ohnoitsoak Ā· 3 hours
Idk man itā€™s so easy to get bogged down in all the bullshit online but when my then-6 year old cousin found out I was trans he said ā€œokā€ then corrected my grandma when she misgendered me. I was once the third between a gay man and a lesbian. Two lesbians once invited me back to their place when I presented as a man. I met an AMAB nb butch who looked strikingly to outsiders like a cis man and it was one of the more sapphic experiences Iā€™ve had. I nervously wore a boydyke shirt to pride and got 3 different cis-looking femme folks tell me they loved my shirt. I once told a trans group at a protest that any pronouns were fine for me and one person said ā€œwow, Iā€™m impressed and intimidated by people like that. I donā€™t know that I could be that chill with pronouns.ā€ I once told a GNC friend I wished I could wear a type of ā€œoppositeā€ gender clothing after I had already transitioned and so it would be associated with my AGAB and he said ā€œYou could just do it.ā€ Iā€™ve had cishet men fight cops for me before. The first time I had a doctor ask me if my name was different than what was on my forms I had to try not to cry. Last week, a phone call with a doctorā€™s office where I am generally cis passing asked unprompted if my name listed is what I want to be called. It touched me then too. I told a lesbian friend once I felt like my attraction to men AND women both felt gay. She said ā€œmakes sense.ā€ And we moved on. I go by different pronouns in different circles. Iā€™ve had gay women love my facial hair. Iā€™ve had gay men like my tits. Itā€™s all out there, I promise. It can be hard to find it but I promise there is community like you and community who likes you. And itā€™s more messy and beautiful than tumblr discourse makes it out to be.
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 3 hours
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because I was thinking about this again, here's a little collection of blaseball screenshots without context.
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 5 hours
Zac says anything, Beardsley:
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 16 hours
Every time we vend at Pride, there are times when I have to fight breaking down.
It's probably not when you'd expect. Yes, I get misty at the Big Moments and the Conversations, and we have those every time. I love seeing the parents who are buying their kid's first Pride item, the trans girls spinning in skirts they just bought, the curve of fresh scars across a chest that's clearly seeing sunlight for the first time this summer. I love it all. I devour every minute of it.
But it's the parents who hand their kid a $20 or tap their Apple watch on our card reader and look slightly bored that get me, sometimes.
My G-d. It's not scary, it's not overwhelming, it's not tense and nervewacking. It's boring to them.
2 weeks ago, my brother tells me, my parents used the right name and pronouns for me through an entire dinner with Jake and his partner.
I turned 47 three days ago.
Today, a parent looked bored escorting their teenager around at Pride.
My G-d.
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 16 hours
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 18 hours
btw roleplaying various characters with your friends is the singular most healing thing in the world. playing with toys for adults
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 18 hours
You're literally gay??? And it's pride month??? And Israel's our only safe haven in that region???
There's no pride in genocide
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 18 hours
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starting a collection
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 1 day
I wish I recorded my beastlife things but I know my computer would not function. But also no one gets to see my cool wheat stuff
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 1 day
Reading a poem aloud to promote my upcoming poetry zine, Impossibly Precious, Terribly Small. Poem below.
The fish hospital.Ā 
A life built from half missing things,Ā 
from seconds that passĀ 
and fill heavenĀ 
like the bodies of gnats in a birdbath.Ā 
A world of socks worn twice before disappeared,
handfuls of sentences saidĀ 
by a stranger on the bus,
the same joke
told to every new coworker
carried down a line of people
thatā€™ll never meet.
A haunted house isĀ 
any structure with ribs
and room for a ghost.
have you asked the cashier about her new baby?
Did you recognize yourself in the man on the street?
You should buy the cigarettes for the homeless woman,Ā 
who dreamed of being a jockey,Ā 
who was born in a town
a short drive from your own,
states away.
Is she too, not a farm? Is she not the exact name and address,
of where her dead cat lives?
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 1 day
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A navigation of some adult relationships
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 1 day
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 1 day
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Star gazing ā­ļø
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 1 day
We ask your questions so you donā€™t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 1 day
idk what teenager needs to hear this but please stop watching south park
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 1 day
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care bears!
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ohnoitsoak Ā· 1 day
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oh no
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