ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
hi guys! I just wanted to say to those of you who haven’t already unfollowed this blog that I will be returning with one of my character soon. Being unfollowed was a misstep on my behalf. Amidst stress with my new job and the cold that has been plaguing me all week spreading to my sinuses, I was unable to do more than 1 reply on each character last night, forgetting the 2 replies rule to be allowed to stay. I’m not very good at being open with my personal issues online, so its somewhat my own fault for not asking for a hiatus. But I will be reapplying when I get the chance, though I am torn between who to bring back first(Matteo or Cornelia), especially since Adelaide Kane, my absolute first and possibly only choice for Cornelia was reserved while I slept. But I’ll figure it out and will be back shortly! I love all my plots and connections here, so I wanted you to know I’m not gone. 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
“Hm Perhaps. For me cigarettes are more of a habit than a need. Nothing more or less.” He took a pull and felt the nicotine begin to calm his nerves and he relaxed. He felt his eyebrow raise and a grin tug at his lips in response to her implication. “Intriguing? We’ve been barely spoken yet you pay me such a compliment. I’m flattered.”
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“Oh I’d say alcohol is more of a need than a cigarettes are. Not entirely sure if its a bad habit or not though.” She shrugged a bit, honestly not about to claim she’d ever tried to find out. Smoking was a way to pass time as well. An excuse to observe people and your surroundings without seeming suspicious. There were a lot of reasons to stop for a fag. Catching his grin, a small but coy pull at the corner of her mouth came into view. “I’ve implied you might be intriguing and thats all it takes to flatter you? Nice to know taking a compliment is a strong suite of yours.” Regan was half teasing, curious to see where this might lead. 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
Aware she shouldn’t have another, and still feeling parched, Regan gives the bartender a slow nod. “Another vodka martini please.” she replies, twirling a long lock of her raven hair around her index finger. Part of her is hoping some equally drunk guy will slither up to her and do some bad flirting, so she can take him home and bang out her frustration. Another is counseling her to get her ass home. “Do you ever wonder what your life would look like, if you’d gone back in time and undid that one choice which ultimately led you to this one?” 
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    Of course she had to have one of the late night shifts again, it was actually getting really much on her nerves since she wanted to spend some time with her husband. “Can I get you another drink?” she then asked one of her costumers, while cleaning up a little big behind the bar.
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
“I think the effect comes more from getting told off by someone you respect more than it being an actual parent,” Jonah said thoughtfully. “Win her? Oh, yeah. For a little bit. But it was high school, y’know? It wasn’t a long-term thing. But it was fun while it lasted.” He smiled faintly. “Have you been in Valdez long?”
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“I don’t know.. its hard to respect someone you don’t love very deeply. Love most seem to attribute familiar bonds or blood bonds.” She replied with a small shrug, though there was a sadness reflected in her eyes, thinking of what such love would feel like. “A high school romance. Thats cute. And the important thing is that you did get something fun out of it.” She nodded a bit. “About a year. How about you?”  
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
“No not me either. I was hoping for a drink and possibly some mild company but this,” he vaguely gestured in the direction of the bar as a couple stumbled out, yelling and laughing loudly in their stupor. “This is not what I wanted. It seems you and I had the same idea.” He nodded at her cigarette.
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“Its a very different level to what you are describing, for sure.” Regan said with understanding, giving him a sympathetic smile. She was familiar with the feeling of wanting one thing, and finding little to satisfy that want once you left your apartment. “Yeah well smoking is like the fine middle ground. A small nicotine rush, but no crazy buzz. And I do get to talk to some intriguing people.” She said, nodding at him. 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
Regan post plot drop
Regan was in the casino working the room that evening. Luckily for her the man she was courting was just about to buy her services for the reminder of the night when the group from her own gang broke in. In the fray she was knocked down and sustained a minor concussion, but her male patron carried her outside and escorted her to the hospital for a check up. (if anyone would want to be the man in question and plot some stuff, that would be awesome feel free to message me :) ) Of course she’s not entirely thrilled about what happened, thinking it could have gone smoother, but all in all its a savage win and in Regan’s opinion hurting the Cobras and breaking the peace treaty was inevitable, and she believes that despite the lives lost this will benefit her gang in the long run. 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
Jonah held the flame beneath her cigarette until it was lit and then he dropped it in his pocket. “First?” he repeated thoughtfully. “I’d say probably twelve. Didn’t start really smoking regularly until fourteen, though. I had to open my window at night because even though my mom smoked she’d expected more from me. But the girl I liked lived right next door so we’d just sit there and talk. It gave me an excuse.”
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“Thanks.” Regan said once her fag was lit, popping the end in between her teeth for a deep drag. While she wasn’t an avid smoker, but more of an habitual, now and then one, she did love the effect of the nicotine. And there was something to be said for smoking stronger stuff as well. “Sounds like your moms expectations might have given you a few more years of half decent lungs. Yeah I hear thats a thing though, with parents, expecting more from their children. I always wondered if it was more compelling once an admonishment came from a true parent. I didn’t have any so I didn’t have the chance to know for myself.” She lifted her shoulders into a shrug. “Ah, thats nice. Did you win her in the end?” 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
It wasn’t rare for the Irish to be out and about shopping, though lately she had ended up taking such trips and merely browsing instead of actually buying. If she had a dilemma it was not solved among the racks but rather on a ring or running until she dropped. Her eyes flickered between two fairly revealing tops, wondering if she ought to get one for work. In Regans case, her wardrobe was split into two. Work clothes which were often showing off her skin and shapes, in various tones and colors to match her own. And her regular dayweare. Which truthfully was a lot less on the luxurious side, especially where fabric and style was concerned. “I think that if you have to ask you possibly already have a few little black ones in your closet already.” she replied, meeting the blondes stare with a curious smile. 
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closed starter: @ofthestreetsregan
             Shop till you drop, that was the singer’s motto, or actually, shop till your all credit cards are declined. Some would cure their problems with jogging, painting or whatever the hell hobby people were into these days, but when it came to Nika, the only problem solver was a massive shopping. “What do you think, should I buy this or not?” The blonde Cobra asked the woman who was turned to her with her back. It was a gorgeous little black dress and it fitted her perfectly, but just how many little black dresses could one possibly have?
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
Adulting legit ate up my entire day, and then going out to watch Bumblebee at the movies took up the rest :’) and all this dramatic flare of a plot drop happening while I was away!!! I will be posting post plot drop reactions and fallouts for Regan and Matteo after work tomorrow! Replies will also come then, sorry for leaving you hanging, I thought I’d have more online time today than I ended up with x) 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
Jonah rested his elbows on his knees and gave her a small smile, motioning to the spot beside him. “Need a light?” he asked, grabbing his lighter from where it sat on the stair beside him. He’d been outside a while and had smoked more than he probably should have. “I kicked this habit for a while in my twenties. I’m not really sure when I picked it up again. It makes me consider quitting when it gets cold like this, though.”
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Regan smiled back, finding his quiet nature to be attractive in the sense that she could hang out and not feel, like she often did, like she had to make awkward small talk or steer the conversation. “Yeah, thanks.” she held out her fag so that he could light it if he would be so kind. The smoking was not something one did all that happily these days with the weather making the experience a frosty one. “Twenties huh? When did you first start smoking? Cause I was about eleven the first time I had my first fag. But yeah I get what you mean. It makes you wonder if its worth freezing your fingers off.” 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
I was about to do replies and then this massive headache rolled in.. so I have to lie down in hopes that it will pass. but I promise to hit you all back tomorrow, and I’d love more plots for both Regan and Matteo so if you’re interested, like this and I’ll hit you up when I get online tomorrow afternoon <3 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
Heavy heeled boots slapped against the icy pavement as she walked down the street, burrowing her hands into her pockets to protect them from the cold. Out of old habit Regan had forgone her mittens. It was a small tradition she tended to repeat every winter, as freezing knuckles reminded her so starkly of the girl she had been back in Ireland. As opposed to the girl she had become. When spoken to, she came to an abrupt halt, immediately heeding the males words. Peeking at him though, she noticed the fag between his fingertips and felt the desire to have one for herself. “Mind if I join you?” She asked, digging out her own pack of fags and eying him while moving towards him a bit more.
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jonah let smoke leak from his slightly parted lips, his eyes trained on the glowing cigarette between his fingers. it was dusk, he was tired, and he had to leave for work soon. he heard footsteps approaching from down the sidewalk and without looking up he said: “there’s a patch of black ice right there. be careful. can’t count how many people’ve fallen on their asses in front of me because of it.”
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
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he’s been watching the two from a distance, his instinct not allowing him to divert his gaze. something doesn’t feel right, but it isn’t until her signal that he takes action. it’s what axel has been waiting for, their tell, her way of letting him know that she needed his assistance. it works better for them than him barging in every time he has a bad feeling. he knows she can handle herself on most occasions, but should she need him, he will be there. he is there, having crossed the club in mere seconds and standing by her side, chin tilted upwards slightly as he stares daggers at the client. ❝ hands off. ❞ the pimp commands, and as if he’s dealing with a toddler, he slaps the man’s hand away from regan’s wrist only to hold onto it firmly. then, he glances at regan reassuringly. she seems willing to continue if the man behaves, but axel is not willing to take the chance. there are more clients waiting for her, better ones. this one needs to go. ❝ you know the rules, mate. ❞ his tone is unnervingly calm, accent thick as it often gets when he’s angry. ❝ get out. unless of course you’d rather i take you out back myself. ❞ a moment passes, but at last, the client stands up with a huff and walks out of the club. it’s only when axel sees him leave and signals to the guards that he is not to return that he finally looks at regan again. ❝ everything alright? ❞
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These situations always leaves her feeling as if watching from outside her own body. While parts of her are present and unable to detach herself from the nerves that comes naturally, the kind you have no control over, the other parts are watching, wondering what might happen with an almost scientist like interest. Reagan knows what its like to be roughed up. She’s no stranger to hits and harsh hands on her body. The savages aren’t her first employees within the shady life of selling sex. Her former employees didn’t always assign security nor did they follow up as closely as the pimps of her current gang does. And while she is grateful for it, that morbid curiosity pays a visit none the less. Because herein lies the true risk of her work, the fine line she willingly dances on every night, accepting that whoever she’s with might turn the tables on her if they so choose. Wary eyes pays attention as Axel steps in, notes the stark contrast between the reassurance he offers her, as opposed to the calm but unmistakably threatening tone thats used with the male. Steering her eyes slowly away from Axel’s face to the ousted client Regan silently wonders if she doesn’t have to ask to be followed home tonight. He looks livid, and its clear he hadn’t expected this at all. Had rather expected to find no resistance except what he probably considers feeble ones from her. With Axel’s question she’s thrown back inside her body, taking a deep breath in order to form a response. “Its.. I’m fine.” her hands tremble a little, forcing her to fold them together, not entirely to hide the fact, but rather with a flash of embarrassment. “Its just been a while since I’ve had one of those, you know?” she admits, quietly to avoid sounding a bit out of breath. “Thanks for coming so quickly.” 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
Regan was sprawled out on the couch in a relaxed manner, nodding in thanks to Rochelle as she handed her the wine glass. The raven haired took a long drink of the glass, enjoying the deep and rich taste of the wine on her tongue. At the question, she could not help but smirk. “You know it was quite good. Today? No I can’t say I’ve had some for you to scare off in a while. My pimp is excellent at his job and quite attentive, so I rarely have such issues with clients.” She replied, both with an air of gratitude and a tinkle of thoughtfulness. “I do however have clients who I’m fine with up until the moment of orgasm.. I’m not joking when I tell you this one guy last night began crying afterwards. And I couldn’t decide whether or not to laugh or leave the room.” She shook her head, and did indeed laugh this time. God what odd clients she were given sometimes. Besides, Rochelle usually loved hearing her stories, however much they ranged and varied. 
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closed starter for @ofthestreetsregan
rogue sat down on her couch with a sigh before handing her friend a glass of wine and pouring herself one. she could still remember the first glass of wine after she quit breastfeeding her boys and after her girl turned six months. two glorious moments. she looked over at regan with a smile and raised her eyebrow. “so, how was your day? any fun clients or assholes you want me to scare off you.” she asked her, always finding it interesting to hear about her friend’s days. she doesn’t think she’d ever be able to be an escort. it wasn’t that she judged that at all, as she thought everyone sold themselves in one way or another but that is one particular way she found intriguing and interesting to listen to, but that made her quite uneasy to think about doing herself. she loves sex, but not with virtual strangers.
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
I am sorry for the spotty activity of the past few days guys. As some of you know I am up at the family cabin where we have no internet, so I have to use my 4G via mobile to get online, or mobile tumblr, and its not the fastest. But I am leaving early today(the 31st) and hoping to get some replies in/posted before the New Years party I’m going to in the evening. I wanna love you all down, especially those of you who’s answered Regan’s starter, you are the best <33 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
standing at the bar and sipping on champagne, she was enjoying the awkward exchanges between savages and cobras. it was quite the entertainment really. that and the gorgeous brunette that was looking at her. she smiled and then chuckled every so softly at her comment. “for now, i am drinking champagne but i certainly don’t limit myself.” she told her as she tilted her head, quite intregued by her. she certainly wasn’t shy. “would you like a drink, darling?” she older woman asked. “anything you’d like.”
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If there was awkwardness in the air, Regan could not feel it nor did she have any desire to spot it currently. Instead her eyes had rather zeroed in on the female standing beside her, not shy as they took in her entire frame, lazily making their way up and down more than once. “Champagne is a good choice. But no, why should you?” she replied with a smile that could be interpreted both as teasing and flirty, depending on the person in question. “Oh yes, I’d love one. A vodka tonic please?” Regan was quick to name her drink of choice, noting that the bartender was quick on his feet. “I’m Regan. And you are?” She proceeded to the woman, too curious not to. 
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ofthestreetsregan · 5 years
A little tipsy already from the bottle she had made short work off before coming, Regan entered the casino in high spirits, her smile wide and welcoming, her red dress dancing behind her with its long veil. It was originally a wedding dress, but that the young starlet had entirely ignored. Finding herself a drink, she initiated a conversation with the first person she locked eyes with at the bar. “Enjoying the liquid spoils of the evening?” She asked, starting out perfectly politely, before unable to continue on. “Or are you looking for something a little more tangible?” 
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