o-k-o-k · 13 years
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Visual artist María María Acha is taking the issue of gender equality to the streets of Mexico. Through visual biographies of remarkable women who have worked for gender equality, she aims to rescue, inform and sensitize people to the history of women’s work in the world.
Vandana Shiva Dehra Dub - India, 1952. Physicist, philosopher, writer and ecofeminist (ecofeminism is the power of the ecology, of the earth and nature to create a more sustainable, just and peaceful world by means of non-violence.) In the 70s she participated in the Chipko movement, principally formed by women who adopted the tactic of ecological protest, which consisted of staying in place embracing trees to avoid their being cut down. In 1982 she founded the Foundation for Scientific, Technological and Ecological Research, which counts among its initiatives the promotion and diffusion of ecological agriculture, study and maintenance of biodiversity, promoting the commitment of women to the ecological movement, or the regeneration of democratic sentiment.
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
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Liking the comic book paneling going on here
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
Just discovered Fishmans - a dub band from 90's Japan - and really disappointed I didn't earlier... this is incredibly chilllll.... "ナイトクルージング"Nightcruising"
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
Arundhati Roy is an Indian writer and activist. If you don’t know who she is, do some research, you should. Scripted over her head it says:
“Another world is not only possible, one is coming. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing.” -Arundhati Roy
Found the image on Flickr - no idea if it’s true, but flickr says the image is from Atlanta, GA taken in 2007.
Arundhati Roy is one of the writers I most admire. I would love to see more street art dedicated to her.
Agreed. Arundhati Roy definitely deserves some street art recognition.
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
Satyajit Ray is Electric #thegoddesswillrockyou
if only i could get my hands. on. this.
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
Rhythmically smooth Malian song with the Malian singer Sali Sidibe. And what a DOPE ASS MUSIC VIDEO -  candid jam sessions on grassy Malian fields are sweeet.
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
Love this. Found this one when I just happened to be in the office the designers share with local Oakland progressive folks. They have a lot of amazing images on their site, but this is the only one with a South Asian bend. The two artists at Dignidad Rebelde do most of their art around Chicano, Mexicano, immigration and Palestinian issues. I’d love their style, and wish there was more South Asian influenced work. Designed by Jesus Barraza circa late-2000s out of Oakland.
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
Morocco. From Albert Kahns collection of autochromes.
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
via TKoW
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
Vidya Balan in Malu garb in the 2011 Malayalam film Urumi (The Curling Blade).
The film focuses on an imagined attempted assassination of Vasco Da Gama and the development of anti-colonial politics in Kerala. This is a movie I NEED to see.
The film also stars Prithviraj, Prabhu Deva, Genelia D’Souza, and Tabu (in a cameo).
Urumi is directed by Santosh Sivan, who also directed The Terrorist, an absolutely brilliant Tamil film about a young female suicide bomber.
AWWWww YEA - Malayalam movie with an anticolonist theme
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
RIP Jayaben Desai, feminist role model and union leader
via The Hindu, Jayaben Desai, architect of Asian women workers’ movement, dead
Jayaben Desai, a pioneer of Asian women workers’ movement in Britain, died after a brief illness. She was 77. She is survived by her husband and two sons.
The diminutive India-born Ms. Desai, who moved to Britain from Tanzania in 1969, came to be known as a “lioness” for her role in leading the two-year long strike at the Grunwick Film Processing Laboratories, north London, in the 1970s to demand union recognition for its largely Asian and female workforce.
She famously told a manager : “What you are running here is not a factory, it is a zoo. In a zoo, there are many types of animals. Some are monkeys who dance on your fingertips, others are lions who can bite your head off. We are those lions, Mr Manager.’’
Recalling her memorable taunt, Labour MP and Jack Dromey, a former trade union leader who worked with her during the Grunwick dispute said: “She was 4ft 11 tall, but an absolute lioness.”
The Grunwick strike (1976-78), regarded as a seminal moment in British trade union movement, was sparked by the dismissal of Devshi Bhudia, a male worker, for working “too slowly’’. Ms Desai who walked out in support along with other workers, including her son, was dismissed . Most of the workers at the factory were women, mostly Indian, and as they took to the streets led by Ms Desai with her trademark handbag they were fondly dubbed the “strikers in saris’’. Although workers failed to achieve their demand, the strike helped highlight the oppression of migrant women workers.
In what The Guardian said was her last known public statement, Ms Desai told the newspaper: “I am proud of what I did. They wanted to break us down, but we did not break.”
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
Raghu Rai ../////// AT MANIKARNIKA GHAT WERE HINDUS BURN THEIR DEAD, VARNASI //// 2004/////// Digital scan of photographic negative on archival paper////////// 20 x 54 in
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
Jean Pierre Léaud, La Chinoise (1967)
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
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o-k-o-k · 13 years
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