mystery0-oghost · 9 days
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a holy man
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mystery0-oghost · 2 months
A cooking tutorial
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English added by me :)
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mystery0-oghost · 3 months
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mystery0-oghost · 4 months
As punishment for your crimes you are thrown into the Labyrinth to be a living sacrifice to the Minotaur that lives inside. However nobody seemed to put together that since he is half bull; the Minotaur is actually a vegetarian.
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mystery0-oghost · 5 months
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prequel to the cutscene
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mystery0-oghost · 6 months
[Fanservant] Pan-Human-History Fairy King Oberon
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PHH Fairy King Oberon
Class: Ruler
The great fairy king and the ruler of the Seelie court. Different from his Lostbelt counterpart who was born as a doomsday terminal, this fairy king lives just to enjoy life and be happy.
Although he was born as the elven king Alberich from the Germanic folklore Nibelungenlied, as time progresses, he has incarnated into a more famous portrayal from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night Dream". He loves fame and attention, he doesn't mind shedding his old shell to become a more resplendent butterfly.
He is very capable in combat and holds a great strength, capable of controlling the nature and weather even from a change of mood. Because of his overwhelming strength, he's used to toying with his enemies and underestimating them. He prefers to summon his fae servants to fight for him while he watches from a fair distance with a benevolent (cruel) smile.
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Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 183cm, 60kg (not counting antlers)
Origin: Germanic folklore, medieval European literature
Region: Britain (formerly), Avalon
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Gender: Male
"My my, dearest, pray tell, why are you staring at me with that innocent, doe-eyed eyes look of yours... are you that astonished at how different I am to that pathetic, washed-out mimicry?
As expected, not a single being in any realm could come close to my greatness after all. Of course, there's a limit to what playing pretend could do... Now, come sit beside me. I would love to hear what you think of me."
A flirty, unrestrained, and outgoing monarch. Oberon has gathered a lot of lovers from varying races in his lifetime, and he's still open into adding more to his harem.
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Bond 2:
While he loves gathering beautiful people for himself, he also takes great enjoyment in playing matchmaker and seeing other people's relationship develop, for the best or the worst.
A complete opposite from his other self who appreciates and finds value in everything, this Oberon does not bother attaching meaning in anything he chases. He doesn't view relationships and connections as something that should be cherished, for in the infamous Shakespearian play, his wife has proven to still love him no matter what he does.
He has a great many desires but his motives seem to be empty and short-sighted. As seen in the play, he gave his queen, Titania, a love potion to prank her without thinking much of what will happen after its effects wore off. He received no consequences for his actions and the story eventually brushed aside the quarrel that they had, further enabling his behavior. To him, there never seemed to be a problem that came his way or a moment in the story that criticized his faulty mindset.
His appetite for the world is unquenchable, as he views everything in it as worthy of enjoyment. He seeks to collect everything that shines before his eyes, yet as his collection grows, so does his dissatisfaction. What motives he has to obtain them are but a momentary fancy, but due to his own frivolous nature, he's fundamentally incapable of realizing and fulfilling his desire for a genuine attachment
Oberon lives as any pan-human history fairies will do, living life as he pleases.
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Bond 3:
Being one of the great-father of the fae realm, Oberon, who came from the inner sea of the planet and has no connection with human civilization, is very connected to nature.
This can be seen with his appearance, a large beautiful antlers that attracts birds and insects to land on it, and legs resembling a stag. his outfit and a flowery cloak that is magically created by his fae servants. He’s adorned with jewelries from humans who gave him offering as a way to pass his territory safely. In some legend his pearls are made out of maiden’s tears.
with a face that is blessed to be forever beautiful, he is a king that is fitting to rule the fae realm.
Without his beloved queen Titania to accompany him, he took in her role and personality. He developed more gentle, nurturing, almost motherly role to the fairies around him.
As long there’s nature around him, he could give birth to new fairies on a whim using little bit of mana from his Fairy Patterns. He sires many children from that method of reproduction alone but he also took enjoyment in creating them with others. Such as his consorts and random human maidens.
In some legends he have another famous fairy queen besides Titania, named queen Mab
Bond 4:
Oberon was horrified and amused upon finding out about his other self. A pretend prince in rags and naught a kingdom to speak of. A solitary, spineless insect who is content to forever stare at the star above him instead of dragging it down for himself.
Oberon can't wrap his mind on the way his other self sees the world, and while he agrees that stories should not be forgotten, he thinks they should rightfully be enjoyed forever, else they don't qualify as something interesting. In that case, they might as well be obsolete in his eyes.
In the end he took great enjoyment in observing his other self, and wouldn't even mind extending his affections toward him.
After all, he is still his beloved's master compatriot.
Bond 5:
Though his favor is true in a sense, his seeming infatuation with the Chaldean master urges him to act as though he's madly in love with them. In truth, he initially sees them as a form of entertainment, something to satisfy his curiosity and burgeoning envy as to why his other self-took so much liking towards them.
His yearning for the fictitious Titania might perhaps be even stronger than that of Oberon Vortigern's, for he sees Titania as his rightful wife in the myth, unlike Oberon Vortigern who is simply a pretender. As time goes on, his desperation to have a genuine affection for his master grows, leading him to question why their relationship with his other self seems to flourish more than it does with him. He's failed to understand that his connection with his master is fundamentally different, as the relationship between his other self and the Chaldean master have been forged through a long journey together in Lostbelt Britain.
Despite his strong longing for a true love, he doesn't put much effort in trying to find it nor is his attachment to that desire strong enough to make him hate Pan Human History.
"After all, the world is a beautiful place filled with enjoyment, what would be the point in destroying such things?"
The world is but a playground to him, in the end.
big thanks to my friend @lamunana who helps me brainstorm his lore, write her own ideas and even fix my grammar!
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mystery0-oghost · 8 months
Virtual Holy Grail War, Rondo - Wave 4, Day 2 - Ruler | Twin Overseers
The Grail filled.
Two more souls, rolling around in the glistening golden chalice. The twin Servants watched, a dull spark in both of their eyes as they recounted the events of the previous bout.
The man leaned forward, in deep thought as he mulled over the carnage of before.
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"So that's the power of Greece's 'Machine Gods'… such heathenish strength…"
Truly, something terrifying.
The woman, seeing his consternation, cackled.
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"I mean this war is dense with monsters, demons, and false gods…! The roots of evil have tied themselves into the veins of this holy ritual, but isn't that fine? They need to be sacrificed anyways, and thus evil will be sacrificed for the sake of good. With that in mind, they just need to keep doing what they're doing. Killing each other beautifully."
That was right. Even if they were less than moral, when they killed each other, they'd all be rendered equal when their souls touched the Grail. The man sighed, sitting up and staring up towards the ceiling with tired eyes.
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"I have no doubts in their ability to kill one another. They're all immensely powerful. I mean, that demon, Assassin… Rider had to unleash a Noble Phantasm just to harm her, and even that was just barely successful. That, combined with the recent showing from that 'War God'…"
His counterpart raised a thin eyebrow, amused.
"You're worried then, sosie?"
"No, l'ombre. Though, I didn't expect the Invader's soul to touch the Artefact. Even if she was given a proper Servant container, I wonder if that will--"
The woman waved him off, before he could finish his statement.
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"Ah, laisse tomber! Everything happens for a reason, yes? And 'Invader' is the biggest threat to our peace, and now they killed her! I'd wager that a success! Besides, that sort of worrying is just the Devil whispering in your ear, okay? We're getting closer!"
The man narrowed his eyes slightly at his counterpart, before nodding his head.
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"Of course, of course. We're getting closer. With victory, comes salvation."
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"With victory, comes salvation."
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mystery0-oghost · 10 months
Your blog is a treasure vault 😏 Can I ask what's your opinion on the whole "Guda is like Titania to Oberon" thing?
if you ask me having guda take the role of "someone who can love the twisted oberon" that titania represents is pretty much the only reason oberon would want to show up in chaldea in the first place. vortigern is defeated and falls into the abyss at the end of the chapter and while falling to oblivion he muses that he may have achieved his goal as vortigern but he didn't manage to fulfil his wish as oberon. and the thing about that is that as vortigern he existed only to destroy britain, but as oberon he was a part of it. vortigern had nothing to live for but to die, but as oberon he made many friends, saw many places, shared joy and sadness. he was a weakling who could barely do anything thanks to cernunnos's presence effectively sealing him away but still he did his best for the welsch fairies, still he busted his ass learning every magic castoria wanted him to teach her for no reason other than because she was equally lonely and desperate for acceptance.
if he had remained only vortigern he probably would've been perfectly satisfied after destroying britain, but because he was oberon, even if he was only pretending to be oberon due to circumstances outside his control, the abyss now contains the desire to be loved. even worse, it has experienced what it's like. so he can no longer be satisfied with just disappearing into the abyss, and it kind of pisses him off. he literally manifested from the idea that there is nothing redeemable in the world so he's really frustrated with himself that he can't actually maintain that stance after having personally experienced that even in a world this wretched there is beauty and goodness to be found, and he can be a part of it. his final moments that we see is that he catches a glimpse of the blue sky of panhuman history and says it's so beautiful it makes him sick. because unfortunately, thankfully, he still has something that makes him want to live, namely the people that loved him and wanted him to live even after he betrayed them.
that's something vortigern is not actually equipped to handle, because vortigern was only ever meant to die. but he's been oberon for so long and so convincingly that he can't separate himself from that desire for love and acceptance in spite of his nature as enemy of humanity. so he stews in the abyss for a bit and gets very frustrated with himself and then he shows up at your door going "look i can't fucking believe myself right now but i'm going to crash at your place until I've sorted my shit out. also, the name I'm using is oberon"
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mystery0-oghost · 10 months
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stubborn right until the very end
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mystery0-oghost · 10 months
i think its great that half of the lostbelt kings were these helicopter parent micro-managent 2000 hours in Civ7 all achievements in every The Sims game control freaks and the other half were shambling broken people desperately using leftover tape and spit to clean the lands wounds and try to hold their lostbelts together. case in point morgan was both
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mystery0-oghost · 10 months
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The Deadly Sin Contractors:
Pride Arc: Gem and Fwhip
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mystery0-oghost · 10 months
Beyond the Tale
Fate/Grand Order 8th anniversary memorial movie.
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mystery0-oghost · 10 months
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mystery0-oghost · 10 months
"If they say you're the devil, a demon in the flesh, by my blood I'm the same and will bear the fate you left."
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mystery0-oghost · 11 months
I do love how Guda was told to only summon one Servant and they went “fuck you I’m supporting my kouhai”, summoned FOUR Servants, took an unhealthy amount of steroids, sprinted two kilometers, took a blow from Beryl, and then summoned two more Servants to kick his ass.
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mystery0-oghost · 11 months
58 turn Demeter stall team
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mystery0-oghost · 11 months
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a passing dream
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