omicron416 · 1 month
There are two kinds of men.
Those who get why women choose bear. Those who ARE why women choose bear.
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omicron416 · 1 month
And if a black man had done this, he would be dead.
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Privilege: N.Y. DA Cursed At Officer And Refused To Comply During Traffic Stop
An upstate New York district attorney is under investigation after police bodycam video showed her getting into a heated confrontation with an officer who had stopped her for speeding, calling him an “a—hole” and demanding “leave me alone.”
Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley apologized on Monday, a day after New York Gov. Kathy Hochul referred the April 22 incident to the State Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct.
She admitted she was going 55 mph in a 35 mph zone. Later in the 26-minute video, she said she didn’t think he was trying to pull her over, claiming there were other people on the road. “I was right behind you,” the officer replied.
Throughout the video, Doorley did not cooperate with demands to stay in front of the garage. Instead she walked around her garage, at one point trying to go inside her home.
Doorley appeared agitated and boasted multiple times, “I am the DA of Monroe County,” and repeatedly said “leave me alone.” When told she had violated speeding laws, she said, “I don’t really care.”
A supervisor ultimately came to the home and spoke with Doorley, and Crisafulli ended up writing her a ticket for speeding. -(source: nbc news)
DNA America
“It’s what we know, not what you want us to believe.”
#dna #dnaamerica #news #politics
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omicron416 · 1 month
Listening to the Fallout 4 soundtrack and.... LYNDA FUCKING CARTER?!?!?
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omicron416 · 3 months
It's not just me, is it?
I mean, phone numbers* just ARE ten digits now, and I hate the way some applications (looking at you, MS Outlook) still put parentheses around the area code.
* - In the NANP area, anyway.
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omicron416 · 4 months
And high population density that doesn't drive its residents into poverty, too.
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omicron416 · 4 months
I'm thinking it might work well to remind them of Matthew 25:40 also.
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omicron416 · 4 months
Don't feed the trolls!
Don't take the bait, doing so will only bring you do to their level.
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omicron416 · 4 months
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Anyone know who his opponent is so I can donate to that person?
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omicron416 · 4 months
All of the above, and we really, really should do this in the Twin Cities given how spread out we are.
We also need more smaller (and/or just plan small) buses and ways for people to get from where they can afford to live (which is also a huge problem and a whole 'nother discussion) to where they work, which is not always in one of the downtowns, which are currently pretty accessible. (But it takes a while if you're going through one to get to the other.)
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THIS 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
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omicron416 · 5 months
So did I just ...
... go into the kitchen, put a couple big handsful of shredded cheese into a bowl and take that bowl back to my computer?
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omicron416 · 5 months
I hate Gmail.
I'm probably in the minority in that opinion, but it compares unfavorably to the version of Lotus Notes I was forced to use at a job about twelve years ago.
To be fair, I might feel differently if there were a desktop app.
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omicron416 · 5 months
What I find most fascinating about this is how much cultural literacy can change just over one person's lifetime.
I'd guess that only a small fraction of Americans alive today know all this background information about this song and end up misunderstanding it even though they end up at the correct conclusion about it.
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omicron416 · 7 months
Israeli representative at the United Nations: “In fact, many UN workers are Hamas members.”
Kids, the elderly, nurses, doctors, refugees now…UN people.
At this point we should ask the Israeli government who in the damn world *isn’t* in Hamas.
This is not a joke, btw. Guy literally said this.
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omicron416 · 8 months
As we must remind ourselves constantly.
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Sadly relevant.
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omicron416 · 8 months
I'm twice the man I used to be.
I say it as a joke, but realizing I now weigh one-sixth of a ton was quite the wake-up call.
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omicron416 · 8 months
This is a great idea.
It is well past time for monarchies (which I almost spelled "manarchies" so take that for what you will) to end, I'd say.
Okay, here's my idea:
The British should put a time limit on the Monarchy.
Not like declaring a republic tomorrow, but deciding on a date in the future that ends the British Monarchy.
And there's a perfect date for it coming up!
October 14th, 2066.
A thousand years since the Battle of Hastings. A thousand years of this one specific bloodline ruling England.
Call time on the Monarchy after exactly one thousand years. Nice, and neat.
Even better: Charles isn't living 44 years. He'll be gone in about twenty. Now William? He's what, 40? Yeah, he can live another 44 years. His great grandmother was over a hundred, his granny was 96, William can make it to 84 barring accident or assassination.
So on October 14th 2066, William the Last steps down a thousand years after William the First won the crown.
Nice, neat, and fair. William gets the crown he's been waiting forty years for already, but ten-year-old George grows up without expectation of it.
Have a nice big abdication ceremony, even.
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omicron416 · 9 months
So I had hopes ricotta would be something like cottage cheese, based on their superficially similar names.
They are not.
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