I forgot I shipped Jimmy and Cindy so had until I saw your art. I love the style, the bright colors, and your art skills are amazing. Please keep doing what you're doing
Haha, same. Jimmy and Cindy were such an early OTP for my sister and I. (before there was a term for when you want to see those two characters get together :D)
I had forgotten about them during my teen years and then rediscovered them after revisiting the show. It was during that time I learned about season 2 and 3, thanks to my sister. You can imagine my shock/delight about how J/C wasn’t just in my imagination, learning for the first time about episodes, such as; Stranded, King of Mars, League of Villains, Love Potion 976/J, Lady Sings the News, etc. Haha, so much more than just Trading Faces. 
Anyways, thank you so much for your support. :D I will do my best.
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oh my gosh, i absolutely love what youre doing!! like others have said, its so good to see new content for these two :' ) i know this blog is mainly dedicated to jimmy and cindy, but do you think you'd ever draw any libby/sheen art?
Sure thing. I had intended to draw something for them anyways. I think now is the right time I get around to it, plus Libby needs to get drawn. ;D 
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Hi! :-) I just want to say your artwork is amazing!! I love the scenes and the colours/vibe so much! Ahh it's just so cool to see new Jimmy + Cindy art when there hasn't been much out there for ages and you've made up for it 110%! Keep it up and I hope we'll see more of your more of your awesome (and hopefully fluffy/cute) work soon :-D
Aww really? :D Thank you for the compliments. The color thing just started out because of their cannon shirts, it made the art really colorful so I just went went with it as a theme--it makes everything seem more lively and fun. :P
If you happen to have a favorite scene in mind from the series, I’d be happy to draw it for you. 
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  Future: Dad Moves
The “walking-man” gesture, once again, continues to successfully woo the lady. 
And Happy Halloweeny! :D 
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Lineart
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  Future: Dad Moves 
It’s been a while since my last upload. I’ve drawn up some sketches but lately have been doing other things and have not worked on art. Never fear though, that’s just how I flow, still have enthusiasm to draw more Jimmy/Cindy. 
This is another older Jindy moment; The Jimster inherited his dad’s dorky “moves,” and on Cindy... they actually work.
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Color Version
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I’m beyond thrilled to learn that Debi Derryberry, herself, tweeted and instagramed about my tumblr page! It was my sister, who just informed me she was the the culprit that had sent Ms. Derryberry a link. I love that fudge-headed hooligan, and to think “he’s” seen my work now. What a weird world; I’ll be trippin’ for a while. :D 
Thank you Debi, and thank you sis. <3   
I’m not only pumped to do some more art, I’m here as one fan that is equally dedicated to bringing back the show through fanart appreciation. Hopefully, it might lead to something. This is exciting news for me since the other incredible thing to have to just happened is the sudden appearance of the Johnny Quasar demo’s. It was lost media found and uploaded by the voice actor who did the original voice for Johnny! 
Hmm... I sense a small fanart coming this way to celebrate. 
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  Future: The Labfloor
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  crazy kids.
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Lineart  
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  Future: The Labfloor 
I took longer then I wanted to get this picture done, but I got distracted when I saw the HTTYD series for the first time the day before yesterday. Who knew they’re were other adorable brown and blonde haired cuties going around being a couple? Anyways, here is J/C snogging on the floor... and I suspect it’s the kind of thing that happens a lot. 
Also, this is just a side note, but I’m thinking I’m going to draw up some character facial expressions so I can be confident when I draw them older it looks and feels like them, plus it would probably be good drawing practice. I’m fearing Jimmy’s looking more like a hipster than what’s good for him. :P 
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Color Version
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Yo! I love your art!!! It's so pretty, it looks professional! Hope to see more from you! Love it so much .
Gosh, thank you! You can count on more, it’s so fun to do. After every finished sketch I get five more ideas. Haha. 
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I just found this account and I absolutely ADORE your Jimmy art! ^^ I love the small bit of fans this fandom has~
Thank you so kindly! I hope I do justice to the material, I love the show and just want to show my appreciation. :D 
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  SE1: My Son, The Hamster  
“I am Hamster Lord! I must gnaw on your planet’s energy to survive. Resistance is futile!”
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Lineart 
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  SE1: My Son, The Hamster  
“I am Hamster Lord! I must gnaw on your planet’s energy to survive. Resistance is futile!”
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Color Version
Wanted to draw the Carl Sheenster, but I just found out about Jindy Week, and now I wish I had a Jimmy/Cindy picture to upload. I would love to participate, unfortunately I don’t have anything ready to go for it. But I will continue to update this blog with more Jimmy Neutron + Cindy Vortex Adventures. 
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  SE1: Granny Baby  
Baby: “I’m bored. Make a funny face and let me hit you with my rattle.”
Cindy: “No!”
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Lineart
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  SE1: Granny Baby  
Baby: “I’m bored. Make a funny face and let me hit you with my rattle.”
Cindy: “No!”
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Color Version
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Unexpectedly, it might be a while before my next art upload. In the meantime, here’s an old Jindy music video I made for my sister back in the day.
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  SE3: King of Mars  
“When a colleague suggests you look at Mars, it’s polite to look at Mars! --- See!? PRETTY!”
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Lineart
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The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron // Re-imagined
✿  SE3: King of Mars  
“When a colleague suggests you look at Mars, it’s polite to look at Mars! --- See!? PRETTY!”
Art by me, ArtistUnknown2017. | Color Version
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