nie-rants · 8 months
2nd October 2023
A captured thief's tale.
Hello lads lads and loes (loes???😕) Living whores (what the???) I mean it's okay to be a whore as long as you not deliberately maliciously messing with someone's lives Whore lives matter!! (...) Let the whores live!! (now dear what's this about, the rant I mean the reason you're here) Oh yeah,😄 well first things first today's moi's birthday.(yay✨ me✨🎉) one year older every 2nd October (congrats honey🎉) uhm, thanks 😳. Anywho onto greater things, my last rant turned into my sob story extinensial crisis as a struggling queer in a extremely homophobic, traditional, "modern minded" country and how will I never find love. (With myself and others) And big news I think your girl might be bisexual, your girl also told someone outside her head and miss author said news (I'm proud of you nie🙂) 😳 but brighter things as I say I don't even remember when the last post was out up so miss editor and I decided to put dates at the top of the posts (I'm the editor can't believe that didn't come up earlier, I'm sorry guys) You were busy it wasn't your fault so stop it. Besides you suggested it before and like you always say what's done is done, Kay?? (Mmmm) so anyway I decided to add my struggles as a stuggling queer in a struggling country as a bit of a common thing. It wasn't intentional at first but then I decided to just do it since all my drafts addressed the issue in one form or the other.
Today I was like coming back home like at 7:30-ish from work, strolling cause I'm broke and my money isn't for ise unless I'm dying and my headphones broke so... While we're walking there's a thief and people are chasing said thief into a busy street (very busy for those of y'all who don't know nie lives in a border town of the country) yeah so like there are plenty of trucks that move along that road like big heavy petroleum tanks. And that road's been known as a black spot (an area where accidents commonly occur) and so you've gotta be extremely careful anywhere in it's vicinity even the pedestrian path. Back to the thief this guy ran straight into that traffic in hopes of escaping those in his pursuit but when that didn't work out (his pursuers also ran into the traffic) he went back to the pedestrian path but he was eventually caught. And as with all thieves caught here (as in her, nie's country) the norm is for the application of job justice. Mob Justice is common here in my country and most prefer it for someone caught red handed. Typically thieves were restrained and put through a tyre, poured on petrol and burnt alive. Yep you're hearing it right burnt alive, for stealing which is bad because the cause of this punishment (like that thing you were caught stealing) is often unknown to even your executors once you've been deemed a thief you have no chance of defense you can try to run to the police for help which is unlikely since (you're probably not Hussein Bolt) yeah it's like these people unleash their inner flash to get you, it's probably the end for you no matter your age (it's a pretty savage country no matter the pretty and pathetic picture it presents) but a few years back this had stopped. The mob justice executions had been getting out of hand so the heavy military hand had been applied. And in this instance today I assumed they would just grab the dude rough him up alittle and take him to the station which happened to be few blocks away. That's... not what happened, these guys didn't rough him up a little they started hitting him with the intention to KILL as I saw it at least. I voiced this out to my companions I was walking home withand they pretty much confirm that's the intention, one of the people mostly the crowd that had been assaulting the thief had been men, young and middle aged alike with the older ones unable to participate urging them on. To hit harder like what??? So like we keep moving cause the crowds started getting more hostile and no one wants to get caught in the crossfire but long story short this is fucked up.
This rant is so long so there will obviously be a part two to talk more by the subject because I'm definitely not done
Editors note: (Also forgive any of my mistakes my exams are around the corner so I'm kind of in a study break while I'm editing this)
To be continued... It's 10:47pm I'm tired I'll post part two soon bye. (Goodnight form miss editor)
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nie-rants · 2 years
As I was saying before the idea of actually liking girls even though I still like boys, I think, still terrifies me and I don't think I soon see a future where I'm okay with it and I can still live and like I am right now. It's just absurd because like my mom is like heavily Christian, people can't stop talking about how messed up these "Americans" are for spreading their immoral mannerisms (🙄being queer and open about mental health excetra excetra...) Being not married by 27 and God forbid even *takes a dramatic gasp* 30 for a lady is hell, not to mention divorce permanently makes you some kind of alien👽 let alone doing it more than once. It's okay to remarry for up to two times. How do you think they'd react to being queer. Like these people have a preoblem with the length of a guy's hair and apparently guys can't have certain hairstyles they're "demonic".😪 I just don't get it I very been telling everyone that I won't be here too long, as soon as I'm able I'll hightail it out of here with no qualms it's not like there is a perfect place out there I just want, no NEED to get out of this place because it turns me into whatever it done to *gestures to a vague space ahead with a disgusted face🤢* these people. God, I don't even know what I was talking about in the beginning of part one 😪.
Miss editor (yes at your service) I'm done I'm so tired can you please finish this up or at least help me wrap at this decently (sure nie) thanks (anytime, its what I'm here for. As you can see this was supposed to be about nie ranting about protagonists and just generally being jealous that they're lives will always be better than hers_) no it wasn't about that it was supposed to be about the cheating (oh, that's another time.)
It's not how you describe it even that "other time"😒. (You sure 🤨)
(at the end of the day it turned into *gestures to the above writing* this all I'd like to say is that yeah unlike nie's usual antic none of this is nearly dramatic so maybe we'll be able to visit this in the future but as per now I don't see it going on. So we'll have to rather unprofessionally_) again sorry 😔 (it's okay nie,😪 I've got you😉. We'll have to end this rant here)
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nie-rants · 2 years
Hi y'all it's me again (yeah we know) Anywho today's rant is really going to be kind of serious so stay with me here okay. So I was kind of reading this, book y'know (what's it's name) it's a book (there we go guys I can now confidently tell you it's a fic) maybe it is but essentially this fic was about an affair let me give it to you like this okay.
There's this guy(let's call him John) he hits on a guy(let's call him Jim) at a bar who's a little stiff at first but soon enough they're back at a hotel have a one night stand that's it. Jim left first before John even woke up no leaving any form of contact, no phone number, no nada. Later in the day John gets a a message from Jim on Instagram saying he'd like to keep in touch, John then thinks long and hard about,(for about a minute or so) and just decided to say yes. They keep talking like for a while then Jim just during one of their conversations just casually drops the fact that he spent the day with his in-laws like it's nothing. John was like what and eventually found out Jim was married to a lady. It shocked him, hurt him did alot of things but didn't mean the end of this relationship. Anywho that's where I think the affair officially begun.
Like that's basically the summary of the story and I know that since Jim and John are the protagonists of this story we're supposed to support them and want them to by together and bless their souls but HECK NO! like under no circumstances do I ever find or justify cheating acceptable. I know sometimes people are in relationships they don't really want to be in like they're compelled to be in but like no. I might sound like some self righteous highly pretentious prick or your some kind of Sunday school teacher who says "kill e'm with kindness" but I'm sorry I don't think I get it. Essentially cheating itself has a whole type if definition because let's face it life unlike movies isn't black and white and not everyone gets their picture perfect happy endings. Like I believe cheating on someone is a situation where you don't tell the other partner in this relationship that you're not wholly committed to them like being CRYSTAL CLEAR that you have something with someone else.
And then again I get it, y'know cause this life that we live in is messed up as fuck. Like I remember being like 8'ish and hearing all the negativity towards queer people, particularly gay people an lesbians, those were the ones I basically knew at the time, and thinking why can't a gay guy just marry a lesbian lady so they can understand each other and never have to face critism for being married or generally liking the same gender without actually giving up what they love. Like they can still secretly date and stuff.
Damn think about it, at such a young age I already was thinking about ways to hide things society didn't approve of no matter how much they didn't seem wrong to me.
Like I'm older now, but even as I grew through a those years I started realizing how much more my attraction for ladies, girls, women, people of the female gender was than for makes an did tell you it scared me I would make a comment like how pretty that lady was and like quickly glance around to make sure it wasn't too much or were people going to read into and realize I was even considering not liking guys men boys males whatever. And I like up to by I still haven't admitted to myself that I might like girls like I still tell myself that maybe I just haven't discovered what my type of guy is.
TO BE CONTINUED... (Cause the whole of this thing is too fucking long for how short we agreed these rants would always be) sorry😬 (so wait for part two please to upload please
your's truly nie's "annoying as fuck"🙄 editor) And me nie,😕 who actually wrote it, anyways byeeeeeee👋. (🙁Yeah what she said)
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nie-rants · 2 years
So hi yall, I'm not going to waste your time so let me just dive into the backstory of this rant real quick. ( Rude) you wanna hear it or not, choice is yours ( nothingwrongwithbeingpolitethough)
I was like chilling at like 2am 3am Idfk okay so. I'm liked what should I do, cause I'm like soooo bored. And then I'm like lemme check my WhatsApp messages, cause I like turn off my mobile data so notifications dont end up wasting my hard-earned-not-to-be wasted-highly-expensive-data. (Yeah I'm cool like that.) (Please someone tell her how freaking wierd that is) some guy said thats how data should be used! (sure🙄) I read it in the newspaper (who reads newspapers anymore😒 PLUS a wise person once told me, never to read a newspaper, it will decrease your lifespan you wanna know what's going on, watch the news or read an online newspaper. just never a hardcopy😏 💅) Anywho my sister sends me this text;
Sister: nie do u know that these guys implied that they were kinda like exhausted of being in bts and be4 kookie had said something of wanting 2 try a solo stage but what didn't happen to him.....
He even had to put out a statement saying he didn't mean that he wanted 2 go solo. These toxic ot7z came after him 😒😒😒
Now I'm like woah woah woah there, wait🖐️so I text back this....
Me:Please excuse my language, But....
: Fuckers
: I hate them
: I mean do they think they're the only ones hurt?!??!?
: It's been over God knows how many hours and I only feel worse
: I kept replaying this song: traitor by Olivia Rodrigo over and over again
: Then I wrote a whole song
: Then I read ffs for like a whole night and continued when I got up
: And I don't know what to do. But the point is....
: But the point is I'm hurt BTS
: Hurt...😰😓
: 😭😭😭😭😭
: What will I do with the rest of my life now???
: (and don't tell me to quit being a drama queen 🙄, because I WILL be one. Drama's all I've got now😭)
: You don't see ME coming for them
: Look ffs(the curse meaning) when you signed up for this fandom you willingly put your heart ( among millions) in these guys hands. But instead y'all wanna act like BTS put THEIR hearts (and lives) in your hands and want them to fulfill your ever whim. Honeys darlings toxic ARMY'S, anti ARMY'S and generally all dumb people should know life isn't fair so suck it up and love them wholeheartedly like you signed up for.
____________________________________(yall see that, thats how melo she is you send he one thing, ONE THING and if she's in a melo enough mood, you get a rant like that 👆. That's why I don't send her any messages, UNLESS absolutely necessary or if I want to trigger a rant.)
Soo yeah my author asf as she is might be right just felt like putting this out there so, yeah this is it for this post. Byeeeeeee 😎
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nie-rants · 2 years
So... Hi? I guess.(🙄 Snort) Cause you know writing (ranting, nie ranting 🙄how many times do we have to go through this?) okay whatever were gonna call it (ranting) is not the most natural thing to do at 3am due to insomnia but hey here I am . So I say hi I'm nie and I'm female. So yeah that's that. The person whose writing is in this... Uhmmm whatever this is Is my asf editor ( editor I love you please pay no attention to the above statement), she's miss editor, say hi miss editor. (Hi👋) . Anywho I will rant here how I want and I might be a tad bit melodramatic. ( 😆She said a tad.) What's that mean?_never mind, bit it's true so please don't tell me how much you hate how melo I'm being. Ps most of this is just gossip I happen to find so it's not 100% accurate, so don't sue me. I'm broke and will likely just become another burden to your country. So.... Yeah that's it. ( Using so this many times can't be normal. See a doctor!) This was just, kinda an intro I guess so you know what you're dealing with. " Forewarned Forearmed"
Please proceed with caution cause as I said before in literally this whole intro, if there's something you don't like leave now or suck it up. Byeeeeeee😎
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