nanaloverz · 10 days
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Jungle Pool SOS! - with a new scenery just for the host club to enjoy to themselves, there shouldn't be much chaos. though, that quickly changes as Honey is whisked away, and now the group must go on a search to rescue the lovable host
pairing - fem!reader x host club
apart of - ouran add-in
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It was a gorgeously sunny day with the salty water rising on the sand and disappearing back into the vast ocean. Some palm trees littered throughout the area and some joyous laughter was heard all around with a galore of girls dressed in their cutest swimsuits.  Y/n was lying in a beach chair, fully clothed, and her chair was placed next to Kyoya as she snuck her straw underneath her mask, sipping on the drink while covering her mouth. 
"You're still wearing a mask, at the beach," Kyoya noticed. “Is that really necessary?” 
"Yes, you can never be too careful about who may be around,” she answered, eyes searching the nearly empty beach. She insisted. "Now, where is Haruhi?" She pushed down her sunglasses, scanning the beach area before soon enough the girl started to walk over. "Haruhi! You look so good in that bathing suit!" Y/n complimented the girl who was wearing a cute yellow shirt with striped shorts.
"Tha-thanks," She smiled, taking a seat beside her. “You look nice as well,” she looked over at Y/n’s outfit which was much different than the normal one they all usually saw her in. Instead, she wore a tank top, showing off more skin on her arms and even chest area with a towel covering her legs from the skirt.  
"Behold Y/n," Tamaki popped up behind her chair, slipping through the gap to stand on her side and hung over. "Bask in the beauty of the tropical birds! Aren't they breathtaking? They remind me of you," He blurted while his eyes unconsciously took a look down, seeing her bare thighs underneath the towel. Quickly he jumped back, almost tripping back into Kyoya’s seat, as he shook his head a large pink floating over his cheeks. 
"Jeez boss," Hikaru popped up.
"Yeah, way to be a pervert," Kaoru popped up on the other side.
"I-I wasn't looking at her beachwear!" He stepped back while the twins followed him.
"We didn't mention anything about that," Hikaru told him, following him farther back.
"What are they doing now?" Y/n queried. The sun was still beating on her, and with a towel now covering her legs she was quickly getting overheated. In response she started to fan herself with her hand, trying to wave some air to alleviate the heavy feeling of her hair.
"Here," Mori moved over, he sat down on the edge of the empty bench beside her taking a ponytail he had stuck around his wrist and offering it up. Y/n gratefully took it, moving to gather some hair before Honey was already gathering it in his own hands. 
"Thank you," Y/n smiled, she pushed down the mask to not cover her nose. Mori’s eyes sparked up a bit and Y/n just patted his hand in a thanks before moving over to pat Honey's head. Honey and Mori exchanged a glance at her actions, now seeing a part of her features that she was normally adamant about covering up. “I have not been to the beach in years, I forgot how hot it can get.”
Kyoya took a peak over at the distressed Y/n, soon enough noticing the new predicament of her mask. Seeing just a bit more of her appearance was keeping him hooked, and though he knew sneaking a photo of this would be a great money maker, he decided to keep this to himself.
“You have a cute nose!” Honey complimented, bending over closer to her face to get a look. Y/n’s eyes immediately went wide at the lack of space, and she felt her heart beating a bit faster. 
“Mitsukuni,” Mori shook his head, pulling the boy back to sit beside him. “Personal space,” he kindly reminded the boy before adding, “I agree.” 
Y/n just mumbled an incoherent thanks while turning her face to look over at Haruhi, shoving the mask up over her nose. "What's going on with them now?" Y/n wondered focusing her attention now on the twins who were continually backing Tamaki up farther away to the point he might bump into something. 
"The twins are pressuring Tamaki," Haruhi noticed calmly taking a sip of her water.
"I'll be back," Y/n quickly removed the towel and pulled down her longer skirt so that more was covered. She headed over to the three other members, stopping behind them. "He's going to get hurt," She pointed out, Tamaki’s sole of his foot almost touching a sharp rock. At the sound of her voice, they all turned around, mouths dropping a bit while taking in the new image of her. "You all are some pervs," She scoffed, swiftly spinning around and walking off.
"No! Y/n wait! Y/n wait!" Tamaki called out while jogging up to her. She stopped in her tracks to allow him to continue, now embarrassed about what she was wearing and trying to cover herself with her arms. "You should dress how you want. There are no guests here, just us, it's a vacation," He reassured her, reaching over to take a hand. “We were just surprised, you look lovely.”
"Yeah Y/n, but what happened to the outfits we offered you to wear?" Kaoru wondered.
"Our mother made the line, the finest of the finest," Hikaru reminded her.
"I didn't want to wear that and didn't want to be here, today's the day I visit my grandmother with my father," She glanced back, the boys all cowering together at the sight of her narrowed eyes and threatening tone, snatching her arm away from Tamaki.
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Not too much earlier that day Y/n was walking out of the school while talking to her father on the flip phone.
"Yes, I'll be home soon, the driver should be here. I hope I'll be seeing Nii-san there too," She softly spoke into the phone, cautious of being too loud. At a brisk pace, she made her way to where the limo could normally be found. "Okay father, I'm-"
"Bring her in," Tamaki muttered, letting the twins grab her and pull her in the limo. The abruptness of her daughter's voice disappearing caused him to start yelling on the other line at the thought of his daughter possibly getting kidnapped.
"Sorry Mr. Takahashi, Y/n has some business to attend to with the club. It was a last-minute decision and we hope you will excuse her absence for today. At this meeting, we hope to discuss our businesses. This is also Ootori Kyoya, you can call my residence if you don't believe this is truly me and they will reassure you," Kyoya spoke to her father on the phone, sitting in the limo with the annoyed girl.
"Did they kidnap you too?" Y/n looked towards her friend Haruhi.
"Yeah, and I have laundry to do today," She hissed while looking straight at Tamaki who just had a smug look.
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"Your grandmother?" Kyoya inquired.
"You don't speak about your family much," Haruhi added.
"No, I don't. It's because my family doesn't have to do with business," She shrugged. "Or at least, what my family is like."
"But it has to do with friendship," Honey chirped up. "And we are all best friends here!"
"Right," Y/n nodded to herself, switching her tone to a more joyful one trying to forget the earlier annoyances.
"What is this place again?" Haruhi questioned, still a bit confused about how they were still in Japan. The scenery was nothing like anywhere she had ever been before, more as if they were on a tropical island. 
"This place is a brand new theme park that my family, the Ootori Group, runs. It's called the Tropical Aqua Garden," He informed her.
"I don't understand, I thought the Ootori group ran hospitals and that they were focused on the medical business," Haruhi remembered.
"Yes, but my family likes to diversify and try different things. We are also trying to have better relations with the Takahashi family, so making this healing facility we can incorporate some of their technology," He turned to Y/n after he finished speaking. Soon enough she was back to reading, luckily packing an extra book in her backpack. She lay on her side in the chair, a bit of her bottoms showcasing the side of her bottom. The acknowledgment made Kyoya heat up a little himself, opening up another button of his shirt and throwing a towel over her bottom half. 
"Oh yeah! It's the best for both companies," She added, not truly paying attention and barely noticing the new addition of a cover. 
"Y/n helped make some of the technology, correct?"
"I help my father with this business a lot, that's how I grew up," She looked over the top of the novel, settling back into her seat now lying on her back and being engulfed in her book.
"This is therapeutic, think of all the people who are overworked and would love a vacation in the south tropics. However, they may not be able to get the time off or they may not be able to afford it. Those people can now seek refuge here at the theme park, and reduce their stress levels," He pushed up his glasses. "The Ootori group's primary concern has always been for the good health and well-being of the general public."
"It sounds suspicious to me," Haruhi commented.
"Even with my company involved?" Y/n now looked up from her book, staring at the girl with a bit of hurt on her features. 
"I-I mean I don't know. If you guys are involved then maybe not," She trailed off, looking at some of the other members playing in the water.
"The park doesn't officially open until next month but the Host Club was given a special advance invitation," Kyoya told her.
"This is so relaxing, we don't have to worry about keeping all of our guests entertained for once," Tamaki relaxed into the chair, legs stretched out and arms up high. 
"N/n-chan! Want to share some coconut juice with me? Have a slice of mango cake?" Honey inquired, having a floaty on and jumping up and down beside the girl.
"Oh, I'm okay at the moment," She politely said standing up to look around a bit more. She had seen the layout but wasn't as involved with this project as much as she was with others in her family company. 
"Y/n, Haruhi, want to go check out the water slide?" Hikaru asked, walking over to the girls, his brother chomping on a banana.
"Why aren't you wearing a top suitable for water anyway?" Kaoru realized, looking at Y/n in her shirt covering the bathing suit. “Are you going to take it off?” 
"I don't want to," Y/n deadpanned, grabbing Haruhi's wrist.
"So, you're not going to swim?" Kaoru questioned, raising his voice a bit as Y/n was making her run away from the twins. 
"Not today. If I wish to swim I can do it at home," She yelled back now dragging Haruhi away from the boys.
"I wish I were at home," Haruhi sighed letting Y/n pull her off in the opposite direction.
"I am sorry, but I think we can still have some fun though!" Y/n beamed. "Let me grab my notebook, I haven't had a girlfriend before, I've been keeping notes for once I did!"
Haruhi stared at the girl, frozen in her place with a light blush taking over her cheeks. She figured she had many friends. Even though she was closed off at first, she's so many amazing things it's clear to anyone who looks at her. Haruhi felt saddened by the girl's lack of friendships, realizing that the Host Club were her only friends. 
"You don't have any other friends?" Haruhi pondered, voicing her thoughts out loud. Y/n stopped her searching and turned around to face her.
"Not really, Father can be strict and I'm not close with many people besides my family. Ever since my mother died, he's kind of been like that," She lightly chuckled, not liking the way the mood was changing. "But the notebook is somewhere around here, just give me a moment."
Haruhi didn't realize her mother passed, Y/n didn't talk about her mother but she also didn't talk about herself all that much in general. Y/n was always listening to other people or speaking about her family’s company.
While the girls were looking for the notebook Y/n had in her bag, Tamaki pulled the boys aside, wanting to talk with them.
"Don't make Y/n and Haruhi do anything they don't want to you idiots!" Tamaki scolded.
"We weren't!" Kaoru argued. 
"Did you encourage Y/n to cover up?" Hikaru questioned. "You were all over her for wearing shorts, why didn't she choose one of the bathing suits our mother made?"
"She would have looked nice, it seems like you have bad intentions behind letting her wear something else," Kaoru added.
"No! No! That's not it, it's not respectful for a lady to show a lot of skin, not a good look," He tried to defend himself.
"A good look?" Y/n looked up to him, scrunching her eyebrows.
"N/n-chan! Let's play in the pool, Haru-chan you come too!" Honey hung onto her arm now.
"We aren't going swimming today," Haruhi informed him.
"Honey-senpai, why are you wearing the floaties? You're able to swim, right?" Y/n queried.
"Yep!" He exclaimed, soon spinning around. "Just looks cuter this way, you know?" He smiled, running back to the water.
"Yeah," Y/n and Haruhi looked at each other, before giggling.
"He's so innocent," The twins mentioned.
"No way! You guys have got it all wrong!" A voice spoke, then there was some rumbling and Renge somehow was now emerging from the sand.
But now most of the members were focused on her differing appearance. With a new addition to her skin and a cute outfit rather than the yellow uniform. 
"That outfit is pretty impressive," Hikaru mentioned.
"What's with the tattoo on your stomach?" Kaoru asked, pointing at it.
"Oh, that? You don't recognize it? I'm cosplaying!"
"Yeah, as who?"
"LaLa? Like the manga magazine?"
"Her petite and slender frame, her blue eyes that light up young men's faces, her singing voice! I'm Quon Kisaragi!" Renge exclaimed.
"It looks nice," Y/n complimented.
"Hey boss, are you sure it's okay for Renge to be dressed like that?" The twins wondered.
"Yeah, I suppose it is," He answered.
"Why her?"
"Because it's cosplay? I guess," Tamaki told them, not having perfect reasoning.
"Listen up, boys!" Renge called out. "And the girl. You need help, understanding Haniozuka's hidden motives! Look!" She pointed to the smaller boy who just jumped into the water with his pink, bunny floaty.
"What are you talking about?" Tamaki questioned, the group all peering over at where Honey was floating and giggling in the water.
"Think about what he said to you earlier," Renge declared. "He's not being as innocent and sweet as you think."
"I agree," Kyoya added. "Try putting the word 'I' at the beginning of the sentence," They thought back to how Honey said 'Just looks cuter this way, you know?' earlier.
"That's Haniozuka for you, in the last chapter he felt threatened by another loli-boy type, so he's taken steps to keep his rank," Renge explained to them, remembering Shiro and how he could somewhat fit that personality. "I should give him more credit, he's a lot smarter than I thought."
"Hey! Look at this, everybody!" Honey yelled on top of Mori who was swimming. "Check it out! Look! Even though we're swimming fast, we never go any farther than we are now! Ha, ha!"
"I got ya!" The twins called out, one shooting Tamaki in the face with a water gun.
"Come on, boss, let's go! Let's have a water gunfight! It'll be me and Kaoru against you," Hikaru declared. "If you get it in the face you lose."
"Forget it," Tamaki told them. "Why would I want to subject myself to a childish game like that?"
The Hitachiin twins jumped up, a plan now coming into their minds. "Y/n, what do you think about getting married?"
Tamaki started to pump the water gun, reaching down to grab another gun so that he could have two. He mumbled to himself, agitated, by getting ready for the fight to defend a certain someone's honor.
"Do you really think I'd let Y/n marry you guys?"
"Who said I would?" Y/n spoke up, but the boys were too consumed in their battle. "My father wouldn't either."
"I'm glad you know I wouldn't," Tamaki smiled at her.
"I meant my actual father," She rolled her eyes.
"Well, Daddy still says no!" Tamaki yelled, squirting the water gun at the boys.
"Did he not hear anything I said," Y/n wondered, walking back over to the chairs. She pulled out her book while Haruhi was lying back having a drink. "Taking a break from watching Honey-senpai?" Y/n asked Mori once he walked over.
"Do you want this drink? I'm not going to have it."
"Sure," He took the iced cold drink from her hands, sipping it while some of the other hosts continued to play with the water guns.
"I'll get you guys! Sideway leaping shot!" Tamaki called out, doing the move and shooting the twins who had something to block themselves. When landing he stepped onto a banana peel, causing him to slip and bump into a large stand. It was covered with different machines and such but soon enough it started to light up, and machinery around it began to beep indicating that he had pressed something when bumping into it.
Honey was in the pool, kicking his legs beneath the water, lying on his floatie. The boy looked so joyful, floating about and waving his hands toward his friends on the shore. Until, suddenly, a huge wave emerged from nowhere, crashing down upon him. His floaty flew up into the air, Honey merging around with the waves of the water.
Y/n and Mori ran towards the water that was taking away Honey. Mori was running so fast that he didn't notice the banana peel from earlier and ended up tripping.
"Gentlemen, we're going after Honey-senpai!" Tamaki declared, catching up with Y/n and Mori. "That pool looks like the quickest way," He pointed to the route a pool was rounding over in. "Charge!" He commanded, running off into the distance with the group- which now consisted of Y/n, Haruhi, Tamaki, Mori, Hikaru, and Kaoru -all followed the water path, until...
"Wait I wouldn't go-" Kyoya tried to warn them, before they stopped themselves, realizing that there were crocodiles in the path they were heading.
"I should have done my research before coming here," Y/n mumbled. As the group ran back over to Kyoya, scared of the sharp-toothed animals.
"Okay. So, we can't use that pool, so let's try this way next!" Tamaki commanded, sticking an arm up in the air and leading the group down a different path. But yet again, the creatures were blocking their path.
"They're here!" The twins yelled.
"Here too!" Tamaki added.
"What's with all the alligators?" Haruhi asked Y/n.
"No clue, my family just helped with this," She huffed, the group tired from running around.
"Those alligators belong to the park's tropical animals exhibit. I guess it's kind of dangerous to let them run wild," He expressed, writing down notes in a pocketbook. "Though, the cause of our present situation seems to be the location of the switch for the current pool," Kyoya turned to look at Y/n.
"I helped create the thing, not place it!" She tried to feign innocence.
"I'll just have a little chat with our designers," Kyoya reassured her. "Thanks a lot, you guys. I got some great data today."
"You WHAT?!"
After learning the true reason they were there, the group traveled over to where the bathrooms were. Looking at a map that was located in the area, luckily it panned out all the surrounding areas to help give them an idea of where to search next.
"This is our current location, we need to get here," Kyoya pointed at the map, showing the group. "I have a feeling that's where Honey-senpai ended up. It might be tough because to get there we'll have to make it through this jungle area here in the southern block, distance wise we are talking about 800 meters."
"I didn't realize how undeveloped this park was," Y/n looked at the map, seeing how some areas were marked off. "Could other things be lurking over there?"
"Since they're still being developed, I don't know," Kyoya spoke honestly.
"Whatever's out there could be even more dangerous," Hikaru started.
"Then alligators," Kaoru finished. Mori was a bit lost in his world, staring at the map and dissociating with what was going on around him, yet, his fist was clenched tightly.
"Now this is a mission of survival!" Tamaki declared. "I know we can make it through the treacherous jungle in one piece. It is our sworn duty to save Honey-senpai!"
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The Host Club were walking through the little too-realistic jungle. They could hear birds squawking and see vines hanging down from the trees, having to duck out of their way. The sun shone on their skin, sweat drops appeared on their foreheads, and little skittering noises seemed to come from different directions. 
"Wow, this place is just like a real jungle, huh?" Tamaki observed.
"Yeah, I keep hearing all of these really strange animal calls," Haruhi expressed, annoyed.
"We should be okay, as long as we stay away from the alligators. I mean there shouldn't be other crazy animals, this isn't a real jungle after all," Y/n joked, trying to put on a light tone.
"I'm not for sure, I know my family strives for authenticity whatever the cost," Kyoya voiced causing Y/n's confidence about being safe to drift. But she didn’t have much time to dwell on it as Mori had slipped on a banana peel a few steps ahead of her, now frozen and just lying on the ground.
"Is acting as carelessly as you do boss!"
"Shut up!"
"Mori-senpai, here," Y/n put a hand down, to try and show that she would help him up. He took it and she strained to pull the heavier man up. She plotted her two feet into the ground to use all her muscles in lifting him and almost loosened her grip when the sky seemed to get much darker. Most of the group turned towards Kyoya in hopes that he would reveal why such an occurrence was occurring. 
"Uh oh, it's about time for the squall," He announced to the group, glancing down at his watch. 
"Huh?" The twins wondered and soon enough the rain started. It was pouring heavily which forced the group to run to shelter, trying to not get drenched from the storm. 
Y/n walked up to Mori, touching his shoulder lightly to get his attention, "Mori-senpai, you and Honey-senpai are very close. How did you meet him?" She looked up to him for an answer. In all reality, their background was not the biggest concern at the moment, but she hoped that if she got him communicating it would help relieve some of his tension.
"You don't know-"
"Their cousins?" The twins questioned, finishing each other's sentence.
"They are?" Y/n turned around, looking at the twins with her eyebrows tilted to show confusion.
"The Morinozukas have been serving the Haninozuka family for generations," Kyoya remarked.
"However, two generations ago they became family by marriage, and the master-servant relationship soon became a thing of the past," Tamaki went more into depth, waving his hand about while explaining the dynamics. 
"But even so Mori-senpai has always made it a point to accompany Honey-senpai."
"I think Honey-senpai will be alright," Y/n walked back up to Mori, touching his shoulder once again. "He might be a little cutie, but I have a feeling he can be tough when he wants to," Y/n laughed, seeing a faint smile appear on the male's face.
"You're right," He patted her head, nodding.
"Don't tell me Mori-senpai's out for my spot as Y/n's daddy?!" Tamaki stressed.
"Not my father" Y/n commented, rolling her eyes. Haruhi went over to Tamaki, trying to comfort him from sprouting too many mushrooms.
"No one wants that spot but you boss," Hikaru reminded him.
"That's kind of creepy when you think about it," Kaoru confirmed.
"Hello, it's me," Kyoya moved off to the side to answer his phone, explaining the situation to those who could help solve it. 
It was not too long till the rain cleared up. Most of the group were too occupied in their antics to notice that Mori was leaving them behind. Haruhi was talking with the twins, letting them ramble about how Tamaki was annoying and trying to appropriately deal with a frustrated Tamaki arguing back. But Y/n decided to step away from the bickering and focused her attention on the one who seemed to need it most, Mori. 
"Uh, Mori-senpai!" She called out, jogging to catch up with the man going through the bushes. "Honey-senpai didn't go this way, he was heading that way," She pointed in the opposite direction. 
"You're wrong. He went this way," He corrected her just keeping up the same pace in the same direction he was traveling in prior. It was almost as if he had an instinct to guide him where Honey was. 
"Well, uh," Y/n looked back a bit hesitant to leave the rest of the group. But with a quick worry about Mori being on his own (despite being easily capable of combatting danger), she started to jog her way back over to him "Wait, I'll come with!"
Mori had made much distance between her quick contemplation as he was much taller and had longer strides. She also had to combat the prickly vines covering some of the ground and bugs scattering about. 
"I didn't think it would be this realistic!" She exclaimed, trying to hop around a large spider making its way closer to her. 
"Y/n," Mori walked over and picked up the girl with ease, it did not matter how big Y/n was, the man had carried much weight over the years, easily more than what she could weigh. 
"Um, um, I can wa-walk," She stuttered, startled by him picking her up. "I am fine," She laughed.
"Shhh," He simply spoke, continuing down his path as Y/n just slouched in his grip.
Not much had changed with the situation over where the rest of the club members stayed safe underneath the hut. The twins and Tamaki continued with their pestering one another while Haruhi kept trying to calm their useless arguments. 
"That's enough," Haruhi sighed, she shook her head in disappointment and raised her voice to catch the attention of the immature boys. Tamaki was still fuming from the insults the twins were throwing his way, face red with anger and annoyance. However, the one person who wasn’t focused on the arguing was Kyoya, who finally got off the phone and noticed the unnecessary fighting between the three. 
"My family's private police force is going to send in a search and rescue team to help us," Kyoya told the group. "They're better equipped to find Honey-senpai than we are, let's go by the gate and wait there.”
"Hey, where is Mori-senpai and Y/n-chan?" Haruhi asked aloud and all the loudness from the group finally ceased. 
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Mori was still holding Y/n against his front while she propped up her head with her elbow on his shoulder. They went along with trying to find the smaller, yet older male, Mori easily making his way through the path.
"Mori-senpai, when you and Hone-" Y/n stopped her question, starting to hear multiple footsteps approaching. "What's that?" She turned her head to try and look at him more, tightening her hold on him slightly.
The noises got louder and pounding appeared when they were rapidly surrounded by men dressed in all black, having guns trained on the duo and a shield over their face.
"What.... the..... hell?!" Y/n exclaimed, starting to scramble in Mori's arms. "Just let me down, maybe I can talk to them," She told him, struggling more in his grip. She tried to get out of his hold, putting pressure to push herself down
"No, you're safe here," He tightened his grip around her body, placing a hand on the back of her head and rubbing her hair lightly. His eyes glared at the armed men all around and his stance slightly changed in preparation. 
"Target confirmed, we found the little kid, they are with a suspicious figure," The officer confirmed through his walkie-talkie. 
"Little kid?" Y/n questioned in disbelief.
"The target has been captured by a suspicious man," Another officer added. "We'll take the target into custody,” He took his finger away from the earpiece at his ear and cocked his gun towards the two. “You there! Put that kid down immediately! If you refuse, we'll remove them forcefully," Now they all cocked their guns and one man closer to Y/n tried to reach out and grab her arm to pull her over Mori's shoulder.
"Wait! Let's talk this out- Ow!" She screamed at the harsh grip of the officer. Mori instantly spun around and hit the officer in the chest sending him flying and landing into a bush. The other officers stood still and confirmed that if Mori made another move they were going to fire.
"Takashi! N/n-chan! Out of the way!" Honey called out, swinging from a vine soon enough, he had his feet colliding with an officer's face.
Now all the officers' attention remained on the new addition, guns trained on Honey. But this was no matter as it didn’t falter Honey’s movements, he quickly jumped into action, defeating all of the officers in record time.
"You guys should be more careful who you mess with! Picking on my friends is bad! Got it?" He pointed to one of the officers though there were no responses from the men he was speaking to as they were all groaning from injuries.
"Y/n!" Haruhi called out, running over with the group. "Are you guys alright?" At the noise of the others arriving Mori put down Y/n, keeping a hand on her shoulder while they came closer. 
"Hey, it's Haru-chan!" Honey beamed, running up to hug her.
"Oh wow," Hikaru looked around at the damage made.
"You okay senpai?" Kaoru asked.
"Y/n!" Tamaki yelled, flinging his arms open to give a hug, tears running down his cheeks. He jumped up and down with the girl in his grip, Mori’s hand subtly falling away from Y/n’s shoulder.
"I'm fine," She grumbled, putting a hand out to his chest to stop him from getting closer, but this just caused a blush to appear.
"What... happened?" Haruhi looked around while the twins kept touching the officers to see if they were alive.
"Amazingly, this was Honey-senpai's work," Kaoru observed.
"He must have been holding back," Hikaru agreed.
"Holding back?" Haruhi pondered.
"You don't know about senpai?" Hikaru turned around, Haruhi and Y/n shaking their head no. "The Haninozukas are famous for their martial arts. Not only have they helped train the police and SDF forces, they've also worked with several overseas militaries.”
"Honey-senpai in particular has been called the dreadnaught of the Haninozuka family," Kyoya told them. "By the time he was in middle school, he'd become the national champion in both karate and judo."
"Mori-senpai's no slouch either. He won the national championship in Kendo when he was just in middle school," Tamaki added.
"We humbly apologize!" An officer woke up, and now he and his men were in the bowing position.
"Huh?" The host club turned to look at them.
"I'm a second-generation student of the Ishizuka Dojo," an officer exclaimed, soon others talking about where they were from, all apologizing.
"Why? Is something wrong?" Honey questioned curiously.
"Oh Honey-senpai," Y/n lightly giggled before breaking out into a harder laugh. Maybe it was all the nerves from just moments before and how quickly the situation changed but she couldn’t help bursting into a fit of laughter. Though this was a pleasant moment for the rest of the club members, they all got to enjoy a truly happy moment from the girl they were all beginning to adore. 
"We're sorry sir, we didn't understand that we were looking for Haninozuka Mitsukuni," The officers once again apologized. "We've committed a terrible offense, I apologize. But my dojo will be so excited to hear that I've come face-to-face with the great Haninozuka! I cherish this moment!"
"Takashi, you did an amazing job of protecting N/n-chan!" Honey congratulated him. "I bet you were pretty lonely without me around, huh?"
"I don't know if I'd say that," Mori told him, giving a small glance to Y/n.
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It was finally the end of the day with the sun setting on the realistic jungle.  
"You know, maybe we should go to the beach next," Hikaru suggested.
"Yeah, the beach would be nice," Kaoru agreed.
"You idiots, Y/n and Haruhi aren't interested in anything like that," Tamaki rolled his eyes.
"I might like to go to the beach," Haruhi confessed.
"I haven't been there in a long time," Y/n remarked.
"The beach holds memories, it might be nice to revisit some of those," Y/n nodded at them and they all made their way off to the exit.
"Yeah! All right. Then that's where we'll go next time," Tamaki told the group.
"We're all gonna go to the beach, Tama-chan?" Honey repeated. "Hmm, that'll be fun, don't you think?" Honey asked Mori, from on top of his shoulders.
"Yeah," He agreed.
"That will be fun," Y/n looked back at the group rounded up all together laughing and messing around.
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next chapter - The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!
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nanaloverz · 20 days
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New to tumblr, heard that this is a more artist friendly platform ૮₍.◜ෆ◝ ₎ა。
Im Emoji, i draw anime and all kinds of fan arts, OC some times.
Still figuring all the functions, so I’m posting haruhi from ouran highschool host club to meet you all!
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nanaloverz · 20 days
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Mama Kyoya and baby Honey Senpai
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nanaloverz · 20 days
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I LOVE this episode🫶🏻
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nanaloverz · 3 months
Love eat?
Alastor x cannibal servant!reader
Original Concept | Additional Concept
Word count: 1764
A/N: sup im back with more crack, jk. but yeahhh i did a oneshot of that imagine and now we're here. i've channeled my inner crazy and that led me to this oneshot lmao, sorry if it's not up to par but pls enjoooooyyyy!
ps I can't find the artist pls help. chainsaw man falling devil spoiler sorry
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“Yuta!” you called your boyfriend from where you sat waiting for him.
“Sorry, I'm late,” he says with an apologetic smile, placing his bag to his side while he sat in front of me.
“No, it's ok! You're doing your best in school. I was the one who asked you to eat with me anyway,” you responded clapping your hands together, appealing cutely to your boyfriend.
“But you're busy with your culinary classes too. I'm sure you're working harder than I am!” He replied, making you smile at how genuine he sounded.
You reached inside your bag and presented 2 lunch boxes in front of him. His eyes widen in anticipation while you opened them, revealing a well plated pork cutlet and a healthy salad in the other lunch box.
“I have! I learnt a few new things during class, and I wanted you to be the first to eat my cooking. I hope you like them!” He smiles at you, flattered that he was the first thing on your mind when you made the meal. He always loved your cooking.
The both of you met when you were first years, he was just roaming the halls familiarizing himself with the school layout when he heard you squealing inside a room and helped you put out a small fire that you accidentally created while you stayed behind in the Economics Room to relearn the basics taught to you that day. So, he stayed with you until the end so that you won't set the whole room on fire this time, and as thanks you gave the meal you completed to him afterwards. As he tasted it, threw it back up when he tasted how salty it was, so you resolved yourself that you'd make a decent meal for him, and that's where your friendship to relationship started.
“Wow! You've really outdone yourself this time!” He yells with stars in his eyes, savoring each bite.
You laughed at him and pushed the salad closer to him, and said, “You can eat all of it. It's all for you!”
“Really? Thanks a lot! It's so great to have you as my girlfriend!”
“Yuta?” you asked with wide eyes as you eyed the knife in his hand that was pointed at you.
“I-I can't take it anymore. I don't want to eat any food you make for me anymore, it’s disgusting. I don’t want to eat humans! I hate it, I hate it, I HATE YOU!” He screamed lunging at you.
He pushes the knife to your stomach, a few moments later you feel the metallic taste in your throat, letting the liquid drop from your tongue as you took has face that held great remorse for you. You smiled at the pretty expression on his face and rubbed your thumb on his cheeks, smearing it with your own blood.
"How pretty. I love all the expressions you make. Do it more," you coughed out.
His expression changes from fear to disgust and anger. Vengefully, he takes your wrists binding them together in his forceful grip and continues to stab you until you died from the pain and blood loss. However, despite your body tensing and losing color on you face, he never stopped. After his knife slipped out of his hands from your blood, he threw himself at you and bit into your neck.
Devouring you. Bit by bit.
You've been aimlessly roaming around hell and chopping sinners with your cleaver that were dumb enough to pick a fight with you. At the moment, you sat on top of a building waiting for something to happen while eating an beefy arm starting from the shoulder.
While you were gnawing at it with a blank expression on your face. You were surprised when a massive green explosion appeared out of nowhere, inducing a few screams of terror.
Just a couple blocks in front of you, you see a giant red deer demon with black tentacles coming out his back as he crushed sinners in his hands and consuming them.
You immediately dropped the arm you were holding and watched as the overlord showed off his power against you, sinners. Unable to hold yourself, you followed his parade of chaos and squeaked when he appears behind you wiping his mouth with a napkin.
"How rude of you to follow me around, while I was playing with my meal," he remarks with a snarky tone.
You got distracted with his voice. How could someone be so seductive with a radio filter on, you ask yourself.
"It's also rude to stare, you know?" He adds, starting to get pissed off by how unresponsive you were as you just kept gawking at him.
"I was just admiring how powerful you were, sir! I've never seen a demon turn into that kind of form. I-I was enchanted!" You yelled at him, hands clasped together while fan-girling at his abilities with hearts in your eyes.
"My, I've never seen such behavior from a person such as you. Are you eager to be eaten?" He laughs before his eyes turning black leaving his red pupils and radio dial iris.
"Yes! I would be happy to!" You answered almost immediately, making him revert to his normal self, getting caught off guard with your reply.
He hums turning his head in confusion and irritation, “Well, that just won’t do. I only like it when my prey gets scared rather than having a sacrifice like you.”
He tries to ride away in his shadow but before he could do so, he halts in his steps when you step in front of him. “Please! I’ll act scared! I’ll do anything! I just want to be with you!” you cried dropping to the floor pathetically making him deadpan to the sight.
He huffs, and turns his back at you, “Hmm. Do what you wish.”
With that, you stayed and served Alastor for years. You’ve arranged deals for him, did his bidding on some occasions and even represented him a few times in meetings. However, your main occupation was his personal chef.
Sure, one could argue that he likes his meats raw and cooks for himself sometimes. But do you expect that man to cook every meal for himself for a nearly a century? Overlords don’t have that much free time, you know? (or at least that what Sir Alastor says) and you happily take on this task when he discovers that you were an excellent chef, living up to his own impossible standards.
However, you find yourself in a very peculiar situation.
“(y/n)? Is it really you?”
You’ve come face to face with your first love and your killer. You couldn’t help but leap up from you position and hug him while he did his best to get away from you.
“Yuta! You’re finally in here! I knew you’d come to find me, hehe,” you cried still hugging him while he struggled in your mighty grip. “I’ve been waiting for you, y’know?” you said to him with your eyes darkening at him giving him the familiar dangerous look in your eye making him tense up and unconsciously threw you across the room with his strength.
You didn’t hit the impact when Alastor raised his arms and caught you before placing you on your feet, ignoring your heart-eyes as usual.
“And who is this with you?” he asks the group, almost sneering at the new man.
“This is Yuta! He’s our new guest! We found him in Cannibal Town, and he asked us where we were, he’s now he's here!” Charlie introduces excitedly holding Yuta by the shoulder.
“Ooh, is he a bad boy?” Nifty asks looking flirtatiously.
“Why, of course! He’s the one that killed me after all!” I announced with a smile. “Isn’t that right, dear?”
He rolls his eyes and says to Charlie, “I’ll be fine anywhere as long as I don’t get involved with her. I’ll find a room myself.”
You all watch as he shows himself to one of the rooms while Charlie replies, “Uhh, ookayyy?”
“So, what’s with you and that guy?” Angel first asks, “There’s a lot of sexual and… psychological tension there.”
“Yeah, and what do you mean he killed you?” Vaggie continues, while all of them looked at you.
“Oh, you know, couple fights. One thing led to another and poof, I was gone,” you explained simply with a laugh, making Nifty laugh as well.
“So, you two dated?” Angel asked in surprise.
“Exactly, why?” I smiled at him.
“Uhh, sure. He just looks like a boy failure to me. How the fuck could he bag a hottie like you!” Angel laughs throwing his head back.
"What a crazy bitch," Husk comments blankly looking at you before peeking at Alastor's annoyed face making him raise his long brow.
You tilt you head to the side confused, before Charlie would come in and say that she’d explain it to you.
A few weeks gone by, and you didn’t stop pestering your ex with things he hated when you couldn’t get enough of the expressions on his face. You loved seeing him get so angry with you, you just loved getting on his nerve. Or it could be some fucked up enjoyment of how you remembered being eaten by him half dead that sent chills to your body every time.
“That’s it! I’ve had enough of your shit!” he yells bursting in flames.
“Oh, what? Cat got your tongue baby boy?” you teased him hands behind your back trying to annoy him.
“Oh, fuck you!” he screams as he runs forward at you trying to land a punch which you jump away from effortlessly.
He eventually tires himself out and sees you giving the deer demon googly eyes that ticks him off. He loads up a fire blast and shoots it at Alastor. You intercepted it in between not noticing him following behind it and takes hold of you neck choking you.
“Not bad,” you wheeze out with a wicked grin, setting him off and squeezing your neck tighter.
He fails to notice the black portal underneath him where a black tentacle reaches out to his ankle and wraps around his body, making him let go off you.
“I’d rather you not mess with my property if I were you,” Alastor announces menacingly as he had you in his arms. You feel starstruck as you were being princess carried and being defended by the one you admired. “I don’t like sharing, so this is my last warning for both of you to not get involved with each other.”
“Yes, sir! Anything for you!” you scream your heart out that felt like it was beginning to burst out of your chest and leap in your throat, while you give him heart eyes that he ignored, while he brought both of you to his chambers.
"Are you finally going to eat me, Sir Alastor?"
"Shut your mouth before I stitch it up for you."
"Yes, sir! I love you! 💕"
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nanaloverz · 4 months
The way my jaw dropped
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nanaloverz · 11 months
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more redraws cause bones apparently can't do nun without me 🥴 /hj
more coming soon.
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nanaloverz · 1 year
Ladies and gentlemen.... HIM
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nanaloverz · 1 year
Ladies and gentlemen.... HIM
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nanaloverz · 1 year
there’s just something about menace cult leaders w/ long hair and poofy pants that hate humans that does it for me
i will gladly worship u bbygirl!
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