ntt react to getting proposed to
Vic: "yeah right" my man has such low self esteem that he thinks you're joking. You reassure him that you're serious, he eventually starts crying
Joey: he accepts but on the condition that he takes your last name and that you elope so his parents can't be at the wedding
Raven: stares at you for 0.5 seconds before erupting in a pillar of smoke. It sets of the fire alarms and you stand there in pouring rain, which mixes with the tears on your face
Dick: a sniper shoots him in the head which puts him in a 7 week coma. When he wakes up, no one remembers the proposal but you. It seems the universe is against him getting married
Gar: he's 16
Wally: he says yes, but unfortunately you get kidnapped in the middle of the wedding and erased from existence temporarily. So much for love that can beat satan himself
Donna: she says no because the next red head she marries is doomed to die. She starts dating a sleezy english professor a few weeks later
Kory: she says yes, but leaves you behind on your home planet a few weeks later for some jerk halfway across the solar system who doesn't understand polyamory
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NTT react to horror movies
Raven: cries herself to sleep the nights they watch them, and refuses to tell anyone how much they affect her. eventually they figure it out because she accidentally gives everyone her nightmares about them
Dick: critiques the anatomy of the blood and gore in the movie, proceeding to make everyone more uncomfortable/squeamish. he's banned from watching because inevitably he'll pull out scarier case files from Gotham to prove his point
Gar: likes bad horror movies with lots of jump scares because he wants the girls he's with to cling on to him (they don't)
Vic: they piss him off when they use body horror to make things "scarier". he's an aficionado of horror and actually has good recommendations for horror movies. sadly gar rips on all the good movies because they're "not scary enough" re: don't have jump scares
Donna: "why would you pay to be scared?" she doesn't get the appeal of horror movies, and would much rather spend her time being happy or like. doing something productive. she has enough to worry about irl
Joey: likes the artistic horror movies. him and Vic bond over being the only people that have good tastes. he critiques the special effects and the angling of the camera, and almost makes it into the banned corner, but Vic vetoes his ban
Kory: gets jump scared and puts a starbolt through the TV. her friends probably should have seen that one coming. she gets to join Dick sitting in the banned corner together whenever the movies are on
Wally: doesn't get the appeal of horror movies because jump scares don't happen in real time for him. it's just not that scary if you can see the people screen start to change microseconds before they scream in your face
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
ntt react to going bowling
Vic: gets accused by Gar of cheating via using his cybernetic parts, wasn't actually cheating, but starts cheating only when playing against Gar to piss him off because it's funny
Gar: sucks and gives up on the game, starts chucking the ball down the lane as a grizzly bear and gets kicked out of the alley :(
Raven: needs help lifting even the lightest bowling ball, uses that ramp they give little kids to help with her aim, ends up winning most of the time when using it. Gar accuses her of cheating and it makes her sad, so she starts sitting on the floor and just pushing the ball forward... which makes the ball go to slow and it ends up getting stuck like half the time :/
Roy: hardly practices or plays, but has perfect aim and creams everyone anytime he drops by to play, it drives Dick up the wall
Dick: ends up going to the bowling alley way too much to get in extra practice, he still never beats Roy but creams every other Titan, it's a mental thing 😔✊
Donna: doesn't actually play, she spends her time taking photos and getting the food, and occasionally requests songs and dances to them
Kory: shatters the pins the first time she throws the ball down the lane, and causes enough damage to close the lane for a few weeks. Is careful with her strength from then on, and is majorly frustrated that instead of throwing, she has to roll it (throwing she can get a perfect strike, rolling she constantly hits the gutter)
Wally: is surprisingly good, because there's not much else to do in the midwest, unfortunately if he has one bad round, he can't recover from it, and the rest of the game just goes downhill until he quits 😔✊
Joey: can't go to a bowling alley without remembering the time Grant tried to push his face in front of the ball return, despite that is decent at bowling and a humble winner, it's more fun playing with him then anyone else
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
My headcanon is that Dick asks Lilith to make sure he isn't being brainwashed for the 52nd time this week.
@\bigskydreaming has a post about this which i really enjoy!
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
ntt react to spending a day with lilith ☮️
Vic: he vibes with her for a bit, but then mentions star wars which leads into a hour long debate over the morality of the jedi, and vic just wants it to end 😔
Dick: they just kinda stand next to one another like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️ and awkwardly make eye contact while making polite small talk
Donna: makes out with her on sight, they go on a romantic date and reminisce about their adventures together
Gar: wants to make out with her on sight, but Lilith is a lesbian and flips him off when he makes a comment
Raven: they have a deep conversation about the meaning of life within three minutes of meeting one another, then they meditate on it together
Joey: they go to an art gallery together, and have a conversation about art and it's place in influencing society and culture. they also find out they listen to a lot of the same music, and resolve to go to a music festival together sometime
Wally: they have a nice lunch together, make small talk about old times. he introduces her to fran and they soon start talking about possession and wally just stands there like "ghosts aren't real" 🙄
Kory: Lilith introduces her to folk music, and they spend the afternoon jamming while high on weed
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
Can we agree that all the Titan guys' issues would be solved by communicating honestly? Wally, just say you're dying already. Dick, your mind is in a state of civil war, and the Titans roster has three telepaths at this point. Roy, let's just say I absolutely know that Dick understands you dating a criminal.
True but Raven doesn't have the emotional intelligence to solve anyone's problems (including her own) and Lilith only shows up to cause problems on purpose because it's funny
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
I mean, Gar CLAIMS to know a bit of ASL, but Joey literally calls him a wanker and he doesn't know.
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
ntt react to finding Gar sobbing in a corner.
Raven: stands there awkwardly, asks if he wants the emotions removed, he says no, and she proceeds to leave awkwardly
Joey: pats him awkwardly on the shoulder then leaves to find some paper because Gar never bothered sign language so he has no way to communicate words other than writing
Vic: says some helpful things and gives him real advice, then balances it out by making some jokes at his expense (but they're funny so it's fine)
Donna: tries to comfort him but keeps saying the wrong things and honestly ends up just making things worse
Dick: "i only have time for one mental breakdown at a time" *leaves*
Wally: doesn't realize he saw gar crying in the corner till 15 minutes later because he was going too fast, by the time he's figured it out, someone else has taken care of the problem
Kory: "on Tamaran we didn't have issues like this" :/ she doesn't know how to help with Gar's stupid earth problem because the answer is just "communicate honestly" and he won't
Tara: made him cry, she laughs about it, and honestly good for her he deserved it
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
ntt react to a dragon on top of titans tower
Dick: "Um Kory, Donna, Vic, babygirls could you please help me?" he does the leader thing of coming up with a plan while his girlies do the tough work
Wally: quits the team but comes back because he left his college textbooks in Raven's room, le sigh, he supposes he has to help with getting rid of the dragon
Raven: gets grazed by fire and dramatically swoons to the floor like a proper Victorian lady of the era, then erupts in a plume of smoke transporting herself to somewhere where she can moan about "the pain" in peace. this confuses the dragon because he's pretty sure he didn't make that smoke
Kory: shoots starbolts at the dragon and makes the surprised pikachu face when it doesn't obliterate the creature. she flies around looking for weak points and hits it where it hurts
Vic: uses his one million decibels of white noise to stun the dragon, this simply makes the creature more confused, and it stomps around on top of the tower. he sighs. he's going to have to fix that shit
Donna: she punches the dragon and makes the surprised pikachu face when her fists bounce off. she pushes the dragon off the tower, then groans as her back flares up :/
Gar: is the dragon. he just wanted to make things more interesting and scare his friends a little. he would change back but they started attacking him and now he's just trying not to die
Joey: possesses the dragon. realizes it's gar, and debates whether to tell the others, or let Gar get what was coming to them. eventually he tells Dick because he's nice, but he's not sad the girls got some shots in
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
ntt react to someone getting a body pillow of them
Raven: is deeply uncomfortable
Vic: is deeply uncomfortable
Dick: is deeply uncomfortable
Wally: is deeply uncomfortable and prays for you
Gar: sues you for buying one off brand
Kory: is deeply uncomfortable
Joey: is deeply uncomfortable
Donna: is deeply uncomfortable unless it's terry
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
Shouldn't Wally reacting to the Joker's death be "I'm alive! Mysterious illness can't keep me down! Wait, why am I the Flash? Where's Uncle Barry? WHERE'S UNCLE BARRY!"
depends on what era of the ntt wally is from tbh
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
NTT reacts to the queen dying (please include Tara)
Tara: breaks the news to everyone by bursting in through the door yelling "DING DONG THE BITCH IS DEAD" and depriving them of their chance to find out through tumblr memes. she then proceeds to crash a live broadcast of the BBC interviewing people about the queens death. BBC: "i'm sorry, but could you give us a-" Tara, looking up with a shit-eating grin: "the old bitch finally croaked-" the channel cuts to a break, she becomes a legend
Joey: makes fanart of Sans Undertale killing the queen of england, it's super high quality and is out within 30 minutes of the announcement. his hands hurt but he's given his gift to the world
Wally: "oh that's so sad" :( he goes to grieve his loss and not watch comedy for 12 days straight
Raven: is confused why people are happy about a queen dying and the titans have to have a very awkward discussion (Kory is right there) about why british monarchy is bad actually. It results in a lot of confusion, but eventually everyone's on the same page. even though she's accepted that they're scum, she feels guilty about being happy that someone died
Dick: "Oh hell yes!" He high fives Tara when she comes in. "Wait you didn't do it, right?" She's already out the door. "Tara?!?" he gives up and scavenges tumblr for the best memes to make a slide show out of for later
Kory: "so why don't we just kill them all?" donna and dick proceed to talk kory out of killing the rest of the british monarchy and creating an international incident :(
Vic: decides to make a party out of it, and runs out for hamburgers and the like. Raven makes a cake, and he decorates it with the following inscription "Ding dong the bitch is dead. - Tara" She's ecstatic when she sees it
Gar: didn't know there was a queen of england. "you're kidding" Vic asks. no. he was not
Donna: is at work when it happens, and finds out through coworkers. she takes a selfie of her and a coworker flashing peace signs and posts it with the hastag #dingdongthebitchisdead
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
ntt react to this blog
they sue me for libel <3
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
ntt react to Dick killing the Joker.
Raven: "who is the Joker?" and then she remembers - that guy from the one court case "killing is bad" :( she's sad because her friend killed someone
Kory: "oh so it's fine if you kill someone but the minute i look like i have murderous intent it's all 'KORY NO' 'KORY YOU CAN'T DO THAT' 'KORY KILLING PEOPLE IS WRONG'" 🙄
Vic: "well that's a relief... I mean oh noooo how sad" he legitimately can't find it within him to be upset over this, despite the fact that future!Dick is having a mental breakdown
Gar: "i killed someone once." he says dramatically, putting a hand on future Dick's shoulder "i know exactly how you feel" (he proceeds to give unhelpful life advice and make the situation worse)
Donna: "excuse me for a sec" she goes into the other room to celebrate on her own, the comes out stone faced to comfort future Dick
Wally: "ohh noo" he pats future Dick on the shoulder "hey wait i'm in this arc sweet!" he gets distracted by how much cooler he is in the future
Joey: he feels bad that his friend is upset and gives actual helpful advice on coping with the situation
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
NTT react to Tim coming out?
Dick: "um okay?" he's a little concerned that some random guy just walked up to him and said he's gay
Kory: "cool?" on Tamaran people didn't go around pronouncing their sexualities?? they just dated who they wanted and girls kissing girls and vice versa was fine???
Raven: "i don't know you." she says blatantly. the eye contact is making her uncomfortable. she leaves
Gar: "not for me i hope" he walks away quickly
Wally: "gross" he hasn't been horsegirled by Hartley yet
Donna: she doesn't talk to random people calling out to her on city streets, and keeps walking
Joey: is possessed by some other worldy force and signs 'i was canonically gay first and no one cared, i walked so you could run' then walks away like nothing happened
Vic: "maybe don't share that with strangers?" he suggests, it's the 80s guys
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
ntt react to thanksgiving dinner with wally's family (his mom wanted him to invite friends)
Dick: "thanks, i'll pass." he makes a lame excuse about having work to do, he's met wally's parents before, he doesn't want to spend the night hearing about how gay people are going to hell
Vic: hasn't met wally's parents before, but he knows wally, and he politely declines because he doesn't want to spend the night hearing about how there are some good black people but [insert racial stereotype]
Donna: has also met wally's parents and makes a lame excuse to not go, they're just genuinely unpleasant people. she tries warning the others but it's too late
Kory: is super excited to go and participate in an Earth tradition! wally's mom slut shames her for her shorts being too short the moment she walks through the door and Rudy makes an ass of himself
Raven: is cautiously excited to go participate in an Earth tradition. Wally's mom continuously gives her the cold shoulder because Wally has a crush on her. she can feel the resentment rolling off of her. it feels bad, she doesn't like this Earth tradition
Joey: poor naive joey. he goes and is consistently ignored and talked over the entire time, and get's a very rude "why don't you use your words" from wally's dad. he manages to get the girls and leave early
Gar: wally's mom screams when she opens the door, and calls him an alien. he tries to laugh it off but it genuinely hurts his feelings and makes him feel like a freak :(
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