nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Belacci - redefining the meaning of fashion
Belacci is a blend of Italian meticulous craftsmanship on Indian textures and fabrics cut to create a fineness style statement. Every piece of art in our collection is handcrafted in India keeping in mind the latest styles, trends to suit every occasion and mood; be it work to party, casual brunch or a sensual get together. We design for every woman who dresses her attitude.  
The word “Belacci” drives from the Italian word “Bella,” meaning beautiful and reflects the brand’s motive to add beauty, glamour, and confidence in every woman’s life. Brand tagline “Because you are special” speaks about our belief in women empowerment and treating each one equally. Hence, Belacci has been established to resonate with the distinctive personalities of every woman present out there!
Our brand aims to create a fashion ecosystem that encourages inclusivity and equity. Belacci is targeted towards confident women from all walks of life and aspires to serve them with unique fashion apparel products. Each merchandise at Belacci is designed with utmost care and precision to accentuate their personality and bring out the very best in them. We wish to accompany women through their beautiful journey of life and cater to their everyday fashion needs.
We understand that every woman is different yet beautiful, and our fashion merchandises are crafted in accordance to that. Our product portfolio includes a myriad of fashion styles and silhouettes done in a range of colors and fabrics. From traditional wear to contemporary dresses, our brand has everything to suit each kind. We strive to create great value for our customers by offering designer products at affordable rates. Stylish, trendy, and unique is what describes Belacci’s products the best.
Our brand is deeply rooted in India and every inch of the garment is intricately handcrafted with an aspiration to make India globally proud. Our merchandise smells of the culturally rich Indian land each time it comes out of the wardrobe. Specialization is the secret to our superior quality and fashionable clothes because we do not hesitate to go that extra mile to source the best materials for our beloved customers.
Belacci proudly introduces itself as an ethical brand with a deep focus on fair trade and sustainability.
We deny all the myths associated with sustainable fashion and strive to prove it wrong by staying true to the environment and ourselves. We immensely respect our Mother Earth and believe in contributing to nature with every step that we take forward.
Belacci’s products are sustainable and ethically sourced. Furthermore, we continuously work towards reducing carbon footprints by strategizing our logistics and supply chain network.
Helping artisans, local designers, women, and the environment grow with the brand while offering the best from the fashion world is the ultimate goal of the company.
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
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Irrespective of whether you are an athlete or not, it is extremely important to be fit and regular exercising is the best way to do so. It not only changes your body but it also changes your mind, your attitude, and uplifts your mood. And it is only a misconception that one must exercise only when they wish to lose or gain weight. Working out is a way of life as it helps you rejuvenate, process things and is extremely important for your overall mental and physical well being.
Now that we are cooped inside our houses owing to the pandemic, many have started taking fitness and health more seriously. In case you thought you can only work out in gym, we have got you a complete guide to the best, no equipment exercises you can do at home.
Lower Body Exercises
At home workout for women is extremely important. Do 15-20 reps for each exercise. Take a 10 second rest before you move on to your next move.
Ø Bodyweight squats
These help increase strength in your leg muscles, improve hip mobility and eventually lead to the burning of calories.
Ø Walking lunges
Lunges improve core stability, strengthen your back, improve body balance, and help sculpt and tone your glutes.
Ø Side lunges
Side lunges improve your body balance, stability and strength. They target your inner and outer thighs.
Exercises for upper body
Many people want to learn how to workout at home because they wish to increase their stamina and strengthen their core by doing different upper body exercises.
Ø Push-ups
A great exercise for building strength in your upper body, pushups work the triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders. Begin with doing 10 pushups every day.
Ø Plank tap
The plank shoulder tap strengthens your core, arms, wrists and shoulders. It also helps to reduce lower back pain. Begin with 30 seconds of plank tap.
Exercise for full-body toning
Any form of workout at home is incomplete without going for a full body routine. Here is an at home workout that can do wonders to your physical and mental well being.
Ø Plank
This exercise strengthens your core, builds up strength in your arms, shoulders and wrists, heightens metabolism and improves overall balance of the body. Start with holding the plank for 15 seconds; try to do it twice during your workout.
Ø Jumping jacks
It’s a perfect cardio exercise. It uses oxygen to meet the energy demands and, therefore, results in the stimulation of your heart muscles. Start with doing 30 reps and two sets.
Remember to do some cool-down stretches after your workout. Post workout stretches help muscles to get back to the original length and reduces soreness. You can also experiment with different exercises by watching workout videos by fitness experts.
Ready for a killer at-home work out? Get, sweat, go!
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Reduce, reuse and recycle - Circular fashion
Sustainable fashion is a movement that promotes the production, manufacturing and sale of clothes, shoes and accessories in the most sustainable manner possible, taking into account both environmental and socio-economic aspects. However, sustainable fashion is not just limited to the producers of fashion but also sustainable patterns of consumption and use, which necessitates shifts in individual attitudes and behavior.
According to the Green Designer Stella McCartney the future of fashion is ethical and circular. While we have a rich knowledge of sustainable and ethical fashion owing to the green changes in the fashion industry, the term Circular Fashion can be coined as re-routing of the traditional 'cradle to grave' journey for pieces of clothing, shoes or accessories.
The origin of the phrase – Circular Fashion
Brismar, owner of the consultancy firm Green Strategy, coined the term ‘Circular Fashion’back in June of 2014.
‘It can be defined, ‘ Dr Anna Brismar details, ‘as clothes, shoes or accessories that are designed, sourced, produced and provided with the intention to be used and circulated responsibly and effectively in society for as long as possible in their most valuable form, and hereafter return safely to the biosphere when no longer of human use.’
Circular fashion details out the fact that every part of the life span of a garment is cyclical – it starts with the designing of a garment and how much longevity and timelessness it has, then onto the materials and whether or not they are sustainable, before the making of the item – is its production fair and ethical; are workers and animals rights being upheld? Once the piece has become tired, it should be repaired or redesigned rather than being binned, rented, swapped or sold at second-hand. All this means less will be bought and less will leave impacting our planet.
Becoming a Circular Fashion Ally
Fashion's current rate of growth is immense, with 114 billion items of clothing sold globally last year (that's 15 new garments each). Buying less (reducing) and re-wearing favorite items from the back of the wardrobe (reusing) will help in slow fashion, reducing overproduction and all the resulting issues.
Buying less should also mean buying better, and what's better than items that have already stood the test of time?
Local thrift stores are a great place to start, as you're killing two birds with one stone by keeping clothes from landfill and giving money to charity. They are often your cheapest option, and are the best at providing a wide range of sizing.
We are buying more clothes than ever before, but we are also keeping them half as long. By wearing one item of clothing for 9 months longer, aperson can actually reduce his or her carbon footprint by 30 percent. If you have a gorgeous item hanging in your wardrobe not getting enough outings, or an event coming up that you know will require a one-wear affair, then may we suggest renting?
Rental fashion is a great solution for lots of occasions when we risk ending up with unworn clothes lingering in our wardrobes, or if we really want to wear something we couldn’t justify or afford to buy.
There are also brands out there that already engage in circular practices.
Young brands like MaisonCléo, AVAVAV and Rave Review all use dead stock and left over materials for their creations, therefore extending the life of unwanted or over-produced fabrics that may otherwise have gone to landfill.
Belacci runs on fashion virtuoso to immerse in fashion that is versatile, sophisticated and lively. Our classic and vintage fashion style intersects the soul & style. Our entire women's clothing collection is unequivocal and categorical to understate our contemporary and vintage fashion.
We work to create value beyond profit, putting people and the environment at the center of our decision-making, and always striving to do and be better. Sustainability is not just a trend for us it’s our belief and taking responsibility and protecting our environment is not an option but an obligation for us. Therefore, we focus on using sustainable & Eco-friendly material.
Circular fashion looks to disrupt that linear trajectory, keeping clothing and materials in use through recycling, repurposing and re-wearing, avoiding where possible making completely 'new' products and reducing the amount of ecologically harmful waste.
Circular fashion means designing out waste. Products that can naturally break down without causing harm or that can be disassembled and recreated, or recycled without losing quality, so that we are only working with what we have already.
The idea is to reduce the amount of resources we are using up, as well as the amount of materials and products that ends up in landfill.
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Be The Change You Wish to See in the World
From farmland to fashionpeneur. Born and raised in small town of Uttar Pradesh, northern province of India, Dushyant Singh completed his Masters of Business in 1999. After his journey of over 15 years, with the top-notch International brands like Victoria’s Secret, Aldo, Metro Cash & Carry, Aditya Birla Group in India and Middle East Asia markets in various strategic and leadership positions. He felt the need of ethical trade and sustainability in the field of retail fashion. October 2019, he started his entrepreneur journey with the launch of Belacci, a premium women’s clothing brand strongly rooted to sustainability. Belacci is a blend of Italian meticulous craftsmanship on Indian textures and fabrics cut to create a fineness style statement. Every piece of art in the collection is handcrafted in India keeping in mind the latest styles, trends to suit every occasion and mood, be it work to party, casual brunch or a sensual get together.
At Belacci they follow strong Ethical Trade code of conduct. The business partners, service providers, suppliers, manufactures who do not agree to the ethical trade code of conduct are not on-boarded. It takes a lot of sweat and time to produce clothes as many people are involved in this long process. Belacci considers and understands its responsibility to make sure that every single one of them work under fair conditions. No matter if they are a cotton farmer, a sewer, a designer or a service provider.
"We work to create value beyond profit, putting people and the environment at the center of decision-making and always striving to do and be better. We are far from perfect. We just want to do the right thing. Step by step, every day." - Dushyant Singh
Ethical trade will never be out of fashion. There is massive shift in customer choices. The fashion industry has historically relied on exploitative, unsustainable and unethical labor practices in order to sell clothes — but if recent trends are any indication, it won’t for much longer. Over the last several years, the industry has entered a remarkable period of upheaval, with major and small fashion brands alike ditching traditional methods of production in favor of Eco-friendly and cruelty-free alternatives. It’s a welcome, long-overdue development, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.
Apart from the above the increase in penetration of smartphones is fueling the digitization at fastest ever pace. 5 years from here entire shopping landscape is going to change, online shopping will dominate and will become an integral part of shopping life cycle.
Having done lots of brain storming with friends and colleagues from the industry for months. Market researches and studies, trends and shift in consumer behaviors. Alignment of resources is the area where he has worked extensively. Before foraying into the venture, he analyzed the current problems in the industry globally. He considers himself fortunate enough to be surrounded with the best of brains from industry who helped in conceiving the concept of Belacci with their valuable inputs and continue mentoring the brand even now. Lots of volunteers, students from various top Indian and international institutes, fashion enthusiasts are working tirelessly and passionately for success of brand. www.Belacci.in is a team of over 50 – young, vibrant, passionate human race
Talking about challenges the biggest one of them faced till date was to convince suppliers, service providers, manufacturers on our Ethical Trade code of conduct. For many it was a new thing. But there were people who came forward, appreciate the efforts and supported the endeavor.
At present Belacci is at nascent stage of operations. getting lots of encouragement and positive feedback. It is continuously seeing upward trends in the revenue and customer base.
Dushyant has invested from his savings to kick start the operations and have got support from investors. Brand is actively looking at more investors to fuel the growth and expansion
His vision is to establish Belacci as most preferred women’s fashion brand in Middle east, South east Asia, India and beyond. Caring for customers and the world we all share. He says we are not here to sell our clothes, but to make our customers feel confident, sophisticated and forever young.
Suggesting new entrepreneurs, He mentions to Have a solid business plan and Build the team that shares your vision. prepare yourself for the financial challenges. Be frugal – remember you are a startup, don’t be afraid to ask for help and Never stop learning.
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
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Life isn't perfect, but your outfit can be.🥰 Buy amazing festive outfits at www.belacci.in
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
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Happy Dussehra. Let's celebrate victory of good thoughts over evil✨
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
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Let's get out of ourselves to recognise the people how we style and garcefull to our outfits in festive season of navratri and get great deals of dresses of our brand . latest trends in fashion . Buy your favourite dresses to make our brand in a top collection . Let's start shopping with belacci .get our festive season more interesting and enjoyable.. More details :- www.belacci.in Belacci
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Know the power of Vitamins for skin care
When it comes to beauty products and healthy skin, dewy, bright skin is often associated with good health.  Our skin is like a window to our internal health and improving the skin texture takes a lot of efforts (worth it). It is a combination of diet, exercise, solid skincare routine and of course, consistency. If you are a organic skincare enthusiast, you have probably already heard about of the legacy of the Vitamins in the healthy skin arena. If you ever wondered why your skin needs vitamin, here’s why. Switching to vitamin-based skincare products may be helpful for your inner and outer beauty plus will also let you have the me-time and mental well being you so deserve.
1. Skin Coping Agent – Fights Premature Skin Aging
Vitamins contain potent antioxidants that help your skin to cope with the daily exposure to different kinds of lights-UV rays that may be causing premature wrinkles or age lines. Topical vitamin A in the form of retinol (found in over-the-counter products) and retinoic acid (found in prescription creams) are proven wrinkle-fighters and many dermatologists’ go-to recommendation for combating signs of aging. Vitamin E reduces the risk of photo aging and Vitamin B3 is said to help appearances pigmentation and spots.
2. Say Yes To Radiant Healthy Skin
During the extremely hot and sticky months, the AC in our house is probably on all day and night. This dry air can cause skin to look dull and dehydrated. Vitamin C and Vitamin A stimulates fibroblasts—the cells responsible for developing tissue that keeps skin firm and healthy—in the deep layers of your skin. These vitamins ensure that your skin remains bright, supple and hydrated.
3. Breaking Out? Consider the Vitamins kit
Face masks and face shields are an absolute necessity these days when you are stepping out of the house. Your skin might feel irritated and broken out more often due to the sweat and dirt residue trapped between the mask and your face. Also, stress and tension may add to this. Vitamin and B5 products come with powerful antioxidants for rejuvenation to help maintain clear and healthy skin as it reduces the appearance of facial acne lesions. These vitamins help in slow oil production and keep pores clear.
4. Reparation – will-do-it-all
Your skin is an important part of your immune system - a first line of defense against bacteria, pollutants and infection. Vitamin A promotes cell production by using their ability to refine your skin’s overall texture.
Opting the Right Vitamin Skin Products
If you decide to try over-the-counter vitamin healthy beauty products, look for retinol on the ingredient list which is a versatile vitamin for healthy skin of all types. Retinol isn’t as potent as prescription-strength retinoic acid, so results may take longer to see, but it’s also less irritating to sensitive skin. Unfortunately, it’s common for vitamins to cause redness, sensitivity and dry, flaky skin until you become acclimated. To minimize these side effects, start by applying just a pea-sized amount to your face every other night or every two nights for several weeks; follow with a plain, unscented moisturizer. Gradually increase your usage to nightly.
So, for all your skin related issues and for healthy skin,
dial V-I-T-A-M-I-N.
visit www.belacci.in
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Sustainable and Ethical Fashion Documentaries
The film and the entertainment industry have indeed given us some interesting documentaries to help us gain more knowledge to share. Speaking of documentaries, you can find a bunch of them on food, relationships, animals, environment, and history on the internet. However, if you are a fashion junkie and care about sustainable fashion, you will be pleased to know that there are a few iconic documentaries that you can watch for free. Everything you need to know about the evolution of sustainable fashion to where it helps in our environment - it is important to keep yourself as informed as possible if fashion is your passion. Our small contribution to the Fashion Revolution is to tell you about a few of the documentaries that changed the paradigm of fashion, which also inform a lot of choices when buying fabric and when making other everyday consumption decisions.
1. THE MACHINISTS - Directed by Hannan Majid and Richard York.
The film documents the exploitation of garment workers in Bangladesh with the personal stories of three young women working in factories in Dhaka. The documentary is seen through the eyes of 3 garment workers and looks at their everyday lives, their struggles at home, the constant battles they face with their factory owners and puts a face to the men and women who make clothes for our high street.
2. RIVER BLUE – Directed by Roger Williams, David McIlvride
Following international river conservationist, Mark Angelo, RIVER BLUE spans the globe to infiltrate one of the world’s most pollutive industries, fashion. Narrated by clean water supporter Jason Priestley, this groundbreaking documentary examines the destruction of our rivers, its effect on humanity, and the solutions that inspire hope for a sustainable future.
Filmed in countries all over the world, from the brightest runways to the darkest slums. Millions of tonnes of clothes end up in landfill every year—it’s one of the fastest-growing categories of waste in the world. How can the fashion industry continue to grow while addressing the environmental need for people to buy fewer clothes? The True Cost is an unprecedented project that invites us on an eye opening journey around the world and into the lives of the many people and places behind our clothes.
4. THE NEXT BLACK – Directed by David Dworsky, Victor Köhler
The New Black is a documentary film that explores the future of clothing. Watch as we meet with some of the most innovative companies on the planet to get their opinion on clothing and its future, including: heroes of sustainability, Patagonia; tech-clothing giants, Studio XO; sportswear icon, Adidas; and Biocouture, a consultancy exploring living organisms to grow clothing and accessories.
5. UNRAVEL – Directed by Meghna Gupta
Unravel follows the Western worlds least wanted clothes, on a journey across Northern India, from sea to industrial interior. They get sent to Panipat, a sleepy town and the only place in the world that wants them, recycling them back into yarn. Reshma is a bright, inquisitive woman working in a textile recycling factory in small time India, who dreams of travelling the vast distances the clothes she handles have. While Reshma shows us how these garments get transformed, she and other women workers reflect on these clothes. Despite limited exposure to western culture, they construct a picture of how the West is, using both their imagination and the rumors that travel with the cast-offs.
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Preserving the Artisan-ship for an Ethical Fashion Industry
As slow fashion is getting more and more attention of the fashion conscious consumers, the number of people switching to exclusively handmade garments is growing. As a Fashion shopper, we are familiar with the term Handmade. This familiarity increases if you are part of the sustainable fashion community because in this circle, the tag represents more than just a higher price. It additionally stands for care, durability and a commitment to the environment.
So what does it mean for a piece of clothing to be handmade, rather than machine made? And in an age of exacting 3D printing, computer modeling, laser cutting, and ultrasonic welding, is one really more valuable than the other?
Symbolic of its name and exclusivity, handmade pieces are products made or created manually. As debated to machine made pieces, handmade items are products of artisanship and craftsmanship: The subtle art of working gently and slowly with one’s own hands. This way of producing is not only good for the designs and aesthetics but also to the environment. Slow fashion is one of the pillars of sustainable and ethical fashion as consumers are called on daily to buy more of handmade items rather than fast fashion products.
Due to the machine mass production and its consequent rock bottom prices, true artisanship in the fashion industry seems to be dying out. In most cases, true artisans are already well past their prime. As slow fashion is considered to be one of the bases of sustainable fashion, it is true to infer that artisanship is valuable to the future of fashion industry.
Artisanship implies that a brand is working directly with its makers to provide meaningful and sustainable work, preserving heritage craft traditions that would otherwise become obsolete, and compensating and treating its workers fairly. The amount of work that goes into embroidering and embellishing garments by hands in the fashion industry along with the level of consistency is incredible. It is important that efforts to rekindle its dying embers and develop its art should be consistent as well as deliberate. Put differently, we cannot afford to leave the mastery of this craft to chance. It should mean more to us than some product you stumble upon in an obscure village on a trip to some third world country or the other.
Belacci is a blend of Italian meticulous craftsmanship on Indian textures and fabrics cut to create a fineness style statement. Every piece of art in our collection is handcrafted in India keeping in mind the latest styles. We believe Ethical trade is never out of fashion. It takes a lot of sweat and time to produce clothes as many people are involved in this long process. It is our responsibility to make sure that every single one of them works under fair conditions. No matter if they are a cotton farmer, a sewer, a designer or a service provider - Team Belacci
Preserving and Nurturing the True Artisan-ship
If you are reading this blog post, we assume that you, too, care about preserving the art and craft of fashion design. We believe it is our job to prepare you for many aspects of the fashion world, including the type of couture methods.
The Economic Essence
A simple yet powerful step is to make sure that the handcrafted fashion products are economically viable. Buyers should actually demand for these products so that artisans can continue to produce them. If the profits they make from sales exceed their costs, then this would be an indication that their final products was worth more to the consumers than the factors of production that went into their creation. The sales income is the means to sustain the business. Any other profits they make are simply the means to expand their trade.
Business Training
The next step is to equip the new generation of artisans with modern business skills. Many ethical artisanal brands have sprung up in recent times but somehow, they only seem to be seen when an eco-lifestyle company launches in a developed country while selling products handmade. Teaching them modern business skills will enable the artisans and their families to explore these global opportunities for themselves and will enable them to build their crafts into world business brands.
Acknowledging the Traditions of Old Age Art
The ultimate step is to ensure that the coming generation appreciates the art. It is important to pass on to our children that artisanship isn’t synonymous with poverty and pity. The Akwete weaving for instance, has survived because from childhood, women are initiated into the intricacies of the art and use their skills creates sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their community. During holidays and after school hours, young girls literally learn at their mothers’ feet because the community recognizes this as the best way to preserve its heritage and empower the next generation of women.
Follow Belacci on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/belacci.in/
While keeping in mind slow and ethical fashion, we need to be inspired by the Nobel pursuit of sustainable brands around the world promoting and preserving the art of handmade items and craftsmanship. We show our support for such endeavors in hand-loom textiles so that the local artisans can have a livelihood consisting of health care and basic needs.
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Fair Fashion: What, Why and How?
In today’s world where anything new is just a click away, it has become way easier to replace absolutely anything in a matter of just few clicks. Fashion Industry is no exception here. With the continuous reduction in the delivery time and the humans’ ever-increasing graspingness for more and more fashionable clothes, no doubt that the industry is expected to be valued at US $19,324 Mn by 2024 just in India. This market’s largest segment being Apparel has a projected market volume of US$7,644 Mn in 2020. Looks very scintillating on the outside, Doesn’t it? But, sadly the reality deep down is far from these huge profit margins. The skilled labours involved with fashion Industry often get very minimum of these big numbers and hence making their future look very bleak in reality. That is when the term “Fair Fashion “comes into the picture.
Fair Fashion is all about giving the labours involved with the fashion industry their dues. It is about providing them with safe and healthy working conditions, paying them right for the work they do, treating them like humans and most importantly making sure that there is no child labor and human trafficking involved.
Can you imagine working in an industry where you are forced to work for 14-15 hours a day for a whole week? NO!! Well, workers in the fashion Industry do more than that and during peak seasons they tend to stretch their working hours by 2-3 am in the night without taking a single break. They work tirelessly almost all day and night in dangerous working conditions. They work with no ventilation, breathing in toxic substances, inhaling fibre dust or blasted sand in unsafe buildings. Accidents, fires, injuries and diseases occur very frequently on various textile production sites. They often face physical and verbal abuse. A research firm in 2012 found that a lot of labour stuck in fashion Industry ended up there because of human trafficking. Since then, there has been no going back for them.
Here is what YOU can do to not contribute more to their hopeless lives. Here is what you can do to be equally fashionable in a fair manner.
Reckless Buying:
Do you know that a lot of fashion brands intentionally produce lesser stocks than required giving you an impression that the stock would end up pretty soon. Hence, the chances of you buying it whether or not you need it increases substantially. It subconsciously forces your mind to buy it anyway. This creates a huge demand and hence pressurizes the workers to work for longer hours. So, the next time you buy stuff, make sure you do not buy it just for your urge rather for your need.
Check Brands:
There are a lot of brands that follow ethical trading practices in fashion. They not only care for their employees but also for the environment. With pollution becoming one of the biggest issues of the 21st century, turning to sustainable brands is the smartest thing to do. Popular brands like Fab India, Belacci, Anokhi etc not only are the sustainable brands but they also offer you clothes that are affordable and trendy. Belacci have strong ethical trade code of conduct for all its business partners, service providers, suppliers.
Going Local :
With Prime Minister Narendra Modi asking all of us to go “Vocal for Local”, we can support the local artisans by buying more of the handmade clothes. These handmade clothes often times offer unique designs which make them even more beautiful. Chikankari , embroidered clothes , handmade crafted bags and accessories etc are the various options available to us. Buying from these individual artisans decreases the potential risk of the workers' exploitation while also contributing to the Indian economy.
Choosing Right Fabric: Fabric is the essence of any clothes not only when it comes to comfortable fashion but also for fair and sustainable fashion. Choosing fabrics like organic cotton, Recycled Polyester and recycled nylon, Linen is one of the best practices to have. These tend to harm the environment and the workers less. Hence, it becomes imperative to look for the fabric of your clothes before buying.These are just few small ways and initiatives you can adapt to make the ethical trading fashion boom. Today we start this small change by hoping to make it big someday.
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
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Let your home be filled with joyous spirit on this divine occasion ✨
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
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Festivities are around the corner, flaunt in cool and comfy kaftans this season. Checkout the trendiest collection of kaftan on www.belacci.in
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Be the Belacci Women Belacci- Redefining the meaning of Fashion
The word “Belacci” has been adopted from the Italian word “Bella,” meaning beautiful and reflects the brand’s motive to add beauty, glamour, and confidence in every woman’s life.
Our tagline“Because you are special” speaks about our belief in women empowerment and treating each one equally. Hence, Belacci has been established to resonate with the distinctive personalities of every woman present out there!
Our brand aims to create a fashion ecosystem that encourages inclusivity and equity. Belacci is targeted towards confident women from all walks of life and aspires to serve them with unique fashion apparel products. Each merchandise at Belacci is designed with utmost care and precision to accentuate their personality and bring out the very best in them. We wish to accompany women through their beautiful journey of life and cater to their everyday fashion needs.
We understand that every woman is different yet beautiful, and our fashion merchandises are crafted in accordance to that. Our product portfolio includes a myriad of fashion styles and silhouettes done in a range of colours and fabrics. From traditional wear to contemporary dresses, our brand has everything to suit each kind. We strive to create great value for our customers by offering designer products at affordable rates.
Stylish, trendy, and unique is what describes Belacci's products the best.
Our brand is deeply rooted in India and every inch of the garment is intricately handcrafted with an aspiration to make India globally proud. Our merchandise smells of the culturally rich Indian land each time it comes out of the wardrobe. Specialization is the secret to our superior quality and fashionable clothes because we do not hesitate to go that extra mile to source the best materials for our beloved customers.
BELACCI proudly introduces itself as an ethical brand with a deep focus on fair trade and sustainability. We deny all the myths associated with sustainable fashion and strive to prove it wrong by staying true to the environment and ourselves. We immensely respect our Mother Earth and believe in contributing to nature with every step that we take forward. Belacci’s products are 100% eco-friendly and ethically sourced. Furthermore, we continuously work towards reducing carbon footprints by strategizing our logistics and supply chain network.
Helping artisans, local designers, women, and the environment grow with the brand while offering the best from the fashion world is the ultimate goal of the company.
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Which is the best online store to buy women’s sleep dress?
Trendy Women's Sleep Wear
After busy and tiring day we all look up to breaking down into comfortable Sleep wear which set awesome and relaxing mood for evening. Sleep wear is all about comfortable clothing which bring peace full sleep and set your mood for relaxing and chilling in couch. Women fashion for sleep wear has changed a lot from home made Nighty or a maxi to Manufactures Pajamas, Shorts, Onesies, Nightshirts, Silky Nighty. Popular choice for Sleep wear is pajamas or shorts pair which bring whole relaxing vibes.
Prioritize comfort with Belacci’s latest trendy collection of Sleep wear Comfy pajama set, Shorts set, Lounge set, kaftan set. Explore women’s sleepwear in the softest fabrics & chicest prints in most affordable prices and in every sizes. Fashionable and trendy sleep wear is what every women’s desires.Check out our different trendy Sleep wear at BELACCI.IN .
1.Charcoal Sunburst Tie-Dye Kaftan-
This hand crafted tie-dye kaftan is an artistic masterpiece! Each piece from our Tie-Dye Lounge wear Collection is hand tied and dyed by local artisans. Fabric: 100% Cotton.
2. Skyberry Sunburst Tie-Dye Kaftan Gownset-
Sky blue hand crafted knee length tie-dye kaftan is an artistic masterpiece! Each piece from our Tie-Dye Lounge wear Collection is hand tied and dyed by local artisans. Fabric: 100% Cotton.
Sleepwear in casual and sexy styles! Get the perfect PJ’s or lingerie piece to fit any mood, from soft and cozy to sexy and sultry now. Explore women’s sleepwear in the softest fabrics & chicest prints.
For more such latest stylish Sleep wear visit the Sleep wear section at www.belacci.in now!
YOU will like it for sure! :)
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Travel hacks every traveler should know to pack light
If there was ever a two-word horror story to describe a traveller’s nightmare, it would definitely be Excess Baggage. Not everyone can be A type meticulous packer with an enviable suitcase that looks stylish as well as sustainable too! Also, the big question here is how to travel light and avoid fast fashion? Here are some travels packing hacks that will definitely help you out.
Convertible Travel Clothing
We love to click photographs in gorgeous outfits when travelling! However over packing of clothes can be a serious problem when travelling when you are not sure you will be wearing that particular outfit. Convertible dress is just 1 piece of clothing that you can make into 20 different outfits just by changing the way you dress it. You can use it as a dress, skirt, and pair up with pants for an indo western look or even as a blouse.
Use your shoes for socks storing
Roll your socks as tightly as you can, and use the elastic at the end to cover the entire roll at once. Once secured, simply store them inside your shoes.
Spare Sunglass Case Access
You can reuse spare sunglass cases or old ones for your wires, cables, and chargers. Just neatly wrap them up, secure them with rubber bands, and slip it into your sunglasses’ case, so that you can access them easily, as well.
Travel Sized Toiletries
They are the ultimate space-savers. Also, by reusing the old bottles by just refilling them before every trip, you will be doing yourself and the environment a huge goodness. Now that sanitizers are a must, carry small cute bottles that are easily available and are easy to carry too!
Old Shower Caps
Use old shower caps to pack your shoes. Just simply stretch the elastic of the cap around to accommodate both your shoes and there you have it – no special storage bags needed whatsoever. And you can pack them along with your clothes without worrying about getting them dirty.
Wraps for accidental leaks
Take a paper wrap or a cloth wrap and cover the mouths of your shampoo and lotion bottles before screwing on the cap. You can also use masking tape in the same way, but ensure you don’t place it on too tight, or else the tape could tear and cause the shampoo to explode in your bag anyway.
Roll, fold and Keep
The tried, tested and certified way of packing clothes, the rolls give you more space to stuff other things in your suitcase, and this way you also prevent wrinkles from setting into the clothes.
Small amount Lotions
You can carry small amount of your essential creams in small cases you don’t use anymore. They just have the right amount of space and enough quantity to last in your airplane carry-on, so that you don’t carry extra bottles over and above the ones that you are already taking with you.
So next time you pack for your favourite destination, don’t forget to pack light with these amazing hacks all by yourself. Safe travels!
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nitishkumarposts · 4 years
Sustaining tradition with fashion
Traditional handmade textiles are beautifully unique, and the fashion items created using newly made and vintage fabrics have one-of-a-kind appeal. Flourishing ethical and sustainable fashion brands could ultimately single-handedly support the handcrafted and local fabric industry. They might even offer some extra incentives for local people to keep the art form alive, since creating handmade textiles would provide them with a stable, sustainable income. This is the only way the fashion industry can ever hope to give something back to the underprivileged communities it has so blatantly taken advantage of in the past.
Cultural sustainability relatively might be a new term but it has deep rooted connections with the old age traditions of fashion. Be it gorgeous Jhumkas from the traditional bride jewelry collection or batik printed fabrics now made into skirts and western dresses, traditional crafts and oral traditions have always represented a source of inspiration in contemporary fashion and product design.
For 2019/2020 global trend-forecaster Li Edelkoort envisions Folklore as major inspiration theme in fashion and interior design and WGSN, the industry’s most influential trend-forecasting platforms encourages partnerships with local craft communities and honoring of people and tradition.
Cultural sustainability walks the path of enriching the modern fashion with the knowledge and traditional expressions from the past to support and preserve the natural and original designs.
The Cultural Intellectual Property Right Initiative agrees that fashion can be a pioneering industry for cultural sustainability and proposes the triple C mechanism (Consent, due Credit and fair Compensation) as the governing rule for relationships between the fashion business and traditional creative communities.
By selecting and supporting ethical and sustainable fashion brands featuring traditional and sustainable textiles, created by local artisans into their own designs, consumers can actively help preserve and protect the particular piece of culture. For example, at Belacci we strive to incorporate traditional weaves from traditional and local artisans of India into our designs. We do so in order to create beautiful, modern products of the highest quality with a vintage feel, all while supporting our struggling artisans so that they may earn a stable income and improve the lives of those in their communities.
The designs defined for conversion of the traditional to modern wear has well defined parameters with emphasis on simplicity through cuts and silhouettes while retaining the classic appeal through patterns that are basic woven in rich textiles. Using innovation as a frame, the underlying objective is to celebrate cultural sensibility. Designers are now converting contemporary styling inspired from Indian Lehanga , Cholis, salwars , Angarakhi’s (all silhouettes from traditional Indian clothing) into modern day skirts and dresses. Fashion created thus assumes a cultural system of meanings and an ongoing process of communication used by the designer to connect the craft to the larger audience.
Through Cultural Sustainability, It is time to give back to the communities and hope for a better future for everyone, free from bonded labor, sweatshops, child labor, modern slavery, and poverty. It will also help instill in them a sense of pride in the work and techniques of their ancestors. In this way we can ensure that they will be willing and able to carry on the art form of textile weaving and dyeing, and that they may even help bring it back up to the high standards of their ancient predecessors.
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