Might giving this a shot
Since everyone has things like diary’s and stuff, I might give this a shot cause there is no one in real life who knows about this anyways so why not? Nobody in online world knows about this either, so why not write my thoughts down and look at them afterwards to learn about me?
I never did this before and it feels kinda weird cause I am definitly not an attention seeker and I fucking hate it when someone knows my real thoughts. Gotta change the name too btw.
Do you know the question „what superpower would you like to have?“ I was always thinking between two options. There was the ability to jump (movie: jumper or more like a teleport) and the ability to read the minds of people. If anyone is reading this and has the same struggle I had: trust me take the jump ability cause you don’t want to know what the people around you actually think. I honestly think I am so fucking intelligent, which is my dumbest weakness, and that being said I think I see so much more than the most people. Like I literally observe people and their behaviour. Like crazy dude really. Sometimes when I see things like unanswered text messages and the people think I would not see that they put me as a last priority and left me on unread I wanna fucking shake them. Like man? Yeah yeah I guess everyone thinks this is overreacting. And you might be right. But if a person does that shit you are not her/his fucking priority. Just accept that and value yourself. It might be a minor problem but your pride starts here. And it seemed that i forgot that for such a long time. Fucking tell them or just do your resulting consequences. Even if you value that person you should value yourself. That’s a hint I sadly never followed myself. But I am working on that. We will get there. See you next time fucking tumblr bullshit diary. Fuck
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