mvsicinthedvrk · 1 day
She's speaking to him, so she's clearly not sleeping. Dongfang Qingcang resists the urge to point this out to them. However, he cannot fight the urge to murmur matter-of-factly: "You're equally bossy." Or if not 'bossy,' then at least pushy about what they want. Pushy in a positive way, if he had to define it more specifically? He can acknowledge that it's a good thing, mostly. Though it's also baffling, because sometimes they're bossy without even having to ask. For example, she hadn't demanded he sit down, and he'd still done it anyway. It's an odd kind of magic.
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"you don't know that." and yes, she can admit that it's highly unlikely he'll ever end up in that level of danger again, tai sui is dead, with nothing left of him to try and resurrect. but she'd been dead too, and here they were, and they know if tai sui ever somehow returns, he won't let her die to stop him. and they can't kill him again, they'll lose her mind entirely if they have to watch him die at her hand a second time. but she can not and will not say all that to this dongfang qingcang, telling him all that can only end badly, with either him not believing her and being angry, or him believing her and being angry. they've fought so much recently, she's tired of arguing with him. "alright, alright, i'm sleeping. you're so bossy."
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mvsicinthedvrk · 1 day
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"Tiny surprises are good for keeping me on my toes." It's just the right amount of adventure to keep from getting bored. Mostly. Or rather-- help with staving boredom off for as long as possible, since the success rate isn't one hundred percent. "You're British, aren't you?" Filippa asks, guessing based on the accent. "Did they have jungle juice over there in your time, or is that more of a regional thing? Either way, I promise these are nothing like any nightmarish drink concoction you might've suffered."
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It wasn't the best words for getting Jon to settle and stop thinking but they steeled themselves to just sitting there, slightly twitchy for the rest of the night. "And so you just surprise yourself with a different drink every week?" It wasn't his idea of a good time, that was for sure, but considering Jon had no idea what to drink here he'd practically be doing the same thing no matter what right now. Besides, he was supposed to be out having a good time not getting judgmental over a drink. "Sorry, I'll trust your judgement. as long as it isn't the sort of thing you'd find at a college party it'll do it's job." Jon said, managing a small chuckle as he mentally reminded himself to relax, forcing his shoulders to drop.
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mvsicinthedvrk · 1 day
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"Just brush it off a little, it'll be fine," Wei Wuxian advises the other casually, as he glances down. There's enough of the ice cream not touching the pavement that anyone could easily scrape off just that part and still eat a decent amount of the rest, he thinks. Dirt-ice cream never hurt anyone. "Or I know there's an ice cream truck that comes around here in the afternoons, I hear it all the time, you can't miss the sound of it, I bet they've got mint for you."
Yeon had decided to take his mint chocolate ice cream to the park and eat for the day. It was really nice, and he hadn't gotten to visit the park in a while anyways. He walks around until he finds the perfect spot to sit. There was another man there, but he decides to sit there anyways, making sure he gives the man enough space. As he goes to sit down he bends forward and drops his ice cream. "My mint choco! Now my day is ruined."
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mvsicinthedvrk · 1 day
Wei Wuxian feigns thinking over the other's rhetorical question, before shaking his head. "No, I don't think I can." He won't drop anything. His persistence is one of his most significant traits, he'd hate to let it slip by the wayside. "And yes, I'm happy. Of course I'm interested, I'm invested in both sides, you and Wen Qing... It's different, though," he points out with great confidence in his assessment: "I'm prying because neither of you are loud about it, how else am I supposed to get any information?"
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"do you ever drop anything?" jiang cheng asked, rolling his eyes at the comment his brother had made. "if you must know, yes - happy?" he was trying to be more forthcoming with his emotions and feelings after everything - but it was so hard after spending years closed off to everyone after what had happened. "why are you suddenly so interested in my love life?" he asked. "you don't see me prying into yours, do you?" not that he particularly wanted to know what his brother got up to behind closed doors. "I'm sure we've pretty much got infinite lives in this place, so that statement is moot."
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mvsicinthedvrk · 1 day
"People have too much time on their hands, if they can invent things like that." There's soda, and there's water, and there's many other drinks besides that; no need to go combining them for no reason. The number of refreshing beverage options already far exceeds anything that could ever possibly be necessary. Not having to depend on the government. Yes, that would be nice, he thinks morosely, unable to be offended by a statement that's objectively true. "It's not a good thing either." Being financially yoked to government resources was not much more of an improved position than being beholden to the emperor's wishes back home. Shae's better to have gotten out of there, in truth. If only it hadn't been so difficult to find a job he was suited for; and even so, the one he'd found at a local greenhouse, he's already looking to find something else. It still feels so out of his element; he doesn't enjoy dealing with the plants themselves, and the business end of thing wouldn't be so terrible if he'd been able to work on paper instead of being encouraged to keep track of the books by electronic means. But it's a paycheck, and unfortunately that's something critical if he's ever going to be able to afford much. "I'll move soon, when it's feasible," he says with inward determination, adding in a tone that could be equally serious or joking: "Your freedom can be an inspiration."
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                       Shae doesn’t believe for one second that her neighbor is that optimistic about her travel plans, not when it is common knowledge that any attempt at leaving the city has only resulted in loss of memory so far. Nevertheless, it is kind of him to at least let her fantasize about going abroad, rather than to shoot her down with these well-known facts. It’s a harmless dream, after all, and Shae’s realistic enough not to let herself get carried away. “It’s only half water— the other half is soda,” she counters, a playful edge to her voice, “and soda is supposed to bubble.” Her first attempt at trying the water had not been a success either, though, the flavor throwing her off more than the bubbles had done. It’d been only after she’d learned how passionate people were in their hatred for the drink that Shae had given it another shot, somehow feeling motivated to learn to like it— and it worked. “Maybe you’ll come around someday, too,” she counters, laughing, “but I’ll make a note not to give you a case of sparkling cucumber water should you move anytime soon.” Sadly, the distance between her apartment and workplace had been one of the few cons of moving elsewhere; it wasn’t necessarily much farther, just more crowded on the roads. It often took her twice as long to get to the White House during rush hour. “Travelling to work is the only downside of living her, but it’s not too bad. In any case, not having to depend on the government more than makes up for it.” It takes about a split second for Shae to realise her mistake; less to correct herself, albeit a bit clumsily. “I mean— not that it’s a bad thing, necessarily. It just feels like I got a little bit of my freedom back, despite being stuck in this place.” 
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 days
"Ah," he nods in understanding. If he's keeping the other from his work that sincerely, then he probably should go. Xie Lian knows that staying and pretending he can remain here in the living room without talking is an idle hope only; if he sticks around, he'll be far too tempted to strike up further conversation, even if he doesn't strictly mean to. He's half-tempted to point out that Mu Qing trying to decipher what kind of word or question he's being asked about could still be a good way to study, but-- no, he'd better go. The offer of being able to take Xiao Bao with him for a little while is a good trade-off. "Did you hear that? Do you want to sleep over?" he raises his eyebrows and asks the cat in earnest, scooping her little warm body up in his arms. It'll be nice to have her over at his house, for the evening. especially since he's always fond of when the purring cat kneads at his pillow before going to bed. "Do you think she'd like walking in a harness? I've seen some cats do it on the street. Not as often as dogs, but then I'd feel less worried about her darting off, not that I think she'd cause trouble for us but you never know, outside." It's much safer to let her run around outside in a yard that's more contained, rather than along the busy traffic of the main roads. Still keeping Xiao Bao in his grasp, Xie Lian bends down to grab a few of her toys to take for the night as well. "Okay, no more distractions, I'm going... Enjoy your studying, I'll be sure to drop her back off in the morning!"
                        'Trying to keep it in mind' must be one of the poorest promises he’s ever heard— Xie Lian could at least have gotten rid of the ‘trying’ part, if ‘keeping it in mind’ is all he plans on doing. Essentially, that’ll mean that he’ll think it over once, and then do as he pleases regardless. In a way, Mu Qing thinks, he supposes he can’t fully fault him for it: when has the man ever known any different? It’s what happens when you are raised as a crown prince— you can do as you please and get what you wish for. Forget about the unfortunate years that had followed their separation, Xie Lian’s personality had already been shaped by then; at least, it’s the only one that Mu Qing has come to know (minus the mess that the other has turned himself into in DC, but that’s a whole different issue). “I already told you that you’re distracting me.” Of course, Xie Lian wouldn’t have even bothered to consider leaving, not until he’d reshaped the request into an offer of his own. Mu Qing rolls his eyes, too tired to argue over this any longer. “You wouldn’t even know how to pronounce half the words on the cards; I’d spend more time trying to figure out the meaning of your questions than studying fundamental content.” And beyond that, Xie Lian would certainly get distracted within minutes from starting, and then he’d surely be distracting him again, too. “You can bring Xiao Bao for a walk, or even let her sleep over for the night. As long as your demon isn’t home— I don’t want her anywhere near him.” 
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 days
Large cities, like New York or Tokyo, those would seem to be much like D.C. except taller and more dense, and he has no desire to spend even more time amidst concrete. Jungles and forests, like in photos he's seen of Brazil, he's also been relatively familiar with-- though likely not with the humidity. But he's not been to a truly desert-based environment, that he can remember. "I'm drawn to photos of Egypt," Chu Wanning states. "Not the cities there, but the desert. The sand would be difficult to navigate, but I would be interested in seeing the engineering of the pyramids."
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"I couldn't agree more. I think people should nurture their curiosity more. Especially as they grow older" she mused. Jenny would always make sure to be curious and ask questions even if those questions were a no brainer for the person being asked. When she heard the question, she clasped her hands and smiled. "It's the main reason, yes. I have always seen pictures and it just looks like it's been ripped straight out of the pages of a novel"
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 days
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Even if the promised field ends up being only an illusion, Qi Yan is certain that they can manage to find somewhere just as suitable, even if it's taking a lap or ten around the training ring. "I worked at that stable when I first arrived. For only a few weeks," she reveals. It had been the most natural transition, given that she hadn't yet determined where her skills would best fit in this odd world. "My assigned chores were mostly within the stable itself rather than taking the horses out." She assumes if she'd stayed longer, she would have been able to work her way to more desirable duties, including working outside more frequently. Not that she wishes she'd stayed; her career move had only been beneficial, and it's more enjoyable now to be atop a horse for the sheer pleasure of it alone. "But that was over a year ago, and since then I've been busy at my newer job, especially over the summers when the weather is best." At least that was true last summer when events had taken a turn for the dramatic. "Have you been out on the trails at all here?"
                       Strictly speaking, Zhuyin hadn’t needed to refrain from horse riding as long as she had. The stables had been in Washington all along, and a quick demonstration would’ve been enough for her to prove that she was more than qualified to be on the back of a horse. But Washington, for all its gray buildings and crowded streets, wasn’t Qidong, and the horses weren’t her horses. The thought of sauntering along in a gentle walk with some city horse hadn’t particularly appealed to her; not until a few weeks ago, her longing for home slowly starting to creep up on her, and then growing stronger as days passed by. It’s how she’d wound up at the stables that day, thinking it’d be worth a shot, at least just to try. And— Zhuyin's happy she’d caved, a jolt of excitement rushing through her as she follows after Qi Yan. “I hope that stablehand isn’t setting us up for disappointment,” the general jokes, no traces of dejection to be found in her voice. Even at this slow a pace, the sweet nostalgia suffices to momentarily subdue any lingering feeling of homesickness. “I haven’t led a horse at all in months, though it still feels as natural as walking. But the field must have been there all along— how come you haven’t sought it out before?” 
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 days
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"I have no advice for that scenario," she admits simply. Qi Yan would continue to ignore, if that were the case; generally, someone else's persistence in trying to speak with her will never measure up to her own determination not to give them a moment of her time. "I can only hope that they will leave you well enough alone, in either case."
The uncharitable part of him would happily go past either without a second thought or parting ways with a dollar or two, but he was trying to be better. "Ignoring is all well and good until they start to heckle, I have encountered a few of those." In those moments Adam rather missed his beastly form as he knew it would make people leave him alone.
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 days
[text to: unknown number] i feel as though there must be far more constructive ways to manage your workplace stress.
[text to: unknown number] in other words, i would say 'no judgement,' but i am judging.
altair → numbers i dont feel like typing : phenomenal, im setting it on fire
altair → numbers i dont feel like typing : setting it on fire, it's been a tough day at the bar and i figure who doesn't love a good fire.
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mvsicinthedvrk · 3 days
The fact that Zechuan looks so calm and composed is unsettling, though Chiye doesn't show it other than a renewed steely glint in his eye and a resolved set of his chin. He's sure the other man shouldn't be taking his time following him down the halls of a business that he has no part in, feeling so comfortable in Chiye's office, sitting so relaxed in the chair as though there's no lower stakes in the world. He looks down at him, trying (however so unsuccessfully) to recall anything more of the conversation he now knows he must have had with his neighbor. He does remember the man being there-- those damned hands buckling him into the car, Zechuan's even-toned voice murmuring to someone else in the background-- but the topic of the conversation, if he'd spoken to Chiye? It could have been anything, and in the state he knows he'd been in, he's sure he might have said anything in reply. Even so, he can't imagine 'heartfelt' applying to the situation in earnest, nor can he imagine what words of remorse the other could have shared. Zechuan doesn't give him time to voice that complaint, however, before going on to finish his entire explanation-- leaving Chiye only to scrutinize the other's words in silence, his eyes roaming the other's face for a tell that this is all some kind of elaborate ruse.
The most maddening aspect of the supposed account is that though the story seems unlikely, it's true that they had to fire one of the assistants. It'd been so recent that he's almost certain, in fact, the job open hasn't even been posted yet. He's far more certain that while he'd been drunk beyond sensibility, that couldn't have convinced him to agree to let the other interview at Xiao Legal Group. But the option to hear him out is there in front of him, though heavily weighted. They need to fill the position; Shen Zechuan needs to get out of this office. The man likely lacks the qualifications for the job; it might be an unexpected benefit to be able to keep a closer eye on him, if he's already trying to stick his nose into the business. All of these things are true at the same time, and Chiye takes a long moment to consider his words before speaking. Ultimately, he finds himself more suspicious of the other's intentions than optimistic that his former neighbor could be an asset to the firm.
"Regardless of your supposed remorse, your family hasn't exactly proved to be trustworthy in the past," he reminds the other with a casual sharpness, crossing both arms over his chest, his dress shirt straining around his tense biceps. "I don't know what you could do to convince me that the result will be any different now." Good idea, bad idea, pros, cons-- Chiye wavers for a moment longer between the two possible outcomes. He doesn't expect to have to call security to escort the man out of the building if he doesn't get the job; worse, he fears that Zechuan will do suspiciously well, given his silver tongue, and that's what makes this whole situation even more troubling. "Why should I bother to offer you an interview based on a conversation I don't remember?" he settles on asking with conviction. "If it's working for a law firm you dream about, there are plenty that aren't this one." He doesn't need to be here, when there's a half-dozen other empty positions in this field in other offices across the city in any given week.
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                       Chiye makes no secret out of his aggravation, but Zechuan’s dealt with the man often enough to have accepted it as a constant. If he has taken notice at all, his expression betrays none of it, pale complexion softened with a false sense of peaceful oblivion. The CEO is not at ease; otherwise, his words would have been more direct; more cutting. This air of arrogance he’s wearing today reeks of faux confidence— it’ll doubtlessly be enough to fool anyone else, but not Shen Zechuan. He can see the cracks clearly, however small, and knows he’s got the upperhand, if only thanks to Chiye’s insatiable curiosity. 
Supposedly. The single word confirms that the other must have absolutely no recollection of their way back home, then. None. If he’d remembered even the smallest detail, he surely would’ve clung to that. He would’ve been more relaxed. But Chiye refuses to sit down; probably in another desperate bid at enforcing some sense of superiority through the sheer difference in height. The thought alone fuels his amusement, obediently doing as he is told— he adjusts his clothes before seating himself across from the man, his hands placed in his lap as though he doesn't have a concern in the world. “You don’t remember, then.” Zechuan cranes his neck to look up at the man, his voice amicable enough to have the words pass for a mere statement, not an accusation. “In that case, I’ll briefly recap our ride home for you,” he says, a faint smile shadowing his eyes, “but you may not necessarily believe me. We had a heartfelt conversation, in which I expressed remorse about the past and my father's mistakes. Given our shared field of work, it seems wise to let go of past grudges. At least in my case, I don’t want that anger to hold me back any longer.” The pause that follows is deliberate; too short to allow Chiye to cut in, too long not to have him think over the words. Zechuan tilts his head back a little further before proceeding, “One of your executives had to dismiss his assistant recently, or so you said.” Back then, this hadn’t been known to anyone outside of Xiao Legal Group— luckily, he had the right connections. It certainly hadn’t been Chiye who had told him so. “I’m here to make amends,” he concludes, then follows up with the real reason, “and also for the job interview we scheduled.”
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mvsicinthedvrk · 3 days
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"There's probably someone in the city who can tell you for the low, low bargain price of twenty bucks," he says with an amused snort, thinking of all the odd ads plastered on signs and windows all over the city; they're impossible to avoid, it seems like everyone's trying to sell something. But Ciri seems bothered enough by the repeated dreams that Chiye's tone finally becomes serious. "How vivid are you talking?"
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"Yeah? What kind of symbolism, do you wonder?" she couldn't help but to ask with a bit of curiosity despite feeling a bit unsure about it. There was an uncertainty that left Cirilla wondering when she awoke from a deep slumber. The dreams did feel like memories, so real and so sure. Though as she listened to her friend, she couldn't help but to nod in agreement. "You are probably right." If only there were a way to stop the dreams. "It wouldn't bother me if they weren't nightly and so.. vivid."
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mvsicinthedvrk · 3 days
"Jiming should have invited me," he says, his expression showing just a hint of sulkiness to learn that his brother had been off playing capture the flag with his cool friends and hadn't let Chiye join in. He could have been good at that game, he remembered never finding enough neighbor kids who'd be willing to put themselves on a team. Are they too old to play now? He's not sure. It doesn't feel like it-- at heart, he doesn't feel much older than a teenager, sometimes-- but on the other hand, the idea of playing a game like that seems somehow childish and out of reach, now. But he takes Zhuyin's word for it that he wouldn't get along with her brothers; oddly, he's beginning to find that he trusts her judgment at this point.
--which makes it even easier for her words to affect him, when she tells him he takes after his father. That's one of the highest, most glowing compliments someone could give him. "It's been a while since someone's told me so." Especially as it's so impossible when he hasn't seen his father in-person in so long. The only other people in the city who would be able to compare the two are the lawyers at the firm, and while they don't disrespect Chiye, not within earshot, they certainly don't compare him to the level of his father. Between Zhuyin's praise, and her promise to teach him a thing or two, he finds himself in remarkably high spirits-- even though she'd beaten him at their drinking game earlier-- and he breaks into a grin. "If I do embarrass myself, it'll only be in front of you, and you hardly count," he insists, though he's already making a mental note to start practicing ahead of time so he doesn't act the fool when she starts teaching him.
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                      Ce’an had never heard of her before; it comes as no surprise that the name Lu Guangbai rings just as few bells as her name had once done. Still, to hear him state these facts so bluntly— Zhuyin can only imagine how affronted her friend must be, her laughter ringing heartily. “He’ll be devastated to hear that,” she stated, the tease aimed more at the presently absent Guangbai rather than at Chiye. As for what they used to do as kids, though.. She could hardly tell him the full truth: any progress made in getting him to take her seriously would immediately be nullified. Her mind quickly runs through her options, recalling the children she’d seen in the park, and the children she’d overheard at the sports center. Schooling her own amusement, she answers in a neutral voice: “We played games, of course. Capture the flag was a favorite. And guess what?” Zhuyin leaned forwards, her tone laced with playful confidence, “I was the best at that, too.” Her brothers, however, are not a topic she’s eager to talk about, nor does she think Chiye would be particularly interested in hearing about them. “I’ve got a few younger brothers, but it is unlikely you would have met them. If you had, I doubt you’d get along. They were doing little more than lazing around the house, scaring off some pigeons.” She certainly can’t imagine them doing much more than that in DC: play videogames and expect rent to get paid by their father, that’s for sure. It’s no wonder that Zhuyin is eager to switch topics again, especially when she’d always admired Xiao Fangxu.
“I know your father,” she confirms, “and my father knows your father, too. Your father has always been very kind to me as a kid.” Still was, though perhaps a bit more apprehensive than he used to be. With a warm smile, she voices her earlier thoughts: “You take after him, even more so than your brother does.” She’d always felt that Jiming took more after their mother, in both looks, but personality, too. It’s a relief, though, that the younger of the two seemed to finally start warming up to her again. Even if she can’t claim to have been particularly lonely, having friends was one thing; having family was another. And in this place, Ce’an was the closest thing to remind herself of hers back at home. “A week makes a lot of difference. I expect you to practice every day from now until we start our training. Wouldn’t want you to embarrass yourself, would you?” 
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mvsicinthedvrk · 3 days
"They all seem to have excuses," Chiye agrees, when she notes that no one is too keen on trying to avoid needing to use a lawyer in the first place. "One of our firm's attorneys was just working on a civil case where the couple both claimed they had ownership of their dog, since they had vastly different recollections of who owned it at the time they separately ended up here. If this city can do that, you'd think it might as well drop them a second dog," he adds dismissively.
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"i suppose i can accept that then." megan answers with a teasing tone as she shakes the other's hand. "please, i'm not trying to be anyone's competition." okay so that might have been a little bit of a lie but she was trying not to look too cocky. "but as you said, there seems to be more than enough in this town to keep every lawyer busy. it seems like no one wants to stay clear of the law."
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mvsicinthedvrk · 4 days
Dawn works for him; no need to get up and start training in the middle of the night. "That's all I need to know-- you're hired." Then Hilo's face relaxes into a grin, settling a bit now that the business end of the conversation's been taken care of. "If you've got open spots and are willing to kick my ass, anyway."
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syrena nodded her head in understanding. despite whether or not the client would stick, syrena would do what she could while he wanted her to. and if it winds up being on the shorter end of things, she liked being given the opportunity to grow her clientele. "works for me, i can be up before dawn or anytime after."
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mvsicinthedvrk · 4 days
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Hilo's leaning his back up against the exterior wall of Wen's store, scrolling idly on his phone and waiting for her to appear. It's not the best way of getting her attention, probably-- continuously showing up uninvited at her workplace-- but he's at a loss for what else to do, especially because giving up on her isn't an option. It's only when he hears the jingle of keys dropping to the pavement that he glances up to see her running towards him, and only a moment more until Wen's arms are thrown around his neck. "Thank gods," Hilo exhales, relieved when she says she remembered. He wraps his arms around her waist and instantly pulls her close, then immediately thinks better of it, and instead moves his hands up to cradle both sides of his wife's head before kissing her, fiercely. When he finally breaks off, it's only for long enough to add, breathless, "Another few days and I would have gone insane," before kissing her again.
@mvsicinthedvrk maik wen for kaul hilo
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wen wasn't sure how or why it happened. she just woke up and suddenly all of her memories were there. her whole life back home, her family, hilo, everything. it was just there as if she'd never forgotten anything at all. she had so many questions. how and why she forgot, how and why they were even there. it didn't make any sense to just randomly show up in a city that she'd never heard of in her life. at least, not until she'd shown up there with fake memories. she was happy to know that she wasn't there alone though and cringed a little as she remembered her run-ins with her husband, brother and sister-in-law. she felt ridiculous. her first priority was finding hilo and she was tempted to not even open her store today just so she could go and find him. she was trying to figure out what she could do, going through her options one by one, when she looked up and saw hilo standing just outside the door to her store. she stopped, dropping her keys once more, before she ran forward to throw her arms around his neck. tears pricked her eyes as she drew in a deep breath. "hilo... i-i remembered." she whispered, pulling back to look at him. "i remember everything. our marriage. our life. our family."
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mvsicinthedvrk · 4 days
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"Are there any stipulations on the wishes? Terms, wishes that are impossible, that sort of bullshit?" Hilo asks, getting straight to the point. He doesn't know how he's gotten so lucky, but he's not going to turn it down, and he immediately knows what his first wish will be-- though it's best to at least make sure he understands the basic rules first.
closed starter for kaul hilo!! ( @mvsicinthedvrk )
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why the hell this was happening again, she couldn't even begin to place, but fuck was it a miserable experience. "yeah, you get three wishes." not technically true, but most people would believe it considering the stories about genies. "and one a day." that part was also... only questionably true, but if he was stuck like this, they were going to set terms that made it less miserable.
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