nygmobblepot-zine · 2 years
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Hi, fellow nygmobblepot lovers! 😊 It’s been several months since our last announcement. We are sorry for making you waiting this much, but also grateful for your patience! The mods are currently working on new schedule, so you will see it pretty soon! Amazing artworks and writings are on the way. Stay tuned for the updates ❔ ❤️ ☂️ 
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nygmobblepot-zine · 2 years
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a lot of things happened lately, latest events have affected some of our participans, directly or not. so we decided to put our zine on a break till may. we will come up with new dates and plans after that!
fanzines are here to bring people together and create something from our hearts, so we just want to be sure all of our paticipants and followers will be okay. 
we are sorry for the unplanned changes.  please, stay tuned and - most importantly - be safe, take care of yourselves and your closest ones.
if you have any questions or suggestions(concerning the dates, zine plans, etc), you can always contact us here on tumblr, twitter, instagram or discord server
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
our zine will have 29 contributors in total:
3 MODS (as artists too)
if you received the email that you were accepted and you are not on the list here or if there are some other mistakes, please contact us!
here are our official contributors that will be bringing this zine to life: amazing artists!
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talented writers!
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and don’t forget about our mods!
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
hello, people of the nygmobblepot nation !!!! the applications for our zine has officially ended !!! we got a bunch of all lovely people in our little group and were excited to work with them! If you missed the dead-end  18.11.2021 or found out later about it im terrible sorry,,, maybe we could work something out ?
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
it's kind of beautiful that a lot of the time people who applied to the zine are people I followed because people who i followed before was sharing their stuffthis fandom is just a broad family that shows another what the others did and that's just the most beautiful thing :]
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
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meet our mods ! Ashie candy and kalina !!! also maybe check out the aplication post and join the zine?maybe share it? talk to your friends about it haha no that would be to much,,,unless ? B]
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
ONE day till contributor applications are closed!
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if you wanted to be a part of Nygmobblepot Zine, this might be your last chance! let’s share nygmobblepot love :)
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
hello nygmobblepot nation ! its only one week left untill aplication close to the zine ! if you wanna join you gotta act fast!! dont be shy  we would love to have you in our team :]
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
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we found a theme for our zine ! we decided to go with : re-imagination of scenes Gotham said they didn't kiss ? they aren't a couple ? never even been on a date? well but tell me... has Gotham seen this zine ?no?,,, cus it is not made yet huh ,,,,well want to change that and help out :] ?
Contributor Application are open !!! [18.10.2021]
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
for those who already know they want to work on this and have a discord server please dm me so i can send you out an link :]!
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
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Some Questions and Answers for the Zine:
what is a zine :  a zine is like a magazine! just smaller-scaled :D a group comes together and each person does at least one piece for which could be digital art, traditional art, writing, or photos! it usually has one topic -here nygmobblepot :] ( a lot of you showed interest and a lot of you don't know what a zine is which is very very dedicated and we love to see that! )
a zine can also have a theme! a lot of you wanted one, but also wouldn't know what that would look like so here are some examples:  Arkham, the ginger tea scene, what would happen if Edward got the wine back? Alternate universes, etc we could also work as groups where people illustrate a writers work :D the limit is what we can do together and what we want to do!
what will be in the zine? the zine will definitely have different pieces of art inside of it but people who like to write are encouraged to be in the team as well! I don't have time now a zine won't be finished within a week or a month there is enough time so people could work on it in their free time. this project will probably be finished around 5 months after the applications get to be sent out. if you don't think you could finish one piece for it though that is very much fine!! and I hope you can spend your time with something else :]] will it be sold digitally or printed as well? yes, there are zines that are sold either physically or digitally as a pdf :D! if this zine would get enough people to contribute and enough interest from buyers to warranty making it into a book I would love to see it but that is still in the future :] (and if it would be in book format the pricing would be that at least every contributor gets a copy as well) I would love to be a mod, but I also don't know what that means? I'm seeing a pattern here :D ! love the enthusiamn a team of moderators would oversee the zine, making spreadsheets, make sure emails get out, manage social accounts and promote, do research for example: looking for prices for books, keeping the contributors in boat and happy, be there for questions, putting the zine together, and generally making sure the people don't forget to submit their work on time :D
and important for a mod-team: working together and having time, if someone runs into a problem or has questions is you should be able to look at the questions at least every other day and answer questions for the good of the zine
that seems like a lot! but this isn't a company most of the work will be spent in the beginning making sure everyone who applies gets an invitation and their questions sorted out and also in the end when the zine needs to be put together
I don't have discord and I'm not willing to get one not much of a question but a lot of you don't want to have a discord - and for whatever reason I’ll look into it how you can be included as well usually a project like a zine needs a lot of communication and that might also be how your day has been, asking about help for the zine or showing off other work.
a zine is a little community that will spend some months together to create a thing from their love and I would hate to see if all of you don't have a good time doing that :[ I will look into different group chatting sites or applications, until the  first applications get out I will stay in contact through email or social media :] if you have further questions feel free to ask me anything!
how to contact me you can send me questions and messages here : https://nygmobblepot-zine.tumblr.com/ https://www.instagram.com/nygmobblepot_zine/ https://twitter.com/nygmoblepotzine
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
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me  @ the people who wanna join the zine !!! :] I hope we can create  something wonderfull together !!
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
want to share out zine but tumblr ist ur usual place ? we also have a instagramm -> nygmobblepot_zine and a twitter -> nygmoblepotzine
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nygmobblepot-zine · 3 years
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I heard some of you ( and also me ) want to see a nygmobblepot zine to have a bunch of fancreation in one place ? well, good for you !! this might just be the the thing for you then :]
want to be make this happen ? check out the,,,well intrest-check !
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