nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
shadow knight stans come get yall juice // cult of dionysus - the orion experience
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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“They call Michi the Ultimate Cook, but I would’ve prefered the title Ultimate Baker, nya!”
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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My fucking god! These bitches gay! Good for them! Good for them.
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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“They call Michi the Ultimate Cook, but I would’ve prefered the title Ultimate Baker, nya!”
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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Quick stress relief doodle of “Zane” is the SDR2 AU cuz I’ve been,, Thinkin Abt It
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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Scene Dante, who will he rawr XD at?
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
It’s not that Lau forgot about the events that happened in Void Paradox. It’s just that when he woke up and thought about it for a bit and recalled:
Aph wearing a skirt
A hot guy in weird armour
A monochrome version of himself with neon pink eyes, who tried to fight him
Two identical persons, one short and one tall
Just a weird-ass world itself
he thought it was a dream. And when you just woke up in front of several of your friends because you were attacked, you wouldn’t mention your weird yet sexy dream. Like
“Ah yes, I had a dream. Aphmau choked me.” You wouldn’t say that.
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
m-mcd/ms aph,,
Gonna do some MCD bits and then reblog with mystreet later when more of my brain cells r functioning djidjind
- A little less Character Specific but important to note: The rewrite is much more heavily focused on Aphmau in the context of Phoenix Drop; Her influence on it, the friends and family she has there influencing her, the way she causes her village to grow and her relations to other villages, etc. She of course still travels, but Phoenix Drop doesn’t fall away as another location in S2, it retains a more prime focus.
- Instead of “spawning” into the world, she stumbles into Phoenix Drop after following Vylad with amnesia, remembering nothing of her previous life but the name “Aphmau” and, later she discovers, some old talents she seemed to have had. She arrives about a month or two before the old lord dies, not that she’ll entirely remember this fact either due to being also affected by the collective memory loss. Despite her short time there, she’d gained a reputation as a kind soul, and her work to help improve Phoenix Drop already fell in the general category of lord’s work anyways.
- Her relation to Irene is a bit different. She herself isn’t Irene after wiping her own memory, but rather, was created by Irene as a vessel, beginning to partially awaken from her slumber in her own dimension, and gave her the name “Aphmau” as a placeholder. She hadn’t expected this vessel to form her own personality and life, and as such, her plan falls through of claiming an empty vessel with no memories in her quest to feel again. When Aphmau becomes aware of this, she desperately pleads with Irene to leave her to the life she’s created, already a mother and a lord, with friends and family and a wife that she couldn’t stand to leave. Instead of taking Aphmau as a vessel, Irene grants Aphmau her blessing, feeling a distant fondness for Aphmau as a creator might look at their creation, or a mother at their own child, though not as strongly due to Irene’s general desensitization to emotions. This results in Aphmau having some forms of Irene’s powers, (the healing and sword summoning and what not) but not as completely.
- The “season 1” finale is Aphmau and Zoey’s wedding.
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
Idk if you’re still down to talk about your rewrite but I’m hella curious about MCD Aaron (and mystreet Aaron but you don’t gotta give out info on him if it’s too much)
Don’t be fooled, I am ALWAYS down to talk about my rewrite, I will talk about it at any given chance
I’m gonna do just MCD for now and may reblog with some Mystreet stuff later but For Now
- A lot of Aaron’s backstory is still relatively Untouched. He was still the old lord of Falcon Claw, and tragically lost his family and people due to a certain High Priest’s interference. His intro is also roughly the same as the series, running into Aphmau around the same time she meets Malachi.
- [Motions to his character arc: this bad boy can fit so much fucking Found Family in it] It’s generally just the messy process of forgiving himself and grieving and finding a new life in Phoenix Drop. The subject of his backstory comes up after he begins offering Aphmau advice in terms of Lord affairs, (not in a “you aren’t doing well enough” manner, as she’s grown much in her leadership by the time he’s met her, but in a “I have more experience and although you are not bad I have been faced with this exact scenario before and want to give you my perspective after being a witness to the consequences of it.”) Curiosity about where his knowledge comes from prompts Aphmau to ask him about it, but his evasive response causes her to simply offer to talk about it at a time he’s actually ready to, before dropping the subject. Aaron reveals his name to her a bit earlier before he actually takes Aphmau up on telling her about his past experience as a lord. He also explains how quickly he was to leave Falconclaw after the tragedy due to overwhelming grief, and his disappearance by the time people had discovered Falconclaw’s state being what lead to the rumor that it was the lord who had slaughter the villagers there.
- Aphmau takes Aaron to Falconclaw’s ruins some time after learning this, where they discover travelling merchants had seen to properly burying the dead. When he asks what she actually intended to do there, she simply states she wanted to give him a chance to properly say goodbye to his people, seeing as his rush to leave before wouldn’t have let him. After that, she leaves him to be alone, telling him to find her by the boat when he was ready to leave.
- Due to the fact there is no Irene’s Dimension visit, there’s no timeskip, nor do events properly lead up to Aaron’s death, thus he remains a proper resident in Phoenix Drop, offering help wherever he can and generally acting as someone for odd jobs of unloading shipments for merchants and filling in for the guard when need be. He also sometimes babysits Levin and Malachi when Aphmau and Zoey are busy.
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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Applications will be open until February 12th-14th. The requirements are listed in the form themselves.
You are allowed to apply both as a writer and a artist, but you’ll (more-than-likely) only be chosen as one. There’s mentions of that in the applications themselves as well.
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
More question-based dialogue to include in your writing. (Be creative and use these in any context you desire)
“Can you forgive me?”
“What did you expect?”
“Says who?”
“Can I have this dance?”
“What’s so funny?”
“Do you need me to bring anything?”
“Why wasn’t I invited?”
“How long will this take?”
“What am I supposed to do with this?”
“Why are we whispering?”
“Have you tried it?”
“Is this seat taken?”
“What’s that smell?”
“How can I contact you?”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Which one is your favorite?”
“Do you understand?”
“Who did this?”
“What was that noise?”
“Why do you care?”
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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Mind Division // Strovi
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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Tonight will end in tragedy
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
turns out my unproductive ass is gonna be finishing up the rewrite thoughs 2morrow cuz I’m tired af but after that it’s over for y’all
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
Gonna be home soon and start writing up these up again so if anyone has characters they wanna ask abt 👀
Alright lads I desperately wanna talk abt my rewrite so if anyone wants 2 pop a character in my ask box and I’ll talk abt a hc/event in my rewrite abt said character (you can also specify if it’s mcd or mystreet because I have a rewrite AU for both)
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nonbinarylaurance · 4 years
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Real picture of me in response to people liking and reblogging my rewrite au
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