i wonder if there is anyone too nervous to talk to me.
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Rented a crashpad and went bouldering/boofen this weekend and it was AWESOME
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This weekend I am going boofen
What’s boofen you ask?
It’s when you go to the Saxonian Switzerland National Park and go climbing, then stay the night in the outdoors in a “boof,” which is a designated area for people to sleep in. Outside.
I’m going with people from my bouldering group. We’re gonna rent a crashpad and go climb some rocks!! And then we’re gonna sleep in the open air inside a little alcove overlooking some gorgeous nature!! AND I CAN’T WAIT
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it’s that time of year again my dudes
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So I started that new acne med, and my lips are COMPLETELY dried out. I’m applying moisturizer like constantly throughout the day, and they’re still bleeding they’re so cracked. Eating hurts.Talking hurts. 
And I’m noticing that my neutral mood is taking a dip as well. I’m feeling overall low. Just down, achey, and crappy. 
My acne is also getting worse. So this is really fun for me right now guys. :(
It’ll get better. I just gotta stick with it. It’ll all be okay.
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Today I went for a roughly 30 km hike (18.6 miles)
I found some cool beetles that were eating poop
And I found what has to be the world’s coolest pinecone
I didn’t get to do any trail running since there’s something wrong with my leg, and running is super painful probably also should not have gone hiking but ya kno wat
Today was a good day filled with lots of nature and like also lots of poop and beetles and I even saw a dead boar carcass??? 
I love the woods and never want to leave.
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this hat’s gonna get me in trouble
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not wearing pants
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Today I chose cardio and went to see King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. I was in the moshpit the entire time, and even got to crowd surf.
Some days it's good to switch up your workout, you know????
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I went to the park this morning to practice pole. The pole at the park is not made for pole dance, so I slipped a lot, and theres not a lot of room for spins or big poses, but definitely enough for strength and balance training as well as skin conditioning. It was nice!
I also measured my at home pole and once I get my paycheck this week I can go ahead and order the extensions!
I am so excited :)
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So today my ex girlfriend came to my apartment and cleared her stuff out. We then proceeded to cry and have emotional talks. Then we drank a bottle of wine each. I went over on carbs and drank alcohol for the first time in a month after deciding I was done.
I also took off my shirt and danced on a pole at the park because I have no chill.
I realized in this that even though we are not meant to be in a relationship together, she is my best friend and we will always be close. I will always love her. And also, sometimes you need these nights. I needed this. This wine night was appreciated and I will remember this. I am really gonna miss her and miss these kinds of nights.
I dont know the point of this post. I dont know what to say, really. I miss my best friend and I miss being able to be me around her. That's all, I guess.
Waking up early to go practice on that pole at the park. Just gotta keep moving forward.
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soooo i’ve always like really loved the smell of men’s deodorant and perfume and whatnot and like today i needed new deodorant so i saw one in the men’s section that was sandalwood amber nutmeg that said “men’s” on it, and like i’m always really nervous since sometimes store people will be like “you realize this is for men right” and it makes me scared to shop where i want to shop for things i want to shop for, cause normally my personality is to default to be like “oh wait what really? oh darn yeah then put it back my bad teehee i am a meek woman who plays into gender roles because i am terrified of confrontation” but today i said “fuck it” and bought the men’s deodorant and you know what?? 
i smell fucking fresh and i love it.
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This week I’ve been riding my bike at least 6 miles each day, been bouldering, have had pole classes twice, plus been dancing at home both on and off the pole.... I am SO TIRED AND SO SORE
I’ve had to cancel plans cause I also haven’t been sleeping so well. I can’t tell if this has to do with keto or not? I can’t tell if me being this tired and sore has to do with keto or not or if I’m just pushing myself?
But funny thing. My pole teacher like, hasn’t been recognizing me. She asked me yesterday in class if I come to pole dance regularly. And I’m like “yes once a week for the past 8 months??? you should know this????” and I think it’s because I cut my hair and she just had no idea who I am. Today she finally recognized me again lol and helped me with some new poses and routines, as well as with some old ones. She also gave me the go-ahead to order some gloves, as well as where to find them!!! I’LL FINALLY STICK TO THE POLE GUYS!!! AND IT’S NOT JUST ME NOT HAVING STRENGTH THAT’S KEEPING ME FROM STAYING PUT, IT’S JUST MY GROSSLY SWEATY BODY!! 
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Please re blog if you're an active fitblr!
Preferably not if you’re a vegan blog, a fitSPO blog (kind of sick of seeing Nike shoes & skinny girls in activewear), and definitely not thinspo. I’m looking for blogs and people dedicated to getting stronger mentally and physically, male or female!! Please help my dash!
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I’m so over the whole “why can’t you be normal?” “Why cant you be interesting?”
Discord/attitude between people (but usually shown between females). Like I’ve seen the same meme posted in many groups this morning that have a blond girl saying “why cant you be normal” and a black haired girl saying “why cant you be interesting”.
Like come on. Those attitudes do NOTHING for women supporting women. How do you know someone isn’t interesting if you dont get to know them. Just because you are into “quirky” stuff or whatever doesn’t mean you aren’t normal.
Hell, it reminds me of Wicked where Elphaba and Galinda hated each other at the start but became best friends as they got to know each other. (Yes they had a massive failing out due to Dorothy, but it goes to show that people who like different things can be best friends.
Idk man. I’m just over this whole “I’m not like other girls” shit.
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Ok so question
I am like REAL into creepy shit. Avant garde, the macabre, unsettling things, the grotesque, the surreal, weird shit. And I LOVE butoh for that reason, among others.
Is there a style of pole dance that incorporates this sort of thing? Like, being sexy is fun, but being UNSETTLING is way better (for me, at least). Like I've seen contemporary dance incorporated, hip hop too, but what about like butoh? Does that go too far against what butoh is and is about?
I feel like there's gotta be something like this out there. Anybody point me in the direction?
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