omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
Just call me
Hey Omelia-Fans :-) After last weeks episode I got an idea for a new story, so here it is. I hope you´ll like it!!!
Warning: It deals with Amelia´s addiction.
“Amelia?”, Owen asked surprised as he opened the door with only a tshirt and boxer shorts on. He just had changed his clothes to go to bed until it knocked on the door. “I´m so sorry!”, Amelia said almost crying. “For what?”, Owen asked and tilted his head, “Come inside.” He laid his hand on her shoulder. “I don’t wanna bother you.”, Amelia said quietly. “You don’t. Come on…”, Owen replied worried by the look on her face. “What happened?”, he asked as soon as they had sat down. “I´m just…I…needed to see someone…well you.”, Amelia answered quietly. “Okay...Why?” Owen asked slowly. He knew her too well to not notice that something was going on. She didn’t answer and he decided to give her some time. She looked at Owen and he immediately saw guilt in her face. “I…am this close to taking drugs and I don’t know what to do about it.”, she said and smiled slightly to hide how hard it was for her to tell Owen about it. Owen froze for a second, just because he hadn´t expected that to be Amelia´s problem. “Yeah I know it is bad.”, Amelia said. “That’s not…Do you have drugs with you?”, he asked carefully. Amelia shook her head. “I…was just on my way. It´s crazy that I didn’t end up with that junky doctor.” She admitted, “I don´t know how I made it to your house.” Owen exhaled slowly, relieved that she apparently hadn´t taken any pills.   “I´m so so glad that you came here, Amelia.”, Owen said. She began sobbing and Owen wrapped his arms around her. He could imagine how hard it was to stay clean in this times and although the last time he saw her she seemed to be good, he knew that her history with addiction would always be there. “What do I do, Owen?”, Amelia asked when she had calmed down a little, “I can´t do this anymore. I have talked about it in meetings, I have talked to Link. Nothing helps.” “You came here instead of buying drugs. You resisted your desire for drugs. You are strong, Amelia.”, Owen said looking in her eyes. “I don’t know for how long I can keep going on like this. I fight my cravings since weeks and at first…I only thought about drugs at night,… then always when the kids weren´t there and now…I think about them all the time. Like now, I still think about them now…I can´t guarantee you I won´t just stand up, run away and get high.”, Amelia confessed. Owen didn’t know what to say. It was hard to hear her say that. “Okay, so let´s find out why.”, Owen said. “Why I want to get high? Isn´t that obvious…”, Amelia asked sceptically. “Well…let me rephrase that. Let´s talk about the things that are bothering you so much that you have to fight your addiction more than before. You might know the reasons for your cravings but let me guess, you never talked about it.” “How can I talk about it when every single minute there is a child around me.”, Amelia replied. “Soo...you ignore your feelings because you don´t want the kids to worry?”, Owen asked. “I don´t… Their mom is at the hospital since what…weeks? Months? Of course I don´t want them to worry.”, Amelia said frustrated. Owen smiled slightly. “What?”, Amelia asked. “That sounds like you.”, he answered, “You care so much about your friends and family. I always thought that. But don´t forget taking care of yourself.” Amelia looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I tried to. I told Link I was sad...I...He is like… happy all the time and it freaks me out! How does he do that? He plays his guitar and dances with the kids and sometimes I really enjoy it. Sometimes. And when I talked to him, he was caring and supportive, but...he didn´t get it.” “How about you tell me what you wanted to tell him.”, Owen proposed. “There is a global pandemic. People are sick, people are dying. Meredith is sick, and I thought she was dying too. And some people just make the whole thing worse by murdering other people. All I do right now is staying at home, receiving messages from Maggie about how Meredith isn´t improving, receiving messages from Tom about how many of our patients died that day, because either they got Covid or there wasn´t place for them in the ICU. And then I have to entertain the kids in order to not make them ask me when they can see their friends again and when their mother is finally coming home. Oh and every time I think I have just one minute of peace, Scout starts crying.”, Amelia opened up. Owen nodded slowly. “You don´t have time to process all the feelings, they build up and now you just want to numb yourself… I think I get it. Sometimes I feel like that too.” “But you don´t think about taking drugs.”, Amelia added. “No, I don´t.”, Owen said quietly. “So how do you process your feelings?”, Amelia asked. “Process is the wrong word. I don´t process them. But I accept them... It´s hard for all of us. We´re all sad and angry and the worst thing is that the quarantining makes us feel all alone. But we´re not... Let me tell you what happens if you take these drugs. You will get the high you think you need. You won´t feel all of the pain until the drug´s wearing off. You will remember all of the pain, you will feel guilty for taking the pills, for not being strong enough to resist and you will feel worse than before. You will take more drugs and more and more and more. But it will never make you feel better in the end. It will make you feel more alone. If you accept your feelings, in the end you will feel better. Because this pandemic will get better. There is and end. If you do drugs, there isn´t.” Amelia kept silent. He knew that she was thinking about the things he said and he hoped he got through to her. “It makes me crazy that we don´t know when all of this is gonna get better. We keep going on for days, weeks, months and everytime we think the worst part is over, boom, more deaths, more quarantining, more crime.”, Amelia said after a while. “I know. It´s scary.”, Owen replied, “Instead of doing weekly online meetings about how to improve digital technologies they should do weekly meetings about how to improve mental health.”  “Yeah that sounds reasonable.”, Amelia said. “Really, when I was in quarantine I found myself talking to my mirror image for like 15 minutes.”, Owen told her. Amelia chuckled. “Reminds me of Ellis, how she talks to a picture of a girl in the kitchen when nobody can play with her.” “Yeah but her doing that is sweet.”, Owen answered. Amelia laughed. “It is. She´s adorable. And Zola is just so smart and kind, and Bailey... is so funny. They have changed so much in the last few months. Even if I´m with them every day I notice that.” “And you would miss it if you...”, Owen started but knew he didn´t have to continue. Amelia nodded. “I think I came here because I knew inside that you were the only one who could stop me from buying these drugs.” Owen smiled. “What if I lose control?”, she asked. “Just call me. You can call anytime! I´m sure I have hundreds of reasons to convince you to stay clean. And I will tell you every single one of them if you need me to.”, Owen said. “Did I ever tell you how grateful I am to you.”, Amelia said, “Really… I don´t know how to thank you." “Just promise me that you´ll call.”, Owen said. She looked in his eyes and smiled slightly. “I promise!”
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
Superhero Amelia
Hey Omelia-Fans :-)  I´m back with a new story (Who would´ve guessed?!)!!! I know it´s short but I hope you´ll like it! 
„Good morning“, Owen greeted Amelia when she showed up in their kitchen. „Good morning“, she yawned and he gave her a cup of coffee. „You are my hero, today!“, she said gratefully. „Only today?“, Owen grinned and raised an eyebrow. „Yep. Just today. The other days I´m the hero“, she joked. „Right. Superhero Amelia, flies around the hospital and saves brains from dying“, he said and they both laughed. „When does your next mission start?“, Owen asked still with an amused tone. „Oh, I´m helping a brain not to be defeated by a cruel medulloblastoma at 9am“, she answered. „Sounds very exciting. And does superhero Amelia need a ride to the hospital from her amazing husband?“ Owen waved the car key and tossed Amelia her jacket. „Superhero Amelia would be very delighted about that“, Amelia stated and started to put on her jacket and shoes. „Come on.“, Owen, who was ready to go, pushed Amelia while he opened the door. „Why the hurry?“, Amelia answered and looked at him irritated. „Why so grumpy? Didn´t the coffee work?“, Owen teased her. Amelia grimaced. „No, apparently not.“ She took a deep breath and moaned. „I´m gonna need another one.“ That made Owen laugh. „Well you can get another one at the hospital, let´s go“, he said then.
5 hours later, Owen was working at the emergency department, when he saw Amelia rushing to the nurse´s station. She at down and typed some lines in the computer. „Hey.“, Owen said. „Owen!“, Amelia exclaimed, „You can´t scare me like that.“ „Sorry.“, he said briefly and placed his hand on the backrest of her chair. „What do you want?“, Amelia asked annoyed. “Still grumpy, huh?”, he chuckled. “Okay, if you have nothing useful to say, leave me alone!”, Amelia snapped at him without turning around. „Okay what´s wrong?“, he asked. „What do you mean?!“, Amelia said and began to type faster on the keyboard, „Just let me do my work!“ Owen kept silent and tried to figure out what she was working on. He saw a patient file. „Toby Phillips… did you operate on him?“, he asked. „Can you stop asking me that questions? Go away, Owen...“, Amelia said. Owen rolled his eyes and then he turned her chair, so that he could see her face. „Talk to me, Amelia! Are you mad at me?“ Amelia stared at him for a while and lowered her head then. „No...no, I´m not mad at you.“, she said quietly, „I´m mad at myself...“ Owen exhaled and sat down next to her. „I couldn´t remove that tumor… And this 6-year old boy will not survive for long.“, she told him. “I´m sorry.”, Owen said. „And chemo or radiotherapy won´t help?“, Owen asked carefully. „The tumor is too big and agressive. I failed. Toby will die because of me.“, Amelia said. „Amelia, it´s not your fault! Come on, Toby´s chance to survive this was already low.“, Owen tried to comfort her after she showed him the scans. He knew, she was a perfectionist, and that she always wanted to save everyone. But that was just not realistic. „I could have saved him.“, she said discouraged. Owen touched her arm. He had been at this point. Every doctor had been at this point. „He will have pain for the rest of his short life… He´s only six! Why, why is the universe so cruel?! Toby is the sweetest, joyous and kindest little boy.“, Amelia said close to tears. Owen looked at her compassionately. He knew exactly how she was feeling. „That´s not fair, I know...“, he said. Then he took her hand and smiled slightly. „I love you. I love that you want to help everyone, that you would never stop fighting for someone. But you can´t save everyone! It´s not possible. You need to stop to blame yourself.“  „And look who´s talking“, she said, but smiled too. „Yeah, we all have to learn a lot.“, Owen said. He stood up and took her hand. „Come with me.“ „Why?“, Amelia asked confused. „Superhero Amelia needs to replenish her powers.“, he answered and winked at her. She raised her eyebrows. „She does?“ „Yes, absolutely. A pizza will make all her troubles vanish.“, Owen stated. „Oh, really? But first Superhero Amelia needs to take a shower.“, Amelia said and stopped. She looked at Owen´s blue eyes. How did she deserve this man?! „I love you too.“, she said and kissed him.
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
amelia in high school gets sick at school so addi and derek come pick her up and take care of her
Heyy :-) First of all thank you for your idea! But since I have barely time for writing Omelia-Stories (at this point I apologize for not posting anything lately!), I would like to write more of them and not other stories 🤭.
But if someone else would like to write this story, feel free to do it! 😊
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
Thank you @thatgirlsheartbeatforomelia 🧡
Fandoms: Grey’s Anatomy - Omelia
Most popular oneshot: I think it is “Dinner time”.
Most popular multichapter: Probably “Doubts”.
Actual worst part of writing: Face expressions and gestures! I always have pictures in my head and can’t put them into words...
How you choose your title: It’s hard to tell, but often I use a quote that is in the story.
Do you outline: No, usually I write down what is in my head.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to but wouldn’t it be nice?: There is definitely something but I can’t remember 😅
Callouts @ me: Uhh... this is harder than it should be...
Best writing traits: I think I’m good at writing a mixture of angst/fluff and a certain lightness/fun.
Spicy tangential opinion: ...I’ll go along with you @ameliashepherdgoeshunting on that 😊
Tagging: @somegreysfics @drreporting @ameliashepherdwannabe
Thankssssss @leias-left-hair-bun for the tag. I feel soooo honored when I get tagged in things but I rarely complete them 1. because I may have ADHD and 2. I get self conscious about tagging people 
Name: Gen (my pseudonym because I’m a real life adult)
Fandoms: STAR WARS (Clone Wars, Rebels and Republic Commando), in the recent future I also was reading some Peaky Blinders and Vikings stuff but now I’m all about space. 
Most popular oneshot: Mand’alor!Din …though I’m not sure it’ll stay a oneshot for long
Most popular multichapter:  At Odds (NSFW). It started as a snarky comment on my drunken thirst thoughts about Kal Skirata, and then I just HAD to write it.   
Actual worst part of writing: Writing transition scenes. BORING. And plotting. Damn, I hate plotting and if I could write solely self indulgent twaddle all day I totally would. 
How you choose your titles: Most of the time it’s like … a little piece of a song lyric. My most recent piece I took the title from the song I listened to while I wrote it (from Tristan and Isolde, my favorite romantic cringe movie from my youth). 
Do you outline: NOPE and I hate it. I’m shit at outlining but when I found out Margaret Atwood is kind of a pantser I felt a lot better about it. 
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice? : I would love to start a Mereel Skirata story but it’s too much for me right now with everything else I have going on. 
Callouts @ Me: I am so easily distracted while writing it’s a miracle I get anything done. ALSO coming for my own life here but I knock all my characters up. It’s my thing apparently. That baby fever jumped out. 
Best writing traits: I have been SO down on myself lately about my writing and why the heck I’m even on this website buuuuut I think my dialogue tends to be pretty realistic and I’m usually pretty happy with it. 
Spicy Tangential Opinion: I have few real opinions. I feel like I kind of just exist on this site but I guess I get judgy if people harass creators for their fics being too “happy” or “cliche.” Like I’ll be the first to say that I definitely have similar themes in my fics that include happy endings that end up with people together and having a kid. Some of us don’t get that in our real lives and like writing about it!!!! 
no pressure tags: @detroitbydark @agent-aurelie @simping-for-fives @jedi-mando @fractiouskat 
(I know a lot of y’all more popular people already did this so sorry if I repeat tagged u!!)
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
Thank you @beingxx for sending me this!
Hi! Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favorite followers (nonnegotiable) SPREAD POSITIVITY! >>
I always feel a little uncomfortable to think of things that I like about myself... and now I ask myself why?! Nobody should be ashamed of loving themselfes! 🧡 So here we go:
I am very empathetic
I am open-minded towards all people and new situations
I’ve learned to be myself and to follow my own principles
I fought to be able to studs for my dream job
I would never let down my friends or family
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
A mess
Hey Omelia-Fans :-) This fanfiction takes place in 11x07, right after Sarah revealed Amelia'a drug addiction at the hospital. I hope you'll like it!
Wait... you're gonna do surgery on my mom?! N-no, no, I'm sorry but no, no...“, Sarah said and turned around towards the nurse. „Excuse me, I need a different doctor, she... she cannot touch my mother, it’s not... just... I need a different doctor right now!", she said outraged. „Okay calm down.", Amelia tried to settle her down. „No, I want another doctor!" Sarah panicked, which drew the attention of the other doctors. „Okay, what’s the problem?", Owen asked. „She cannot touch my mother, she's a drug addict. l can‘t have her operated on my parents!", Sahra yelled. Owen, Callie and Meredith looked up shocked. „Hold on, Dr. Shepherd is...", Owen started but got interrupted by Sarah: „...is a Junkie! I met her in Narcotics Anonymous. She's hooked on oxy, she overdosed with her boyfriend and woke up with him dead in bed with her. I want another doctor, now!", Sarah said. Owen looked at Derek, who stared at his sister. „ Come with me. Just come with me, please.", he told Sarah, but she refused: „No, I'm... No, no!" „Just this way.", Owen led her away while she continued screaming: „You keep her away from them!" „Hunt, don't worry. I've got this.", Derek said. He looked at Amelia for a second and left her then. Amelia could feel all eyes on her. She couldn‘t believe what had just happened. How could Sarah do that?! How could she reveal the darkest time of her past in front of all these doctors?! She had seen the disappointed and accusing look on Derek’s face; not even he would stand up for her. She needed to get away from here! She quickly left the emergency department and went to her office. All She wanted to do was driving home and hiding in her bed. But she still had work to do. So after 20 minutes she exited her office and made her way to a patient. But she hadn’t even made five steps and she could already see everyone staring. Word got around. Now everyone knew. How could she escape from that?! She felt tears welling up in her eyes. She Iooked around and realized that she had nowhere to go. The staring people were everywhere.
„So, is it true?", Owen asked Meredith while Derek was operating on Sarah's mother. „I didn't know either.", she said. „Have you seen her? Talked to her?", Owen asked. „No... I haven’t seen her since...it happened.", Meredith admitted. Owen nodded quickly and began to walk down the hallways. He was the chief, so he was responsible for his colleagues. When he arrived at the Neuro department he saw Stephanie. „Edwards! Where's Shepherd?", he asked her. „I... I don't know. I've paged her a hundred times but she won't answer.", Stephanie answered. „Damn.", Owen muttered and continued searching for the neurosurgeon. Maybe she went home? But she came in with Meredith and Maggie, so she didn't have her car. He looked into the next on-call room. Nothing. But then he had another idea. He remembered where he went when he wanted to walk away from all the people. The best place for that was the ventilation room. Ist was always empty and far away from the crowded hallways. He rushed to the next elevator. When he arrived at the ventilation room, he opened the door carefully and immediately spotted Amelia leaning against the wall. Her eyes were red und swollen and she didn't even turn around to Iook who joined her. Owen knew that she probably didn’t want to talk, so he just sat down next to her. „ So you found me.", she said absently after some minutes. „I used to come down here...“, Owen replied, „It's a good place to hide and think." „She let everyone know!", Amelia whispered. „I know.“, Owen said understandingly, „And as the chief, I want to hear your side of the story.", Owen said. „So that you can fire me?", Amelia laughed bitterly. „I don't want to fire you, Shepherd. I just want to hear the whole story.", Owen explained and Amelia lowered her head. „Okay, but can you not be the chief right now? Can you just be... a friend ? Because I really need a friend right now...", Amelia replied with a broken voice. „Okay.", Owen said and put his hand on her shoulder. „Everyone is looking at me. ", Amelia said. „Let them Iook. They don't know you.", Owen replied as if it was that simple. „Yeah. They don’t know me. You don't know me; nobody knows me. The only thing you know about me now, is that I'm an addict. That doesn't make it better.", Amelia replied. „Well, let me get to know you.", Owen said and Amelia turned her head slowly. „You don't want to know me. People who know me; people who I thought were my friends or my family aren’t here right now.", Amelia said hurt and Owen immediately knew who she was talking about. „Derek?", he asked quietly. Amelia pressed her lips together. „He's my brother. He's my brother and he left me alone. ", Amelia almost whispered. Owen felt so bad for her; it was true; he had not seen anyone standing up for her. He pulled Amelia in a hug as tears began fallig down her face. „He loves you. I know he does.“, Owen tried to comfort her and after a little while Amelia stopped crying. „Thank you... for searching for me.", Amelia said shyly after she had calmed down. Owen smiled. „You were wrong.", he said then. „What?", Amelia asked confused. „You were wrong... when you said that I don't want to know you. Because I do want to.", he explained. Amelia turned her head and Iooked at him. „Well, it's at your own risk.", she smiled slightly. „I'll take the risk.", Owen grinned and helped her getting up. „I'm not kidding. I‘m a mess.", Amelia laughed. Owen Iooked into her blue eyes and said seriously: „I'm not kidding either... We're all a mess."
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
Heyy Omelia-Fans :-) I am so so sorry that the Lexiemelia-Fanfiction took so long! I have been very busy and also it was kinda hard for me to write Lexiemelia, because as you know I usually write Omelia. But I hope you´re still gonna like it! 
„I´m gonna remove a giant tumor tomorrow.“, Amelia announced when she joined Lexie in the hallway. „Oh that´s great!“, Lexie replied. „And I want you to assist.“, Amelia added and Lexie widened her eyes. „Really?!“, she asked excited. „Yes!“, Amelia smiled, „So are you in?“ „Oh my god yes! Of course I am!“, Lexie answered. „Great! Soo… you should come over tonight...“, Amelia  suggested. „Uh- what about Meredith and Derek?!“, Lexie asked confused. „For work. Were gonna discuss the steps.“, Amelia said firmly. „Oh right, yeah. We´re totally gonna do that.“, Lexie agreed and nodded. „And they´re not at home by the way.“, Amelia said before she walked away. Lexie stopped walking and tilted her head. „Discuss the steps.“, she said to herself and a little grin swept over her face.
3 hours later, Amelia was at Meredith´s house and waited for Lexie to come. The door bell rang and Amelia let Lexie in. „You...look hot.“, she said as she saw her girlfriend in thight black jeans and a slightly cropped shirt. „You look hot too.“, Lexie smiled and leaned forward to kiss Amelia. After some seconds Amelia stopped her grinning. „So let´s talk about the surgery.“ „Right… Well, I...“, Lexie stuttered. Amelia tilted her head as she read Lexie´s mind. „You want to operate without knowing the steps tomorrow?“,she asked. Lexie shook her head slowly. „No! No, of course not. Let´s talk about the surgery.“, she answered and sat down at the table.
„Step 1?“, Amelia asked 1 hour later. „Craniotomy.“, Lexie answered. Amelia nodded. „Step 5?“ „Injection of the fluorescent label.“, Lexie said. Amelia continued until Lexie named her every single step. „Great. I think we´re done.“, Amelia said smiling. „We are?“, Lexie asked. „Yep, you´re prepared and you´ll do great tomorrow.“, Amelia answered and put away the scans and books. Then she turned around and looked into Lexie´s eyes. „Let´s start with the fun part.“, she smirked and kissed Lexie. „You´re making me crazy.“, Lexie moaned between the kisses. „That´s the fun about it.“, Amelia laughed and pulled Lexie towards the couch. She put off her shirt and threw it away. „I love you Lexie.“, she moaned. „I love you too.“, Lexie answered and moved closer to Amelia.
„What the hell?!“, a voice said suddenly. Amelia and Lexie freezed in their position and looked at each other. Amelia turned her head slowly and saw Meredith and Derek. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. „Amy?“, Derek asked still in shock. „I thought you were with Callie and Arizona tonight.“, Amelia said. „Well, apparently we´re not. Sofia is sick. What are you doing?!“, Meredith asked. „We discussed a surgery that we´re doing tomorrow.“, Lexie tried to explain. „Lexie! You´re not helping.“, Amelia whispered rolling her eyes. „Yeah, that´s how I discuss surgeries with my interns.“, Derek said sarcastically. „Maybe you should get dressed before you continue, Lexie.“; Meredith said. Lexie looked down at herself and then at her shirt laying next to Meredith. She stood up feeling all eyes on her and grabbed her shirt. „Look, it´s not how you think it is.“, Amelia started. „I think we should sit down and talk.“, Derek said. „What was that?!, Meredith asked determined. Lexie and Amelia looked at each other. „We´re together.“, Amelia said. Meredith raised her eyebrows. „Wait, wait...“, Derek replied overwhelmed. „Yeah, we´re together.“, Lexie confirmed and smiled slightly. „Like...really together?! Since when?!“, Meredith asked. „A few months...“, Amelia said quietly. Meredith and Derek stared at her and Lexie. „What´s the matter?! We´re together, we love each other, that´s it.“, Amelia said. „But why didn´t you tell us?“, Derek asked still taken aback. „I don´t know… This is new to us, too. I guess we just wanted to wait until we were sure...“, Lexie said. „Okay wow, that´s a lot of information.“, Meredith said. „Yeah, maybe I should go now.“, Lexie stated and stood up. „I´ll see you tomorrow.“, she said to Amelia, who nodded. „Well, I think I´m gonna get some sleep now.“, Amelia said and left, too. Meredith and Derek just looked at each other helpless. „Let´s get the kids.“
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
Not a  big deal
Hey Omelia-Fans :-) Finally here is the Fanfiction about Amelia having a broken bone and Owen taking care of her. I hope you´ll like it! (Fun Fact: Amelia breaks her bone in exactly the same way as I did few years ago  ;-))
Amelia’s pager beeped. She stood up from her seat and immediately felt a sharp pain in her lower leg. That came probably from this morning, when Bailey accidentally hit her with a bocce ball while playing. She knew she should probably immobilize her leg, but she hasn’t had time after the accident, because she had to work. And now she got paged stat, so she gritted her teeth and started running. When she arrived at the trauma room, she didn’t even notice the pain anymore. „The CT shows a ruptured aneurysm. I have to operate in order to exclude major consequences.“, Amelia informed Richard. He nodded and instructed DeLuca to book an OR. The door opened and Owen stepped in. “Oh sorry. I thought this trauma room was free.”, he said and wanted to leave, but Amelia stopped him. “It is. We’re heading to the OR right now.” “Ok good. When will you come home?”, Owen asked her. “Uhm, I don’t know. The surgery won’t take too long, but I have to check on some patients and I wanted to finish some paper work after that. So probably tonight.”, Amelia replied while preparing the patient for leaving. „Okay, I‘ll see you then.“, Owen smiled and kissed her. „Yeah. See you then.“, Amelia smiled back. As she walked out, Owen could tell by her facial expression that something was wrong, but he didn’t want to ask. She would reject him anyway. But he would check on her as soon as he would finish his work.
After 90 minutes in the OR, Amelia was halfway through her surgery. The realization that she had to continue for at least one and a half hour, made her anxious, because the pain in her leg increased slowly. Normally she would enjoy the time in the OR, far away from paper work and annoying interns, but now she just wanted it to be over. She tried to focus on the patient’s brain, what worked for a a little while. But another half an hour later she couldn’t ignore the pain anymore. She couldn’t put any weight anymore on her leg, so she just lifted it up a little. Ready for the last steps, she took a deep breath and continued with her surgery. When she finally had closed the incision, she was sure that her leg would fall off within the next few minutes, so she sat down on a gurney in the hallway. „Shepherd, good to see you! Mr. Parker asked for you; you wanted to go through his treatment plan with him.“, Schmitt informed her when he passed by 20 minutes later. „Right.“, Amelia answered. „Shall I tell him you are busy now?“, Schmitt asked. „No, I‘m coming“, Amelia sighed and stood up carefully. Fortunately the pain had subsided a little, so she made it to Mr. Parker’s room and then almost to another patient, but Owen showed up. „Amelia, what’s going on?“, he asked. „What? N-nothing, I‘m fine.“, she answered, as Owen had expected. „Amelia, no joke, something‘s bothering you since this morning!“, he tried it again. She averted his gaze, but answered: „It´s not a big deal, it’s just my leg. It hurts a little.“, she played down her symptoms. „What happened?.“, Owen asked, „Let me see.“  „No, Owen, I still have to check on a patient.“, Amelia replied annoyed by his tenacity. „Come on, you can ask your resident to do that.“, Owen insisted. „Owen...“, Amelia started but didn’t know how to counter. „Fine.“, she gave in. Owen led her to a gurney and pulled up her pant leg. He revealed a blue and slightly swollen lower leg, which made also Amelia swallow. She really shouldn’t have walked around and operate without having checked up her leg. “Amelia are you kidding me?! What happened. This is clearly not nothing!”, Owen said concerned. “It happened this morning. Bailey hit me with a bocce ball. By accident.”, she admitted. Owen sighed and took a wheel chair from the nursing station. „We‘ll do an X-ray.“, he said and Amelia knew that she shouldn’t say anything, so she let him take her to the radiology.
„You have a fibular fracture. You can be lucky that your tibia isn’t broken. Or maybe not, because you would not have been able to walk around and ignore this.“, Owen told Amelia after he had gotten the results. „I‘m sorry.“, Amelia said and took the scan. „Not displaced. I don’t need surgery right?”, she asked. „No, we can leave it like this and put on a plaster. But you have to take it slow the next few weeks.“, Owen replied while grabbing the plaster material. After he had plastered Amelia’s leg and handed her crutches, Owen went taking Amelia’s bag and clothes out of her locker while Amelia was making some phone calls. “Come on, let’s go home.”, Owen said when he came back and gave Amelia her jacket. She put it on and so they headed to the car. “Tom is going to take over my surgeries. Including the resection of that giant glioma, that’s so unfair.”, Amelia complained. “Just be glad that you don’t need surgery yourself. After all, you can see your patients and finish all your paper work.”, Owen grinned, “And you can do mine, too.” Amelia rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you’d like that. Keep dreaming Dr. Hunt; that is not going to happen.”, Amelia answered. „You say that now, we‘ll see in a few days.“, Owen said and winked at her. „I’m not going to change my mind.“, Amelia persisted laughing, „You can do your dirty work yourself.“ „Well, it was worth a try.“, Owen shrugged his shoulders. Then they left the hospital, seeing that it was raining. Owen took an umbrella for them. „We should hurry up a little.“, he said then and began to walk faster. Amelia, who couldn’t keep up with Owen’s pace, winced, as she felt the cold raindrops on her head. „Hurrying up is kinda hard with these crutches.“, she exclaimed. „Then you‘ll become a little wet, I guess.“, Owen grinned. „I hate you, Owen Hunt.”, Amelia grumbled as she arrived at the car. “That was your punishment for ignoring your injury all day.”, Owen said, but opened her the door of the car. She got in and sighed, relieved to be protected from the rain now. “I’ll definitely not going to do that again.”
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
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Reblog if you are Team Owelia
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
Not Omelink. But imagine Lexie and Amelia having a relationship and Derek and Meredith freaking out because their little sisters are together and neither of them knew that they are bi.
I usually write Omelia, but I can try it. At the moment I‘m working on another Story, so it could take a little longer... 🙈
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
can u make one where amelia breaks a bone but continues to work and after a full day or so owen notices then they get it checked out and he helps her through recovery?
I think that’s my next story then 😉. Thanks for the idea!
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
break through
Heyy Omelia-Fans :-) Here is the requested fanfiction about Amelia falling through the ice. I hope you´ll like it!
“Soo...are you ready?”, Nathan asked. Owen, Amelia, Teddy, Megan and him had a day off and had driven to a lake, where they wanted to go ice skating. It was the first time after years where the lake was frozen, so they wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. “I’m ready!”, Teddy answered while she closed her skates and headed to the lake. The others followed her.  “I haven’t skated since I’m 15, that’s gonna be fun.”, Megan announced.  “Wait, take my hand.”, Nathan said before she stepped on the ice. She grabbed it and took a few shaky steps. “Okay, I don’t remember it that slippery.”, she said. “You will get used to it.”, Owen replied amused about her unstable movements. “Shut up!”, she laughed, “I was way more talented than you as a kid. I could do a triple turn.”  “That’s like 30 years ago.”, Owen teased her while she tried to do a turn. “Looks...good...with a little practice.“, Amelia said to Megan, who raised her eyebrow. “Alright, then do it better.”, Megan challenged her. “Fine. In an hour I’m ready to show you.”, Amelia replied. With her ambition, she wouldn’t give in easily. “Don’t be overconfident you two.”, Owen warned them. “And we all can’t go too far, the ice is too thin in the middle.”, Teddy remembered the others.
After half an hour Amelia joined Owen out of breath. “How is it going?”, he asked grinning. “Don’t look at me like that.”, she answered. “Like what?”, Owen asked innocently. “Like you know that I’m not going to make it.”  “That’s not what...”, he started but Amelia interrupted him: “Let it go, Owen. You can’t deny it. I have to continue practicing.”, she said trying to look offended.  “Good luck. I know you can do it!”, Owen called after her, knowing that she was just teasing him. “Stop talking, Owen!” she replied rolling her eyes.
“She is just as over ambitious as Megan.”, Teddy laughed as she stopped next to Owen. “Right?!”, he agreed, but that was one of the million things he loved about Amelia. She would never give up until she tried everything. Megan was similar. Owen remembered that every time Megan and Amelia saw each other they would start some kind of competition, even if just with words. He looked around and found Megan practicing her turns with Nathan. At one point she slipped and landed on her stomach. Owen was worried, she could´ve hurt herself for a moment, but she and Nathan burst out laughing and Nathan helped his sister getting up. It would become a neck-to-neck race between Megan and Amelia he thought shaking his head amused. His eyes went to Teddy who was about to join him and out of the corner of his eye he saw how Amelia headed to the middle of the lake. He immediately turned around. “Amelia what are you doing?!”, he exclaimed alarmed. Teddy, Megan and Nathan looked up. “My phone slid away.”, she answered and picked it up from the ground. “Get back here now!”, Owen shouted, but he saw how the ice underneath her broke. With wide open eyes Amelia looked to the crack in the ice. She could hear the others shouting to her, but she couldn’t understand what they were saying. She saw Owen, who tried to get to her, but Teddy held him back. Amelia wanted to get away from the crack, but she knew that every movement would make it worse. Anyway, she had no choice. Just as she started to crawl back to the lakeshore she heard another crack. She moved her head slowly, but before she could see anything she felt how the ice underneath her body collapsed. Then she was surrounded by the freezing water. She couldn’t breath, she couldn’t move. Cold shock response. She tried to calm down and managed to get to the surface. She gasped for air, feeling that her heart was racing. She reached for the ice to pull herself up, but she slipped off. She continued, but the ice she grabbed broke off. She got more and more exhausted. The weight for her clothes and her skates began to drag her down and the cold made her unable to move. Amelia!“, Owen shouted, as she showed up. She tried to get out of the water, but the ice was too slippery. After a few attempts, she disappeared again. „We have to get her out now!“ Nathan said. „Wait, wait, how should we get her out?!”, Megan asked scared. “We have only minutes!”, Teddy said. She knew that after some minutes in cold water the muscles would lose their function which could be followed by unconsciousness and circulatory failure quickly. “Nathan, lay down, you have to pull her out; she will be heavy with the wet clothes. I’ll grab your feet, Megan mine and Owen hers.”, she instructed the others. Nathan crawled towards the gap in the ice. He it his arms into the ice cold water and reached for Amelia. “I can’t reach her.”, he said and before the others could answer, he dipped his head into the water. Teddy clutched his ankles tightly as he dove even more into the water. Almost his whole upper body was now underwater. Only a few seconds later Nathan pulled his head out again and moved backwards. “I got her.”, he announced. They slowly moved towards the lakeshore, what took longer than expected. When they arrived Teddy checked Amelia’s respiration and pulse as she began to cough up water. Owen breathed a sigh of relief, when he saw that she was conscious. Nevertheless she was supercooled and couldn’t move. “We have to warm her up slowly. Let’s get her to the car.” Megan said. “Amelia? It’s okay, we’re gonna get you warm.”, Owen said as he saw the scared look in Amelia’s eyes, “Let’s go.”
“Okay, we must not move her too much.”, Teddy said. “I’ll take her.”, Owen replied and lifted Amelia up carefully. He put her on the back seat of Nathan’s truck and he and Teddy began to take her wet clothes off. Then they wrapped the blanket around her, that Megan handed to them. “I’ll drive.”, Teddy said. “Okay, but Amelia should stay down.”, Owen replied. If they would sit her up, the cold blood from her extremities would reach the heart way faster, which could be dangerous. But that meant they couldn’t buckle her up. “You have to drive slowly.”, he added. Fortunately the way wasn´t too long and they got home soon, where they laid Amelia on the couch. Owen lighted the fireplace and sat down between Amelia and Nathan. „Owen?“, Amelia asked weakly. „Amelia! Are you okay?“, Owen replied and grabbed her cold hand. She nodded. „You know, I would’ve won with my turns.“, she said, which made Owen laugh. Then his face got serious again. „Never ever do this again!“ „Definitely not!“, Amelia answered, who was still shocked from the accident. Owen took a deep breath. „Crap, that could’ve gone a lot worse... Thank you, Nathan, for pulling her out!“ Nathan smiled sightly. „I wouldn’t give up on my friends.“, he answered.
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omeliaendgame ¡ 3 years
Okay, so I have this Story in my head since a couple of days, but I don’t write, so I wanted to try to ask you.
Amelia, Owen, Teddy, Megan and Nathan go iceskating on a lake and Amelia falls into the water. The others pull her out and bring her home to get her warm.
I LOVE fluff and angst fics :-)
Sounds interesting! What do you all think?
I hope that I can write it in the way you imagine it. 😊
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omeliaendgame ¡ 4 years
Heyy Omelia-Fans :-) Here is the requested Fic about Amelia being airsick. I hope you all like it!
“Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard United airlines, flight 479 to Chiacago...”, the Stewardess welcomed the passengers. Meredith, who sat  next to Amelia took a deep breath. “Are you okay?”, Amelia asked her, since she knew about what happend to Meredith years ago. Meredith nodded. Meanwhile Owen, who sat on the other side of Amelia put away his phone and fastened his seatbelt. He took one look on Amelia´s and Meredith´s lap, as if he wanted to check their seatbelts too. He seemed to be satisfied and Amelia chuckled. “Do you know what´s great?”, Amelia asked him and leaned towards him. “What?”, he raised his one eyebrow. “When we arrive, we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want to do.”, she grinned. “Uh-huh, and what would that be?”, he asked with a premonition. Amelia tilted her head, as if she had to think about his question. Then he leaned towards him and whispered: “Let´s check out these hotel beds.” Owen smirked. “I heard they are particularly good for...” he whispered back but didn´t end the sentence. And he didn´t need to. These external missions were also known as “flirt-holidays” at the GSM. Just that until now, Owen and Amelia weren´t requested for the same case. But this time a complicated and rare case waited for them and Tom, Hayes, Jackson, Teddy and Jo, who sat in the rows before them.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, We are now crossing a zone of turbulence. Please return to your seats and keep your seatbelts fastened. Thank you.”, the stewardess announced after one hour. And only some minutes later the airplane began jolting a little. Meredith looked outside nervously and Amelia put her hand on her shoulder. But although it was just a slight turbulence, suddenly she felt a wave of nausea hit her. And the occasional bucking of the airplane didn´t make it any better, so she leaned back and closed her eyes. She pressed her hand on her stomach in the hope to make the sickness go away, but it didn´t help either. “Hey, what´s wrong.”, Meredith asked when she noticed Amelia´s position. Also Owen had recognized something was wrong. “I feel sick.”, Amelia answered without moving. “Do you want some water?”, Owen asked and didn´t wait for her answer. He grabbed a bottle out of his bag and handed it to her. Amelia took it thankfully. “Better?”, Meredith asked. Amelia sighed. “Not really...I think I´m gonna have to throw up.”, she said as the sickness in her stomach got worse. “Just don´t vomit all over me.”, Owen said and gave her one of the bags out of the seat pocket. “Very sympathetic.”, Meredith commented ironically and stroked Amelia´s arm, when she began to throw up. “Okay?”, Meredith asked, when she stopped, “Do you want me to get you something? Water?” Amelia shook her head. “Don´t you feel any better?”, she asked compassionately. Amelia shook her head again. “You could help, too, Owen.”; Meredtih said then and gave him a look. “What could I do?”, Owen replied. Meredith rolled her eyes. “Like, your wife is feeling really bad and you sit there and don´t even say something.” Then Meredith turned her attention to Amelia, who was emptying her stomach again. “Oh Amelia...What can I do?”, she asked but didn´t get an answer. Amelia instead leaned forwards and rested her forehead on Jackson´s seat before her. Meredith stroked her back and looked at Owen again, who didn´t know what to do. “You could try to sleep a little. And dream of a husband, who is a little more comforting.”, she said to Amelia. “That´s not fair. Aren´t you a little bit overprotective?”, Owen asked Meredith. “I don´t blame you, Owen. It´s just funny how insensitive men can be.”, Meredith replied, amused by his attemption to defend himself. “Stop it.”, Amelia groaned, as she took the bag again. But she could just dry-heave, because her stomach was already empty. Meredith didn´t know, what else she could try to help Amelia, but there wasn´t much they could do in the airplane. Amelia just wanted the sickness to go away. The dry-heaving made her stomach hurt a lot and her eyes watering. “I could ask for a soda water.”, Meredith proposed, “Or maybe they have something against nausea on board.” Amelia shook her head. She wanted Meredith to stop talking for a moment. She  really appreciated that her sister wanted to make her feel better, but she really hated to be pitied and Meredith exxagerated a little bit with that. But also Owen felt really bad for his wife now, because he could see how pained Amelia seemed to be. That couldn´t go on for the next 3 hours. He put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back slightly. She laid down her head on his shoulder. “My stomach hurts.” she moaned. Owen laid his hand on her belly and stroked it gently. And just the feeling of his warm hand, made it a little better, so Amelia could relax for a moment. She was so exhausted after vomiting continuously. “Could you give me the water?”, she asked Meredith then. “Of course.”, she answered and handed her the bottle. She was glad that Amelia seemed to feel better. Now they just had to survive the next few hours in the airplane. And as Amelia, she was looking forward to try out these hotel beds. But definitely just for sleeping. 
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omeliaendgame ¡ 4 years
Amelia gets really carsick/airsick (idk which) on the way to somewhere to preform a surgery (so a lot of the gsm docs are there) and mer keeps ridiculing owen for not being comforting enough to amelia (bc she gets rly sick) and mer is super overprotective and owen is there for amy too. but after she’s done with a lot of throwing up she’s dry heaving a lot and her stomach is cramping and is really sore, owen starts to feel bad when nothing is making amelia feel better
I will do it as soon as possible :-)
I can’t tell you when I will upload it, because I’m kinda busy at the Moment, but I will try my best!!!
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omeliaendgame ¡ 4 years
Perfect Family - Halloween Day
Heyy Omelia-Fans :-) I hope you all are doing well! Here's a new fanfiction about the Omelia-Family. I had to write this on my phone, so I’m sorry, if the layout is a little strange. But I hope you'll like it!
„Good Morning.“, Owen greeted Leo, when he showed up in the kitchen. „Morning dad.“, his son answered and yawned. „I made French toast.“, Owen winked at him and Leo grabbed his plate immediately. He loved his dad‘s French toast, but often Owen didn‘t have the time to prepare it. But today was Halloween and Owen and Amelia didn’t have to go to work and also the kids were at home. So they would have the whole day together. They had decided to carve pumpkins and in the evening Meredith and Maggie would come for dinner.
Since Owen knew that Amelia and Evie would get up late,he and Leo had their breakfast together. And as he had suspected, Amelia entered the kitchen at 11am with Evie in her arms. „Look who‘s here.“, Owen teased them but earned an evil eye from his daughter. „Okay, we’re not in a good mood today. At least your evil face goes well with Halloween.“, he noticed, but his daughter didn’t answer. Amelia put her on her chair, where she rested her head on her hands rebelliously. „I slammed the door accidentally and she woke up.“, Amelia explained. „Oh that was that noise.“, Owen replied and laughed a little, „I thought Poltergeist would have payed us a visit.“ But it explained Evie’s behavior. She was really grumpy when she was woken up. When she had to go to the kindergarten, that was a big problem, because Owen and Amelia didn’t have the time for her complaining. But today they were able to cheer her up with Owen‘s French toast. „Why can’t you make it every morning?“, Amelia asked her husband. Owen raised his eyebrows and grinned. „If you want me to get up at 4 every morning. But then I won’t be available at night.“, he whispered into her ear. Amelia tilted her head. „Convinced.“, she said, „Don’t make the French toast.“ Owen laughed. „Then you can enjoy this all the more.“, he winked.
„Soo... are you ready to carve pumpkins for Halloween?“, Amelia asked when the breakfast table was cleaned up. „Yes!“, Leo and Evie answered excited. „Okay, I’ll get the pumpkins.“, Owen said. 2 minutes later he came back with two big pumpkins and put them on the table. „So I would say that I help Evie and you Leo?“, Amelia proposed. „Yes, come here daddy.“, Leo called to him. „Let’s compete. The team, which finishes the pumpkin first, wins.“, Evie suggested. „Okay. Come on Leo we’re gonna do this!“, Owen said. Amelia raised her eyebrow and looked at Evie. „They think they’re going to win, but they’re so wrong“, she smirked and Evie nodded affirmatively. They started to hollow out the pumpkin and when Owen and Leo finished, Owen grabbed a knife. „Wait, we wanted to use this knife.“, Amelia stopped him. „What, why?“, Owen replied. „Because it’s the best one for this.“, Amelia said and folded her arms. „That’s not true, we have thousands of other good knives.“, Owen stated. „Fine, then give it to me. You can take another knife.“, Amelia said and held her hand out. „Don’t be childish.“, Owen answered and began to carve a mouth into the pumpkin. „Ha, you know that this is the best knife and you took it, so that you can win! That’s so unfair!“, Amelia complained. „I think that you just want to distract me and Leo!“, Owen countered annoyed. „Mommy, we don’t need this knife, let’s continue.“, Evie said, which made Owen laugh. „And I thought that Evie was the most stubborn member of this family.“ Reluctantly, Amelia gave in and took another knife.
„Daddy, I messed up the eye!“, Leo told Owen. „Oh, let’s see what we can do.“, Owen said and helped his son. „Now he looks really wicked, but it’s Halloween, right?“, he stated after they had corrected the eye. „We can name him Jafar. Like the villain in Aladdin.“, Leo answered. Meanwhile, Amelia and Evie finished the mouth of their pumpkin face. „We need a name, too.“, Evie said then. „Yeah, but let’s finish the face first. We want to win, right?“, Amelia replied and Evie nodded. But in this moment she didn’t look at the knife in her hand and cut her finger. When she saw the blood, she began to cry immediately. „Oh no, let me see.“, Amelia said and examined her daughter’s finger. Also Owen stopped to carve the pumpkin. „It‘s okay, it’s not a deep cut.“, Amelia tried to calm her down. „It hurts.“, Evie sobbed. Amelia stroked her head. „I know... it will pass soon.“ „I‘m gonna get a patch for you. With unicorns, who will make the pain disappear.“, Owen said compassionately and rushed to the bathroom. He came back after a few seconds and put the patch on Evie‘s finger. „Is it better now?“, he asked and Evie nodded. „Can we continue?“, she said then. Owen and Amelia smiled. „Of course.“ „But you have to carve the pumpkin, mommy.“, Evie instructed her mother, who nodded. She grabbed Owen‘s knife on the other side of the table. „I should’ve known this!“, Owen said amused and shook his head. „Hey, don’t complain, you two have almost finished your face!“, Amelia said. „Fine. You know that we will win. You cannot catch up with us.“, Owen grinned. „We’ll see.“, Amelia answered.
„Done!“, Leo exclaimed after some minutes. Amelia raised her head and looked at the Owen’s and Leo’s pumpkin face. She grimaced and continued with Evie‘s and her pumpkin. „What?!“, Owen asked. „I didn’t say anything.“, Amelia answered.
„You made a face.“, he replied.
„I didn’t.“
„You did!“
„He looks creepy.“
„It’s Halloween!“
„It’s Jafar.“, Leo said proudly.
„You are distracting me!“, Amelia rolled her eyes. „But...we’re...Done!“, she added while she made the last cut. „Show me.“, Leo said and Amelia turned the pumpkin around. „He doesn’t look that evil.“, Leo noticed. „It’s a her.“, Evie corrected him. „She looks...great.“, Owen admitted. „Made by the hands of a neurosurgeon. No surprise.“, Amelia stated folding her arms. „But we won anyway. We were faster.“, Owen said and smirked. „Let’s say both teams won. Our face was more difficult.“ , Amelia suggested. „You just can’t lose.“, Owen replied amused. Amelia pouted her lips and stood up. „I’m gonna get two candles for the pumpkins.“, she said. „Can I light them?“, Leo asked. „Okay but be careful.“, Amelia answered. When the candles were lit, Owen turned off the lights and the two bright pumpkin faces stared at them. „Wow“, Evie said. „We did a good job.“, Amelia smiled and Owen sidled up to her. „They fit together well.“, he noticed. „Let’s put them outside.“, Leo said. „Alright. And then I have to set the table for the dinner.“, Amelia stated. Fortunately she didn’t have to cook, because that was Maggie’s task. When everything was prepared for the evening, they waited for Meredith and Maggie to come. Punctually at 7pm the doorbell rang and Leo and Evie rushed to the door to open it. „Auntie Meredith, auntie Maggie!“, they exclaimed. „Hello“, they greeted them back. „Who made this pumpkins, they look great!“, Meredith asked. „We did them all together“, Leo said proudly. „Come in.“, Amelia said and Maggie put the dinner on the table. „Are you ready for spider-burgers and mummy-meatballs?“, she asked. The kids grimaced but nodded. „I’m starving.“, Owen said, „let’s eat.“
After everyone had finished his dinner and a lot of scary stories had been told, it was time for Leo and Evie to go to bed. Also Maggie and Meredith wanted to get home, so they said goodbye.
„I want to sleep in your bed.“, Evie said to her parents. „Sweetie, you know that we have to get up early tomorrow...“, Owen replied. „But what if a wicked Witch or a ghost comes into my room.“, Evie insisted. „They won’t.“, Amelia told her, but her daughter wasn’t convinced. „You can sleep in my bed. I’ll protect you!“, Leo offered her and Evie nodded. „Fine. Let’s go and get ready for bed.“, Amelia said. When Evie and Leo laid in Leo’s bed, Owen and Amelia came in. „Have you brushed your teeth, are yourpajamas on?“, Amelia asked. Leo and Evie nodded. „Very good. We love you both!“ „We love you too!“, the kids answered. Then Amelia gave them a kiss on their foreheads and Owen whispered: „Sleep well. And don’t forget to check the room for monsters.
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omeliaendgame ¡ 4 years
Dinner Time
Hey Omelia-Fans :-) I had an idea of a new Oneshot last night and because I got a request for another sickfic, I simply mixed the storylines ;-) I hope you´ll like it!
„Ready to go? We have to be at the restaurant soon.“, Meredith asked. Amelia, Owen and Maggie nodded and made their way to the car. For this evening Tom had organized a dinner for all Chief Surgeons, so they had to leave their work to the attendings and interns. But fortunately it has been a calm day at Grey-Sloan and they could leave the hospital in time. „You´re driving too fast, Mer!“, Maggie complained. Meredith rolled her eyes but slowed down a little. „You´re too fussy at times.“, she told Maggie. „Hey, the light is read!“, Maggie exclaimed. Meredith put her foot on the brake and the car stopped abruptly. „See, you were driving too fast!“, Maggie said. „No, I didn´t see the light because of you.“, Meredith replied, as it turned green again. „I just hope you are not driving like this with your kids in here.“, Maggie said. „I´m just hungry!“, Meredith told her. „Me too, could you drive a little faster?“, Owen joked. „We´re gonna have an accident. And not because I´m driving too fast, but because you all are distracting me!“, Meredith laughed. „No time for an accident. My phone says, we´re here.“, Maggie announced.
When they stepped into the restaurant, the other doctor´s were already there. „We´re not too late.“, Meredith defended herself when she saw them all glancing at her. „We didn´t say something.“, Teddy laughed, „We´re happy you´re here!“ They sat down and the waiter brought them the menu. Only 2 minutes later, everyone had chosen his dinner. „Soo, it´s very cool that we have finally managed to have this dinner together!“, Tom said. „Yeah!“, Jackson answered. „Two days without work.“, he smiled and leaned back. „Ugh, I have to work tomorrow.“, Maggie complained jokingly. „And I have my free day tomorrow, but I´m gonna go to work anyway, because I can tell you that my intern will screw up tonight.“, Owen said. „Oh.“, Teddy said, „I have DeLuca, he´s great.“ „I have Wilson“, Meredith triumphed.  „Wait, are we playing ,Who has the best replacement´? Because I´m not gonna participate, I have Schmitt.“, Link uttered.
While the other´s continued talking about the interns, Amelia tried to focus on staying awake. She hadn´t felt that good for the whole day and now she didn´t know how to last the evening. But before she closed her eyes, the waiter came and brought the food. „Your meal looks great!“, Owen said and Amelia smiled a little. „Hey, are you okay?“, he asked quietly, noticing her pale face. „I´m just not feeling well, but it´s fine.“, she answered. Owen knitted his brows compassionately. „Oh. Are you sure? Tell me if you want to go home.“, he said and Amelia nodded gratefully. She began to eat, but although her food was very tasty she couldn´t enjoy it, because every bite made her feel sick to the stomach. After she hardly finished her meal as the last of all, Jackson asked: „Who wants a dessert?“ „I don´t.“, Meredith, Tom and Teddy answered  and also Amelia shook her head. Actually she really wanted to go home, but Owen and the others had so much fun and she didn´t want to ruin it. However, the nausea which had hit her earlier, just got worse, so she rested her head on her hands. She heard the others laugh about something, and before she could ask what the joke was, she felt the urge to throw up. „I have to go to the bathroom.“, she informed Owen quickly and stood up. When she opened the bathroom door, she immediately rushed to the toilet and emptied her stomach. Then she leaned against the wall, knowing that another wave of nausea would hit her soon.
She didn´t know how much time had passed when she heard someone knocking at the door. „Amelia? Are you in there?“, Meredith said. Amelia raised her arm to open the door. Meredith took a step and sat down next to her. „Bad food, huh?“, she asked. Amelia shook her head. „I don´t think so. I wasn´t feeling great already before the dinner.“ Meredith looked at her sympathetically. „Do you want me to get you some water?“ Amelia shook her head again. „I think I´m okay now. I just want to go gome.“, she muttered. „Okay, let´s go.“, Meredith replied and helped Amelia to get up. They went back to their table, where Owen already expected them. When he saw Amelia, he knew right away why she had taken so long. „We´re going home.“, Meredith told him and Maggie. They nodded and Owen went to Amelia and stroked her back slightly. Then he put his hand on her forehead for a moment, noticing that she had a fever. So he grabbed Amelia´s jacket and put it around her, while Meredith and Maggie said goodbye to the others. After that they all left the restaurant and went to Meredith´s car.
It was almost 11pm when Meredith dropped Owen and Amelia off at their house. Owen opened the door and took off his jacket and shoes while Amelia sat down. He put his hand on her shoulder and said: „Let´s go to bed.“ Amelia nodded a little but suddenly covered her mouth. Owen followed her to the bathroom and knelt down behind her, when she began to throw up again. He gently rubbed her back until she finished vomiting. „And I thought my stomach was already empty.“, Amelia groaned after a while. „Do you think you´ll be sick again?“, Owen asked caringly. Amelia shook her head. „You should drink something.“, Owen said and handed her a glass of water. She took a sip and leaned against Owen´s chest exhausted. „Are you feeling better?“, he asked after some minutes. „Yeah.“, Amelia answered and stood up slowly. She went to the bedroom with Owen, who brought her also some medicine against the nausea and the fever. „Thank you.“, she said while she was taking the pills. Then she laid down and closed her eyes. „Could you give me the red blanket?“, she asked half asleep. „Of course.“, Owen answered, took the blanket and spread it over her body. „Good night.“
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