noob-whump-writer · 1 year
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So I wrote some dialogue for my Pokémon OC Reagan in the AU where she joins Team Plasma.
Reagan: oh… what brought you to this room specifically?
Reagan: I’m Reagan, N’s bodyguard.
Reagan: What’s this room? Take a wild guess…
Reagan: Yeah, this room belongs to N. He spent a good chunk of his childhood locked up here.
Reagan: I don’t know much about his childhood other than that.
Reagan: I only met N two years ago. He’s the only human I consider my friend.
Reagan: I don’t fully agree with his worldview, but I owe him my life. If he’s right or wrong doesn’t matter to me.
Reagan: I’m just here to pay my dues. For the sake of… pride or honor, I can’t tell anymore.
Reagan: Well I should probably do my job and fight you… be warned that I’m far stronger than any of the other grunts…
-Upon defeating Reagan-
Reagan: Considering I didn’t fight with my whole team, I expected this…
Reagan: let me heal your Pokémon.
Reagan: I shouldn’t be saying this but… defeat N for me. I can’t do it myself, I still owe him. But his defeat will save his life.
Reagan: Ghetsis is a cruel man, he’s been using N as a pawn from the start.
Reagan: Although I’m sure that was obvious, or did Ghetsis perhaps tell you himself?
Reagan: Either way, Ghetsis plans to dispose of N after all is said and done.
Reagan: I would get rid of Ghetsis myself… but I fear what that man. He’s an absolute monster.
Reagan: Why am I afraid of someone I could probably crush in a fight?
Reagan: I’m not fearing for myself, I’m fearing for N.
Reagan: Ghetsis knows my history and weakness. He knows how to use it against me.
Reagan: You think I’m a good friend for sticking by N all this time?
Reagan: Heh… I’m just following my code. I gotta stick around and see this to the end. No matter what that ending is…
Reagan: Nice chat… but you should be going now.
-Upon being spoken to again-
Reagan: Are you deaf? I said get going.
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noob-whump-writer · 1 year
Literally accidentally added some whump to a Pokémon fic in the form of each character having some kind of interesting family issues…
Tsubaki: as the youngest child, she wasn’t expected to be as strong as her siblings causing her to be tossed aside in favor of her sisters
Cassandra: was raised in an environment where she was forced to become the best of the best.
Reagan: was also raised in an environment where she was raised to become the best of the best, but she was also groomed into becoming strong enough to take on Cassandra (her grandmother) and gain the title of next head of the family only to get disowned upon losing to her.
Tessie: mommy issues (Reagan is her mom) because her mom is distant and is constantly away for work and has never told her about her past.
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noob-whump-writer · 1 year
Might change Vivien’s magic from future sight to emotion manipulation. Or full on mind control if he makes a pact with you… what do you guys think?
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noob-whump-writer · 1 year
Random thinking but I think I’m gonna make a visual novel for my whump story…
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
Not whump related but like I’m making a Dragon Quest based TTRPG system and am running an open world game in order to play test! Hmu if interested
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
16, 18, 20 for Sylvia
16: Sylvia is most certainly agnostic and that hasn’t changed
18: her favorite childhood memory is her 13th birthday when her father set her up a surprise party.
20: she used to be afraid of being alone, but now she somewhat enjoys it.
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
Whumpy OC Questions
(But you don’t have to write whump to use these)
Please enjoy!
(1) Where were they born and where did they grow up? If these answers are different, why?
(2) What kind of school(s) did they go to? How far did they go in their education? Why did they go as far as they did or stop when they did?
(3) What was their favorite part of school?
(4) What was their least favorite part of school?
(5) Did they have a say in what they studied in school? If they went to a trade school, college, university, or professional training program, why did they choose the path they did?
(6) What socioeconomic class were they and their family as a kid? Did their family’s socioeconomic class ever change, via upward or downward mobility? Why and how? 
(7) What did their parents or other relatives do for work?
(8) What adults were most involved in their life as a kid?
(9) Did they get along with authority figures as a kid, or were they more rebellious?
(10) What was their position in their school’s social hierarchy? Did it ever change, and if so, why/how?
(11) Who was their first crush, if any? Did they know this person or were they a celebrity/public figure? If they knew their crush, did they ever confess?
(12) What is their sexuality/sexual orientation? Have they always known? When did they figure it out for sure?
(13) If they are queer, including aro/ace, when did they first come out, and to whom? Who are they out to now?
(14) What about gender? What words would you use to describe their gender identity or presentation? What words would they use to describe their own? Have they always known? Has it ever changed?
(15) If they are trans, including nonbinary/agender, when did they first come out, and to whom? Who are they out to now?
(16) Are they religious (religious beliefs) or observant (religious practices/rituals)? Have they always been so, or has this changed? Have they ever converted/reverted or deconverted?
(17) What are their favorite meals/cuisines? Do they follow any particular diets/restrictions, and if so, why?
(18) What is their favorite childhood memory?
(19) What is their worst childhood memory?
(20) What is something that scared them as a child, but not as an adult? What changed?
(21) When they were a kid, what kind of future did they want for themself? Have they achieved it? And have their goals/desires changed?
(22) What are the moral lines they would absolutely never cross? Are you sure there’s no exception at all?
(23) What is the worst thing they have ever done to themself?
(24) What is the worst thing they have ever done to someone else?
(25) Would they stay in a relationship (platonic, familial, or romantic) with someone who annoyed or bothered them? What would they be willing to tolerate?
(26) Who was the first person they had a significant relationship with as an adult? What kind of relationship was it? How did they meet? Are they still involved?
(27) How have they or would they react to being dumped or broken up with? This could be romantic or platonic.
(28) What would make them end a relationship? What would make them completely cut all ties with a person?
(29) What tends to show up repeatedly in their dreams? How does this make them feel?
(30) What tends to show up repeatedly in their nightmares? How does this make them feel?
(31) What’s the worst injury they’ve ever had?
(32) What’s the worst sickness or illness they’ve ever had?
(33) When they’re sick, what comfort do they prefer?
(34) Were they bullied in school? What were they bullied over? Who were their bullies and how were they bullied?
(35) Who was the first person to break their heart? What happened?
(36) Have they ever witnessed someone die? What happened?
(37) What torture technique are they most afraid of? Has it ever been used on them? If so, why and by whom?
(38) How self-aware are they of their traumas, and do they do anything about it?
(39) Have they ever hurt someone else because of a trauma reaction? What led up to it? What happened? Were they forgiven?
(40) Have they ever been abandoned? What happened? Did they ever forgive the person/group?
(41) Have they ever been betrayed? What happened? Why were they betrayed? Did they ever reconcile with or forgive the person/group?
(42) What’s the worst thing an abuser ever did to them?
(43) How many different abusers have they had? How did they meet and when did the abuse start?
(44) When, if at all, did they first realize they were being abused or had been previously abused? What made them realize it?
(45) Did they know the person/people who hurt them before it happened?
(46) Have they been held in captivity or imprisoned? By whom, for what reason, and for how long? Did they ever escape or get out?
(47) How would they react if they were forced to watch a loved one being hurt?
(48) What, if anything, would coerce them into participating in hurting a loved one?
(49) Would it be worse for them to be forced to watch their loved ones being hurt, or for them to be hurt while their loved ones were forced to watch?
(50) What scars do they have? Are any of them obvious or impossible to hide? Do they hide any of their scars, and if so, which ones and how?
(51) Would they be more afraid of being drowned alive or burned alive?
(52) Have they ever had any animal pets? How did they get them, and are they still responsible for their pets?
(53) Has anyone ever tried to hurt their animal pets to hurt them? How would they react if someone did?
(54) Are they safe now?
(55) What would safety feel like for them?
(56) What do they like about their body?
(57) What would they change about their body if they could?
(58) Who do they most admire? Do they know this person or is the person a historical figure or a public figure/celebrity? What do they admire about them? Do they think they could be like them?
(59) How do they try to comfort others?
(60) What kind of relationships do they have a pattern of seeking out or falling into? Are they positive or are they toxic?
(61) Do they think they will live to old age? What are their hopes for their old age?
(62) What do they believe about gods/goddesses/the divine/the supernatural?
(63) What do they think is their best trait and why? Would people in their life agree?
(64) What do they think is their worst trait and why? Would people in their life agree?
(65) Do they think of themself as normal or ordinary, or do they think of themself as odd, a freak, or a weirdo? Why? Would other people agree?
(66) How many people are they close to? Do they think they are too open and trusting, or are they too closed off and avoidant?
(67) Of the four “f” trauma responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn), which do they tend to exemplify? Does it change based on situation or context?
(68) What situation or experience are they most proud of overcoming, if any? How did they get through it?
(69) Do they have siblings, including half-siblings, step-siblings, and foster siblings? Where are they in age order? Are they still in contact with any of their siblings? What do they think of their siblings, and what do their siblings think of them?
(70) Where do they live now? How did they get there? Do they live with others? Who are they, and what is their relationship to them?
(71) What’s the worst place they’ve ever lived? What was so bad about it?
(72) What languages do they speak and understand? How did they learn them?
(73) How many bones have they ever broken? How did they break?
(74) Do they have any lifelong disabilities or chronic illnesses, including psychosocial disabilities and neurodivergence? Do they know? How old were they when they found out or realized they weren’t the same as everyone else? Are they proud of or at least comfortable with their body/mind, or do they struggle with internalized ableism?
(75) Have they ever had any body parts amputated? What happened?
(76) Have they ever been in the news? What for? Did they agree or was it a surprise/secret or leaked tape? How did this affect them later?
(77) Would they prefer to be rich or famous? Why?
(78) What are their hobbies? How did they get into them? Are they able to do them regularly?
(79) Have they ever been in trouble with the law? What for? Did they actually do it? What happened?
(80) How do you relate to them? How long ago did you create them, and what do you think of them now? Do you want to hug them, be friends with them, hurt them, or something else?
(81) Are they keeping any secrets from you as their creator?
(82) What are you planning to do with them next?
(83) What race, ethnicity, culture, or species are they? How do they relate to other people of the same race, ethnicity, culture, or species? Is theirs common or relatively rare in their world? In their community?
(84) Do they have a source of inner strength? What is it?
(85) How would they define “losing everything”? Have they ever lost everything?
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
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New characters shall be added to my story as side characters! This is Cornelius Aster, he is Brycen’s coworker at the law firm and his biggest rival and best friend. He is adamant that his friend is just missing and will turn up one day and takes on his friend’s workload so they don’t hire anyone to replace him. He’s stubborn and rude but has a good heart. Is like a second father to Sylvia as she grew up with just Brycen as her only parent.
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Brycen Winters, Sylvia’s father and the man being held captive. He’s a brilliant and outgoing man who is a rather big flirt, often looking for women to serve as a mother figure to Sylvia. However most women date him purely because he’s a rich lawyer and want nothing to do with his daughter. He usually dumps them as soon as he finds out about this however… he has a close relationship with his daughter.
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
Boy oh boy I finally made the intro to my original story! Everything else will be told out of order whenever I get the ideas so this will on no way be cohesive. Enjoy tho!
“Dad, I’m home…” Sylvia says as she enters her home, no reply.
“Dad?” She calls out once again, walking through her house to the living room. Still nothing. “Maybe he’s out late again…”
Arriving in the living room, she sees an unfamiliar man sitting on her couch, “Finally, you’ve arrived. I was starting to wonder when you’d get here.” He smirked, adjusting his glasses.
“Who are you, what are you doing here?” Sylvia frowns, she heard footsteps from behind and a shadow is cast over her.
“My name is Vivien and the man behind you is my muscle, Axel. But enough about us, you possess a very rare supernatural ability. Time manipulation, am I correct?” The man on the couch reaches into his pocket.
“Yeah, what’s that gotta do with any of this?” Sylvia snaps, she goes to take a step toward Vivien but is immediately stopped by a large hand resting on her shoulder.
“We need your power. This won’t be a permanent arrangement, however your power is a valuable one and one we’ll need to use in an upcoming mission, a few months from now, next year. So until that time has passed, you’ll be working for us. Your father will of course be kept safe… unless you step out of line that is.” He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
“Hey! Put those down! If you’re gonna smoke, do it outside! I just cleaned!” Sylvia pushes Axel’s hand away and walks up to Vivien. Much to the confusion of both him and Axel…
“So you have nothing to say on your situation?” Vivien blinks.
“Oh I have a lot to say, all of which you’ll hear after you put away the cigarettes!” Sylvia snatches away the cigarettes.
“Alright, I won’t smoke. I’m not heartless, and you seem to have quite a bit of spunk… plus I still need you, you won’t do us any good if you were dead, now would you?” Vivien smirks
“Whatever, as long as my dad makes it out of this okay… I’ll do what you ask.” Sylvia grits her teeth, “Now what do you want from me?”
“You’ll start out performing minor tasks for our organization and work your way into a position where you can participate in this mission we need you for… you must remain compliant and not tell a soul or else all bets are off for your father’s life. If everything goes as planned, we’ll let you and your father leave.”
“Fine… I accept, not like I have much of a choice in the matter.”
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
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Have Sylvia! Just an idea for her design so this isn’t official XD I’ll probably draw her in many different cute academia or Lolita outfits! Feel free to send me some you think would work for her XD
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
Heya! I’d like some opinions. What kind of superpower should I give the whumper (Vivien)?
I cannot decide so I’m asking y’all. I’d also love to hear a reason behind it too.
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
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I drew Sylvia!! It’s not very good but I tried…
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
Haha I’m totally not thinking about Pokémon Mystery Dungeons Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky and crying about the ending 😭😭😭
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
New characters for that prompt I made! Probably gonna write an actual series for it but I gotta come up with plot and the like first XD
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Character 1 is Sylvia Winters, a 16 year old who is currently on her third year of high school. She is the Whumpee and she definitely doesn’t take anything that happens to her face down. She fights back even if it gets her hurt even worse. She loves Lolita fashion, cute things and was quite popular in school before everything happened. She has a strong distrust of both Whumper and Caretaker, slightly less so for Caretaker however. Her father is a single father and a major lawyer named Brycen Winters. Brycen is often described as a beautiful and somewhat feminine man and his daughter greatly takes after him in terms of looks. Sylvia has the power to control time, she can freeze time and rewind it short distances, however it often causes a mental strain on her causing headaches or even her passing out if used too often or too much.
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Next is Vivien Chrysalis. He’s the Whumper. Son of a major figure in the criminal organization, he was part of the group who kidnapped Sylvia’s father. He often jumps between intimate Whumper and bad Caretaker, abusing his power over Sylvia. He comes off as a cold and logical person most of the time, but hides a somewhat nicer side… or is the nicer side just a facade to keep Sylvia in check? He uses psychological means to manipulate Sylvia, as well as the life of her father.
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Last but not least is Axel. He’s the Caretaker. A tall and muscular man who can come off as a bit of a jerk. He’s an orphan who was forced into the organization at a young age, this is all he knows at this point. So he sticks around because he can’t just leave at this point. He views Sylvia as a kindred spirit and often sticks up for her when Vivien goes too far.
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
Gonna probably use my own prompt for something but I still wanna hear your own creations with it, you’ll all probably do things differently than me.
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noob-whump-writer · 2 years
Random whump prompt
I’m thinking of this old whump idea I had forever ago, before I even knew the term XD Basically, this takes place in a world where superpowers exist but only kids born into families with no close living relatives having powers.
Whumpee had time manipulation magic, a very rare superpower in a world where superpowers are already rare
Because of this, a criminal organization kidnaps Whumpee’s father/mother (Whichever parent is more prevalent or both if they both are) and forces Whumpee to work for them to make sure the parent(s) stays safe. 
The people assigned to watch Whumpee are Caretaker, someone who was forced into the organization at a young age and resents every moment of it, seeing Whumpee as a kindred spirit despite not fully being trusted them, and Whumper, someone who was related to a higher up member of the organization and was part of the team who kidnapped Whumpee’s parent(s).
A lot of the aspects of this are left up in the air, like if Caretaker is bad or good, if Whumper is even genuinely a villain, the type of organization, the superpowers of the characters (even Whumpee’s if you want) and much more depending on the direction you want to take this. I’d love to hear you guys write your own renditions of this prompt as it’s something I used to think about a lot and kinda wanna go back to using it.
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