Benedict: “Have you seen Colin? Mama has the carriage ready.”
Eloise: “I got this.” *clears throat* “You’re right Ben, maybe Penelope should have married Lord Debling.”
*Colin pops up from a distance*
Colin: What was that?
Eloise: Found him.
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“Gilbert Blythe,” answered Anne, vexed to find herself blushing. “I met him on Barry’s hill.” “I didn’t think you and Gilbert Blythe were such good friends that you’d stand for half an hour at the gate talking to him,” said Marilla with a dry smile.
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a feeling that is like torture. but one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up.
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Close ups of Paul in Let It Be (1970)
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In today's "Are we watching the same show?" episode. There is a minority but loud voice complaining that somehow Penelope and Colin's friendship is only told and never showed to us. Say what? S1 and S2 ON SCREEN Colin and Penelope discuss trust, dreams, their aspirations, they banter, dance together and talk about love, even about love. Colin exchange letters with her ( a girl that is not his family member), this a boy and a girl in the 1800s having this connection and he takes what she says to the heart to a point where it's her who inspires him to travel because she said something to him. Colin listens to her talking about her freedom & dreams in S2 in a scene where she makes him feel important and he looks at her with pure and utter admiration and it's there, all there. At the end, as still immature boy with other men around, he denies having interest on her beyond of a friend, with poor choices of words. Then we start S3 and he's upset she is not answering to his letters anymore, when even his family ignores his letters and he used to take it well, he misses her. It happens what we know and confronted with what the hurt he caused her, he apologises and clarifies it was about his own insecurities, not her, never her because she's warm, and clever and someone he admires and wants in his life, because with her he actually feels appreciated, she hears him, knows him, and she also didn't fall for the charm facade. Colin not only says things, he acts on. He tries with actions to make it up for her to give what she wants, even if he actually is not really pleased that she's seeking a husband ( and ofc it's about his own feelings for her here, but i digress) and he goes to teach her that she's wonderful, charming, attractive to any men. As i said before, his lessons is all about Colin telling her how he sees her and OH BOY, he sees her as someone wonderful for he thinks she only needs to be herself to get any husband she wants. So don't even try to say Colin was ashamed of that woman. He seeks her, He flirts with her, he remembers exactly how they met, he never was upset to be with her everywhere. When he thought her cousin was hurting her life ( let's be real, it was for Pen that he was more worried about the Featheringtons), he confronted the man and made sure to tell her he'll always protect her because Pen is special to him. When we grow up with someone, and specially someone younger that we relate in our minds to our baby sibblings it takes some mental adjustment that we even deny and supress some feelings when things start to change, to see them as men and woman take a bit of time, change, maturing and acceptance to feel it's right. Colin breaks every social rule with her because he's so close to her and she feels so much his in a sense that he doesn't see what's wrong in the way he behaves around her - that he doesn't around other women. And when his friend asks him to kiss her, he's reticent because he's afraid of losing her when he clearly is already starting to realize how he actually loves her, and because they are so in tune usually, it messes with his mind that the kiss of realization meant nothing to her, as he perceives. It drives him nuts. Again, we are talking about 1800s young adults, not 2024. Learn what friendship between Men and Women were. If their friendship had taken any further steps, they would have to end up making out in a public fashion and get marry....oh wait....
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“No one truly notices me.”
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Benedict gives John advice | Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Sneak Peek
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People need to understand one thing, that is quite clear, the Ton, as showed before, responds to how to handle a lot of the social situations with how Queen Charlotte responds to certain situations, so by clear logic, QC's response to LW will set the tone for the Ton's behavior.
Also, Violet and Anthony have more to thank LW than anyone else, considering how they take care of their families. Just think about it.
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for @polin-erospsyche ✨️
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Bridgerton: Season 3 Part 2 - Exclusive Clip | IGN Live 2024
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Scrolling Tonblr with Nicola Coughlan
Take a scroll with Nicola Coughlan through some Bridgertonblr posts from @nic-coughlan, @lilbitofdisaster, @susiephone, @andrcmache, @polinated, @cringycat24 , @lizzibennet, & @conejita-canelita
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Colin in season 1 and 2, all the bloody time: I feel i lack purpose, i feel like i don't know what i'm doing, who i am, what is my place and what love really is, i want to be taken serious, as he goes and makes mistakes trying to to please his brothers ( specially Anthony) and is unable to find value on himself and, therefore, love himself. Colin in S3: clearly acting on these issues and conflicted with himself, with plenty scenes that simply don't narrate to you what is happening because it believes you're intelligent enough to grasp wtf is happening to him, but apparently Morgan Freeman was necessary to some of you because some of you are like "Why is Colin acting like that? I don't get his motivations! Colin has no personality or traumas". I mean, if you don't get it...starting reading and try classes of interpretation & comprehension and do not have every conclusion you reach be narrated by someone else.
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Lol, this was such a good little scene. And Luke's timing was so great here, that no and his expression. hahaha And he knows Francesca, he knows his sisters, she's not the type to like that kind of gesture.
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So.. I'm gonna just say it..
Your fav did their job. It is not their fault that their season is so far away from their books. Yes, showrunner ruined your "✨️pErFeCt✨️" season.
It is not a reason of POLIN'S SUCCESS .your season was weak. That's it. That is all..
Sorry but Luke and Nic was so invested in their work. They kept trying to include book lines. They listened their fans..they kept talking what we liked so many times. Fucking hell.. The famous "good night Mr.Bridgerton" happened because fans want that so much so they added that..
You don't get to say season 3 is succesfull just because of the promo they got..be fucking for real..please..
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When people say that Penelope was wrong to reveal Marina's pregnancy and she was selfish to do it and she ruined Colin's happiness... First of all, what happiness? Anyone seriously think he was going to happy in his sham of a marriage once he learned Marina was already pregnant by her actual true love when they first met? Does anyone seriously think Violet Motherfu/in Bridgerton wouldn't realize Marina was too far along in her pregnancy for a newly wed bride who only slept with her husband on their wedding night? Do you think Colin is going to be so happy and supportive after learning he was never true love for his wife, not even her first choice by a long shot? Colin is a good man, but there's no telling he wouldn't seek a divorce. And why shouldn't he? Since he would be the wronged and betrayed party. He's rich, has a Viscount brother and a Duchess sister, he would easily get his freedom from such a "marriage" from parliament. Where would Marina be left then?
Colin only said that he would have married Marina if she had been truthful to him from the start. Not that he would still marry her after she hid it from him, and was going to do her best to dupe him even after they married. If he still wanted to marry to marry her after learning the truth, he would have married her. He clearly did not. It was an infatuation on his part, and it passed. That's reality.
And what about Penelope? She is, by her own admission, in love with Colin Bridgerton. Has loved him as long as she has known him.
What kind of love would it be, if she did not even do everything in her power to prevent the Marina fiasco? That would have been pretty lousy of her, letting him be made a fool by his own wife for the world to laugh at, while claiming to love him.
Oh, and I'm surprised that nobody brings up the fact that it was important for Lady Whistledown to reveal that Marina was not only pregnant, but had been since before she entered the Ton. Otherwise, Marina could just claim that Colin was the father of her child and sue him for Breach of Promise - a very real legal thing in Regency England. And he would have no way to prove himself innocent.
In the end, Penelope just prevented long term damage, that would have otherwise left both the Bridgertons and Marina, as well as the Featheringtons, shamed and destroyed.
In such a case, when Eloise eventually found out that Penelope was Whistledown and knew about Marina's lies, then she would blame her for not speaking up, and letting her brother be used, betrayed and his life ruined.
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