noeledge · 5 years
So much this.
Just eat eat right, exercise and chill the F out. Your body has got your back.
*takes a fat sip of my tea* what a great day to remember that you cannot “detox” your body, nor do you need to!!! your liver works very hard to do that for you (your liver, coincidentally, does not need to be “detoxed” either).
also a fantastic time to remember that detox/weight loss teas are diuretics and are designed to shit yourself to a certain weight, activated charcoal is useless unless administered as poison control by a medical professional, and please get yourself vaccinated!!!
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noeledge · 5 years
Equal parts amazed and disheartened by this
Dumpster Diving !!!
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Went dumpster diving with friends!💚 Many people don’t realize how much usable products stores throw out to keep up with ridiculous standards, this was all from one store and there was way more good produce we didn’t take. All this food would have gone to the landfill to rot, but now it gets to be used!! Please complain to places like Wal-Mart where they throw out tons of food a day and on top of that don’t even donate food they can’t sell for superficial reasons, ask them how much they throw out, complain to the head office about their food waste!
If you’re curious we got:
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leafy greens, carrots, tomatos, onions, potatoes, oranges, apples, pears, lemons, limes, peppers, cilantro, avocados, squash, melons, mushrooms and a coconut ❤
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noeledge · 5 years
Saw an op-ed that was on the surface a complaint about kids not wanting to take on family heirlooms but read like an elegy to dying traditions. The hardest part was the anxiety without recognizing that they didn’t pave the way for the decisions they assumed their kids would make.
(This is written entirely within the dominant white/western culture - about traditions that have neglectful stewardship rather than those actively suppressed)
The anxiety makes sense. You’re seeing, too late to do anything about it, that there’s no foundation - no space - for the traditions you expected to pass on. Your kids _can’t_ take your mom’s fine china. So now instead of enjoying what you have you worry about its future.
I see a pattern in these op-eds though - a pattern in what’s left unsaid. There were responsibilities tied to these traditions. You collectively assumed they _would_ be passed along. So collectively, what did you do to ensure those traditions _could_ be passed along?
Op-eds never speak for everyone, but it’s worth acknowledging the pattern in what speech is deemed worth sharing widely.  And in this particular pattern, there’s an answer: that answer looks like “nothing.”
You want the china passed down but your kids have no room in their rentals. You want grandkids but your kids don’t have the financial stability. You want that cross-country RV neverending road trip but you’ve had decades of wanting lower taxes more than you wanted infrastructure.
The bleak outlook for traditions is a direct result of the unmaintained foundations for them. The second best time is always now - if it’s important enough to op-ed about, what are you willing to change to get it back? What will you give up or re-prioritize?
I kinda think that world-defining assumptions are always gonna break without maintenance. So rather than getting mad at whoever’s next for not carrying on the norms we didn’t do upkeep on, when it’s my turn, I hope I’m introspective enough to help instead of externalize & blame.
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noeledge · 5 years
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DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr., on how the wealthy love socialism & welfare, when it’s for themselves.
That’s the problem.
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noeledge · 5 years
Solarpunk resources?
Hi everyone, I’m looking for resources on the Solarpunk movement for a future post/s
If you have any links or suggestions, that’d be greatly appreciated.
In looking for literature, books, essays, blog posts, practical guides and information, podcasts, artwork, YouTube videos etc.
There is an absolute wealth of information about Solarpunk out there, so it may have to be a continuing theme for my resource posts. Thank you to all you Solarpunk peeps for making your knowledge accessible!
As there is a lot of crossover between Solarpunk, permaulture and Ecosocialism in terms of practical actions, I’m contemplating how best to cover each of these topics. If any of the more knowledgeable amongst you have any tips, let me know!
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noeledge · 7 years
Section 8: Lecture 44
Develop a unique voice, Part II: 5 Archetypes that I want my brand and work to be known for and how I would express those archetypes.
Sustainable: Adhering to sustainable practices that go above and beyond what most companies do.
Idealistic: Continuously repeating the message that we can change the world for the better through our work
Helpful: Providing useful information that is easily implemented and clearly demonstrates how it can provide a benefit for the average person.
Funny/Silly: Using humor that doesn't  take itself so seriously, or being a bit 'weird' on purpose
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noeledge · 7 years
Exercise four:
Compared to others who do what you do, rank yourself on: reputation, knowledge, expertise, tools, handiness. (5 = highest, 1 = lowest)
Reputation: 2.5 Knowledge: 2 Expertise: 2.5 Tools: 5 Handiness: 3
Which will you invest in developing?
Reputation and knowledge
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noeledge · 7 years
Exercise three:
Things that aren’t the thing. Things like timeliness, confidence, respect, a story, etc. Be specific.
1. Writing that gets sales results 2. Timeliness 3. Subject knowledge 4. Writing that speaks to their customer and make them think 5. Confidence - both in myself and giving my client confidence 6. A 3 part story in every piece 7. Friendly and personable 8. Someone who understands what the client needs 9. Sustainability 10. Someone who gets it right
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noeledge · 7 years
Exercise two:
What do you provide 
1. What do people buy when they buy something from you?
Results - increased sales, better looking business, their ideas communicated.
2. Leave out the easy, repetitive, generic stuff... What you are doing that’s difficult?
Getting markets who don't care about a certain product/area (sustainability) to actually care via copy.
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noeledge · 7 years
Exercise one: Who I am
1. What do you want to do? (Not your job, but your work, now, tomorrow, and in the future)*
I want to be a writer. I want to provide value and creativity through the words and ideas that I commit to paper. But I also want to be location free as well - I want to be able to work wherever in the world I want.
2. Who do you want to change, and how do you want to change them?
I want to change people who are apathetic and ignorant about climate change and sustainability. I want to change them by showing them that being more sustainable is better for them in all ways.
3. How much risk? (from 1 [a little] to 10 [bet everything]), how much are you willing to put at stake to make the change you seek?
4. How much work are you willing to do to get there? Be specific about the trade-offs.
A lot. I am currently only coasting through life but with a clear goal and plan in mind, I want to commit at least 2 hours a day to this. The trade-offs? No TV and little sleep. Once the car is finished - then no car. Not until I get this part down.
5. Does this project matter enough for the risk and the effort you’re putting into it?
Yes. It can be a great step for my career and life.
6. Is it possible — has anyone with your resources ever pulled off anything like this?
Totally - I follow the blog of at least one person who is living/doing this. And there are many more out there who do this.
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noeledge · 7 years
I’m doing a course
One of my most favourite teachers: Seth Godin, has a course on Udemy about being a freelancer. 
So I’m going to do it.
The next series of posts will be the exercises from the course. 
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noeledge · 8 years
I discovered my Patronus is a Deerhound on J.K Rowling’s Pottermore. Find out yours now: https://my.pottermore.com/patronus
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noeledge · 8 years
10 Day Freedom Blog Challenge - Day 10
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 10
It feels weird writing this as I’m over a week behind schedule. The winners have been annouced and the whole thing is over but I feel like I’ve won. 
I have managed to overcome the one thing I have always struggled to to do: Sit down and write. And Finish. 
Including this one I have created 10 different blog posts in under 2 weeks. And that is a record for me. 
My biggest takeaway was the simple at of writing. Sitting down to write and actually doing it instead of playing Skyrim. 
I learnt so much: That I am really good when given a deadline. That I can write if I just push past all the bullshit. 
And that I’m not a not so bad blogger. I didn’t cringe as much as I thought I would when I went back and reread everything. 
So I’m done now. Will I stop writing? Hell no. The bug has caught and I’m hooked. However, I am wary of taking too many projects on at once so I’ll finish my car first then dedicate my time to this. 
But for now: I wrote, I win. 
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noeledge · 8 years
10 Day Freedome Blog Challenge Day 9
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 9
I’ve often surprised myself with what I can when pushed. And it’s often during travels that I discover what I can do. 
I am generally a morning person, except for when it’s time to work. Then I’m a night owl. I don’t know why, but I just am. 
I did have a whole spiel written up about how i would section my day etc. But after taking a moment to be really introspective I made the painful decision to delete a good 200 words. 
You see I work in bursts or batches. And I respond well to deadlines. So if I didn’t have anything due and just had to work on the day-to-day business, I would probably start work at 4-5pm and go through until midnight (unless I had dinner plans)
However, if I had a deadline due, I wouldn’t care if there was a solar eclipse going on, I would probably lock myself in my room and work through. 
Ok I lie, I’d probably duck out and see it for a little bit. 
It’s an interesting realisation to come to. And I did about 5 minutes of staring at this screen to come to the conclusion. And quite a weight is lifted of my shoulders to be able to admit how I work. 
It may lead to some social alienation, but if the end result is that I get to work from where I want, when I want... It’s a small price to pay.
So a quick TL:DR: If I had no deadline, I’d proably work from 4pm to 10pm, but if I had a deadline due, I’d be locked in my hotel/airbnb/homestay room until I finished. 
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noeledge · 8 years
10 Day Freedom Blog Challenge Day 8
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 8
This challenge is going ot be , well a challenge. I have the next 48hrs well planned out as the second project I’m running along side this one is working on my 1989 Nissan 300zx. 
However I do know what I have in mind. I will take a few hours off this weekend and work on finishing a first draft of my short story. 
Maybe I’ll go to a cafe in the city or maybe I’ll just go to the library. But I will lug my laptop around to somewhere that is not my home and allow myself the freedom to right. 
I’ll write up a follow up once I’ve done it but I suspect that this will be both a freeing and scary experience as I always find something else to do that is more important than writing. 
So alas this is a short post but something will come of it this weekend. 
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noeledge · 8 years
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noeledge · 8 years
10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 7
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 7
Imperfect action: 
This video really hit home with me because getting everything to be ‘just right’ is a massive part of my procrastination. I once spent weeks just on one blog post, only to abandon it at the end. 
So my imperfect action?
Is to continue writing once, every day. Not publishing every day, but writing, every day. Even if the writing is about writing I will write. 
My major project that I’ve wanted to get off the ground for years now is my sustainability blog. Initially it was going to be a simple outlet on making sustainability easier and more affordable. But I got caught up in trying to create a strategy around monetising the blog and how it should make money etc. 
I’ve since realised that all this was just a massive fear of criticism, which is the biggest fear that I have. 
So my commitment - write. Just write.  
Write to help people and write to tell stories. 
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