my-thoughts-031996 · 5 years
Old bit of writing from 2016
I sometimes wonder if there was a time where the world lived in peace. If there was a time where there was no war, hatefulness, or judgement. Was there a time where it was okay to be yourself, to do as one wished and not be told that they can’t.  
How did we come to this? Where did we go wrong? I want to believe that we weren’t always this way, that we didn’t always hate this much. Is there any way to fix this? To go back to where it all went wrong. Where did it go wrong? Do we even know? I don’t think we do.  
We live in the flow of things; we follow what has been shown to us. Do we even know that we do this? Things have been wrong for a very long time but we don’t see it and if we do, we just don’t care.  
I wonder where the heart that world use to have went.  
Because the world no longer has one.  
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my-thoughts-031996 · 5 years
Old bit of writing from 2016
Life is a messed-up thing. We never know what’s going on or why things are the way they are. It is a timeless, endless and wonder less life. Where the un-understandable is understood and the things we should understand, we just don’t.  
People would like to say that life is changing for the better but yet, how much have we really changed? We still have hate, judgement and misunderstandings. Where have we really changed? Our world is still dying. People are still poor, hungry and homeless. Woman are still thought of as “lesser” than men. Donald Trump is close to being the next “ruler” of all of the U.S.A.  
Now try and tell me where there is good in any of these changes? Can you even find any? No? Well don’t worry I didn’t think you would.  
With this little wake up call I hope that you can see where our mistakes are. We have been running back for so long. It’s time to start walking forward.
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my-thoughts-031996 · 6 years
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my-thoughts-031996 · 6 years
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my-thoughts-031996 · 6 years
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my-thoughts-031996 · 6 years
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my-thoughts-031996 · 6 years
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my-thoughts-031996 · 7 years
Like books
People are really just like books, our covers are all different and so are our titles but that doesn't mean if our title is bad or if our cover picture doesn't look that great, that we still don't have an interesting story in our pages and you know they always say to never judge a book by its cover because you never know you might just like the book by the end of the story.
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my-thoughts-031996 · 7 years
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my-thoughts-031996 · 7 years
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my-thoughts-031996 · 7 years
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my-thoughts-031996 · 7 years
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my-thoughts-031996 · 7 years
People think before they know.
People think they know you by what they see, they believe that what is shown on the outside is a reflection of what is on the inside, but they're wrong. Things can be much darker then the candy skin you see on the outside, the happy mask you come to know so well is just hiding the left overs of a broken, beaten, sad and lonely girl. Family, friends, people you have given so much trust just leaves you to fight for your own, never looking back on the girl they betrayed. Life is not full of happy families and butterflies, life is hard and unfair, it can kill you off if it wanted to and beat you down even more for the fun of it all.
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my-thoughts-031996 · 8 years
I have lost all faith in humanity. The world has gone to shit and nobody cares, there are so many problems in the world but nobody will see them or does anything about them, they’re just going to sit on their ass and watch as the world dies, because that is where we are headed.
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my-thoughts-031996 · 9 years
Just a reminder.
Why can’t some people realize that when they say all these hateful things about women, they should remember that, their mother is a woman, their sister, aunt, cousins, their future wife(for some). They are all women. So they should remember this when they go saying hateful things about women, they are saying the same hateful things to the WOMEN in their families.
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my-thoughts-031996 · 9 years
The world needs a wake up call.
Why can't people see what is happening to the world, I mean yes there have been amazing changes that have been made but with those changes more problems have come up.
Gay marriage is accepted in more countrys around the world day by day but now the discrimination of transgender people is in the forefront, people who will accept gay marriage some how can not accept transgender people to marry, how does this have any logic in the matter. We have accepted gay people to be well what they are human, why can't we do the same for other humans that just happened to be transgender. It's the same for any other type of discrimination, those who don't look the way they should because they're too big or too small. People who don't speak in your native tounge just because you can't understand what they are saying doesn't mean they don't understand what's happening. The discrimination against men and women and saying that one is superior than the other, for this we have feminist who say they fight for equal rights but men have less opportunities as much as women. Yes there are things that men are better at than women and there are also things that women are better at than men but to say that one or the other can't do the job because of gender is wrong. Yes there will be things that someone is better at than you regardless of the gender they are. Media is a major problem in our generation with drama going around and untrue rumors social media is more of a problem then it is fun, with Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, etc. There are countless opportunities for bullies, kidnappers, sexual predators, catfishers, etc. To get to our friends, families and our kids how are these things safe. More people seem to be going missing around my home town this could be the cause of someone off the Internet. If it's not someone that's missing then it's someone who has killed themselves because a picture of them naked has been posted around or because of bullies online. Girls today buy into the idea that it's ok to show there body on the Internet because they think that boys will love them? Yes that really is one of the reasons, the other is that selfesteem is lacking in women and young girls. The idea of self worth is brought down to looks and size, that beauty only goes skin deep. Beauty has always been deeper than skin, it's soul. Beauty is in the soul, it's in everything that you are and will be, beauty has always been you and who you are. There are so many more problems in this world but I can't list them all, we have to see that no, our world is not perfect but it is also not invincible.
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my-thoughts-031996 · 10 years
Sometimes it's not always where you are , but rather where you've been. But more so often, it is not where you've been, but where you are. And sometimes it doesn't matter where you are, or where you've been! sometimes it's who you're with.
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