neumannjoust · 9 years
Embracing Vulnerability, Combating Shame and Cultivating the Courage to Dare Greatly
Dr. Rauscher makes the compelling call to get in the arena, show up, and live wholeheartedly.
By: Megan McDermott
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly… who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”         ~ Theodore Roosevelt
The above quote is the inspiration to Dr. Brené Brown’s thought-provoking book: Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Neumann’s most recent NU on Tap on October 8th focused on the fascinating topics of vulnerability, shame, wholehearted living and ‘daring greatly.’ Inspired by Brown’s epic book, these topics were meaningfully brought to life by Dr. Marisa Rauscher, or Dr. R, as most of you know her by. Integrity is the 2015-2016 theme for the University, and it was this very theme that shined through during her thought-provoking discussion.
Dr. R chose to delve into these particular topics because she was inspired by Brown’s insights and how they relate to the challenges faced by young people today. She offered some insight and voice about the evening. "The October 8th NUonTAP was a gift.  It allowed me to share my thoughts on Brown's work regarding vulnerability' and 'feelings of inadequacy'; I found the students to be generous in the conversation and willing to deeply consider paths to living a more 'wholehearted' life.  I always underestimate the power of connectivity and relationship -- the NU students really know how to dare greatly by actively leaning in."
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Today, we live in the scarcity culture of “never enough.” We face constant messages from multiple sources about how we should and should not act, how we should look and what we need to buy. With these continually bombarding messages: “Am I pretty enough?” “Skinny enough?” “Cool enough?” ”Successful enough?” “Smart enough?” “Perfect enough?” The culture of scarcity thrives in an environment where everyone is aware of lack. This constant comparing and assessing of our lives to unattainable, media-inspired ideals of perfection, leads to feelings of unworthiness, shame and disengagement. For young people, the messages are especially afflicting. Pressure to conform to a consumerist celebrity culture, all while navigating through the process of growing up, school, work, emotions, relationships, and trying to find our place in the world, is an enormous mental, emotional, and spiritual challenge.
In response to the culture, we numb. This numbing emerges in various ways for each person. Whether it be cynicism, addiction, emotional withdrawal, perfectionism, or materialism, all of these numbing factors cut us off from being able to authentically connect with others and to living full, wholehearted lives.
“Dr. Rauscher raised some amazing points about vulnerability that we don’t tend to really think or talk about. I think we all have insecurities that we are dealing with on a daily basis and we wonder...is it us? Am I this imperfect thing? Maybe God is not paying attention to me? The things that she was pointing out... were things that everyone goes through. Those imperfections, are what make us who we are and we have to not only live with them but embrace them to live this concept of a wholehearted life. I think that was what really related to folks that night. People are still talking about it. We were blessed to have her.” ~ Patrick MacKenzie, Campus Ministry
By embracing our vulnerability, and by showing up to let our real, authentic selves be seen, we can open up a door to living wholeheartedly. We don’t need to numb. We are enough. Imperfect, yes. But this is beautiful and fascinating. Our vulnerabilities are what make us human; failing and learning from failure is all a part of the human experience. We learn and transform from our mistakes. Daring Greatly means having the courage to embrace this very real part of ourselves.
It doesn’t matter what we have done in the past or what our background is. We can converse on our experiences because we are all imperfect and this is beautiful. This is what makes us human. When young people are aware of this reality...it becomes ok to open up, to be vulnerable, and to try. It enables us to own our growth and learning.
The conversation then delved into the concept of gratitude and how the cultivation of it into our lives has the power to transform the way we live and interact with others and the world around us. When we are grateful for what we have, for all that we have been given, even if it may be very little or simple, it encourages us to embrace the path of a growth mindset. Gratitude, along with trust and faith, are poignant catalysts for living authentically
During the discussion, Dr. R provided a brilliant example of what it truly looks like to embrace vulnerability and Dare Greatly. If you are familiar with the 1989 movie Say Anything, than you may be familiar with the character of Lloyd Dobler. Noble underachiever Lloyd dares greatly many times throughout the film, but his most epic daring feat is is when he bares his soul and authentically explains his life goals to the girl of his dreams’ father at a family dinner. To really get a grasp of this you must watch the scene. Here is a link to Lloyd’s epic greatness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEgu7jdc_fs Check it out. I dare you.
I also dare you to read Brene Brown’s epic book: Daring Greatly. It may change your perspective on how you embrace and view those hard and awkward moments in your life. It without a doubt did for me. It doesn’t matter what we have done in the past or what our background is. We can converse on our experiences because we are all imperfect and this is beautiful. This is what makes us human. I think that when young people are aware of this reality...it becomes ok to open up, to be vulnerable, to try no matter what. It enables us to own our growth and our learning. We are not afraid to try because we are not afraid to fail. It is in these moments...when something resonates with you, touches you, or opens up something that you didn’t realize before...that meaning is created. Find the things that are universal to all of us. Find those things and then experience it together.
“To put our art, our writing, our photography, our ideas out into the world with no assurance of acceptance or appreciation - that’s vulnerability….to let ourselves sink into the joyful moments of our lives even though we know that they are fleeting, - that’s an intense form of vulnerability.” ~ Brené Brown
The discussion ended with Dr. R talking about how this epic topic of Daring Greatly directly connects to the theme of Integrity. Today, we view integrity as a personal choice to uphold oneself to consistent moral and ethical standards. However, integrity taken from the Latin root word integer, means something much more tangible: to have integrity means to be complete. Integrity is that inner sense of "wholeness" drawing from qualities of honesty and consistency of character. This is wholehearted living in its purest form.
Dr. Rauscher had the courage to pitch Brown’s ideas, to implement and articulate the thought-provoking topics, and to challenge us all to embrace our vulnerabilities, own our stories, and Dare Greatly by living wholeheartedly. What an epic way to cultivate Integrity into all of our lives.
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neumannjoust · 9 years
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The November edition is here!!! Grab your copy today!
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neumannjoust · 9 years
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Everyone is reading The Joust and so should you! Get your copy around campus today!
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neumannjoust · 9 years
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Our hearts go out to Paris 🇫🇷 #prayforparis
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neumannjoust · 9 years
Neumann Students Take the “It’s on Us Pledge”
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Kirstyn Heller
Today in the Bachmann Lobby, over 150 students, faculty and staff signed the pledge to take a stand against sexual assault on college campuses. As part of the “It’s on Us” campaign, the pledge reads, “This pledge is a personal commitment to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault. It is my promise not to be a bystander to the problem, but to be part of the solution.”
“It’s on Us” is a campaign started by Valerie Jarrett who is the Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement. Jarrett wanted to create awareness about sexual assault on college campuses, and get the students involved on taking a stand. “It is a crime, and it took too long to talk about it, which is why we really need to approach it now.”
As Jarrett pointed out, talking about sexual assault is not a pleasant conversation; one that people often sweep under the rug. This is because the facts are startling to most people, including myself. 40% of survivors fear being assaulted again by their attacker, and 8 in 10 survivors knew their attacker. Only 13% of rape survivors report assault; however, it is estimated that between 2 and 7% of sexual assault reports are false. It is important to realize that women are not always the ones to be attacked; 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men are sexually assaulted in college.
With over 300 campuses involved nationwide, people are finally beginning to talk about sexual assault, including national companies. “The pledge is meant to empower men, and not just women,” states Jarrett. Recognizing its importance, many national companies are now supporting the “It’s on Us” campaign such as College Humor, Chegg, Snapchat, EA Sports, MTV and iHeartMedia.
It’s on us to continue the conversation about sexual assault on college campuses, and to face this problem head-on. We can no longer push this under the rug, and pretend that it does not exist. The time to make a change is now.
For more information, and to take the pledge, visit www.itsonus.org
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Neumann students Mike Yarabinee (left) and Alex Williams (right) sign the “It’s on Us” pledge.
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neumannjoust · 9 years
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"Random Quarry Wednesday" #Neumediaphoto of the week. Post on instagram using #Neumediaphoto for your chance to be highlighted as next week's winner! (at Neumann University)
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neumannjoust · 9 years
WNUW Jam of the Day  Pink Floyd - Money
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Greetings 98.5 fm listeners!
Today is Friday and for many that means it is time to get paid!
That is why today we are throwing it back to an old classic:
“Money” by Pink Floyd
This link includes an HD version of Roger Water’s 2005 concert in London.
Take a hard listen to this Jam of the Day and go get that money!
Right on,
-Bill K.
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neumannjoust · 9 years
Download the app Today!
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Download the app Today!
The best way to stay up-to-date with Neumann Media!
Listen live to 98.5 fm WNUW from anywhere!
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Avaialable on iTunes and Google Play.
Download Today!
-Bill K.
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neumannjoust · 9 years
Role Call - Models Needed
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Public Relations is asking Neumann Media for a helping hand. 
Models needed, especially men but women too.
Photos will be taken mainly in class rooms, some outside.
Photos will be used for various university brochures and publications created by the public relations department.
Friday 11/13 9am-1pm (Only 1-hour time slot required)
Compensation available in form of Wawa gift card.
Contact Carolyn Seagraves for more information.
RAB 412
Keep it classy,
-Bill K.
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neumannjoust · 9 years
Reading, Rants, and Afternoon Reflection.
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Happy Friday!
Today’s afternoon reading is presented by Brevity, a literary magazine that accepts submissions from writers across the globe.
Be sure to catch the reading, check out the The Joust Editorial input, and submit your own thoughts/reactions/reflections to http://www.neumannjoust.com/ask
Here’s the link for today’s reading:
I think this reading really ties into the idea of communication. The grandfather who is telling the story has many hateful emotions which he has been holding back for years. He is resentful towards the little girl at the door for her way of life, yet he knows nothing about her. The man judges her brother and her family and claims he also knows nothing about them. Nearing the end, the man also states that he bites his tongue, fearing the judgement of his wife. The perspective seems as if there is only one way of viewing this short story.
Closed communication creates issues. Holding back one’s feelings results in anger, frustration, and hate. Only when one is truly open to themselves and those around them, can they feel open. They can feel relaxed. No reason to hide behind anger and resentment. When one is honest with another, there is no reason to fear judgement. Whomever one is sharing with has certainly been through situations much the same. Those who judge are just simply being dishonest. They are hiding behind judgement, in a safe haven where they never do anything wrong.
The man is angry. He is resentful. He judges that which he knows nothing about. Is that not the whole purpose of judgement? Making a decision on the way one feels about a certain topic, race, political party, or family? Judgement has inherit traits. In order to judge, we must first know only a partial truth, never the whole truth. If one knew the whole story, would there be reason to judge for oneself? Or would the judgement call become null? 
As Christians, we are taught not to judge. I think I understand why. Judgement is dishonesty. Even when judging something as “good” we are only doing ourselves a disservice. For all we know, that “good judgement” could turn out to be completely wrong. Do not judge. Instead, seek the truth. Acquire more and more knowledge until there are no questions left to ask and your basket is overflowing with nothing but pure fact. Only then will judgement cease to exist. While this may seem like an impossible feat, humans have been doing the impossible since the manipulation of fire. Be not like the old man. Do not hold resentment, anger, frustration over a human condition as fictional as judgement. We are called to be above ourselves and above our pasts, to progress into a greater world. Hence, why time moves forward.
Keep cultivating,
-Bill K.
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neumannjoust · 9 years
WNUW Jam of the Day Double Feature
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Hey party people and 98.5 fm listeners!
Today is special. Since we missed the Jam of the Day yesterday, we are having two songs featured in today’s post!
First up, in honor of Shawan and the Wonton’s awesome performance during WNUW On The Shelves, we will be highlighting the first song off Shawan’s new album Catchin’ Feels with Recessive Traits. Shawan’s poetic soul shines through her voice like a dwindling candle in a pitch black room. Here’s the link:
Second? Keep listening to her album! It’s seriously incredible.
Your ears can thank me later,
-Bill K.
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neumannjoust · 9 years
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Shawan and the Wontons killing it in the library for the first ever #WNUWontheShelf! Check her out on Facebook! You will NOT be disappointed! #WNUW #wnuwontherocks 📚🎤
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neumannjoust · 9 years
New Poll for Spring Concert 2016
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After unfortunate complications, a survey for the 2016 Spring Concert presented by Student Activities Board is being re-distributing to students.
Among the list for possible artists:
Sammy Adams
Votes are due in by Friday, November 6th @ Noon
Be sure to vote today!
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neumannjoust · 9 years
WNUW Jam of the Day MAGIC! - #SundayFunday
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Today’s Jam of the Day, brought to you by 98.5fm WNUW,
MAGIC! - #SundayFunday
This upbeat instant classic is the perfect cure for the mid-week drought of exhaustion brought on by overwhelming assignments.
The music video features good vibes and good friends. Perfect for brightening any day. Be sure to tune into 98.5fm WNUW and CRANK IT UP when this song comes on.
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neumannjoust · 9 years
Northern Lights Visible from Campus Tonight
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Good news for meteorological enthusiasts and late-night-Netflix-ers!
In a strange geomagnetic balance that is far beyond my understanding, the Northern Lights will be visible from parts of North America tonight. 
According to AccuWeather.com, Pennsylvania will be one of the few states with a clear view of the event. Pictures on Twitter have already been posted by people across Michigan and Iowa. 
Weather officials recommend traveling to a location far away from city and town light pollution with a clear view of the Northern sky. Perhaps the baseball field or Mirenda center may be a good location for viewing.
Neumann students are encouraged to take photos of the Northern Lights and post them to Twitter using #NMPW or #NeuMediaPhoto for a chance of being highlighted as the Neumann Media Photo of the Week.
Happy viewing!
-Bill K.
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neumannjoust · 9 years
WNUW Jam of the Day
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Todays Jam:
Cut The Cord - Shine Down
This hard-rock hitter is exactly what WNUW Radio Reinvented is all about. Perfect for listening to when you feel like jamming out.
Listen live on 98.5 fm WNUW “Radio Reinvented”
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neumannjoust · 9 years
November Means New Joust!
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Welcome to the first school day of November!
Midterms are over and finals are coming soon. The Joust staff has been working diligently on designing a new image for The Joust Online. Here are a few things to expect with the new Joust:
-WNUW Jam of the Day
Here at 98.5 WNUW we add new music to our station all the time. This daily segment will highlight a new song everyday.
Neumann Media Photo of the Week
Something around campus or the community is bound to happen. And when it does, we will capture it. Student submissions are welcome and encouraged!
Simply Tweet or Instagram your photo using #NMPW or #NeuMediaPhoto
Role Call
Neumann Media regularly needs volunteers to help with film, sound, lighting, acting, and script writing for our video productions.
Check-in here for upcoming open positions.
WNUW On The Rocks Coverage
Did you know that Neumann Media hosts a regular concert series almost every week, here on campus?
Check The Joust for sneak peaks of upcoming bands, video links of their lives performance, and more
Club and Sports Coverage 
The Joust will become a central hub for all club and sports related information
The idea is to make The Joust Online a central hub for student information. For the students, by the students.
-Bill K.
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