myactionbias · 6 years
Some things don’t change. Find them, and you can make a fortune. Think about it, do we want more hassles and stress in the future? Do we want things to be more expensive, complex, risky and painful? No. Focusing on what won’t change has been at the center of Jeff Bezos’ strategy for Amazon. Bezos suggests that you should build a business strategy around the things you know are stable in time — like that customers will always prefer lower prices — and then invest heavily in ensuring you are providing those things and improving your delivery of them all the time. The core of your business should be built around things that won’t change. Things that people are going to want today and ten years from now. Those are the things you should invest in.
Focus On What Won't Change | Game-Changer
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myactionbias · 6 years
so true and well said
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Don’t Worry About Being the Best. Worry About Being the Best at Getting Better.
“Any way you cut it, being too caught up in a result is a recipe for disaster. But if you are predominantly focused on the process of getting better, you become more resilient to both successes and failures…”
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myactionbias · 6 years
A good life
A good life is one where you are remembered for your great deeds, achievements and contributions after you are long gone
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myactionbias · 7 years
Always smile
A smile is the most infectious thing in the world
Infect people with your smile. It costs you nothing to smile. And it brings you back a ton of benefits
When you smile your telling your brain it needs to be happy and happiness spreads throughout your body
Happiness brings will being for the brain, will being for your organs and leads to a chain reaction driving positivity
Smile, be happy, spread happiness
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myactionbias · 7 years
Interacting with people and getting along
You can never change people... Do don't try
The only thing in your control is your actions and reactions. You can change how you behave, how you choose to respond or not react to others' behaviors
Don't try to change others, focus on your behavior
If you live and let live - you will automatically be happy.
Don't let anyone's actions or inactions control your emotions
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myactionbias · 7 years
Great leaders build trust from their team because the leader is willing to put his/her people 'first' Once the team believes that, they will put their leader, and the company, first as well.
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myactionbias · 7 years
Beware of relying solely on a resume to hire; skills can be taught. What cannot be taught is a great “can do” attitude.
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myactionbias · 7 years
Be wise. Banish the self-limiting words: “I don’t know how to …” “I can’t do that because …” “I never have any money …” Every negative phrase you utter in a day, is like poison to your soul. Your subconscious hears it and believes it. This limits you in ways you cannot even fathom.
Beth Ramsay, #Networking is people looking for people looking for people
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myactionbias · 7 years
Humans are complex creatures...you learn about them slowly, just like a book
Human beings are very complex.... we are one of, if not the only species that can exhibit the 8 emotions* and all their subtle variants. 
So if you claim that you can read a person in your first few interactions you have a high likelihood of being wrong.  
Some quotes, proverbs that come to mind on this topic - 
Don’t judge a book by its cover - Anonymous
You are known by the company you keep (ie. choose your company wisely. But another way to interpret it is .... you can tell who you are by looking at your friends. Your friends are a reflection of you). Some wise reading here from the bible
Birds of a feather flock together
“I studied the smile, couldn’t decide if it looked sincere or rehearsed. And that thought troubled me. I was good at reading people and their intentions, but only if I wasn’t too invested. Once invested, I couldn’t separate what I wished to be true from what was actually true.” ― Penny Reid, Grin and Beard It  (its harder to read people once you are invested in the relationship. As a human being, it gets harder for us to separate what we see from what we wish to be seeing)
Types of emotion per Darwin’s theory (take from his book The expressions of the emotions in man and animals)
Suffering and weeping
Low spirits, anxiety, grief, dejection, despair
Joy, high spirits, love, tender feelings, devotion
Reflection, meditation, ill-temper, sulkiness, determination
Hatred and anger
Disdain, contempt, disgust, guilt, pride, helplessness, patience, affirmation and negation
Surprise, astonishment, fear, horror
Self-attention, shame, shyness, modesty, blushing.
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myactionbias · 7 years
If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality.
Jim Rohn (h/t @SkipPrichard)
Good one!
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myactionbias · 7 years
Being paranoid
There's is a lot of benefit to bring paranoid. When we are paranoid we take nothing for granted and hence end up considering all aspects of the outcome and as a result increase the probabilities of a successful outcome in whatever we are doing
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myactionbias · 7 years
When you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.
David Bowie (h/t @AdviceToWriters)
Love this quote...
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myactionbias · 7 years
Go camping often
It reminds you where we came from, as a race. Helps us stay grounded
Take the kids with you... It's great bonding. Is not the things you but your kids that they will remember. It's the moments and memories you share with them
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myactionbias · 7 years
If you want to capture the island, burn the boat first
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myactionbias · 7 years
Thats some good tips on journal writing. I was talking to Krish about it and figured that thats something I should be doing much more of myself. It’s Easy to W.R.I.T.E. Just try these five easy steps. You’ll be writing! W – What do you want to write about? What’s going on? How do you feel? What are you thinking about? What do you want? Name it. R – Review or reflect on it. Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Focus. You can start with “I feel…” or “I want…” or “I think…” or “Today….” or “Right now…” or “In this moment…” I –  Investigate your thoughts and feelings. Start writing and keep writing. Follow the pen/keyboard. If you get stuck or run out of juice, close your eyes and re-center yourself. Re-read what you’ve already written and continue writing. T – Time yourself. Write for 5-15 minutes. Write the start time and the projected end time at the top of the page. If you have an alarm/timer on your PDA or cell phone, set it. E – Exit smart by re-reading what you’ve written and reflecting on it in a sentence or two: “As I read this, I notice—” or “I’m aware of—” or “I feel—”. Note any action steps to take. In summary….it’s easy to W.R.I.T.E. ! W hat topic? R eview/reflect I nvestigate T ime yourself E xit smart
Journal Writing: A Short Course - Journal Therapy
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myactionbias · 7 years
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An amazing life lesson to follow. I want to be living by this as a key rule of lifew
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myactionbias · 7 years
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