notabilia-system · 10 days
A non-exhaustive list of things that happen in Warframe out of context:
(Spoilers, if you can even tell what I'm talking about)
An ultracapitalist warlord is harrasing cyborg kids for a comic book. You can help the kids by pulling sick skateboard tricks. The reward is a playable magical girl (who also pulls sick skateboard tricks).
A megacorporation has made the stock exchange into a bloodsport.
Your grandad tries to corrupt a computer. The only way to stop him is by jumping into cyberspace and blasting orchestral dubstep at him.
A room on your ship has been taken over by talking cancer cells. This is entirely beneficial to you.
An autistic child figured out who the main antagonist of the universe is. Some people did a cult about it.
The Pope of Capitalism is hiding in his own pocket dimension. You fight him by throwing a disc at ghosts.
Some of the characters you play have built-in weaponry. One of them has a built-in cat.
The alternate reality version of you has been trapped in a storybook fighting a one-person rebellion against a mad child king.
Sometimes you get attacked by the pinnacle of edgelords who is also your grandad's boytoy. He is a pushover, but somehow his disciples aren't.
You gain the ability to own and pilot a big ship. For unexplained reasons the ship is powered by a mummified finger in a jar.
One time you pilot a robot ghost to fight soldiers in space while a ship captain sings a shanty at you.
Turns out your adoptive mother is really your adoptive mother masquerading as your adoptive mother. Her ex blames you for this.
The final objective of a climactic story mission involves you helping your mother fight her abusive ex and preventing the corpse of your grandmother from eating the sun.
The leading scientist of a now long-dead empire has gone missing. You need to help his husband and their three talking pets fight living mannequin arms using a spellbook.
Time travel exists, and its main purpose is to stop Y2K, which actually happened.
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notabilia-system · 16 days
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This came to me in a dream.
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notabilia-system · 2 months
Being an OCtive/RPG fictive that got here after we stopped playing my source, a lot of my story, or narrative, didn't get written/played.
And I actively dislike my source, knowing what the DM and the others here who played character-me had planned.
But I kinda wanna write a particular scene that never got to happen as if it did... it definitely would be a vent piece as well. Heavy shit.
A scene of me figuring out who my family was.
- Pareiko
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notabilia-system · 2 months
👻 pro ask game
quer que eu responda em pt/br? kk
Na dúvida vai os dois
👻 - Do your alters have different voices/speech patterns?
Yup! We have higher voices, lower voices, brighter voices, darker voices... we kinda try to match it to the body when fronting, enough that each of us also has a distinct body-voice, but with our count nearing 50 it's getting tougher to make it unique. We also have a couple members with distinct accents - namely, Spidey and Viktor - which we learn and mimic so they're more comfortable speaking.
👻 - Os seus alters tem vozes/jeitos de falar diferentes?
Sim! Tem vozes mais agudas, mais graves, mais estridentes, mais largas... a gente tenta fazer com que a voz do corpo seja semelhante enquanto está no front, ao ponto de que cada um de nós também tem uma voz-no-corpo diferente, mas com a contagem perto dos 50 fica difícil que todas sejam únicas. Nós também temos alguns membros com sotaques diferentes - por exemplo, Spidey e Viktor - que nós aprendemos e imitamos pra que eles falem de maneira mais confortável.
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notabilia-system · 2 months
🌙 for the plural ask game ^^
Thank youuu~ 🌙 - Do you have subsystems?
We do, actually, have a handful. All are duos!
Netjeru subsystem - Taruu and Horus
Tuni subsystem - Kamasvami and Drakar
Kao2 subsystem - Valmar and Kai
Light subsystem - Lightrruptor (LightR) and Feins Ero (Light2)
The Netjeru and the Tuni have something of a headspace of their own, while Kao2 and the Lights don't at all - they just coexist, conscious or not, at all times, almost as if co-fronting with different levels of control over the shared body.
Interesting facts about those: Kao2 used to be Varus3, but Naavlein eventually separated from Valmar and Kai. The Lights' subsys also went through several changes, which included Jaggi (LightR's brother) and a fourth alter called Takeharu, now integrated.
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notabilia-system · 2 months
🍄 + 🎵 for the ask game!
Thank you for the ask! 😊
🍄 - How did you get your system name?
Before we were aware of the system, our host at the time thought the alters we had were characters in a story she had created in her mind (which is now some of us' narrative). While thinking of what to call this story, our high school history teacher taught us about the Latin root of "noble" and "nobility", Notabilia, meaning "noteworthy". She loved the word, and once we discovered the system, having been characters of Notabilia-the-story, it just made sense to now be Notabilia-the-system :D
🎵 - What songs remind you of you alters/headmates?
Oh boy. I swear most of us have playlists with +30 songs each 😅 A few for our frequent fronters are:
Seth : End of an Empire by Celldweller
LightR: Lightbringer by Pentakill
Hissandra: Amarullaqta by LENIN
Phel: Polaris by Marcus Skeen
and a general system song we're enjoying lately: Identity by Shinee ^^
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notabilia-system · 2 months
Ask a system!
Alright, we've been silenced as a system for wayy too long and so, you know what? I'm pushing us out of it. Because we deserve to be ourselves. Send one of these emojis in our asks and we'll answer! -Asher 🍄 - how did you get your system name?
👾 - funniest out of context system quote?
🎉 - favorite system holiday?
🌙 - do you have subsystems?
☕ - what is switching like for you?
💫 - are there any hobbies you all have?
💾 - what's your headcount?
👻 - do your alters/headmates have different voices or speech patterns?
🎨 - does anyone in your system like art?
🥀 - how easily does the system split?
🦖 - is your system fictive-heavy? factive-heavy? neutral?
🎵 - what songs remind you of your alters/headmates?
❓ - how much amnesia do you experience?
🎮 - what do your alters/headmates do in their free time?
🪐 - what is headspace like for you?
🍐 - are there any non-human alters/headmates?
🪫 - what do you all do to recharge?
🌧️ - how does the system cope with stress?
🔦 - how did you discover your system?
🌟 - do any alters help out with school/work?
🌊 - who are your frequent fronters?
🎁 - have you ever bought your alters/headmates things?
☘️ - what are your introjects/fictives usually sourced from?
💬 - free space!! tell me about something!
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notabilia-system · 2 months
Happy Birthday
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Gen Asagiri (1st April 2000)
Dr. Stone
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notabilia-system · 3 months
forming a tactical alliance by letting another man sink his fangs into the juncture of my neck & shoulder
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notabilia-system · 5 months
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Art by 宝林本迟
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notabilia-system · 5 months
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Icara , 2020
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notabilia-system · 6 months
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notabilia-system · 6 months
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He's Gen and he's Genough
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notabilia-system · 7 months
Spiderpunk/Hobie Brown Stimboard!
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A Spiderpunk/Hobie Brown Stimboard with guitars and a punk theme with related stims!
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notabilia-system · 7 months
shout out to the fictives who love their source !
shout out to the fictives who choose to separate themselves from their source !
shout out to the fictives who kept their appearance similar to canon !
shoutout to the fictives whose appearance is drastically different than canon!
shoutout to the fictives who have no exomemories !
shoutout to the fictives who have plenty of exomemories !
shoutout to fictives in between all of these scenarios !
ya'll are so valid! and deserve to be seen! : ]
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notabilia-system · 7 months
What are your headcanons for gen's backstory?
Hi i am so sorry this took me a while to get to, my job just ended so ive been exhausted. Anyways here are my headcanons for his back story.
Child actor. He had his own show at 19, so he had to be in the entertainment industry for a while.
His parents were his managers and subsequently the reason he started acting.
Became obsessed with magic as a kid when he saw a magic act for the first time. Since then he wanted to practice and see the wonder in peoples faces when he performed the tricks
since his family isnt mentioned much, its safe to assume they had some kind of falling out that caused him to either cut them out, or just go full on no contact.
on that note his parents were the kind who relished in their kid being a star, so growing up he had to make sure everything was perfect to make them happy
primary income for his family, again to be on magazines and have your own show by 19, it means he would have had to be in show business for years prior, and ebcause of that he was probably the one to make the most money for his family
read a lot of books on his downtime
was actually pretty good in school
became obsessed with psychology at a young age when he could see just how usefu it is in life
well thats about all i have so far. I have much more but to list it all will take me longer then it should. Anyways i hope you like it
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notabilia-system · 8 months
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collection of posts for a very specific dynamic
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