myswtorchildren · 5 years
ok look, however you feel about arcann:
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this shit is good
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
playing through the bounty hunter story again like
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
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Gault: You must like him! If I tried that I’d be wearing my face on the back wall.
Yes. Yes, Gault, I do…. :D
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
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SWTOR fun facts
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
“Twinkle twinkle Little star, crush my enemies and let them burn”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how the song goes!”
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
I’m curious: How do you say your OC’s name?
I love reading about people’s OCs but I suspect I’ve been mispronouncing many of their names in my head when I read them. So, would you indulge my curiosity and reblog this with a pronunciation guide for your OCs in the tags? If you’re reading this, whether you follow me and whether I follow you or not, this means  YOU! I would love to know what your characters’ names sound like!
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
{ Reblog if you love hearing about other people’s OCs }
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
Languages in Swtor Chat?
So I was on Coruscant (Darth Malgus server) half an hour(?) ago and someone was talking in serbian? Maybe, I’m not sure about that. It doesn’t matter. So, another person told him to “stop speaking other languages, speak english”. As a Hungarian, I had to defend him and everyone, who doesn’t speak english.
I asked them why they should stop speaking their language. The response was “this is an english server”. Yeah, well, there’s no Hungarian server for us, right? I told them I don’t see why people should stop speaking in any language they want to. They said it’s “polite” to speak english on an english server. Well, I say you shouldn’t tell people to speak english, just because you don’t like to see other languages.
And there ARE people who can’t talk in english. Maybe they just understand it (like I was only able to understand for a good few years) or they don’t even understand, they just like to come here and kill stuff with some people. What gives you the right to stop these people from connecting with someone who understands them? You shouldn’t make anyone feel less, just because they can’t speak the “superior english”. That is just plain rude. You have to accept, that the world and especially Europe (since Darth Malgus is a Europian server) does not only consist of England or english speaking people.
Yes, it says “European - English”. But that’s not a LAW that you have to speak english. It’s just that generally, people who speak english can go there. Same for French and German servers. They just generally get together those who speak these 3 languages. But they are not rules. Stop shaming and turning down people for talking a different language then you.
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
Languages in Swtor Chat?
So I was on Coruscant (Darth Malgus server) half an hour(?) ago and someone was talking in serbian? Maybe, I’m not sure about that. It doesn’t matter. So, another person told him to “stop speaking other languages, speak english”. As a Hungarian, I had to defend him and everyone, who doesn’t speak english.
I asked them why they should stop speaking their language. The response was “this is an english server”. Yeah, well, there’s no Hungarian server for us, right? I told them I don’t see why people should stop speaking in any language they want to. They said it’s “polite” to speak english on an english server. Well, I say you shouldn’t tell people to speak english, just because you don’t like to see other languages.
And there ARE people who can’t talk in english. Maybe they just understand it (like I was only able to understand for a good few years) or they don’t even understand, they just like to come here and kill stuff with some people. What gives you the right to stop these people from connecting with someone who understands them? You shouldn’t make anyone feel less, just because they can’t speak the “superior english”. That is just plain rude. You have to accept, that the world and especially Europe (since Darth Malgus is a Europian server) does not only consist of England or english speaking people.
Yes, it says “European - English”. But that’s not a LAW that you have to speak english. It’s just that generally, people who speak english can go there. Same for French and German servers. They just generally get together those who speak these 3 languages. But they are not rules. Stop shaming and turning down people for talking a different language then you.
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
Languages in Swtor Chat?
So I was on Coruscant (Darth Malgus server) half an hour(?) ago and someone was talking in serbian? Maybe, I’m not sure about that. It doesn’t matter. So, another person told him to “stop speaking other languages, speak english”. As a Hungarian, I had to defend him and everyone, who doesn’t speak english.
I asked them why they should stop speaking their language. The response was “this is an english server”. Yeah, well, there’s no Hungarian server for us, right? I told them I don’t see why people should stop speaking in any language they want to. They said it’s “polite” to speak english on an english server. Well, I say you shouldn’t tell people to speak english, just because you don’t like to see other languages.
And there ARE people who can’t talk in english. Maybe they just understand it (like I was only able to understand for a good few years) or they don’t even understand, they just like to come here and kill stuff with some people. What gives you the right to stop these people from connecting with someone who understands them? You shouldn’t make anyone feel less, just because they can’t speak the “superior english”. That is just plain rude. You have to accept, that the world and especially Europe (since Darth Malgus is a Europian server) does not only consist of England or english speaking people.
Yes, it says “European - English”. But that’s not a LAW that you have to speak english. It’s just that generally, people who speak english can go there. Same for French and German servers. They just generally get together those who speak these 3 languages. But they are not rules. Stop shaming and turning down people for talking a different language then you.
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
Languages in Swtor Chat?
So I was on Coruscant (Darth Malgus server) half an hour(?) ago and someone was talking in serbian? Maybe, I'm not sure about that. It doesn't matter. So, another person told him to "stop speaking other languages, speak english". As a Hungarian, I had to defend him and everyone, who doesn't speak english.
I asked them why they should stop speaking their language. The response was "this is an english server". Yeah, well, there's no Hungarian server for us, right? I told them I don't see why people should stop speaking in any language they want to. They said it's "polite" to speak english on an english server. Well, I say you shouldn't tell people to speak english, just because you don't like to see other languages.
And there ARE people who can't talk in english. Maybe they just understand it (like I was only able to understand for a good few years) or they don't even understand, they just like to come here and kill stuff with some people. What gives you the right to stop these people from connecting with someone who understands them? You shouldn't make anyone feel less, just because they can't speak the "superior english". That is just plain rude. You have to accept, that the world and especially Europe (since Darth Malgus is a Europian server) does not only consist of England or english speaking people.
Yes, it says "European - English". But that's not a LAW that you have to speak english. It's just that generally, people who speak english can go there. Same for French and German servers. They just generally get together those who speak these 3 languages. But they are not rules. Stop shaming and turning down people for talking a different language then you.
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
Rekeq! She is a tiny ball of anger, fury and hatred!
Which character is the smallest?
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
I got tagged by @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, thank you! :3
The rules are simple: pick an OC, and then answer these interview questions in-character for them. Then tag five more people to keep it going!
I’m tagging @chubbyooo, @a-muirehen, @darthsiha, @darthakaliae.
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Why did I choose Wetta? Because this is my first drawing of her and I’m pretty proud of it (even though it looks like a crime against digital art)! This is taken after all of the story so far, helping the Alliance under Xal’s command.
1. What is your name?
Wettanda Nüx.
2. Do you know why are you named that?
I don’t know. I don’t know my parents, but they left a note with this name on it, so... Yeah.
3. Are you single or taken?
I am FINALLY married to Theron. I just... Love him. He helped me through some stuff.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Well, obviously my Force powers. It can be used in many different ways... Also, I have a very, very rare power. I can practically suck the life force out from any living creature, just by looking into its eye. Yeah, I don’t have real eyes, but it still works. This is why I wear a blindfold.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
I- I don’t know what is that? Would you care to tell me?
6. What’s your eye color?
Well, I don’t have eyes. So, no-color?
7. How about your hair color?
It was originally white, but I’ve been dying it black for a while now... White hair is a part of my past which I would rather forget.
8. Have any family members?
Oh, yeah. See, the Alliance Commander’s right hand is my mother and her husband is my father. Well, they are not my biological family, they just adopted me. But I can’t remember my real parents, so for me, they are the only and real parents. I was raised as their child, so of course they are like real parents.
Also, I had a brother, Vroma. He was the biological child of my parents. I... I killed him. But it was... It was the biggest mistake of my life. I still regret it and think of him every day. *sheds a tear, Theron grabs her hand*
9. Oh? How about pets?
Yes, I have a beautiful colorful Orobird called Rekao and a cute little Tauntaun called Hanji. Of course, I ride them, but they are still my adorable pets!
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now, tell me something you don’t like?
I hate lies and manipulations. Also, pointless murder and cruelty.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
I really enjoy training. And also nowadays, since Juni joined us and she teaches me, I really love those hours of the day.
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Yes, sadly. I still try to correct my wrongs and become better.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
Yes. And I regret every and each of them... If I could- if I could only bring them back somehow... *Theron hugs her*
14. What kind of animal are you?
That’s an interesting question! I never thought of it ever so I’m unsure... Maybe something peaceful and shy? I really don’t know.
15. Name your worst habits?
Worrying. I worry about everything and usually I freak out.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
I look up to my dad, he was always a rolemodel for me. Hard-working, precise, organized. Also, Juni is someone I can look up to. I would really love to be like her.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
I am straight, as far as I know. But I never really thought of it, Theron was the first who striked me like “Woah! He is something else!”, so yeah... *chuckles a bit and kisses Theron*
18. Do you go to school?
Well. For a few years I was trained by my mother, but I got into the Sith Academy later. As of now, no. I only learn from Juni.
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
I’m already married! *shows the ring and smiles at Theron* But kids? Hmm. We’ll see about that. If I can get my life together as I would like to, then of course! I want a little Theron!
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
I don’t think so. Or... maybe, because of my special power?
21. What are you most afraid of?
Losing control over myself. Doing things I don’t really want. Being manipulated into doing things. *she looks at Xal, who was just passing by at the other end of the room*
22. What do you usually wear?
I usually wear something light and comfy. But I also wear my armor a lot.
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
Deep-Fried Nuna Legs. Mmhh, they are just... So delicious. *whispers to Theron: can we go grab some after this?*
24. Am I annoying to you?
No, not at all! This is kind of exciting!
25. Well, it’s still not over!
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
I’m not sure. Maybe middle? I’m certainly not that high, but I’m still far away from low. So I’d say on the brink of middle and high?
27. How many friends do you have?
All right, let me think it through. I have Theron, of course. Then there’s Lana, Juni, Mako, Jaesa, Vette, Torian... Yeah, let’s say I have a few.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
I’m not really a fan of sweet stuff- except for Theron. *they both laugh, Theron slightly blushes*
29. Favorite drink?
I don’t really drink, so I can’t choose one.
30. What’s your favorite place?
Mmh, I really love Odessen. But I loved Rishi too, I got my orobird, Rekao there.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Well, other than my husband, no one.
32. That was a stupid question…
Well, considering you already asked a similar question, yeah, kind of.
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
I think a lake. It’s calm and peaceful. That is what I really need nowadays.
34. What’s your type?
As I said, I never looked at anyone other than Theron, so... You could say my type is Theron Shan! *gives kiss to Theron’s blushing cheek*
35. Any fetishes?
Nothing that I’m aware of.
36. Camping or outdoors?
Outdoors! It can be so calming and perfect for meditation. Or to just run away for a little time.
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
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Bellydance, star wars: the old republic edition! ~
Thanks everyone for having put your character on my little hands! I hope you liked them like this! In order:
Cirak from @greencrusader13
Tramini from @tishinada
Fynta from @cinlat and Noara from @kunoichi-ume
Sassheliosazuras from @sassheliosazuras
And of course my Luhcy! ~
Thanks everyone, and if you want to join the party, there is still some slot open!
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myswtorchildren · 5 years
Found this in a Facebook Swtor group and I.. Cried.. 😂
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