This is because Sean and Finn needed their lake scene u_u
I had to fix it
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Representation and diversity are not the same thing. Diversity has come to mean filling a quota. It’s a throwaway term. It’s having a bunch of black characters but never given them a storyline. It’s having a Samoan actor but completely whitewashing him. It’s having a Latinx family where the only indication they are Latinx is a few words in Spanish, and a confirmation that reminds no one of their own.
Representation is different. Representation is creating validation. Not just seeing someone who looks like you on a screen, but hearing them speak like you, have problems like you, have successes and accomplishments like you. Andi Mack is doing this. Andi Mack is probably one of the most successful shows doing this. Riverdale is not. Riverdale would rather check a box than create people.
The biggest ship on the show is two straight cis white characters. Characters who never fell into that category in the Comics. Jughead was either ace or aro pretty much throughout, and Lizzy was certainly not the typical girl.
Riverdale had a real opportunity here. They could have created a gay character who’s gayness didn’t play a role unless he was talking about a crush or with his boyfriend. They could have had an asexual male with one of the most solid friendships any of us grew up with. They could have had a mental illness storyline to rival all mental illness storylines. The storyline of a girl who, by all “rules” of society really should be fine, but isn’t. They could have really delved into statutory rape and made the Serpents all about an indigenous people TO BEGIN WITH. And, as this article talks about, they could have given the black characters a storyline. I still barely know anything about Josie, and I know nothing at all about Melody and Valerie.
This show is so straight and so white and so cis and so lacking any form of representation. Diversity doesn’t cut it anymore.
Thank you, Asha, for this piece. It’s fucking powerful.
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What if he and CS go visit Dylan at some point. 
I could totally see that happening. 
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For those of you who were having a bad day
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I believe this is from a year ago today. 
I don’t totally know what KJ is doing, seems like he’s trying to take off his shirt, maybe?
And CS thought it was the perfect thing to capture. 
I miss this shit. I’m sure they do too. 
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Reminder of what Feb 13, 2017 was like.
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A year ago yesterday, Feb 19, 2017.
The difference between this and RH and CS’ trip to the same place is so obvious. 
Hint, there was no photoshoot this time. 
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This is probably my favorite picture of them. The way they're holding each other, the fact that they're both dressed in white, there something angelic about them in this photovand that's why I like it so much.
I get that if it wasn't for Cami we probably wouldn't have gotten this photo, but I still wish her hand wasn't there and we had a clear shot of them XD
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Second Valentine’s Day analysis!
So, this is one of my favorite photos, and the first time I saw it, I thought it was a manip, but then I saw their arms and freaked out even more.
I think the most notable thing about this photo is Cami. Without Cami, one could say it was posed and they were asked to stand like that (not sure why that would be, but, stranger things have happened, I guess). But, since Cami is there, it’s clear they were basically caught in a moment.
Cami’s hand is covering CS’ face as if she had to face him towards the camera. And she’s really smug about it. CS looks amused, but only because her finger is raising his eyebrow.
Now, KJ, his cheeks are flushed and almost as pink as his lips, which are way pinker than usual. Actually, CS and KJ’s lips are both almost as pink as Cami’s, so they were clearly doing something before this photo was taken.
Finally, their arms. They aren’t just resting their hands there, they are holding each other, pretty tightly. CS’ hand is grabbing KJ’s waist, and KJ is doing the same to CS.
Plus, KJ has his hand flat on CS’ stomach, which, you almost can’t see cause CS’ arm is blocking it.
It doesn’t matter how you look at it, there is nothing joking or friendly about how they are positioned. There is no laughter, just two neutral faced boys holding each other like they are the most important people in the world.
It’s so romantic, bottom line.
Hope you enjoy reading this short analysis as much as I did writing it.
Until next time,
- Heteronormativity’s Nightmare
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Well, that’s a lie
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I love everything about this. I’m loving this new style (I’ll go into more detail on the other blog.)
But, most importantly, KJ is back on his account. Clearly this time. It’s not a silhouette people can trick themselves into thinking could be someone else. 
It’s beautiful, but also disturbing. I wonder what made him decide to start creating this style of art. Maybe it means he can post KJ frequently, again. 
I also think it’s notable that this is what he posts after Vday. I wonder if he wanted to post it on Vday or if he had planned on posting it this morning all along. 
It just makes me smile. 
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Archie being protective boyfriend
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Are we taking back the word “sissy” or does it mean something other than the obvious?
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Happy Valentine’s day from the winking boyfriends. 
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A couple who knows each other super well stays together.
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kj apa / cole sprouse ☺❤
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- No homo, bro.
- Bro.
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