neverstops777-blog · 6 years
The Truth- How to spot and bring down the illuminati.
THE[P71] [P72] [P73] [P74] [P75]  TRUTH/ GREAT LIE
 The first thing you need to do is print or copy this message that you are about to read. This will likely be deleted or blocked in the future. You must have a hard/physical copy of the information I am about to disclose. Talks of ending NET NEUTRALITY have commenced and this message should continue to be spread about. Please translate this into whatever languages you may know. It will help you along the way, when things get strange or complicated.
 My name is of little to no importance. What is important is to truly understand your situation and the value of your own life, and the value it has to others.
 Sadly, I need you to believe me. I say sadly because, I wish none of this were true. For the most part, there are all observations that I have gathered within the last two years. For me, the trouble started in early 2016. At this point in time, it is already winter of 2017… heading into 2018. Perhaps this message (if it is spread around and uncensored) will also be a document of historical tellings.
 I do not know exactly when, how, or why I was picked for grooming but, I was certainly one of the many who were selected to be slaves/ puppets/ pets. At this point, I have not chosen a medium in which to deliver my message; and even if you do see this message, I would understand that credibility would be an issue. The things that I will divulge unto you may seem too amazing or too frightening but, if anything, I will leave you with a sense of pattern recognition. Though, the “people” I am trying to warn you about have the power to manipulate information on a massive scale, and lying is second nature to them… if you have your wits about you, you will be able to see their twisted patterns. If you can see the pattern, you can fight through their lies. If you can fight through their lies, then you can bring them down. They will be brought down.
 For them, it takes a lot of work, energy, and organization to weave and implement a lie. I’m sure you are wondering who “they” are. They have many names, and they have imbedded themselves in almost every facet of human existence. History, entertainment, business, royalty, war, communication, technology, religion, politics, law enforcement, education, etc. They have done this on an international level and as carefully as possible. They have incorporated music, music videos, books, movies, video-games, comedians, commercials, online video-channel stars, and all sorts of media to implement subliminal messages and other brainwashing techniques.
 According to my observations, and the way that they have been “moving forward” (a phrase that they hold dearly), the subliminal messages and techniques are more potent than I had previously believed them to be. The public seems to have been marching to the beat of their drum for quite some time now, due to their dark media and economy manipulation. If you consider yourself to be a young man/ woman, it is best to think of this situation as joining a game of monopoly after most, if not all,  of anything worth owning has been bought… the only major difference is that it has been rigged against your favor. And though the entire concept of wanting more, earning more, and having more may be natural to most people, these beings have absolutely no consideration for the balance of things (or human life, for that matter). They do not ponder on replenishment, but, on conquering and consumption. They have created division, war, and catastrophes and have longed for complete subjugation of the population (their type of one world vision) for decades.
 THEY are “people” of patterns, and, since they do not seem to be showing any signs of halting their plans or agenda, that pattern will still be in place, and once you spot it, they can do little to hide it. The wonderful thing is, that, for the most part, they feel fear like no other person. My observations have shown me that, although they use and induce fear in their targets (quite remarkably so), their reactions to any opposition creates a startling response akin to that of an animal that has been caught or cornered. “They” feel fear and emotions differently than what most people do. I will explain myself further as you read along.
 Once again, they have many names. The Illuminati, Masons, Scottish Right, Dutch Empire. They have even written themselves into popular movies within the hero and horror genres, as well as novels, and the like, under different names (though the “fictional” agenda bases itself on their own goals). Their name is not as important as their aim. Whatever these “things” are, they do not need to be in an organization to negatively affect one’s life… or perception of life, for that matter. It is best for me to stick with what I have observed as opposed to reciting what most would consider to be conspiracy theories out in the web. I will speak of what is most important to you:
 If you happen to be one of their pawns (against your will), then I am sorry. I wish I could sit right next to you and go through this thing with you, and maybe, one day I will be. But, this message that I am writing to you right now (and many, many, many others), this will give you hope, faith, comfort, and an indomitable fighting spirit that will allow you to trust in your own reasoning and in your own will power. All those negative thoughts that are bombarding you right now, all those negative attacks on your consciousness, … it is not true. You have more power, more value, and more WILL that you might have ever thought possible. If they threaten your life, believe me, you have an unalienable right to defend it, no matter how bleak they want things to “seem” for you.
 A piece of paper with your signature does not own you. A handshake with a “handler” does not own you. A promise to these creatures is null and void if they wish to use you and abuse you. Your life, your body, and your consciousness cannot be owned (even if at first you may have consented). Their power comes from your belief (or your acceptance to go with their plans). If you believe you are under their palm, then you have allowed yourself (which is a choice) to go with the flow. In all seriousness, they are TRYING to mold your reality; they haven’t actually accomplished it. It takes work for them every day.
 Change you mind. Say no. For every moment that you are alive, it is a moment that you can say no to them. They may come and bombard you with threats, and poorly planned “coincidences” but, whatever you say goes. Don’t fall for their lies or their set-ups. The induction of fear in your body by them is essentially an attack; moments of tense anxiety and fear may hurt your head, heart, or stomach… you don’t have to deal with that kind of rubbish. Believe me; they fear you much more than you fear them; that is why they are trying so hard to keep you in check in the first place. And those nightmares that you may have been having; you can win in those too. You are the artist, you are the creator of your dreams. Imagine it, control it, and it will happen. I know it is a strange thing for me to talk about but, for those who are unfortunately under observation… I hope this will prove of great use to you. And though they may tell you that it gets harder as you get older, and that you will never get used to it… they are absolutely wrong. You will get used to it, and you will get used to calling them on their bullshit. If they ever do try and do something physical to you, fight with everything you can muster. They can tell when you are being serious. And then you will know that they can fall.
 It is extremely important for you to understand that there are currently 7.6 BILLION PEOPLE on this planet. Of these 7.6 BILLION people, “their” corrupt “kind” will always be in the MILLIONS. Know and understand that most of humanity outnumbers “them”, and that should be a source of some comfort, hope, and willpower. This simple fact should be a source of strength. Also, this is not an issue of race, color, or creed. These “people” have corrupt tastes and horrible ritualistic passions that one should be weary of when around them.
 As to what “they” are, according to my own personal observations, during my time being harassed by them (for 2 years now), “they” are being used as vessels. The term “avatar” has existed since before it was popularized by the media in the movies, shows, or games. This positive spin on the term was strategic. Most of their vile plans have gone through the filter of spin. That is to say, they introduce their agenda through the media and make a story that allows the viewer to empathize with their cause. I will explain this in detail under THEIR METHODS OF AGENDA IMPLEMENTATION section.
 The reason that it should be considered a serious crime is that people are essentially being SWAPPED OUT. For all intents and purposes, I will use the term consciousness. You may have seen a movie by the name of “Get Out”, directed by a popular comedian. Again, though this may look like a regular film, many, if not most film production companies are owned by THEM. The movie depicts a type of cult that uses surgical and psychological procedures to inhabit another person’s body, where the wealthy “elite” of these beings treat people like property and bid on them at auctions. This is not far from the truth. I’ve witnessed something like this right in front of me, though, no surgical tools were needed. The person is usually asleep or in an altered state of mind. They enter a trance or dream-like sequence. There, something comes to them and offers them a deal, a door, promises of fortune, or threats. Then, they are replaced. I don’t exactly know where the original consciousness goes, or what happens to it. I do have a pretty good guess, and I’ll mention it later in the message.
  I know how this sounds. A mix of Faust, Nightmare On Elm Street, and Inception. They tried doing this to me a number of times. For those of you who are under observation, or are already under their “fake” bs contract, this may have already been attempted on you. Like I said before, it is bs and they rely on your cooperation and fear. If you don’t give in, there is little or nothing they can do to force you into making a deal, or fulfilling your bs agreement. And no, they are not “demons”, or “gods” (as I have learned that they love to be seen as such). Much of what they do, and the technologies that they implement, may seem as though they are ghosts, ghouls, or demons (as depicted in their media projects) but, no. That is why lucid dreaming, or controlling your own dreams, is a must. Once they are in human form, they are prone to human weaknesses. In fact, from what I have observed, they are more sensitive to the emotions of fear, pain, threats (especially from those that resist), and their own hierarchy. They have their own set of rules and regulations, and horrid tastes.
 Showing their plans to the public also helps to spread fear, subliminally communicate their message of “supremacy”, allows them to disarm whistle-blowers (say that they got the idea from the media, etc.), and implement what is known as “predictive programming”, another form of brainwashing. Under certain situations, those that have been successfully manipulated may perform some of the things that they have witnessed in the media, which is how “they” planned it to be.
 Once more, as to what they are: they are human in appearance, with a predatory non-human consciousness, capable of telepathy and all linked to a hive mind (they are all linked together telepathically- they can read each others thoughts). Where these things came from, I’m not exactly too sure but, some prodding of my own led me to believe that they came from a planet that enters our solar system every generation, or so. The only reason they have been able to come in by the droves in the last few years is that a gateway, or think of it as some sort of battery source, has been built somewhere in Europe. They call it the Large Hadron Collider, in Geneva. The professionals will tell you that this is not what the CERN program was intended to do. Those in-the-know want to keep it that way. Now you know. Close the gateway.
 Slavery is still alive and well in the U.S.A, as well as other nations. It just looks different than most would expect it to look like. Instead of whips and chains, they use your own brain and body’s chemical compounds against you, such as fear, adrenaline, sleep (or lack of sleep), serotonin, melatonin (said to affect dreams) etc. Somehow, they can manipulate them but, up to a certain extent. For some reason, they can’t kill you (unless you agree to it; but even then, you can say no and change your mind- from what I have observed). Believe me, if you choose to be strong against them, you’ll have a better understanding of what they are and what they are capable of. Find ways to defend and protect yourself, including in your dreams. Never open any doors in your dreams, by the way. If you have to travel from one location to another, make your own door or just imagine being at another location. Feel free to punch any visitors that don’t belong in your dreams. Again, I know how this sounds, but, hopefully this will prove useful to those that are going through their ongoing abuse.
 I don’t know what their consciousness is attached to. That is to say, I don’t know what they look like outside of their human vessel. Other whistleblowers say that they look “reptilian” in nature; others say that they are tall grey aliens with big eyes; some say they are the Nordic type, with pale skin and blonde hair; there are even some that say they look like insects, or cats. To be honest with you, I don’t really care what they LOOK like. All I know is that they are using human beings like property and stolen vehicles. Vehicles that allow them to implement their agenda. In all actuality, whether they come from any of those types of beings, they act with great fear and carefulness, which allows me to think that they are not necessarily the brave or ferocious type. They are, however, very well versed in the art of human manipulation and strategy. It is not just a takeover, it is population reduction and subjugation.
 It is easier to spot the ones who have just been taken over. The outline of their inner eyelids are usually very red, as if they hadn’t had any sleep. It is NOT comparable to pink-eye because, the eyeball itself is not inflamed. It is the redness around the eye that gives them away. After a few MONTHS of having taken over the body, the redness goes away, unless they are panicked or excited. At first, they have trouble adjusting to human emotion (they can’t help it). I’ve seen one take another person’s body in front of me. You can’t see them with the human eye (at least I couldn’t; maybe there is someone out there that can). As mentioned before, people are in an altered state of mind when they get invaded (asleep or chemicals in their system). This person (changed- or a new FLEDGELING as I will call them) was jumping for joy, with an ecstatic look on their face right after they came out of their zombie-like trance. It was frightening to look at this spectacle; as if they had just won a prize. If you are the type to take illicit drugs, please stop (or don’t start; not even out of curiosity). You’ll never know what you will be handed; be it at a EDM rave, or at a calm social gathering.
 The fledgelings (or newly replaced) have issues with confrontation. As I said before, they are telepathic. Though, I don’t quite understand the mechanisms as to how this is possible (my educated guess is that it’s a form of organic radio-waves/ cellular towers/ etc.), the frequency allows them to understand when you want to defend yourself (I’ve had to do this on several occasions). The confrontations never became physical, as they understood my commitment to defend myself by any means possible. Though, harassment from them still continues. I understood that they could not read my body language but, they could, and can, read my thoughts. Even now, as I write, I am being monitored. Yes, they have threatened my life on more than one occasion. They have threatened me in almost every way. They knew my fears, patterns, and the things that make my stomach churn and make my heart pound. Did I get used to it? Yes, I did. You can, too. Once you know your own triggers and your own weaknesses, one can actually overcome them.
 This bases itself on operant conditioning, a type of psychological training. If you allow yourself to be tricked or scared by your own fears (and they may be used against you), you are rewarding your fear (and those who implemented the fear strategically), thus allowing repetition of the trick later in the future. In other words, if they fool you a few times successfully, then they can use the same thing to fool you again in the future. But, once you say no, and resist their tactics (which can be challenging at first), it becomes easier to say no.
 Once you say no (and they may try to drill in a fear or two for disobeying), reward yourself with a treat or something you love. This will reinforce yourself on saying no and disobeying more readily. Trust me, you can survive without them harassing you. You should also understand how the brain reads chemical reactions and how neurotransmitters work in the brain. Once you understand how they are using your own brain’s chemical reactions and fears against you, then, you are able to calm yourself down and simply say “it’s just another one of their tricks”. I know this through experience and observation. This is something I believe to be imperative to understand if you are to resist and live outside of their manipulation.
 Please, make sure to share this info. There are those that need hope. There are those that haven’t been replaced and have just been kept as slaves/pets. Because, they have allowed themselves to be fooled, they may be in too deep, and may not have the psychological tools to understand what is happening, or how to get out of their situation. Trust me, they can. If you are experiencing this, know that you are not alone and you have a community of people who actually understand what is happening to you. Be careful, though. Many are loyal to their “masters”. There are those who may be too scared to talk or fight (which is completely understandable) and may be jealous of those who do so. But, you are not alone. I will explain more of resisting and fighting them in HOW TO STAY SHARP IN THE ERA OF SPIN AND DISINFORMATION.
 When JAMMED (also called the Jamming Method or Jamming Technique), or spoken to directly about their plans & what they really are, something very important happens to all of them, almost without fail every time. They grunt, cough, choke up, flush red, tense up, or all of these. The ones who have been inside their human vessels longer than a few month have an easier time suppressing their reactions to direct questioning or statements that will compromise their situation. Some of them will even cough, grunt, choke up, or tense up before you even ask them (due to them being able to read your thoughts). If asked, many of them will try to redirect the question, change the subject, or scurry away. Some will warn you, some may act as though they have been cornered like an animal by the pound (eyes darting back and forth). If there is more of one of them near you, the others may interfere with your JAMMING and/or they may all show signs of weakness. More than the one person may grunt, cough, choke up, flush red, tense up, etc. They may also show a wicked grin, if the mood strikes them. Don’t be fooled by it. They are very scared by your questioning. They are a bit more confident within groups but, if threatened, they will disperse, or flare up, all the same.
 Again, many will FLUSH RED across their face (as if panicked, shy, ashamed, or embarrassed). Facial cues are by far their easiest tell. When you ask a human, their reaction is obviously more human and more natural. When you JAM, ask one of these things, out of them will have a hard time keeping it together. Don’t worry, it will get very easy to spot these things after you get the hang of it. They have somewhat saturated the planet with their presence but, always remember, they are only in the millions. Humans are in the BILLIONS.
 They have endless ways of intimidating you. Try not to take them seriously. Once you allow fear from their psychological attacks to settle in, they can’t help but gloat. They love to gloat. If you are a slave or a target (and my guess is that they are increasing in number and will take advantage of those that lost their homes in recent disasters- such as the floods and fires in certain states) you will no doubt understand, first hand, the difference between an evil GRIN and a sincere smile. These retellings are being written about so that you may be better equipped when/if shit really hits the fan. I say “if” due to the fact that in all honesty, their apocalyptic take-over can be prevented and squashed. They grow more confident every day, with the people’s growing fear, law and economic corruptions, and hostile take-overs from within. If this doesn’t make much sense to you, or if you don’t believe a word I write (and that is understandable), just prepare, keep this information in the back of your head, and when the time comes, don’t fold. I will try and be with you until the end of my days. I’m really making them angry here.
From what I have experienced, grooming begins at a young age. They take stock of your inspirations, motivations, fears, likes, dislikes, loves, etc. They study you. They look at your grades and the patterns that you have built during development. Then, they infiltrate your social, work, or group environment. People within those groups may have already been in the know. They have a way of “working coincidences”. To some people, this will seem like a synchronicity (being at the right place at the right time/ or, the wrong place at the wrong time). Those that have experienced this in lifestyles of faith, religion, or spirituality may have a better understanding of it. For example, winning a large sum of money when it is most needed, bumping into a friend or acquaintance that you haven’t seen in a long time but were thinking about that same day, answering the phone and knowing the person on the other side of the call before you even look at caller ID or start talking, messengers or “angels” getting involved, having an almost near impossible prayer being answered, etc. Though I don’t know much about astrophysics, or metaphysics, for that matter, I do understand patterns, and the power of belief. These changelings will take advantage of your belief system, and they have infiltrated churches, temples, etc. Sadly, they, too, can hear your prayers via telepathy. And because of their telepathy and hive mind, they may manipulate your environment and set up little “plays” or little coincidences in order to steer your thoughts or your path into falling into traps, changing your plans for the day, or steer you away from talking or doing something against their favor. If you ever wondered what the hell was going on with “all this”, this is basically what is happening. They are very organized. And yes, they are capable of putting thoughts in your head and making them your own. Do yourself a favor: write down who you think you are, what you stand for, what you are capable of, and what you will never do. Know yourself and your usual thought patterns. If you can, know the patterns of your friends, family, and the people around you; they are bold, and believe me, they will use the people around you if it suits them. This tactic hurt me the most. This fight has not come without losses. Please, stay strong. If you are still you… then stay as you are. Please, don’t give in. If you give in, it will only get worse from there. Better free and fighting, than a slave and slowly dying. They are horrible, but some of you may already know that first hand. You are not alone.
  During the beginning of my ordeal, I wanted to understand what was happening and through all facets of interpretation. I went to a few churches and realized that they had been there, too. As I have come to understand it, these things aren’t demons or work under the “rules” and belief systems that may bind demons in biblical context, or the context of a horror movie, for that matter. You can try to pray them away, exorcise them, or do whatever you believe may make them go away (if you believe or don’t believe in those tactics). Then, observe the patterns after you do so. They enjoy power and positions of influence and leadership. This includes priests, pastors, motivational speakers, bosses, political leaders, counselors, professors, etc. Yes, these creatures are everywhere, but, they are deathly afraid of being discovered and being hurt. Keep in mind that they may control the courts in that area; that is the challenge. I’m not too sure how the hierarchy works; who gets first dibs on a body/vessel. And of course, it is not just those of leaders. There are millions of them, and come in every color, race, creed, etc. They just want a body.
 I will see how my future holds, and if certain things happen, I will name names. I am currently at a crossroads. There are choices that are very difficult for me to make. My greatest weapon has been my will and my mind. Also, I just happen to be a very stubborn individual. That helps. I have been lucky enough to not have children; they can use you’re family against you. Husband, wife, kids, relatives… the whole package. Or at least, they can threaten that they will use/hurt them. From what I understand, many people fold because of their love of these wonderful people. Please, don’t believe these creatures. Please, fight harder in fact. There are already families who have been completely replaced. As for the children, I don’t know at what age they start to become a candidate for the process. And no, not everyone around you has turned into one of them. If you are a person of faith, then do what you must (pray, go to church, exorcisms, etc.). But never kiss their rings, never kneel to kiss their feet, and for the love of life, do not confuse what you believe is the Holy Ghost speaking to you with whatever the hell the creatures are trying to drill into your mind. Their telepathy (mind reading/mental communication without words) is otherworldly and can be mistaken for something one may have learned in faith culture. Their messages will not always be negative, and they will try to pretend to be God. They love playing that card. These creatures get a kick from posing as leaders of masses and groups. Just keep an observant eye. I will not dissuade you from using whatever means necessary to keep on your toes.
 They also enjoy getting prisoners or ex military to join their cause. I’d call it indentured servitude, but I don’t believe they intend to keep them “employed” for a limited amount of time. If these ex prisoners or ex military seem to be a good investment for the “beings” that bailed them out, they too, may be turned into one of them. And although policemen and military or ex military personnel would normally cause a sense of intimidation in most civilians, the ones who have been changed are not as brave and prefer to enjoy themselves, their newly acquired lives, and their benefits (which was earned by the original consciousness) in relative peace, relying on their intimidation. Most of their power comes from the PERCEPTION of their legal/enforcement facade. But, they can sense those who understand what they really are, and are very weary of those that do. It is unfortunate that as time changes, these changelings may possibly gather more force, culminating in genocide and the normalization of slavery and mass executions. Many unchanged teenagers go into the academy relatively normal. It is not until they have proven themselves as good candidates of possession that they are changed. This goes for all branches of enforcement. And no, I do not know the criteria.
 In politics, they may hide behind left wing and right wing, conservative and liberal, or whatever platform they prefer. Though, a young or inexperienced person may go in wanting to help or aide an ideology that may look innocent and righteous to them at first, the “dark” political arena may turn them into something that is stranger than fiction. Aside from bribes, blackmail, and secret society associations, they may start to represent and help spread the creatures’ cause and agenda (if they want to or not- it would seem). From what I have come to understand, they seek to destroy the remaining Native American population, take whatever land was left for them, and treat them worse than before. They also seek to vilify the latino (as heavily seen in the media), implement radical deportation laws, continue to keep most African Americans “down” (as is the saying), encroach on aboriginal life (Australia, etc.) implant chips through the guise of protecting us from the dangers of the world (people of faith may see this as “the mark of the beast”), conceal their takeover as a natural and normalized gentrification, use the earth’s resources as they see fit (as opposed to using renewable resources or technologies that would help humanity), keep us in a constant state of war (helps with population maintenance and land takeover), void certain rights in The Bill of Rights (no cruel and unusual punishment, no heavy fines, etc.), leave civilians defenseless (lack of medical help, lack of food, lack of weapons to defend oneself, lack of access to education, lack of communication or internet access), destroy areas with weapons that may cause natural disasters (CERN, weaponized satellites, underground blasts, forest fires, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), enslave civilians or prisoners into doing the dirty work (real life suicide squads), and so much more.
 The question is: Why don’t they just physically invade and kill everyone off; why does the plan have to be so intricate? According to my observations, it is not so easy for them to cross over and stay in our environment. They have been here for quite some time and have already set up some sort of system that benefits their existence and power accumulation. They don’t necessarily want to scorch the earth but, they do want to be worshiped and able to live without looking completely different (it would be a challenge with their real physical bodies). They want to have control over all human life, which includes having control of every kind of resource. Also, their normal non-human bodies haven’t necessarily adapted to the physical or social environment, and must slowly set it up (on land and in the minds of humans). The acceptance of another race of beings would be a startling revelation and they may be afraid of a backlash (so instead they chose to do a pre-emptive strike and use people as avatars). And, they enjoy being in a human body. Every time I saw a fledgeling, they looked ecstatic to be here (in all reality, I too am happy to be alive- we all should be). But, it’s always very disturbing to see someone that may no longer be themselves. Though, these things love to lie and use fear, it was “revealed” to me that the first human and physical alien contact would be in the next 40 years. Obviously, I don’t know if that is true or not. But, war with yet another country is on the horizon, and that has more to do with population control and unifying the one world order (for now, anyways), more than anything else. They will talk about life, liberty, and patriotism… but, it is anything but. They will use empathy, and turn you feelings against you and against the enemy (whoever they want to portray as the enemy), as they have in the past through propaganda. Now you know. Now you can prevent this. Beware of a forced military draft. The U.S.A was supposed to stop having them. My advice; if you are going to fight in a war, fight for something that you truly believe in, and not for what they want you to believe in.
 Consider this: you have worked your ass off being who you are. You go to work, you pay your bills, you raise your family, you suffer heartache, you feel joy, and you relish your achievements. It was all you. Imagine if all that work, of living your life, of being you, of living the experiences (good and bad), was suddenly taken away and given to something else that hasn’t  truly lived it. It stole your body, your life, your memories, your everything. To those that incorporate spiritual jargon in their lives… the soul has been replaced. Or, the consciousness that originally inhabited the body is no longer there. And no, I’m not 100% sure on how the science works with the whole ordeal. They are the heads of the scientific community. If there are breakthroughs in these areas, they would be the ones to keep it quite. The man who got close to a revelation (I hope he is still human) is RUPERT SHELDRAKE. Imagine that you have been replaced by some telepathic creature that is capable of ritualistic cannibalism and relishes in changing the world to a more twisted mirror version of itself: one of mass slavery, executions, and twisted pleasures. A creature that helps out in brainwashing the rest of human society that something like that is meant to be (Ghost In The Shell, The Matrix, Blade Runner, King’s Men, Watchmen, etc.). That would not be ideal at all.
 They lack creativity, but they want to be worshiped. If they possess an artistic or creative type, the learned skills remain (as well as the memories), but the work itself is without true soul or creativity. They keep some creatives as they are, without possessing them, in order for them to set up books, novels, artwork, music, illustrations, movie scripts, and films to sell to the masses. These works also drive their agenda. This I had confirmed by a “messenger”. Don’t go to Hollywood, not matter what your dreams may be there. Do yourself that favor. They will offer you many things. For some reason, and I don’t know why, everything you do has to be by choice. Even if you refuse, they will try and use every tactic for you to accept, including induce fear in your waking and dreaming world. You will pull through, you will stay human, and you will stay alive. Believe in that. Belief is an extremely strong player in all this.
This is the good stuff. This is your defensive kit. Pay close attention.
 First, understand their strengths. They are telepathic, they are all linked to each other through a hive mind (so they can move like a school of fish or a nest of bees), they are organized, they may be capable of interfering with your finances, they are capable of implementing what the media calls Inception (yes, I know how this sounds; it is still happening), they own the movies and the subliminal messages in the movies, they own the history books/publishing companies (some books are even trying to downplay the harshness of slavery by saying they were paid, and the Native American genocide is being made to look like something else), they manipulate laws and law enforcement, they can place images in your head (good ones and horrible ones), they are the leaders of religious groups, they are the heads of the scientific community, they can make situation look like coincidences (synchronicity manipulation), they are capable of brainwashing, they can set traps (be weary of your own vices), they are capable of blackmail, they are cruel enough to involve your family, they are capable of making one feel isolated, they understand what triggers your fears and anxieties, and they may even manipulate the media (local radio stations, news programs, music that has certain messages for you), and they love to set up conversations around you to deliver messages (warnings, threats, or steer you into the “right” direction). Once again, they have technology to trigger “natural” catastrophes, interfere with communication (cell phone, internet, etc.), and have updates on your progress or state of mind (you’ll hear a sharp ringing in the ear; as if a tv was on somewhere in the house). BUT, HAVE NO FEAR… apparently they are implementing all these tricks because they fear you deeply. Relax; nothing is happening to you. You are stronger than them. Take some time to breathe in and breathe out. Do it as long as it takes for you to become calm and clear headed. They want to keep you afraid and in a state of submission so that you are unable to make a move against them. Much of their brainwashing is based on a rewards and punishment model. And remember, they wouldn’t be doing this unless they knew how dangerous you are.
 Their Fears and Weaknesses:
They, too, are in constant fear. But, no one is manipulating them (at least, not to my knowledge). They think of themselves as the apex predator, though, I have an understanding that they come from a harsh environment on their planet of origin. I have seen fear in their eyes, and they are afraid of something else, aside from humans. The thought that these creatures are afraid of something else disturbs me but, let us deal with one issue at a time. They are not necessarily the brave types. They wait, hide, and strike when it is most beneficial to them; preferring to sacrifice their brainwashed slaves as opposed to do battle themselves. When all the pieces have been set up by them, and the field is at it should be for them, collectively, they strike like a pack of wolves. Not a strong pack, mind you. They are prone to cowering and hiding (something that I believe was impeded into their being from whatever hierarchy they were raised under, in whatever world).
 They tense up and hate it when they are called out directly. Again, when these creatures get called out directly, they cough, grunt, flush red, or have some sort of physical tell (if you are good are reading faces, you’ll spot the frustration right away).
 They can tell when you want to defend yourself in a more serious manner. Their telepathy, when honed in on you, can allow them to look into your thoughts, your emotions, and state of mind. On more than a handful of occasions, there were attempts on me to be sold and traded; but, I stood my ground with “defensive measures” hidden on me. In my mind, I had already committed myself to “not going gently”. I had thought it over and made peace that I’d rather die a free man than a tormented slave. Again, you have to be tricked into BELIEVING in their threats and warnings; if you allow yourself to be paralyzed by fear and go along with whatever they want you to do, technically, it is a form of consented submission (or, you chose to go along with it). When my new “handlers” or slave traders attempted to pick me up, they understood my state of mind. A few cancelled over the phone. I had the privilege of seeing one of them turn pale white to the thought of me “defending” myself. The best course of action is to usually stand your ground. It may get challenging but, if you go along with them a few times, you may continue to go along with their misdeeds and fear mongering for the rest of your days. Stand your ground.
 After a while, you can identify who is trying to infiltrate your thoughts. You can essentially feel their essence or hear their speech pattern in your head (soft spoken, high energy, low energy, loud, slang, etc.). It may be someone close to you, or someone you have daily contact with. The first handler I remember having (without knowing it at first) was my co-president at a study group I used to attend. Although, his actions seemed to be positive and supportive in the beginning, they soon turned strange and rather cold at times. He just so happened to have worked for a branch of law enforcement, as well. Be careful my friends. Just as they are able to read your mind, you can use that trick against them. Give them a treat to look at: imagine something that would turn fear on them. Think of scenarios. Notice that you aren’t technically doing anything (an make sure that your facial expressions are neutral); their body language and facial expressions will change (or they will offer you something to take your mind off themselves). If they aim to “get serious”, it is best for you to get serious as well.
 From what I understand, the media seems to be showing more images of war and revolution. The aesthetic of war and revolution has increased. It seems as though they do want a revolution to happen, but on their terms. They, too, are responsible for “nurturing” the opposition. An opposition who will jump if they say “jump”, fight in a certain location whey they say “fight in that location”, and die when they say “die”. Why would they groom an opposition? The answer is: if they can reduce the population and motivate a certain number of people to revolt, then they would have a pretext and reason to “defend” their monstrous kind. A calculated division. A justified reason to mow people down, bring back the guillotine, and execute people without impunity. The Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence would go out the window (which, ironically, came out of a revolutionary war). They may come out looking like the “good guys” against the “evil revolutionary groups”. That is how they may write it in the history books. The weakness here is that after this is understood (this message in particular), possible freedom fighters can hone in on the big players (top elite creatures), instead of wasting time fighting within themselves and the private military groups that may get in their way. It is best to figure out where they may be hiding. The leaders will usually have positions of leadership.
 One of the reasons that certain death camps have already been built (search this on youtube and other search engines; make sure to save it on a hard copy if internet access becomes a challenge to acquire, or if deleted) is due to the fact that as their presence increases, so too do their chances of being discovered. And of course, they have been preparing for such an event. There have been trainings in Chicago and New York with black helicopters and military personnel, just in case of “internal attacks” were to take place. Once again, this is a world wide agenda, and their ilk have already made moves in Mexico and others parts of Central America, South America, North America, Russia, Spain, France, China, and in the Middle East.
 In Aguas Calientes, Mexico, black helicopters and military personnel rained down upon a teachers’ union as well as children and families within the area. One witness reported that the military that were sent down there had also threatened to rape the locals (search for this online). After some of the children were separated from the parents (who were either killed or arrested), they were sent to foster homes (and who knows where else). President Maduro of Venezuela (you can guess what he has turned into) has taken it upon himself and his committee to allocate more political power for himself and his agenda (or, the agenda of those that he serves). People are going without food, water, and medical supplies. The wonderful thing is that many of the sane locals have rightfully chosen to fight for their life and liberty against his oppressive regime. Though, I still have no idea why Maduro is still in his position (and, if he is to be brought down, the people of sound consciousness must also keep an eye on whoever takes power next). The grabbing of power usually comes after “they” have destabilized certain areas of society within that city, state, or country (economy, resources, shelter, food, politics, etc.).
 What are some ways to see through these tactics and push straight to the “heads of evil”? They, too, are creatures of patterns. Where do they go? Who are they with? How many vehicles or guards do they have? How do they set up perimeters? What surveillance technology are they using? Who is on backup? Do they have air support? High ground or low ground? What kind of weapons do they have? Food, medical, and weapon supplies? What is the distance between you and your target? Have they set up barricades and checkpoints? What are ways to get through those barricades and checkpoints? There should be little to no reason that evil continues to rule. These are but some of the things that must be thought about when/if things get out of hand. Morale, too, is an issue. As I mentioned before, these creatures are not necessarily the “brave” type but, rely heavily on waiting and hiding and striking at the opportune moments. They are relatively weak when it comes to matters of bravery and fortitude: they have little of it. Keep that in mind.
 Much of their societies and ritualistic ties lead back to Sweden, Germany, and the Nordic areas. Of course, after the many decades of war, conquest, colonization, and dark business dealings, their influence has spread everywhere and has made its way into the consciousness of many living humans from all walks of life everywhere. If you never paid attention in history class, go ahead and check up on the Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, WWI, WWII, The Trail of Tears, Vietnam War, slavery, and a few other gems while you are at it. Knowing one’s own history is essentially supposed to aid in making sure that the same mistakes never happen again. Everyone should know their HUMAN RIGHTS. Knowing your history, and picking up a few tactics from previous historical battles, may aid human civilization in the future. From what I have come to understand, these things have had a hand in steering the course of human history. And no, not like in the History Channel’s BS show Ancient Aliens (also “their” propaganda- you do not owe them anything).  One thing you should also focus on is that the system of checks and balances will also seem off balance with the current U.S. president and his crew changing laws left and right. Medical access, education, due process, law enforcement, financial assistance, internet access… much of these laws seem more like iron fisted tyranny (under the guise of creating a better world; capitalism) than democracy. In the future, it will probably take more than a few picket signs and signatures to truly make a difference (just make sure that “they” don’t sway you the way the do most puppets). Stay focused. As mentioned before, once they are in a stolen human body, they are susceptible to the same weaknesses (and then some). If possible, figure out who has access to those technologies that cause natural disasters and find ways of neutralizing or destroying the equipment (there is more than one key holder). Also, the new California fires in 2018 seem to have been caused by what looks like hi intensity lasers that have been caught in action by the public.
 Also, they have saturated the medical field, and enjoy being figures that one may trust. If you see any “tv show doctors”, know that they have already sold out. They mix good sound advice with their own propaganda. The medical field, in general, has been flooded by these creatures. Certain pills and medicines may be prescribed to you that have 0 to no benefit to your body (and may benefit them, in the long run). One of the first few creatures I met and identified as such was a foot doctor. Once the “doctor” had been discovered, it retreated into a corner of the office and its eyes darted back and forth like an animal waiting for other hunters to come and attack it. I got out of there as quickly as possible. But, this ordeal had also proven to me that they act in such a way that resembles an animal, more than a human, when jammed (keep this in mind as well).
 They prefer for their targets to be apathetic (uncaring as to what happens around them). An apathetic individual or an apathetic society can be easily controlled, killed, or enslaved. This is done with distractions, technology, entertainment, or belief system. I encourage prayer and anything that allows you to put a barrier between you and them; though, this allows them to “move forward” rather unhindered, while people are focusing on the afterlife or letting someone else take the wheel. I understand this all too well. I have been there myself in those times of confusion. They WILL use your beliefs against you. Though, through these two years of harassment, action and defense have been my greatest weapons. Again, I do not dissuade anyone from their faith, or God, or anything of the sort. I would like to warn you, that if you are faced with life or death right in front of you, I pray that you fight for your life, with all the force you can muster. Pray for the strength. Pray for the strength to NOT FREEZE UP if the time ever comes. If you have been given life, then I would assume it to be a great gift to squander if freely given away to these creatures. Trust this; these things fear a straight-and-forward ass kicking more than anything else. And, due to their telepathy, they know when a good ass-kicking is coming their way. Be quick about it if you do decide to give them one.
 Also, though they may have society by the gonads when it comes to economy manipulation via the Federal Reserve, remember, that they technically run on the financial flow of the lower and middle classes as well as the higher classes. Martin Luther King Jr. disrupted their order, for a time, when he lead the boycott on transportation and other shared resources. They felt the pang in their pockets, and everyone who cared about the issue was united. Remember, they only succeed because we have allowed them to succeed. Knowing this, and using this information against them, can be a weapon. Hit them in the pockets. If, by some chance, they block resources such as food trucks, trade, medical equipment, understand the truck and shipping routes and companies that are involved. If need be, figure out who to talk to when it comes to trade and commerce. What are the farms that people get their produce from? Go there and investigate. Where does the food come from? Is transportation lacking? Are there embargo or road blockages? How does one get rid of road blocks? Will freedom fighters have the will to confiscate food, clothing, and other resource trucks/18 wheelers so they may be distributed among those that want to survive? Think on Robin Hood, and on all those role-models who fought for the downtrodden. Trust me, (or trust your own eyes if you have seen and experienced this for yourself), there is true evil and injustice that tries very hard to make itself appear righteous in the eyes of the public. There are currently prisoners who have no right being in jail, and they are currently laboring making trinkets and products for the masses (slave labor).
 Oh, and public or local news networks. Go ahead and pass them off as fear mongering lie factories. Aside from implementing methods that would put fear into most humans, they will hide news of their failures and losses. They will hide the fact that people are catching on; or, they will say that certain people have developed a mental disorder of some sort. They will boast of their successes, kills, captures, and financial and business winnings. If there is someone who poses a threat, they will treat him/her/them as a villain. Though, this is nothing completely new, they will continue to vilify the minority. Right now, there is a strong negative focus on the Latino community, and the Asian community does not seem so far behind (Revenge of the Green Dragons, etc.). The black/ African American community has not received much of a break (save for those that have gone into entertainment; where many have spoken about the evils of Hollywood, such as Kat Williams, Dave Chappelle, etc.).
 If the military, or armored police, ever tries to take people or families out of their homes, you have the right to defend it (no matter what change in the laws might have happened). Whatever country you are in, it is your responsibility to know of the bases around you, the men/women soldiers they may house, the type of arsenal they may have, the type of vehicles. People were meant to keep the government in check, and it is the people who have given the government its power in the first place. The only difference now is that many of those people in power are no longer themselves. Remember, it is still an invasion.
 The media is in their pockets, including current rights and ownerships of certain franchises. These things did not come out of some sort of “evolutionary mutation”. They are not mutants. They are not superheroes. They are not Jedi. They are not Sith. They are not angels, demons, gods, or benevolent. Beware of shows like “The New Mutants”, “Lucifer”, “IZombie”, “Santa Clarita Diet”, and so many more shows that trick one into thinking that these creatures are the friendly type. Many of these creatures are already saying that they are church goers and are religious in some way, wanting to use the cover of a socially perceived purity, innocence, and holiness but, they are not (you will have to JAM them in order to see who is who- see the II. HOW TO SPOT THEM section of this message.) Due to recent observations, where it was previously thought that they would have no divisions between themselves, it turns out that they are capable of TURNING ON EACH OTHER. At least they are capable of arguing and bickering. If those types of issues exist among their kind, it is posible that they may also be able to harm each other, despite their hive mind unity. Though, a hiearchy seems to remain. If, down the road, any of them happen to say that they are “the good guys” or friendly towards humans, don’t believe them. In the end, they have stolen a body that is not theirs, no matter who they may look like (your best friend, family members, mentors, co-workers: they may not be the same person on the inside. That is someone else wearing their body. Jam them to make sure). They feed on the fear of people, and are working to put the world into horrible submission. As stated before, these are human eating, fear mongering, war making, nightmare inducing, slave driving, telepathic, land stealing, body snatching, power hungry, law manipulating, blackmailing, society infiltrating, lying beings from another world. Call them aliens, call them demons, call them inter-dimensional beings; call them whatever you like and use whatever means to beat them back to where they came from. The point is, they are assholes. Beings with fears and weaknesses. And yes, they most certainly can bleed.
Through observation, I have come to understand that they use psychological manipulation rather heavily. They prefer for the target to give up before they have even begun the fight. They will boast on how the changelings have “already won”; don’t believe this. They may tell you directly on how you have “lost”, as well as use different demoralizing bullying tactics. They may put up their flags, colors, billboards, or messages that subliminally carry their so called bs “supremacy” but, it is just a war tactic. Like a sports team celebrating before the final score is shown. Think of life in this way: life is a series of ongoing moments: as long as you still live, and your heart is still beating, you can still fight, unify, and make sure that they are still getting their asses kicked, no matter how many times they may gloat. If life is ongoing, then so are their losses. They have not won, nor will they. Do not stay apathetic (frozen and uncaring). As cliche as this may sound, if you are reading or hearing this message, and you are still human (inside and out, no matter the color, creed, or race) then you are the resistance. Please translate the message into every language.
 Entertainment: Hollywood and the media are the creatures’ favorite way of manipulating people all over the world. Superhero movies, for example, would no doubt inspire many to do good, take action, and act righteously. The underlying messages are: listen to the bad guy (sometimes, people think that he/she/it makes sense, despite them being evil), these things will only happen in movies (they are happening in real life), and the superhero will win in the end (if people think that something is being positively done, they leave their seats with a sense that all is right with the world and it is taking care of itself- which it most certainly is not). The perception of “eventually, someone will do something about it” allows most people to apathetically go on about their life. Also, the plot of movies may actually be happening in real life (or they are demonizing some sort of minority). Again, almost every movie that has been produced by the MAJOR movie companies have some form of propaganda/ subliminal messages for the masses. If the hero, or group of heroes, wins the battle in front of the viewer/audience, subconsciously, the viewer believes that something has actually been done about it in real life (Avatar-the blue guys win; Native Americans- many died. Captain American- Hydra loses; Governments across the world- they have been intercepted by these creatures and are now changing laws in their favor: population reduction and enslavement. Upcoming Captain Marvel movies features the shape shifting skrulls- creatures that behave very similarly to what I have been informing you about). Be active, when the time comes. Aim for the head(s) of the organization/hive mind. I’m pretty sure many of you can guess who they are by now. At this point in time, what is being presented to you in places of power has nothing to do with democrats, republican, liberals, conservatives, etc. It is a very intricate drama played out in front of you. They back each other up and help each other out with their “scripts”. Many of you will come to see this first hand. If you happen to turn into an intern for any company that deals with the media, you’ll spot a few things. They use a lot of social weapons against you, as well. Group think, bullying, ostracizing, shaming in the church or place of worship, slandering, gossiping, etc. Though, one may possibly encounter these situations in everyday life, these creatures have found ways to organizationally weaponize and focus these tactics on their chosen targets (who usually pose a threat).
 Puppets and representatives in the public eye (usually celebrities and politicians who often come out in the media) have been strategically been put in whatever positions they are in because it benefits their agenda. Misdirection, and influencing the public, is usually the case. Many celebrities think they have to do it against their will.
 Group think: group think has been known to hinder decision making if the group around the leader bombards him/her with the same idea or pressure that may not be productive to achieving a goal. For example; hey leader, you should implement genocide and fear tactics to keep the civilians in check (everyone else agrees). Leader: okay, sounds like everyone wants this. Sane person in the background: yeah, no, that is a terrible idea, everyone. The issue is that the group think that is going on with these creatures is not based on normal or sane politics; these creatures, as a whole (connected hive mind) all seek to enslave humanity and create a genocide, as well as create war and division, and increase the tension between the races. Yes, love is the answer. There were leaders with good teachings. But, despite the peace and love that everyone wants (almost everyone), these things are still making their plans, implementing them, hurting others, and stealing the bodies of the ones you may love. What are some concrete ways that you can stop this? If there is a will, then there truly is a way. And no, “they” do not have much fear or respect for plain protesters.
 Perception: one pattern that I have noticed is that when Obama was in the white house, it seemed as though there was an increase in violence towards the black community. Perhaps the violence towards the black community has remained the same, and it is just that more of the brutality was captured by the public and the officer’s own body cameras. Whatever the case was, the phenomenon happened while a black president was in charge. I will not feign that I know the reason as to why this was happening, but again, the pattern that I picked up was that violence seemed to increase towards the community while a black president was in office. Then again, it seems that the political process has been tampered with since before Nixon (some would say since before the first president).  Perception also has to do with how people are made to see things in a certain way. The nightly news, youtube, messages from C.E.Os of businesses and companies we trust can have a great effect on our perception. A quote from a favorite or popular movie star may change how one sees a situation. Keeping this in mind, many of the top actors, producers, and writers (usually the ones who help in creating scripts with brainwashing messages) have already changed, even more so since the 2016 Changeling Invasion (a term that I will use to signal the mass body-snatching change in the beginning of 2016). If one is the type to be swayed by what a popular actor says in an interview or a paid commercial, just think twice about what they are trying to sell to you, what they are trying to cover up, or if they have any different mannerisms. Remember, there are millions of them, and they will support their agenda in groups, big gatherings, public hearings, stacked court cases, etc. They can rig anything. They can change how you see the world. As mentioned before, know who you are, what you stand for, what you are capable of, what you will never do, and your own vices (try to stop them; they may use them against you).
 Sometimes, there is a huge public scandal that deals with more social things that it does political changes. If two movie stars were being divorced, or something major happened to the Kardashians (examples of distractions), then odds are, there is something bigger happening in terms of war, economy, business, or things that would actually have a greater effect on the way of life. These distractions keep people from protesting, making their own moves, or rioting. Complacency, apathy, and entertainment usually keep most people very distracted. Rioting does have its advantages; while people think that protesting or waving signs will change the minds of the “masters”, it is usually a physical or economic threat that will effectively change something in the way that things are done. Though, I am not a fan of the guillotine (the French invention that cuts peoples’ heads off- since it is being planned to be used against the public), the French Revolution showed us how people took the right to live freely into their own hands and brought down the corrupt and greedy monarchy (but, this isn’t a monarchy; these things are a bit more evil). As a side note: do not support the use of the guillotine, and fight to keep the 8th Amendment (no cruel and unusual punishments, or excessive fines).
 Something else that seems to be in public perception is the “zombie” craze. Will we see real zombies in the future? Not necessarily. Though, I do understand that there is currently a drug on the streets that makes people act like zombies. Apparently, it was stated that it overheats the body and a certain primal part of the brain that makes the user attack the people around him/her. Bath Salts, Flakka… it has a few names on the street. As curious as one may be, do not do any of these. It has also been rumored that it is possible to weaponize these chemicals. Whatever happens, just be prepared. And though DMT may have been advertised by a few Hollywood stars and professors, stay away from it. And even though I feel like I don’t have to say this, I will anyways: don’t eat people. At all. And don’t go to any of those creepy sex/cannibal masquerade parties either; if you find yourself at one, for whatever reason, get the hell out of there. If by any chance, you believe the event to be fun or positive in any way, the reward neurotransmitters in your brain (natural chemicals that make you feel happy) have been manipulated in some way (the bio-technology exists).  Plus, you never know what kind of diseases or ailments a person may have. Do not go along with the “group think”. The “group” and peer pressure you may feel may not necessarily be human anymore. Fight on and stay strong.
 Faith and Religion: This is where things get a whole lot more complicated. From what I understand, many things have been prophesied in the Catholic/Protestant religions via, the bible. Some eastern and other religions share the same ideas on how a great and final war will take place. One thing in particular that strikes me as odd is that it mentions many heads will be cut off. Beheading is illegal in the United States; it is a punishment that would fall under cruel and unusual penalties (Bill of Rights; 8th Amendment). This may change if “they” have it their way. That doesn’t have to happen; genocides can be stopped and people can fight for it. Also, from what I understand, some people will profess their faith by allowing themselves to have their heads cut off, in hopes of going on into the afterlife and proving how loving they were to God, Christ, and living the righteous way. That is a beautiful belief, though, I do not recommend that you prove your love of God in such a manner. Please, whatever you do, and however way you want to show your faith and strength, don’t do it by dying. I don’t think God would like for you to go out like that. If you are at the end of your rope, and are in some sort of apocalyptic situation, I believe it to be of great importance for you to survive. There are creatures out there who would literally kill to have your life and your body; that should tell you how truly valuable your life is in the universe and in all existence. Show these creatures what they are messing with by staying alive; fight if you can. If you are ever on your knees, and you think all hope is lost, just say and think “no, this does not have to be this way”, and truly believe it. Get up and live on. Every religion has been infiltrated, as mentioned before. It is not necessarily that “God allowed it” but, these things aren’t necessarily angels, demons, or gods. There was one Sunday service that I witnessed online that was rather horrible. The pastor, wanting to use symbolism for entering into a “new life”, used a BLACK DOOR and called out to those that attended to go through it if they wanted to close the door on their old life, and go into the “new one”. Though, no physical change seemed to happen right then and there, I have no doubt that the psychological affects hit them when they fell asleep; coming out changed and not themselves. The pastor, who was normally very put together (especially in the facial expression area), seemed monstrous. The audience was not able to tell the difference due to possible group think/repeated interaction with the similar situations. Since these things have also infiltrated many faiths, leaders within the faith who are seen as mentors and guidance counselors may start to give strange advice, or their manner of preaching may have changed.
 Science: many advancements have been kept a secret, and have only been disclosed for military or strategic purposes, especially in the field of psychology, physics, astrophysics, medicine, biology and geology (I say this because no one is talking about what is happening). If you can, research CERN, the Large Hadron Collider, and a few other things that will pop-up in your search. You don’t have to believe them, just try and keep an open eye in your day to day living. And no, this has little to do with your Reticular Activating System (a part of the brain that helps you focus on the things you want to focus on). If anything, it seems as though the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva is a doorway for these things. It has been featured in the media in countless ways. A way of hiding in plain sight. The Nordic areas seem to be a focal point for these creatures.
 Military: The military not only serves as a screening program for “potentials” but, it is the physical enforcing hand of the “masters”. Many governments have had similar training from the same combat/arms training organization, effectively setting up a network of soldiers, mercenaries, and armed killers all over the globe. During the new soldiers’ induction into the military, they are bombarded with chemicals and vaccines that are not necessarily beneficial to their health, and instead, makes them more malleable and easy to track. Even after they have finished their contracts or tours, and turn into civilians, they are forever changed biologically, psychologically, and in many cases, internally (no longer themselves). Though, at times, the news may report continuing strife or aggression with two opposing militaries/governments (U.S. vs North Korea, U.S. vs Russia, etc.), they may actually aid each other in accomplishing their goals (population reduction/enslavement/more human bodies to take over). As an observer, there seems to be more Russian involvement in the United States as of late; as well as Mexico and South America. According to articles, the Russians have been known to sell out mercenaries and ship them off to whoever would have “work” for them.
 Though, what I am about to tell you may be considered a passing thought of a civilian, it may hold some truth; Once, I gave a ride to a nanny that was working with a well-to-do family. While making small talk, she had imparted unto me that in her hometown in Mexico, she had spotted and spoken with Russian “soldiers” wearing what appeared to be American military attire with the American flag stitched onto the tops. Once again, I do not know how true this is but, many times, rumors or gossip may have root in some truth; take it with a grain of salt. What does seem to be true is that I have spoken to a handful of military personnel and many continue to make the claim that they were ordered to also kill women and children (ranging from Vietnam wartime vets to the current soldiers in wars that are now being fought). And though “friendly fire” does manage to happen in combat, it was also told to me that many military trainees are also “accidentally killed” during training exercises. If current surviving humans actually revolt against the current “powers that be”, there is a very good chance that the military (whether human or changeling) will be sent to try pacify/punish those involved with the uprising. I have this to say to those that are still human and are planning to join/ already in the military: look around you. If you are still human, know and beware that some of the fellow cadets and officers may no longer be themselves from within. If you can, fight and continue to be human. It is possible that your commanding officers may be able to read your thoughts, and I don’t know if this “gift” can be granted or given to you. Learn as much as you can; if the time ever comes, please, do not betray humanity. The entire military structure is based on a “top-down” need-to-know model. Despite what your superiors may tell you, try to figure out where the orders came from, why you and your team were ordered to do it, and if you consider it to be bullshit. Do not be afraid to question the way things are run but, be careful. And, although this may sound silly to you, watch Captain America: Winter Soldier, if you can. The situation with Hydra infiltrating military and government branches may be very true in your situation. If they have “changed” people in the civilian population, no doubt they have gone after the brave and strong to possess. You can still do many things while in your position. Remain strong, and maintain your humanity. If you have any doubts, apply the jamming technique in the 2nd section of this message. I don’t think you would like to have something to do with enslaving and killing off your own people. Please, do not support a genocide. Give good help to humans while on the inside.
 War may also be used to send what “they” claim to be unwanted people into battle, killing the population off as they had planned, leaving their remaining business, homes, lands, and finances of the dead soldiers up for grabs. War is also a distraction to take the attention off the enemy within the soldiers’ own government, and focus the existing issue on an external enemy. An example of this is Hitler and his “arian race” focusing the economic problems on the Jewish population in Germany, as well as the allied powers (outside force; U.S. & France, at the time) trying to attack Hitler’s Germany. In reality, the issue lied with Hitler’s own politics and the debt they had accrued from the first World War, and not the scapegoated population (millions of Jewish people and other minorities) or incoming forces. President Maduro of Venezuela is guilty of this, as well as other current political leaders. When talks of war hit the news, ask: Why? Then ask: What is the real reason? It may be as “direct” as a nuclear strike, or talks of tension between countries. Whatever the case is, it is assured that there are hidden reasons for doing what they are doing.
 Economy and Business: oil and basic human resources have always been sought after. From what I understand, there have been talks of Walmarts closing down; in some small towns, a Walmart (foods, clothing and other goods) store is all the the town has. If closed down, the town’s access to certain resources would be severely limited and the jobs that it used to provide will no longer be there, negatively affecting the economy. Also, there have been videos recorded by the public of empty Walmart buildings being repurposed for military vehicles and personnel. Though, I have not seen repurposed Walmarts with my own eyes, there may be a connection that these creatures (despite what family or business name, or “kind” media tactics and advertisements, they may have used) have been using by setting up Walmart building chains since the beginning of the company launch in order to set up military facilities when the “time has come” (genocide, concentration/re-education camps, slave camps, prison camps, etc.) without having to alert the public. For now, write down and track the stores that have been repurposed, put them on a map, and keep an eye on them. There has also been a lot of mass drilling under many of them, creating large tunnels leading to who-knows-where. Whatever the case may be, the activity should be questioned. Try and research this on your own time.
 Many of you may know about the oil drillings (illegal, if you ask me) that have been going on in North America, specifically in territory that has been allocated to the remaining few Native American still in existence. The Native Americans, aside from trying to protect their reservation, were also trying to protect the local drinking water from being polluted and poisoned. As mentioned before, these Native Americans are in danger of possible extinction and further harm from those that seek to rule and eliminate them. The North Dakota Access Pipeline issue, if you have seen the footage on the news or on video websites, have shown that those in military gear were ready and willing to hurt, cage, and kill protestors that got in their way. There were reports of Native Americans having their arms blown off, some of them were inhumanely caged (like animals in a dog kennel), and others hurt in other various ways. Though, the veteran protest “seemed” to calm the tension down for a bit, an illegal oil pipeline was built on Native American soil. I guarantee you, this is more than just ruthless capitalism. Having been dealing with these things for over 2 years now, they “truly” believe to be superior, and will talk and act as such. The heads of certain business are no longer human, and they have not been for some time. If their pattern is to continue, expect more of these types of atrocities to happen to the Native population. Or, we can do something about it. I believe that (true) humanity will prevail.
 They have a tendency to use a person’s natural situation against them. Bills, payments, checks, banks, having financial fraud happen to them, etc. You will find a way. Know that you will.
 Understand where your food and other services come from. Understand what transportation companies are involved in the delivery of the goods. Understand where grain is coming from in your area. Research who the heads of food and goods trade are. Where are the food and goods reserves being hidden in the country (or in your area)? If shit hits the fan in your area, knowing what I have told you, you may be able to lead a group of people. If attempting to do so, do this cautiously. Do not allow any hate groups (KKK for example) to take advantage of the remaining resources. If resources are depleted, take it upon yourself and the group of people around you to plant, farm, and grow vegetation. Corn, grain, sweet potatoes, and other such food will supply the essential vitamins and minerals needed. Make sure to find ways of getting your vitamin C (acorn tea- steep for at least 5 minutes). Always have an emergency survival kit for yourself ready (read up on what one would need/ “how to” videos on survival).
 Politics: As mentioned before, they are already changing laws to suit “them” and their agenda. There is currently no such thing as republican, democrat, liberal, etc. in the actual usage of power and choice making in the higher realms of politics. It is a well staged drama, with a well made internal script that the “hive minded beings” are acting upon. Though, you may have your honest and sincere political and social beliefs for whatever reasons, the way one had learned of politics in school is vastly different from what is actually going on. I feel as though many of you have already known this, deep down inside. You have known this from your observations, the way that things are stated by leaders (and what actually happens), and the way that your world is affected.
 I cannot stress this enough. In this section, I will try to clear things up as to what the changelings want to do.
1. They have been here for a long time; they have come in an even larger scale starting in 2016.
2. The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva seems to act as a battery/doorway for these creatures. Find a way to shut it down, permanently.
3. They are changing people from the inside out. They are essentially body-snatchers/avatars (not the Nickelodeon kind). Changeling is the term I have chosen to call them.
4. They may act/appear friendly but, are involved with planning a mass genocide and have monstrous tastes.
5. They aim to enslave mankind with fear, cruel punishments, torture, wars, and have shown evidence of cannibalism.
6. Though, their numbers will only reach the millions (actual humans are in the billions), they seek to be immortal by jumping from body to body. More possessions/ body-stealing may continue. This message can be sen in shows such as Netflix´s Altered Carbon, SelfLess by Tarsem, Get Out, The Host with Saoirse Rona, and the list goes on. Again, they like to put their messages in plain sight.
7. They aim to program the public with media (movies, music, games, news) into accepting their plan without having them fighting back (or fighting back that will effectively hurt them).
8. Once the public has internally accepted their message in their being (into their neuroplasticity), the creatures may have successfully affected/brainwashed the intended audience. This can be overridden/ beaten.
9. Brainwashing helps with reducing resistance, accepting “the plan”, joining “their” side, accepting genocide (mass murder- holocaust), accepting slavery without hesitation, doing their bidding, etc.
10. Population reduction, war, enslavement, and the complete amassing of power are their aim. They want power for power’s sake, not necessarily to lead the world into a better future (though, that is what they usually lie about).
11. They may have already affected family, friends, mentors, teachers, coworkers, and people close to you (I am making this message for those that are still human from within). This is happening all over the world.
12. They intend to do horrible things to their slaves/pets/refugees/servants. They only succeed if you (or pets, slaves, refugees, or servants) allow them to succeed by letting your fear settle in and not standing your ground.
13. They want to completely control all forms of communication (internet, cellphone, radio, television).
14. They have technologies to affect dreams/nightmares, brain chemistry, and perception.
15. They want to be worshiped as gods, and rule over everything that is worth ruling to them, with fear and an iron fist.
16. Never forget, they have weaknesses, fears, and while in a human body, they can feel pain and every other emotion. Pain seems to be intensified for these creatures while in a human body. Use the JAMMING technique in the II. HOW TO SPOT THEM section.
17. All of these things may “sound” scary, and some of you may already be in a similar situation such as mine. Never lose hope, faith, and strength. You will come out of it alive, and they will fall. You have to act.
18.You will eventually be able to control 100% of your dreams/nightmares using lucid dreaming (you are the master in your dreams), you will grow immune to their fear tactics, and you will spot their weaknesses for yourself.
19. Humanity will win. They will fall.
20. Humanity will become stronger for it. We will find solutions and innovations that will help the earth, renew the renewable resources, intelligently use the non-renewable resources, all without genocide or slavery.
 Use the JAMMING METHOD talked about in the 2nd section of this message in order to clearly spot who they are. Facial expressions, and the “red ring” around the outline of their eyes can be used as a dead giveaway, either way use the jamming method just to be sure.
 If you happen to be a special target of theirs, they will probably use the media, news, and other communication tricks of theirs to intimidate you. They may also use your social group to bother you as well. You can, and will, overcome this obstacle. You are stronger than them mentally and emotionally. They put up a good game but, trust me on this. There are more regular humans than other creatures out there.
 Everything that comes out of major media companies (Disney, HBO, WB, FOX, etc.) has been in their control long before you were born. Every major work that reaches the public (including educational programming for children) has some sort of subliminal message that reaches the subconscious of many who are a witness to them. Though, many believe subliminal messages to have little to no affect, they seek to simply implant the idea and wait for it to grow into action (not necessarily turn them into robots right away). Drugs, sex, war, slavery, genocide… these are a few topics they like to drill into the minds of young people.  
 They like to effect the younger audiences first. A tactic that Hitler himself once used; the Nazi Hitler Youth and the Nazi Mein Kampf are examples of propaganda being used on children. Though, these things aren’t necessarily Nazis, “they” do believe themselves to be superior and believe that they should be masters of the rest of the population. Know that this is not the case. There is no such thing as a superior anything. Be it creature, race, or person. To this day, they have been using educational programming, cartoons, major movie studios, celebrities, books, comic books, textbooks, tv shows, music, commercials, changeling familiars, certain teachers, certain religious mentors, and certain mentors in the scientific community to directly affect the youth. They will never seem as if that was their goal. This seems to be their point. They hide their agenda and their purpose quite well. Though, we may be growing old, these creatures are also investing in the children that will become leaders in the future. To “them”, it is a war on consciousness. If they can implant their ideas into the children now, they can plan for genocide and war that is widely accepted. The reality we experience now may not be the reality that the current children will experience in the future. In the end, it is more about our offspring that it is about us. If we do nothing now, there will be little to nothing left for the kids in the coming years. There should be a balance. To the changelings, there is no balance. There is only the gaining of power and slaves.
 Always question the underlying meaning behind everything that is spout out in the news. Always question the media shoved in your face. No one can own your body, control your mind, or make you do anything you do not want to do. It comes down to choice; whether you allow yourself to be treated in such a way or not. it is truly up to you. Never let their tactics settle in. Shake it off. Don’t let something become a self-fulfilled prophecy. We can say no.
 Eventually, and I really hope not, things may get very shaky. What we have experienced in the last few years is, as I have been “warned”, is only the beginning. No, this is not the apocalypse. But, if we were in the shoes of those Native Americans who died in American genocides, and Jewish people who were killed in Europe, it may look like it if we allow it to seem that way. Many of the patterns that have happened in history are repeating themselves. We can do something about it. Don’t let those history classes go to waste. Now you know. Now, we can do something about it.
 You will be stronger. You will see the patterns. You will stop them. You are stronger than them. You will control your dreams. It will get better.
Stay strong. Fight. Control your mind. Shake off their lies. You are not alone, though they may want to make you feel that way.
You are loved. You are alive. You will live. There is always a way.
 -Peace and love; never go gently.
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