naruino · 5 years
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naruino · 5 years
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Very quick NaruIno doodle for Valentine’s Day!
I was supposed to finish my NaruIno fic today, but I don’t think it’ll happen… Getting there though. Yeah, so here’s a doodle instead. 
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naruino · 5 years
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naruino · 6 years
AU where in an unexpected turn of events Ino is placed on T7 instead of Team 10
Keep reading
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naruino · 6 years
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dog parents//plant parents
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naruino · 6 years
at the end of summer, ino gives him a succulent. echeveria pulidonis she tells him. and it’s lovely.
and because it came from her, he does some sakura-level research and comes home with some new cactus soil, a little syringe for feeding it water, and some newfound knowledge on general succulent care. 
ino teaches him things he can’t quite learn online, like how the leaves feel when the plant has enough water, and to pluck off the leaves that are dead to prevent insects or rotting.
“i can do that,” naruto tells her. 
“i expect you to,” she replies.
and naruto does. he gently squeezes the green leaves with their pinkish tips, finding them a little limp or mostly firm, and gauges just how much water he should feed down to the base of the plant. he slides the end of the syringe under the lushness, but falters when he realizes he’s broken one of the leaves. he begins to panic, but ino shakes her head and places a hand on his arm.
“it’s okay,” ino says, calming him down. “it’s fine, don’t worry.”
“but i hurt it!” naruto picks up his potted plant, his firstborn son, and he pouts. “i’m so sorry!”
“it’s okay,” ino repeats. “it happens. it’s totally normal, naruto.”
“are you…are you sure?”
ino nods. she’s surprisingly patient in this moment. “and we can actually use this,” she adds, holding the fallen leaf up to her eyes. she turns it to naruto and he sees the shiny, slick end that was once connected to the base of the succulent. “it’s called propagating.”
“we’re going to grow a new succulent using this little guy right here.“ 
"we can do that?”
“we can,” ino confirms. she takes a small container from the shelf and leaves the leaf on it. she brings it to the window and tells naruto to keep it in indirect sunlight. “leave this guy here for a bit. it’ll take a few weeks, but soon we’ll see some roots and then we can move it into some soil.”
naruto is still busy looking at the little leaf and thinking about its potential.
“so we can have more succuelnts?” he grins widely, thinking about the first plant she’d given him that he’ll cherish forever and the second one she’s helping him grow. “we can have a whole family of them, ino!" 
"a family,” she echoes. ino nods and returns his smile. “we can.”
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naruino · 6 years
hi guys!
Alright, I’ve been neglecting this blog for such a loooong time. I’m taking it seriously, and while I revamp this blog, I’d really appreciate some headcanons, fics recs, or anything! I just want someone to talk to hahaha.
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naruino · 7 years
There’s a common theme connecting the people ino loves outside of team 10 and that is they’re often people who are lonely, lost, have some sort of darkness/insecurity/sadness surrounding them (ie. sakura/sasuke/sai). 
And something the anime does is imply that Ino’s affections for sasuke is based solely on physical attractiveness and even the initial interaction with sai is based on physical attractiveness but that seems weak and its an injustice to ino’s character? Now don’t get me wrong, Ino likes physcially attractive people but, if you look at her relationship with sakura, it seems just ridiculous to think that ino would be so emotionally invested in anyone based on physical appearance (ie crying over sasuke, marrying sai etc…)
Ino saves people. Ino, being the incredible ray of sunshine that she is, sees people in their loneliness and sees their potential and actively wants them to reach that potential. And this dynamic is how she falls in love and it’s actually very amazing and worth exploring. It’s why crack pairings like naruino and gaarino make sense to me. Because Ino wants to save people. I feel like that has something to do with her deep connection to the mental and the emotional but wow it’s beautiful. She does all this while remaining true to her amazing self. There’s a lot to be explored with Ino’s romatic relationships and I’d love to see more in depth material about her developing relationship with sai.
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naruino · 7 years
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I’m kinda on NaruIno mood lol
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naruino · 7 years
could you one day draw us a naruino fanart ?
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sorry, i know this ask was sent like a week or two ago but i didn’t have any time to draw until today (and plus my motivation was really good today lol)
i’m not sure if the img will lose quality if i put it in ask, so here’s some hi-res links just in case: color / no color
will put up the wip video/speedpaint in a few…
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naruino · 7 years
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“So where did you learn to braid like this?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“I wouldn’t believe Uzumaki Naruto would be braiding my hair, but here we are.”
“Because you’re blackmailing me–ttebayo!”
-A follow up of this doodling
yeeesh I did more and I’m not sorry
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naruino · 7 years
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i wish there was more naruino (•3•)/
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naruino · 7 years
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Ino whose it gonna be Naruto or Sasuke? get yo shit together gurl
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naruino · 7 years
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One of my favorite crack ships <3
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naruino · 7 years
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someday, somewhere..
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naruino · 7 years
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NaruIno requested by @crytheluckyboy
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naruino · 7 years
hey everyone, i moved the naruino blog so that it's not a side blog anymore. after i get home from work, i'll put up a theme and fix it all up. in the meantime, please send headcanons, fics, anything!
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