nirvass · 9 months
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I hadn't really realized before how important a point Nanami was making when she said that murder was something that couldn't be forgiven. On the one hand, it seemed obvious, but I didn't think that on a social scale it meant almost nothing. There are thousands of cases where the victim has forgiven the perpetrators. Thousands of cases where relatives of the murdered have forgiven murderers. And all of this in real life. Here we can identify a contradiction. The 77th class has been given a second chance. But that's the problem. They were given a second chance, but nobody forgave them. Chiaki included. She never said anywhere that she forgave them.
They were given a second chance, but not a third. I mean, killinggame. In this case, Monokuma, oddly enough, was a kind of justice (by the way, the duality of Junko's philosophy, it gives a chance to escape), but it's funny that Nanami is in solidarity with those rules. Not explicitly, but it's noticeable. I'm sure she thinks every execution is deserved, and as a result she doesn't grieve for those executed. After all, their rehabilitation has already failed. They HAVE gone down a crooked path, which means that that's it, they should be discarded and not given any other attempts. That's why Chiaki tries to keep the survivors fighting, but doesn't say a word about the dead. This is a more pragmatic philosophy of hope, unlike that of Naegi. And yet Chiaki has a DUTY, but even here she realizes that she's not responsible for the actions of others. She has NO rescuer syndrome. She does what she can. And she has no idealistic heroism like Kaede.
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nirvass · 9 months
Imma be real I’m very neutral on like every raincode ship possible. that being said
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i did spend way to long making this anyway.
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nirvass · 9 months
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nirvass · 9 months
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Quick Makoto Kagutsuchi render.
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nirvass · 9 months
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Major Rain Code Spoilers!!!
Thank you, @bardic-feline for brilliant headcanon that Makoto is so protective over Kanai Ward citizens, he’s tearing himself apart worrying about Kirumi being the first Homunculus to leave home!!!
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nirvass · 9 months
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nirvass · 9 months
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nirvass · 3 years
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nirvass · 3 years
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K, I’m really gonna try to actually post here🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Some Halloween PH things~🖤🎃
Go follow my Instagram (lunar__echo) for actual activity✌🏻💕
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nirvass · 3 years
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-Small kisses <3
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nirvass · 3 years
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The bonus page of the chapter 23!
Edit : #Leovanitas
Traduction Jap=>French : Fyko (merci ! )
Traduction French=>English : #LeoVanitas
Scan : https://tieba.baidu.com/
(If you take my pictures, thank you to cite the source ^^ and share via facebook page, if it’s on facebook. Thanks!  ^^)
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nirvass · 3 years
Anime & Manga
Please do not repost. 💜
Credit; me, @Vanitasnocartte (Instagram)
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nirvass · 3 years
Vanitas No Carte Icons
Please do not repost. You can use it as you want.
Credit; me, @Vanitasnocartte (Instagram)
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nirvass · 3 years
Please do not repost. You can use it as you want. 💜
Credit; Me, @VanitasnoCartte (Instagram)
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+ Bonus
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nirvass · 3 years
Vanitas Icons
Please do not repost. (You can use it as you wish.) 💙
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nirvass · 3 years
Noé Archiviste Icons
Please do not repost. (You can use it as you wish.)
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Baby boy 💜
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nirvass · 3 years
Heya Panda! Thank you for your comment on Vanitas no carte, I love reading your posts. Quick question: what makes you think Noe likes Jeane? Most posts I've seen on the recent chapter think he's in love with Vanitas :X Hope you don't think my ask is rued
Nope, your ask is perfectly fine.
I personally think Yuri on Ice has set our expectations too high and that’s why there are so many people so sure Noe is having doki-dokis for Vanitas… but…
Mémoire 3
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Mémoire 4
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Noé’s about to “attack” Jeanne but blushes and stops…
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… and then looks at his hand questioningly, not understanding what just happened.
Mémoire 6
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When Domi mentions Lord Ruthven the first thing he thinks of is Jeanne and that moment that made him go doki-doki. It’s possibly the reason why he stops resisting and decides to go with Domi.
Mémoire 7
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He also wonders if Jeanne is here the moment Luca says “us”, and look at the frikinn’ face he makes, look at those pretty light orbs MochiJun is drawing
Mémoire 8
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This last one could just mean Noé is very observant, but the fact MochiJun had Luca stressing how odd it was for Noé to realise it was Jeanne makes it really suspicious.
And then of course there’s everything in mémoire 12, with him not knowing what “love” is and almost requesting Jeanne for a dance, and Domi thinking to herself as she invites Jeanne instead that she “can bully him at least this much”. I don’t want to be the party pooper, but at the moment if there’s anybody Noé is interested in it’s Jeanne. I’m not saying this can’t change, or that he won’t ever feel anything for Vanitas, or that MochiJun isn’t that sort of mangaka (because I always thought in Pandora Hearts that Gil had a thing for Oz, even if it was never confirmed), heck, I’m not even saying I prefer Jeanne-Noé over Vanitas-Noé; but objectively speaking, at the moment all I’m seeing is hints towards him having a crush on Jeanne, but being too much of a baby to realise this is “love”.
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