fandom thing: Hetalia
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“You come into MY house... disrespect MY rules...!”
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i havent seen matpat’s video but this made me laugh so hard
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“The idea of armor that barely covers anything astounds me. A-and it’s not even the revealing aspect, it…it just doesn’t make sense!” She prefers hers being full body, and with a helmet-
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“Tell that to the aspect of sex appeal." And sudden appearance by ND out of nowhere! “When a female character has little more than armored undergarments, several tongues fell onto the floor.”
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Character I first fell in love with:
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Character everyone loves but I don’t:
Character I love but everyone else hates:
Character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Character I would kiss:
Character I want to slap:
A pairing I love:
A pairing I hate:
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Send me "ff+" and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
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Cue a sigh. “I’m used to it, at least. And it’s never really been much more than a few dents and maybe a part or two out of place when you crash things.”
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“Jack of all trades, master at none.” of course you’d say something like that. “Count your blessings that they’re not all complete wrecks. If you’ve seen the various cargo planes I’ve crashed, you’d have a right mind to bar me from using any of them.”
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“Or letting you drive anything period…”
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“Excuse you, I am perfectly capable of driving the vehicles I own. It just happens to be your stuff I crash.”
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“Yeaaaaaah, I don’t let her fly my ship any more after that…”
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“Rule 1 of letting me onto a ship: Never let me pilot said ship.”
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Do you have any silly moments to share involving you and Nia? You guys have been friends for a while, so surely something has happened!
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“Aside from crashing her ship when she let me pilot it and covering her entire office with tin foil for displacing my lunch in the fridge? Nothing too outrageous.”
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My muse is now in an RPG and their fate is in your hands! Send me an ask to progress the story:
✚ Quest!: Give my muse an objective to complete
⚠ Encounter!:  Send a monster or a threat my muse has to face and I’ll tell you how well (or how badly) they handled it
★ Loot!: Reward my muse with bonus experience points or items
❤ Party!: Name a character and ill decide if they should join my muse’s party
✼ Adventure!: Send me an adventure you want our muses to go on
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Anon or not, send my muse any question you want! Funny, sad, angsty and fluffy are all fair game!
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When do you think the next Neptunia game may arrive?
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“I’m a Maker, not a fortune teller.”
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ND, with your expressions and your brains, how do we gauge your power-levels with where you stack up with the other Makers?
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“What is with you and power levels? Anyway, I’d say I’m probably one of the strongest Makers out there. It’s not every day you nearly die traveling with Sable.”
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"I feel like this is the same person that always asks me if I notice that Uni sounds like that one character from that "Madoka" show. The joke wears thin quickly, you know..."
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“We Lastation folk just have the stale jokes thrown onto us. I call it a curse.”
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So ND, you ever saw Saint Quartz and ever thought of showing Gudako any?
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“A. I never met Gudako. B. Stop asking me questions involving her. C. I just look like her, you bell-slapping grey-face.”
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ND since you've been around a long time are you Senior Citizen?
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“...Do I look old to you? Yes, I’m old as far as age goes, but thanks to dark and light eco, physically I always look thirty years old.”
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“I also kind of... dumped Planeptune for Lastation when I decided to make Crash Bandicoot. Not in a condescending way, mind you. I just didn’t think the Saturn was up to scratch at the time.”
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