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“You throw another moon at me, and I’m gonna lose it.”
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“You know me?” “I do.”
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“You’re not the only one cursed with knowledge." “My only curse is you.”
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"All that for a drop of blood. You have my respect, Stark.”
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“When I’m done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you.”
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아이고! :00 you did well
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Está muy cute <3. Bye~ xd
Me gustaste unu
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{Intro: Boy Meets Evil} - vocab list
이름 n. name 날 n. day 밤 n. night 손 n. hand 숨 n. breath 피 n. blood 입술 n. lips 꿈 n. dream 길 n. road, path 빛 n. light, sparkle 죄 n. crime, sin 칼 n. knife, sword 갈다 v. sharpen (a knife) 눈 n. eyes 감다 v. close [shut] one’s eyes 미래 n. future 현실 n. reality 악마 n. devil, demon, evil spirit, Satan 욕심 n. greed, avarice, selfishness 야망 n. ambition, aspiration 독기 n. virulence, venom 양심 n. conscience 지옥 n. hell 나팔 n. trumpet 비극 n. tragedy 오르골 n. music box 포기 n. abandonment, resignation, surrender 연애 n. love 주위 n. surroundings 시선 n. one´s eye(s); one´s sight; one´s gaze 기적 n. miracle 달콤함 n. sweet 중독 n. poisoning, toxication 병신 n. stupid person, fool, idiot 지뢰 n. land mine 매일 adv. every day, daily 다르다 adj. different 날카롭다 adj. sharp 붉다 adj. red 달콤하다 adj. sweet 매섭다 adj. fierce, severe, strict, sharp 미치다 adj. crazy, insane 좋다 adj. good 뒤틀리다 adj. twisted 울리다 v. echo, reverberate / adj. famous 어두워지다 v. darken, become dim 잃다 v. lose 참다 v. bear; endure; put up with; tolerate; suppress; repress; control oneself 알다 v. know 잡다 v. hold, take 외치다 v. shout; cry (out); yell; shriek; scream 저버리다 v. go back on; turn one´s back on; back down; break (one´s promise)  느끼다 v. realize; see; feel; find 취하다 v. get drunk/intoxicated 버리다 v.  throw away, discard 깨어나다 v. return to consciousness, come to one’s senses, sober up 건드리다 v. touch 부르다 v. call 잊다 v. forget 생각하다 v. think 찢기다 v. get torn 놓치다 v. let scape, lose
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Hahahahahhaa I'm dying
monsta x being monsta x
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What's the song name?
This still got me fucked up.
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Vamos de mal en peor :'(
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El bosque de la primavera se esta recuperando después de el incendio que sufrió!!!😭
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Every Monbebe was Wonho at that moment.
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Let me tell you a truth… No matter what choice you make, it doesn’t define you. Not forever. People can make bad choices and change their minds and hearts and do good things later; just as people can make good choices and then turn around and walk a bad path. No choice we make lasts our whole life. If there’s ever a choice you’ve made that you no longer agree with, you can make another choice.
Jonathan Maberry, Dust and Decay (via wordsnquotes)
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There’s the people bashing Jungkook for his recent acne outbreak/querying about his skin…
…and then there’s V.
Source: cutiehuns
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Me, a Jungkookie’s pimples enthusiast, will never forget this wonderful moment.
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BTS REACTIONS: You being self conscious about your acne.
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Not sure what renews is, but so i just went with acne. Hope that is okay.
JIN would legit yell at you, because he’d feel like you were focusing too much on your acne. He’d even try to change the subject every time you try to bring up your problem. It might seem annoying to you, but he only does it to show you that it’s not a big deal.
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RAP MONSTER would try to give you advice on how to accept your flaws. He’d tell you personal things that he has never told anyone in order to make you feel less alone. Ultimately his goal is to just make you feel less worried about something that a lot of people deal with.
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SUGA would seem kind of cold and brush it off by telling you its not a big deal. He isn’t doing that to hurt your feelings though. He’s doing it, because he thinks if he doesn’t pay attention to your acne then you’ll think its not noticeable or bothersome. He just wants you to not pay so much attention on it.
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JHOPE would tell you all his embarrassing moments. Just so you can laugh at him and tease him a bit. He doesn’t mind being the butt of a joke for a bit, so you can stop thinking your acne for a while.
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JIMIN would make you feel like you’re the sexiest person in the world. He knows what its like to be super self conscious about something, so he’d try his best to convince you that you are sexy even with acne. He’d have no problem with your acne, so he’d try to convince you not to have a problem with it either.
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V would help you find remedies to heal your acne. He would feel like you wouldn’t get over it unless its gone so he’d help you find something that works. He’d be doing it for you though, he honestly could care less. He thinks you’re just fine the way you are.
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JUNGKOOK would stop you as soon as you started talking about your acne. He hated when you talked down about yourself. Knowing that you feel self conscious about your acne, he’d make sure to tell you you’re beautiful every morning until you actually believed it.
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self portrait with acne
Lorde // Team
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