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i feel like, if i ever did an FNF mod, i would do it off RW x MaCo and going with BF would be Vinki.
why him you ask? well, Vinki is really fearless, because from what i heard, he wants to annoy pebbels as much as possible, also, BF dosen't do drugs at all, so that's a check on Vinki's book.
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Oh ok (by my own choice i will do more i gess :/)
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I wanted to make this for Lols, S#/ts and Giggles so here ya go
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Why does this feel so true for me bro
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It really be like that though
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Hello everyone! Sorry i didn't post anything for a while.
I was thinking sich slugcat would fit Tricky, but i took longer than i thought i did (creativity and lazyness isn't a great mix)
But i found this OC slugcat called Bruna in a series called Evil Monk AU (good serie ngl).
And i thought that they would fit really well with him, because both of them really like to f^<k around and fin out with the protags.
This is NOT my oc, it is from: Copy Custer_rust
Here is their YT Chanel:
Have a nice day yall!
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So i made another sketch on Deimos and Enot! (Gosh it's been so long)
Ive decided that Enot would be somewhat like a sentient glitcht that Deimos found.
Also i found a fic where Enot could acces the game codes and do stuff...
So now she can do that!
The creature that can acces the world files and the best hacker in all nevada (pretty good team if ya ask me).
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Yea i should do it too :^
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I feel like at some point I should make more things of the hollow knight characters interacting with ori characters :)
Hollow and Ku for example!
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YEAAG! Good job my guy, it's awsome!
I have an art recomendation for you my friend.
I saw you'r art of Rain World and i thought you could do a art of hank and Evil! Saint.
If you could, it will make my day :)
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weird, weird cat. what is she telling him.
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A vessel...
A vessel that was meant to seal
A vessel that was meant to last forever
But it couldn't do either
Now its a mere puppet for greater powers that want to destroy EVERYTHING the vessel represented...
So in Hollow Light, because shriek is somewhat connected to void thanks to the decay (see HL lore for more info).
Both she and the radiance as they gained more control, they started to modify the Hollow Knight to their liking.
And when Ghost and Ori fight them, they look somewhat like this
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Two matchups: The judges and the killers
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Jebus: When i first heard of saint from Judge, i wanted to belive that all he said wasn't true, i couldn't belive all the atrocities came from someone who called themselfs a F#%/NG saint. But now i see he was right
Evil! Saint: What can i say! Reality can be often dissapointing.
Judge: Enough is enough, it's time to end this. FOR GOOD!
Hank: I would like to see you even try...
Im back to MadCom x Rain World! at first i wanted to keep it to only the canon slugs, but then i remembered, this is F!#0=ng MadCom.
So here is The Judge and Jebus vs Evil! Saint and Hank!
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*announcement sounds*
-Wellcome to the place that shall make you question every desicion you have ever made.
- Bull$#/+ Land where you'r safety is the last thing we think of.
-As you can see there are two children that have entered, and they seem to really enjoy themselfs!
(cries of void and light)
-Let's remember what you can find in Bull$#/+ Land, why don't we?
-There are: a lot of pulverizing lazers, enough buzzaws to create 10 mechas (but not enough according to PK), bad garderning, and alot more that shall make you KYS!
-Enjoy you'r stay!
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(also first reblog ever :o)
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Vessels show affection through head bonks is one of my favorite Hollow Knight fanon tidbits
Ghost learns however, that Ori has a soft forehead-
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Map problems... yep
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Hollow Light Lore.
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Hello once again!
before anything else i want to tell three things:
1.- Im making a story based on this au with the same name, but because i really want to tell pepole all the lore of this au and most of it won't be told on that story, iv'e decided that i would put it here.
2.- This is majorly for my au, but ive also had it in a bit mind for @void-and-light (if you are reading this, please tell me what you think of the lore :D)
Lastly, there might be some spoilers for the history, but I encourage you to read it throug!
In the beginning the Light and the Void worked together, none of them were above of the other, because existence needed them both to survive.
The Light would give life to beings and give them free will to express themselves with joy and happiness, and once their time came, the Void would embrace the beings as they passed on.
The beings feared the Void, but it didn’t care as it was with the Light who embraced it and understood it.
Millions of millennia passed, many came and many went on, the Light and Void were no exception to this…
As their time came the Light gave the beings the Guardian Spirits, representations of itself, the Void couldn’t do such thing as it wasn’t in its nature to give life, but to take it.
As both beings embraced each other in their final years, Void confessed to Light that it was scared, because without it, the void could go rampage if provoked and could cause irreparable damage to the living.
But the Light comforted it, and reassured such thing wouldn’t happen, because the beings understood the importance of life and death, and wouldn’t try to brake such balance, calming the Void.
And as the last year came, they finally confessed to each other, and they left being happy in their final moments, because they had each other.
As decades came, so did Gods, one set of them were the dream goddess and the nightmare one, “siblings” that ruled over the essence realm.
The dream goddess was worshiped by the moth’s, and was some what close to the Spirits, as her light not only comforted them but other beings, and in the Spirit’s eyes, she reminded them of the Light.
She was pleased by this, seeing as many thoughts of her and many remembered her, the nightmare one didn’t really care for this, they just liked to enjoy his dances that they did from time to time…
But as decades left, so did some Gods, she was terrified by this terrified of the darkness that always came, everyone was, even the nightmare god, who was a bit more reckless than her, but she was terrified of it, terrified of dying, Terrified of Being FORGOTTEN.
The nightmare god, tried to calm her down, but in her fear and anger, she attacked the nightmare god, giving them a mortal wound and casting him out of the essence real, forcing them into a dance that would keep him alive unless they managed to get back to the full essence realm.
Also because of this, the dream goddess got more power, enough to be able to control the minds of beings, but she didn’t do that for now as she was praised enough to be able to live for thousands of years.
Because of her new-found power and also because there were no one to go against her, no one that could defy her will, NO ONE THAT WOULD FORGET HER, she declared herself to be on par with the Light, the goddess of gods.
She also gave herself a name, something that the mortals would refer her to, something that the nightmare fool also did, she would now be known as “THE RADIANCE”.
Years passed, and The Radiance ruled with an iron fist, making sure that everyone respected her, there was no will that could outshine hers.
That was until the Wyrm came, a giant being that had the ability of foresight, a higher being just like her, but she didn’t pay attention to him as it looked like his life cycle had reached his end.
Unknown to her, the Wyrm’s life cycles of life and Rebirth were never ending, and so the Wyrm shed his shell and transformed into a smaller being to blend in with the others.
There he found out how The Radiance wouldn’t let anyone question her, stripping everyone of their free will, of their sapience, making her word be the first and the final.
He took pity on them, but also saw an opportunity to guide them under his light in a kingdom that in his foresight would last forever.
So, he began to work, first he expanded their minds, giving them sapience and the free will they had lost under The Radiance, slowly but surely, she began to lose her followers.
Until, she was almost forgotten, only remembered by very few and close to death.
Then, once the Wyrm was sure that The Radiance wouldn’t be a problem anymore, he started to plan his Kingdome that he foresaw.
There were complications, that was known, some were uneasy of the idea, others out right detested being ruled by another due to what happened with the radiance.
But he reassured them, they would still be able to rule on their own, it just meant that he was the major ruler, and be known as the king of the land of Niwen, the king of Hallownest.
He talked, he convinced, he made offers, to bugs, to the mantis, to the bees, to the spiders, to the moki, the kii, the owls, the gorlek, the mushroom, the snails, the mosskin, the moths, and the Spirits.
Little by little, his kingdom was taking shape, his vision was coming true, until finally he had done it.
A kingdom that was at peace, under his rule, were everyone respected him, and some saw him as a god to them, he was respected, he found love at the hands of the White Lady, and he would be remembered as “The Pale King”.
He had done it, and his kingdom would last forever… or… it should have lasted forever…
Many forgot about The Radiance, but she wasn’t truly forgotten, and she was enraged beyond belief.
She was angry at herself for not seeing it sooner, angry at the beings that had forgotten her, but above all else, she was FURIOUSE at The Pale King, for he was the one that had made everyone do so.
And in her anger, she began plotting, “They want to forget about me and leave me to rot? Fine! Let’s remind them why I can’t be forgotten”.
The habitants of niwen began to have head aches and strange dreams about Her, soon the dreams began to break their minds turning them into slaves once again of The Radiance as they oozed a sickling orange.
The ones that were unaffected to this were the subjects of The Pale King, the Spirits, the White lady, and The Pale King himself.
While the Spirits tried to keep the situation under control, The Pale King tried anything he could to put an end to the infection, but all he tried, always ended in the same result.
What… what could he do? Everything he tried was completely useless against her, his hopes were diminishing by the minute, his kingdom that was supposed to last forever was crumbling, he was going to be forgotten because of HER! what could he do, What Could He Do, WHAT COULD HE-!
… An idea came into his head, he remembered something he came across at the beginnings of his kingdom.
A black substance, but not any kind, it was… void.
The mere existence of this substance was completely opposite of the Spirits, while they were full of life and some of them shared their light even in death by becoming Ancestral trees, the void was completely lifeless, even compared so something as the natural elements.
But thanks to that he got an idea… what if they made beings out of void? With no mind to think, no will to break, no voice to cry suffering, able to seal The Radiance inside itself, forever.
For any other, this would be a fool’s idea, because in a sense, he would be making something completely unnatural. Giving life to something lifeless? It would go against nature as a whole.
But, what other option did he have? If he didn’t do this, his people, his kingdom would fall, without anyone to remember it, and he HATED that idea.
And so, he began to work in secret, no one could find out what he was doing, MUCH less the Spirits, because they more than anyone else knew that what he was doing, was against nature itself, so he kept it to himself.
At first, he tried to only use void and soul, a life energy that everyone had but only the snails and higher beings could master and use to their will.
But they seemed inefficient to contain The Radiance itself inside of them, but if they were born of god and void, then it could work.
But he would have to do something he himself deemed punishable by death, he had to sacrifice his children to the void so he could have the perfect vessel.
He told the White lady about her plan, and she was disgusted by the mere idea of this, but somehow the king convinced her that this was the only method to save Hallownest, so even if a bit against her will he began to work.
1, 10, 100’s, 1000’s, 1000000’s, 1000000000000’s of vessels, try after try after try, failure after failure after failure after failure, none of them were hollow, they always had some emotion that would make them failures, over and over and over and over and over.
Until… he had finally done it, he had created a pure vessel without any kind of emotion, he was truly pure, for he was “The Hollow Knight”.
He then began training it, so it could finish The Radiance once and for all, he got the Great Nailsage sly to teach him all there were to know in the nail arts, he made some of the greatest gorlek prepare its nail ,he made it go trough the path of pain millions of times, modifying it to be as agile as a Spirit if not more, he even taught him to use soul as another way to attack if needed.
As this happened, he knew he would have to seal The Hollow Knight somewhere so nothing could interfere in its endeavors.
So, he had to choose three beings that shall enter an eternal sleep to keep the seal where The Hollow Knight would be sealed, the first one was Monmon the teacher a chief researcher and teacher of Hallownest; the second would be Lurien the watcher, the one who watched over the city of tears, who had offered himself out of loyalty for the king.
Lastly, he intended Herrah the beast to be the last dreamer, after a lot of back and forth, it was concluded that she would become a dreamer, only if she got an heir with him, and so Hornet was born.
 She was one of the only things that brought a light at the end of the tunnel to everyone, her innocence was a much-needed rest to everything else that was happening, and even The Pale King traded her as his heir…
But the more he thought Hornet as his child, the more he saw The Hollow Knight as HIS child and not only as the weapon to end The Radiance, but he had to convince himself that it was just the mean to the end.
But there was something that The Pale King didn’t consider while creating The Hollow Knight, while he knew that what he did was against nature, what he didn’t consider was that the void would retaliate.
For every unnatural life that was made, the void wanted back, so it created something on par with The Radiance’s infection, it was a fungus like thing that could overtake creatures and turn them into stone.
The Spirits being the first to encounter this called it “Decay”, when they addressed it to The Pale King, but it seemed that the Spirits light could out right dispose of it, but that wouldn’t be the last problem that the void gave to the kingdom.
Far away in the silent woods the decay took many lives at random for it nor the void had someone to command it, that was until Shriek was born.
Due to the conditions of her birthing, she was born with extreme deformities, one of those being having a layer of stone over her body, afraid and alone she searched for any comfort she could get, but everywhere she looked, she was rejected by everyone, but the one that hurt her the most, was the rejection of her own kind towards her, so she just flew back to the silent woods.
Once she got back, she cried, cried because of what she couldn’t have, cried over the rejection of her own kind, cried because she would only be remembered as a monster, even if she was just a child.
But amongst her sadness, only one thing comforted her, the decay, because to it, she was the only one that could guide it, the only one that could control it, and she saw this, as she saw that the only other thing that was comforting her was also regarded as something dangerous.
She thought of The Radiance, she started to think that she was also wronged without reason, just like she was, and se set up her mind, if she couldn’t be remembered as a friend, as a kid, if they could only see a monster, then she would give them a reason to remember her as a monster, as “Shriek”.
Things were getting worse and worse by the minute for the kingdom, the infection and the decay were getting more and more ground as time went on, but The Pale King had hope in The Hollow Knight, hope that not only would he be able to finish The Radiance, but also Shriek, but it would need to train harder for that to happen.
Unknown even for him, he started to treat The Hollow Knight more and more as a son than a weapon, even the White Lady knew this but she didn’t tell him in fear of having to lose another child.
Time passed and The Hollow Knight was ready, along side him there was a Spirit named Willow, she had been informed of the plan they had, of course she disapproved of it, but it was already near finished, so the only thing she could do at the time was to also train it for the upcoming battle that was going to happen on its mind.
After a long battle against the decay and the infected that had cost thousands of lives, they had finally caught the attention of The Radiance and Shriek, and proceeded to seal them both in The Hollow Knight, and sealing him in the Temple of the Black Egg with the help of the dreamers.
They had done it! They had won over The Radiance and Shriek! But… it wasn’t over, the decay still remained, once again without something to control it, but Willow had already foreseen this, so in an act of self-sacrifice, she donned her life to become something greater than a Ancestral tree, she had become a Spirit tree on top of the Temple of the Black Egg, a tree that emitted enough light to dispel the decay, but she knew that the decay wouldn’t only attack there, it would also go for other places, so many Spirits waved their goodbyes to Hallownes and Niwen, and left to fulfil their new purpose.
Time passed and The Pale King was celebrated by everyone for his accomplishment of being able to defeat The Radiance and Shriek, he only said that it was the least he could do for his people.
But, whenever he was alone, whenever he was sure that there was no one else? He was near breaking point, questioning himself if he had truly done the right thing, if the many lost lives of his children were okay, if somewhat damming another species to have supposedly premature deaths in order to keep the balance of nature was justified. Was there truly no cost too great?
Time and time again, he questioned himself over and over, slowly but surely losing his sense of self…
Until the last nail in the king’s coffin was placed by the king himself.
The Pale King used his foresight to reassure himself that what he did was the correct choice, that thanks to him the kingdom would live eternally, but what he saw, was everything he didn’t want to see.
He saw the kingdom that he had sacrificed everything for, crumbling down, the people screamed in fear and agony as the decay and the infection grew more and more, The Radiance and Shriek destroying everything he had done without anyone to stop them.
That was the last time he used his foresight at all, he now knew that everything he had done, every promise he made, Every Sacrifice HE made, was all in vain.
So, he disappeared without a trace, everyone wondered where he had gone, but no one was ever able to find him, for he didn’t want to found, because he feared that he wouldn’t be remembered as a king, but as a fool that destroyed everything.
Decades passed, many Spirits transformed into Spirit trees to keep the Decay at bay, it had been considered an honor to them to transform into such beautiful trees full of life that gave birth to even more Spirits.
But in Hallownest things were getting worse without anyone knowing, The Hollow Knight began to fall under The Radiance and Shriek, and the Spirit tree Willow started to die, leaving way for the Infection and the Decay, killing all the Spirits that were supposed to heir his will, and without any other Vessel, The Radiance and Shriek would come out of The Hollow Knight, leading an era of inbalance.
It seemed like it would be the end of everything… but amongst everyone a prophesy arose.
“When the kingdom comes to its final hour, when the tree’s life comes to an end and the vessel were about to break. Two heroes would come to save them all, a Spirit that calmed the darkness and a vessel once lost but that has found its way thanks to the light. Together, the both of them would give new light to Niwen and defeat The Radiance and Shriek once and for all. For they got each other, No Matter What.”
One of the few that believed the prophesy was Hornet that had fully grown to be the queen of the spiders, but after the prophesy, she sought out the ones that the prophesy spoke of, but to no avail.
When she returned, she vowed to test the both of them to see if they truly the ones that the prophesy spoke of, if they were, they would survive her test, if they weren’t, then she would have to wait for the right ones.
Far, far away from Hallownes, from Niwen, a Spirit named Ori met a Vessel without a name but had named himself as Ghost, together they saved the lands of Nibel, restoring the light of the Spirit tree, they were able to calm the Owl named Kuro and save her las last child named Ku, and they brought back the mother they had lost to the decay named Naru.
Sadly, for Ku, her right wing las left without many feathers, leaving her unable to fly as a result, but thanks to thanks to a feather that they got from her mother, Ori and Ghost helped her gain the ability to do so, and in their excitement, Ori and Ghost got on to Ku’s back and flied.
They passed over many places and intended to get back, but a storm blew off the wing that Ku used to fly, as well as separating Ori and Ghost from Ku.
They landed in a place they didn’t know, but they would find out that, what they had to get over on the land of Nibel, would be considered child’s play on this land.
would they be able to save this land? or will they succumb to the Decay and the Infection?
Hope you enjoyed it :)
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Time for the riddle is up!
Did ya solve it? dont worry i shall revaeal it anyways.
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This is my second combined universe!
I and this time i have the games! Wooo!
I got interested in this thatnks to @void-and-light (but right now he's focusing more on kirby so ill try to put more of this)
And once again, i wont stop doing MadCom x Rain World, i'll just have another thing to post about.
Have a nice day :)
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Something more wholesome
(Before anything, don't worry this isn't a April Fools joke, you are safe TTBT i don't like dooing those jokes because... IDK)
so i know that MadCom isn't really the place to put this stuff but that wont stop me >=D
so there is this au made by Piyik on twitter that's named Kindergarden Au, and i liked the concept of it, also im... a bit of a regicide shipper so...yhe
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also i decided that in this au Arti's pups survived because yes.
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(the green pup can create smoke and can camoflauge)
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(the blue pup is blast resistant and can create sparks and fire spears)
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if you are asking how hunter is here and is suposely a pup, you can look at the hunter expansion mod dream's for that.
here is the kindergarder au creator!
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