeps resonating in my head, were there any deacy and brian moments?! haven’t seen much of them together
You right nonny. There’s not a ton…. there is this wonderful interview in Japan that was just the two of them!
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
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spot the difference
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
my favorite photo of Freddie and his cats:
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
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he is the prince of my universe
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
Me on Instagram after seeing people tagging the actual, real Brian May in photos of him and Chrissie Mullen (his ex-wife), or tagging Ben Hardy with his ex-girlfriend:
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onlydogscanhearme · 5 years
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Killer Queen • Top Pop (1974)
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