nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
Meet Cute
Pairing: Annabeth x Reader
Premise: Annabeth and Y/N meet at a book café.
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this idea for awhile, but I thought about how Annabeth would LOVE a book cafe and derived off that. Hope you enjoy!
If anyone asked, Y/N would tell them that she frequented the local book café because it was a quiet place for her to study and write a novel she had been working on for years. In reality, she studied there all the time because of the cute girl that sat in the quietest corner, typing on her laptop surrounded by notebooks and loose sheets, covered in notes and diagrams.  
She wanted to approach the girl so badly but never found the confidence to introduce herself. That, and she knew what it was like to be interrupted when she was heavily immersed in her own projects. The last time someone had interrupted Y/N, they ended up in the hospital for a month. Since then, no one even dared approach her when she was busy.  
Y/N hated the nervous feeling she got whenever she entered the café, wishing the butterflies would go away. There she was, sitting at the same table as every single day. The blonde was hyper-focused on a blueprint, a notebook placed on the armrest. Her work area was cleaner than usual, and Y/N saw her chance.  
After grabbing her regular order – a London fog and a coffee cake – Y/N moved to approach her crush, but quickly second-guessed herself and sat at her usual table. Soon enough, Y/N was so focused on her latest chapter and barely paid attention to the people around her. Many went in and out, just needing a coffee on their way to wherever they had to be, some came in to enjoy the unlimited amount of books.  
She barely glanced up when someone sat in the seat across from her and set up their own work station. They worked in silence for a few minutes, Y/N becoming increasingly aware of the stranger’s presence with every pencil scratch and shift of a protractor. When she looked up from her laptop, she saw the cute girl sitting in the chair across from her. 
The world froze around them when their eyes met, Y/N admiring the way the light hit her grey eyes. The girl studied Y/N as if she were admiring the historical architecture. “You know, I had my space less cluttered hoping you would join me.”
“I almost did,” Y/N admitted, tucking a hair behind her ear. “But you looked so focused, and I didn’t want to interrupt you." 
"And I make you nervous?" 
"A little.” Y/N said, feeling blood rush to her cheeks.  
“I’m Annabeth,” the girl introduced herself and held out her hand. 
“Y/N,” she shook Annabeth’s hand, giving her a kind smile. Both girls resumed their work but kept conversation. Y/N asked Annabeth about her project, prompting the girl to go on and on about how it was for a class and explained what she aspects she had to include.  
“Sorry,” Annabeth apologized after rambling for twenty minutes. “My friends are constantly telling me that I talk too much about architecture." 
"Don’t apologize,” Y/N laughed. “I love it when people talk about their passions. Maybe you could tell me more about it over dinner sometime?" 
"I’d love that,” Annabeth agreed. It was getting close to closing time, and both girls packed up their belongings.  
“See you soon, Annabeth,” Y/N smiled shyly.  
“Can’t wait.”
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
Percy: Netflix and chill.
Nico: Blockbuster and cockthruster.
Piper: Imax and climax.
Frank: Church and praying for forgiveness.
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if u could do a Percy x Reader fic where the reader is a daughter of Hades, but she has a rlly bubbly personality and when she’s alone she breaks down and like full on SOBS bc she’s going thru depression and Percy catches her but confronts her the next day when the seven (and nico and Reyna) head to the beach (Sry it’s detailed lol. Ik u prolly like vague ideas)
Safe Haven
Premise: Y/N tries her best to break the known stereotype that children of Hades are known to have. One day, Percy finds her with her walls down and comforts the demigoddess.
A/N: I did the best I could with this one. I changed it up a bit from this request, but I hope you still like it!
Camp Half-Blood was meant to be a safe haven for demigods, but Y/N found herself feeling the exact opposite about the place. The campers made her feel like an outcast, making Y/N feel as though she never truly left home. That was the troubles with being a child of Hades. A majority of the demigods believed many of the stereotypes surrounding Y/N and her brother, Nico.
Still, Y/N put on a smile every morning and acted like it didn't bother her. She was determined to break away from that stereotype and portrayed herself as the exact opposite of Nico. Acting bubbly all the time was more draining on Y/N than shadow travel was, causing her to disappear in the middle of the day to take a breather from everything.  
No one actively hated Y/N and her brother, but they were still apprehensive around the two. Especially thinking that they were polar opposites, the campers were less inclined to approach either of them and actively become friends. The only friends that Y/N really had were the seven, and even then they didn't know her beyond the walls.  
That is, everyone but Percy. He was looking for her when he heard sobbing coming from the Hades cabin – newly decorated thanks to Nico – and stopped to see what was going on. When he entered the cabin, he saw Nico sitting on his sister's bed trying to comfort her as she cried. The son of Hades caught Percy's eye and shook his head. Percy understood and left hoping that Y/N didn't notice he was there. 
Over the weekend Y/N joined the seven, and Reyna and Nico, for their monthly Argo II party. She never understood why she was invited to these, having been at Camp Half-Blood during the entirety of that quest. The group demanded that she stop questioning it the third time around, all of them assuring Y/N that they wanted her there. There were moments she found it hard to believe, sometimes the feeling lasted the whole time.  
This time around, Y/N felt herself reaching her breaking point. She noticed that her friends were being nicer to her than usual, Percy especially. Nico shrugged when Y/N shot him a look, indicating that he hadn't said a word to a single person. The kindness – while appreciated – didn't lessen at all during the party, and Y/N couldn't find a good time to get away from it for at least a few minutes. 
Nico noticed this, and managed to distract everyone by asking Frank if he managed to shapeshift into any new animals. Luckily the answer was yes, and while everyone was focused on Frank showing off a bit, Y/N snuck to the docks for some time to herself.  
She was too burnt out to cry, but couldn't help but feel hopeless and sad. There was no real reason for it, but Y/N convinced herself it was because Nico's friends felt obligated to include her in their get-togethers. Of course, they didn't want her around, why would they? Her kind and bubbly personality was a façade, after all.  
Y/N barely noticed when Percy sat next to her at the edge of the dock. They sat together in silence long enough to watch the sun begin to set, telling the demigods that they should've been getting back to camp for dinner. Neither of them wanted to leave, enjoying the rare moment of peace at camp. "Y/N, is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine," she came off as too cheerful, causing Y/N to wince. "Why do you ask?"
"I saw you crying in your cabin yesterday," he admitted. "Wasn't sure if you were having a rough week, or just a rough day."
"More like a rough life,"  Y/N said. It was meant to come off as a joke, but Y/N couldn't hold back her scoff. "Look, I understand you're concerned but I'd rather not talk about it."
"Well, if you need to talk to anyone other than Nico, I'm here to listen," Percy told her, giving her a kind smile. "No rush, though. Some things are harder to talk about than others."
"Thank you," Y/N gave him a small smile. They sat in silence a moment longer until they were called to the dining pavilion.  
"Hey, Y/N?" Percy helped her up. "Can I give you a hug?"
Y/N nodded slowly, surprised at the request. She wasn't completely comfortable with hugging, but for once she felt a need for physical comfort. Percy brought her into his arms, the daughter of Hades tensing at the touch immediately. After a few seconds, she relaxed into his embrace and returned the gesture. As Percy rubbed small circles on her back, Y/N couldn’t help but think that breaking down her walls could be a good thing. Being bubbly all the time was tiring and besides, her friends deserved the truth.  
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
Can’t wait for this series to happen!!!
Thank you for 200 followers!
To sort of celebrate and thank you guys, I’ve been working on a novel fanfic for PJO/HOO that happens after Trials of Apollo. It’s still in the early stages, but here are the basic details that I have figured out so far:
The Darkness of Life
Every millennium, two children of Apollo – normally twins – are born with life and death magic. When Chava Salomon was born, she absorbed her twin in the womb which caused her to absorb the death magic as well. Now, at 18, she must go on a Quest to save her life before the magic rips her soul apart.
The Prophecy:
Life and death collide in one,
Tearing a soul until it’s undone.
To find a hero and take it on,
A battle must be fought and won.
Daughter of sun will turn to dark,
Protecting those who bear the mark.
Percy x OC, Solangelo
Let me know if this is something that interests you guys and I will be more active in the planning portion, so that I can get to the writing!
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
Just Us
Percy Jackson x Reader Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Anonymous asked: I love your blog! If you are doing requests right now, are you able to do something with Percy and his S/O arguing and making up. Or some angst with a happy ending?
This got a little long. Hope y’all don’t mind :) Enjoy!
Requests are open for headcanons and fics!
The lonely apartment felt weird. It was happening more and more frequently as of late, but that didn’t mean it was any less wrong.
When you and Percy had first moved in together, the apartment on 76th Street had felt so alive. It was perfect, and he was perfect, and nothing could possibly have taken that feeling away. And it had lasted, not forever, of course, but long enough that you were confident that letting yourself fall so hard for the scruffy-haired skater boy from the Upper East Side was the right choice.
Sure, living with the son of Poseidon had its interesting moments, like the pegasi that tended to show up on your fire escape every so often, or the monsters that would sometimes follow you home after date nights. But overall, it was good and it felt right.
Until recently, that is. When the apartment started getting lonelier and lonelier, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that your world was somehow irreparably different. Like how your mouth feels after you get a tooth pulled. Something was missing, even when the apartment wasn’t empty.
Sometimes, it was his mom needing someone to watch Estelle. She was always so happy that Percy wanted to be a part of his little sister’s life. And who were you to deny him that? So off he would dutifully go, often not getting back until after you were asleep, sometimes just staying the night and not getting back until after you had gone to work the next morning.
Other times, it was Jason requesting help making sure both demigod camps had appropriate tributes to every minor god or goddess. You knew the work was tedious, and you knew how much Percy valued his friendship with Jason. So when the son of Jupiter called, you waved dutifully as Percy climbed on Blackjack’s back, not coming back for days, or sometimes even a week or more.
Most times, though, it was Annabeth or Grover just wanting to hang out. And you understood, really, you did. His two best and longest friends didn’t really have time to consistently spend with him anymore. Annabeth had gotten into Harvard’s graduate architecture program, so she only had precious little time to spend with Percy, and she could never leave Cambridge. Grover, of course, was still off spreading Pan’s message, and rarely did he have time to spare for his best friend. So, of course, you dutifully watched him race to gather his things, often enough forgetting to even say goodbye, before he was out the door for who knows how long.
Sadly, you sank into the couch—a plush leather hand-me-down from Sally and Paul when they redecorated their own apartment a couple years back—and turned on the TV. When he was gone for long periods of time, the news was often the only way to see what he was up to, even though he had a cellphone and a way to Iris message you on his literal wrist.
It was almost time for the 11 o’clock news, and, in theory, Percy should be home soon. You hadn’t heard anything from him all day, which wasn’t surprising, despite the fact that he was literally just on the other side of Manhattan babysitting.
But you weren’t so sure that he’d be home that night. Not only because Sally didn’t like when Percy walked home late at night. Of course she didn’t, and you didn’t either. The walk was quick during the day because he could just cut through Central Park, but late at night, the park was closed to pedestrian traffic. That, plus the fact that you and Percy had gotten into a bit of an argument before he went left you uncertain that he would return that night.
Or ever, for that matter, although your brain told you that was ridiculous.
Keep reading
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
hi can you do a highschool AU in where Y/N hates Percy, a bad boy/player but Percy tries to get Y/N? oh btw Annabeth was a one time thing....
Game Night (Percy Jackson x Reader Highschool AU)
*Camp Half-Blood is gonna be Half-Blood Boarding School. Also I kinda changed the one time thing w/Annabeth...hope u still like it tho! And Percy might seem OOC, so, sorry!*
Warnings: Some Swearing, Reader has phonophobia  (Fear of loud noises)
H/S = Hair Style 
F/V/G = Favorite Video Game 
F/F = Favorite Food 
You slammed the locker door in frustration. You had just bombed pre-algebra test in Mrs.Dodds class. Your best friend, Annabeth Chase, obviously passed the test. She’s the smartest one in the entire grade according to everyone. Well everyone but Drew Tanaka. Piper McLean, your other best friend, somehow didn’t have to take to take the test. She has a way of getting what she wants with her voice. It’s weird, but you didn’t look into it that much. “Someone’s mad.” You hear a voice say. Instantly you knew who that voice belong to. Percy Jackson. Your mood turned from frustrated to “mildly” annoyed. 
“What do you want?” You spat. 
Percy seems taken aback from the question but his signature smirk plays back onto his face. 
“Ooo, feisty. I like a girl who has fire.” 
“Lucky for you, I’m cold as ice.” You play back.
He scoffs which you find kinda cute. Wait what?! He is the enemy. You can not fall for someone who hurt your friend. Percy looks doubtful for a second, which you find surprising. Percy always is or acts confident. “Hey, you okay?” You ask worriedly. You mentally slap yourself for caring. 
He smirks and that send a whole wave of annoyance through your body. “Didn’t know you cared Y/L/N.” 
“Forget it Jackson. I try being a nice human being for once. Hell, I even gave you more than 2 chances, which I don’t ever do. Can’t you be decent for once?” You push through him and walked towards the school doors. When you nudge the doors open, you got a notification.  Remember to go to Jason’s football game tonight! (For Piper). You sighed, knowing that you had some homework to do later tonight. You also remembered that you promised Piper that you’d go to her boyfriends big game. You headed to the girls side of the campus and changed into some school spirit clothes. You did your hair in a H/S and left the dorm. 
You waited for Piper and Annabeth at the main entrance of the football field. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you could tell it wasn’t Piper or Annabeth. You grabbed their hand and twisted it behind their back. “Jackson, what the hell? Don’t you know not to sneak up on people?” You still didn’t let go of his hand. “Didn’t know you enjoyed holding my hand Y/L/N.” You immediately let go of his hand and a look of disgust fell on your face. “What do you want? As soon as Piper and Annabeth get here I’m leaving.” 
“I was gonna ask if, you’d...maybe wanna...” 
“HEY!!! Y/N!!!” Piper screams. You were grateful that you could leave early. You waved your hands like crazy and screamed back. “HEY PIPES! HI ANNABETH!” 
Jason gave you a weird look but you smiled and shrugged it off. You have each girl a hug and questioned Annabeth. “I can get rid of him if you want me to.” You whisper to her. She looked confused as if what Percy did to her never happened. “What? Oh, no. He can stay, I guess.” You gave her a look which said _Bitch-What-The-Hell?-How-Can-You-Forget-What-He-Did? _Annabeth ignored it and entered the football field. “Pipes I gotta go. See you soon.” Jason gave her a kiss and left. Piper gave you a small wave and left you with him. 
You scoff and glare at Percy. He seems to ignore it and that action annoys you even more. “Well, the games about to start Y/L/N. You coming?” He says. You wanted to ditch the game and just play some F/V/G and eat F/F. _But you promised Piper that you’d go. _You mentally sighed and went inside. 
You flinched at the screams and cheers filling the stadium. You needed to leave now. You felt anxious around loud noises. You knew that your phonophobia was kicking in. You felt bad for Piper because she tried so hard convincing you to come to one of Jason's game. No one knew about your phonophobia. You thought people would laugh and make fun about how you are scared of loud noises. You couldn’t take the noise so you stood abruptly and left. No one noticed you leave the stadium, or so you thought. 
You kept walking ‘till you found a huge rock that kinda looked like a fist. You climbed to the top and sat down. The wind ruffled your hair and the moon brightly shone on your face. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in. You felt Percy sit next to you and you were surprised. You didn’t expect anyone to come after you, let alone Percy Jackson. You two sat in silence for a couple of minutes, taking in the sight. “How’d you find me?” You ask Percy, breaking the silence. Both of you turned to look at eachother. His raven black hair ruffled through the wind. His sea green eyes shone in the moonlight and his crooked smile made him look like a troublemaker, which he was. Percy breaks your gaze and stares at the moon. “It’s-I sometimes come up here. I saw you leave so...”
“Awww...does Percy Jackson care for me?” You teased.
Percy didn’t deny it. “Jackson?” You ask, kind of worried now. You had expected for him to deny it. He still doesn’t answer. 
“Jacks-” You were cut off with his lips on yours. You instantly push him away with a mix of confusion and anger. “What the hell? You like me?” YOu question. He opens his mouth to speak but you weren’t done yet. “Look, do you even remember why I hate you?” Tears were threatening to fall and you didn’t know why. You weren’t about to cry. Not in front of him. 
“Yeah.” He says, his voice barely above a whisper. 
“You left her. On the road, in the middle of the night. She was sobbing! Her parents kicked her out because she came out as lesbian, and you didn’t even help her.” You yelled at him. “She loved you,” you whisper, “she loved you, but she couldn’t help the fact that she likes girls. She came to my dorm in the middle of the night. She said that she didn’t wanted to hurt you. But guess what? She didn’t. You did.” Hot tears were now streaming down your face and you harshly wiped them off. You picked yourself up and climber back down and started to head to your dorm. For once, you didn’t look back. 
A/N: This is my first oneshot on tumblr! Comment for Pt.2 or if you have any feedback!
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
hi. can i have a reyna/reader where they're in a relationship but are still scared of pda and everything, but their friends (i was thinking nico and percy specifically?) help reader and reyna grow more comfortable, and eventually they kiss at the campfire at chb. reader's pronouns are she/her!
Kiss the Girl
Premise: Reyna’s first real relationship is with Y/N. This is Y/N’s first relationship with a girl. Both are scared of PDA, and their friends help them overcome it.
A/N: Deadass, it took me 5? days to figure out how to write this because my family didn’t give me space to even think about it. Family vacations do be like that. Either way, here it is! Hope you enjoy it!
Y/N had never dated a girl before. She never even considered that she liked women until Reyna arrived at Camp Half-Blood with the Athena Parthenos. The Praetor was the most gorgeous person she had ever seen and found herself falling for her every time they spoke. Reyna was eloquent and serious but seemed relaxed around Y/N. She gave her butterflies, and Y/N was too nervous to ask her out.  
It was both relieving and shocking when Reyna took the initiative and asked her on a date. They met at the café in New Rome for Reyna's favourite hot chocolate, and both girls opened up to each other more. Reyna felt comfortable around Y/N, more than anyone she'd ever met. She found herself falling in love with the Greek demigod, and after a long inner debate decided not to pull back. She trusted these feelings and refused to hide them any longer.  
The only thing about the relationship is that it was new to them both. When they were alone, they were perfectly comfortable, but in public was a different story. Their friends weren't even sure if they were official or not, as they never acted like a couple around them. Due to this, they offered to help them grow more comfortable as time went on.  
Nico and Percy were the most involved in helping the girls. Reyna was like a big sister to Nico, and he was more than willing to help her get through the fears he had recently felt with Will. He recalled how he was afraid of affection with his boyfriend at first. He was still trying to get used to the culture in the modern-day, he forgot that being gay wasn't taboo as it was before he was stuck in the Lotus Hotel. PDA was hard for him to get used to, but eventually, Will helped him overcome the fears and worries.  
Percy talked to Y/N about his relationship with Jason. His breakup with Annabeth and Jason's breakup with Piper was a major factor in their reluctance to show affection around their friends. While the relationships on both sides ended on mutual terms, Percy and Jason felt like assholes if they were displaying PDA. It took a pep talk from both Piper and Annabeth expressing to the boys that they're being ridiculous for the couple to even hold hands in public.
The situations their friends were in wasn't exactly what Reyna and Y/N were going through, but they got the hint. After taking an afternoon to talk it through, the girls began to hold hands and hug in public – albeit, it wasn't often. At first, Demigods outside of their friend group were shocked at how close the two were. After that, the shock melted into confusion. There was a bet going around, started by the Stolls, on whether or not they were dating or just close friends. After all, no one had seen Reyna smile and laugh that much around anyone before.  
During one of the campfires at Camp Half-Blood, Reyna and Y/N sat closer than usual, Reyna's arm draped around Y/N's waist. They sang and laughed with their friends, poking fun at anyone who messed up the lyrics or tune. The song leader had bet that they were dating, and decided to end it that night. They nodded to their siblings when they ended their last campfire song, and their siblings began to play Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid.  
Both of them were blushing like mad when the entire camp turned to sing the song to them, feeling embarrassed at all the attention. Y/N looked into Reyna's dark eyes and they settled into staring at each other while they listened to everyone sing around them. Instantly, both of them relaxed, and Reyna pulled Y/N closer to her. As the song was coming to a close, Y/N cupped Reyna's cheek before pulling the Praetor into a sweet kiss.  
They pulled away when everyone began cheering, laughing as they notice various cabins exchanges drachmas, many of which were being given to Connor and Travis. The brothers grinned and gave the girls a thumbs up, mouthing that they were happy for them. On the walk back to the cabins, Reyna stopped Y/N outside of her cabin. "That was worth the wait."
"I feel the same way," Y/N smiled at her girlfriend. "I'm glad we're figuring out this whole PDA thing together."
"I am too." Reyna kissed Y/N again. "You’re amazing, Y/N. I love you."  
"I love you, too." Y/N walked to the door. “Goodnight, love.”  
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
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Weapon couple
This is the newest set to my pjo couple series. I also have a frazel set, a percabeth set, and a solangelo set.
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
I wonder if we get to have an epilogue?
 Once the final book is out I wonder if Rick will put in an epilogue like what J.K. Rolling did with Harry Potter? I know they are two different writers, but I think it would be nice to see all seven grown up (if they don’t die in the next book), also Nico, Reyna and the others. I mean this would give us the PercAbeth family and they can tell their children about Bob the titian and the good Giant (forgotten the name) like Annabeth promised.
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
Soleangelo Headcannon
imagine (6 or so years after Gaea): Will takes Nico out to dinner like before sunset and he’s unusually nervous.  After dinner, Nico asks Will why he’s so fidgety because he notices him looking up at the sky while they walk through a park.  Finally Will’s face brightens up as a huge flash of light comes down to earth.  Apollo steps out of his sun carriage and walks over to Will and hands him a little satin box.  Before he turns back to get into his carriage he whispers in Will’s ear,“ Sorry I’m a little late; Hephaestus was taking longer than I expected.”  Apollo then gets back into his carriage and is off in another blinding flash of light.  Nico turns back to his boyfriend in awe about to ask him what that was about but widens his eyes and covers his mouth at the sight of Will Solace down on one knee with the little satin box open unveiling a black celestial bronze band.  "Nico,“ he says,"will you be my little ray of darkness forever?”
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
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Our friends kept waiting for us to come up, but hey- when you’re the son of Poseidon, you don’t have to hurry.
a commission of the iconic TLO kiss scene for @beautifulinsanesanity! I channeled my middle school self who knew this part by heart for this one
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
todays straight character of the day is: nobody
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
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happy birthday to my #1 demigod and the bestest boy ever, percy jackson!
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
Lol ik it’s past August 18 but still ⏏️
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Happy birthday Percy!!! 💙💙
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
Hello! May I have a reader/percy fic where Reader is bisexual but is scared to come out to Percy? It can be either romantic or platonic, but I'd like their ages to be between 10-15 if thats possible? Reader's pronouns are she/her, and hurt/comfort, please!
Premise: Y/N is scared to come out to her brother, Percy.
Content Warnings: biphobia, homophobia
A/N: Shoutout to that really basic title! I promise the fic is better than that XD I’m currently on vacation in Jasper (we drove, I live five hours away, and there hasn’t been a single case in the resort we’re staying at so don’t @ me on this), so I managed to find the time to write since this is literally just a relax and do nothing type of vacation. So it’s kind of stated in the fic, but this takes place in The Titan’s Curse, and the reader is a year younger than Percy (so like 12???). As well, I decided on making the reader his little sister because I haven’t done a sibling fic before and thought it would fit. Hope you enjoy :)
Y/N's mortal family already hated her for being a demigod. When she found the courage to come out as bisexual to them, they wrote it off. Not that she expected much, but Y/N didn't think she'd get written off as a lesbian when she began dating a girl. They were even worse about that, ultimately causing Y/N to become a year rounder at Camp Half-Blood.  
The school year was lonely, being the only member of the Poseidon cabin. She wished her brothers were there to distract her from her anxiety, and to comfort her when she couldn't sleep. The rest of the campers were kind to her, but it wasn't the same. Percy and Tyson were the two she trusted the most.  
That being said, Y/N couldn't find herself able to come out to Percy. When he arrived at camp during winter break, she immediately felt nervous when she saw him. He was upset that Annabeth was captured, and no one seemed to take it as seriously as he did. Y/N felt as though this wasn't a good time to say anything to him, especially because she wasn't prepared for the possible biphobia from her brother.  
It kept her up nearly every night for the whole break. She Iris Messaged Tyson to come out to him, who was accepting once she explained to him what it meant, but she was still scared to come out to Percy. Especially with her knowing this young, she wasn’t sure how he'd react to that. Y/N wasn't prepared to hear "it's just a phase" by someone she deeply admired and loved.  
When Percy came back, her insomnia worsened. It had gotten to the point where she couldn't find a comfortable position in bed and kept tossing and turning hopelessly. It wasn't until she started crying from frustration one night that Percy got out of his bed and sat on the edge of her own. "What's wrong?"  
"It's nothing," she shifted so she faced away from her brother.  
"You haven't slept in days, Y/N," he said, keeping his voice even. "From what I know, not even an impending war can keep you lying awake all night multiple nights in a row."  
"It's about my mortal family." She explained, too tired to fight with him. "It's bad enough they hate me for being a demigod."
"What did they do?" Percy's jaw tightened. Y/N stayed silent, clutching the comforter tightly. She wasn't sure what to say, or even how to word it. Percy was stubborn, and Y/N knew that he wouldn't leave her alone until she talked to him about everything.  
He put a comforting hand on her shoulder, hoping that it would help ease whatever anxieties she felt. Percy was worried about his sister, and he hated seeing her this upset. One thing he knew was that he had to wait for her talk because she wouldn't speak to him for days if he pushed her to open up.  
Y/N took a shaky breath before sitting up to face her brother, and before she knew it she was recalling everything that happened in the past few months. She skirted around her sexuality, not wanting to get into that at one in the morning. Unfortunately for Y/N, Percy could tell she wasn't telling him the full story. Some things didn't add up.  
He had a good guess of what she left out and asked her to be sure. "Y/N, are you bi?"
She nodded as tears streamed down her face. Percy held her close as she let out all the bottled up emotions, terrified to look at him in the eye. Because it was so late, she didn't process Percy trying to comfort her as she cried. All Y/N could think was that Percy hated her and that he wished she wasn't his sibling. That she must be one or the other, and can't like both genders.  
To her surprise, his reaction was the exact opposite. Once the tears stopped, she finally realized the hug he wrapped her in and pulled away to look at him in the face. His sea-green eyes glowed in the moonlight that streamed through the windows, and they were filled with empathy. "Wait... you don't hate me?"
"No one chooses who they love," Percy told her. "I'm bi, too. I know how scary it is to come out. I was extremely worried about my Mom not accepting me but when I finally had the courage to say something, she told me it didn't matter."
"She's pretty smart," Y/N let out a relieved laugh, wiping the tears from her face.  
"Yeah, she is," Percy smiled. "And hey, if anyone gives you flack for being bisexual, they’ll have to answer to me."  
"I can take care of myself." Y/N grumbled.  
"Yes, and?" He laughed at his sister. "Aren't big siblings supposed to protect the younger ones no matter what?"
"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes. Y/N yawned involuntarily and flopped back onto her bed so she was laying down. Suddenly she felt significantly more comfortable and nestled into the sheets. "Go back to bed, we'll talk more in the morning."
"Goodnight, Y/N," Percy stood up and got back into his bunk. "I love you."
"You're okay."  
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nyssaavilaramirez · 4 years
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“Mornin seaweed brain”
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