muckinnons-blog · 7 years
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EMMA VANITY ( modern instagram au ) @emmavcnity ft. @muckinnons @dmnqwsly @leexjordan @ravens-cho @r0n-weasley @colincrxxvey
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
   it isn’t like him to be oblivious to other presences, regardless of where he finds himself. so to have completely missed marlene mckinnon’s presence not fifteen feet away from him … ( odd. ) he can only blame it on the fact that he has a tendency to lose himself in his own mind when he’s presented with a terribly complicated problem — & time clashes and alternate realities rank up there pretty high on his list of issues that will take awhile to solve. “i don’t expect an answer,” regulus counters evenly, nose wrinkling with displeasure at what he can only surmise is her calculative judgment of his person. to think that she ( like so many before her ) have reached a conclusion in her mind based solely on hearsay ( and other opinions. ) & worst of all, he can’t even fault her for it, since his family is renown throughout all of london for their beliefs concerning blood supremacy ( thinking themselves better than others just because of the blood flowing through their veins. ) nothing has changed, nor will it — not even with this clash of various generations of wizards and witches thrown together. “& here i assumed you’d already formed an unshakable opinion of me, mckinnon. so i can’t help but wonder what sort of thoughts you believe are constantly circulating my mind … color me curious.”
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but when she makes her admission about this situation being a so-called blessing in disguise, he purses his lips, tilting his head to the side in contemplation as he considers her words. “& why is that?” surely she must have a reason for saying as much. “frankly, i’ve avoided all mention of my future since this … mishap occurred.” ( admittedly ) he finds the notion of learning about happens to his future self slightly daunting. call him a coward if you must — he just doesn’t think he’s all that prepared, both physically and mentally, to face that kind of truth just now.
     Really, Marlene didn’t know where to start. She didn’t even know where to begin with everything she was thinking, everything racing through her mind, not being numbed by the alcohol but ignited by it. Like fire on gasoline, a match was STRUCK when he engaged, when he asked, when he opened a door she was far too eager to enter when it came to people like him. Was his answer defiance or a result of hurt pride? Marlene got up & looked at him, her eyes on fire, defensive in body language, her voice filled with anger -- she’d practically had permission to go off this time. “I’ll COLOR your curiosity. You, Regulus Arcturus Black, are born to a family that burns people off their family tree in attempt to burn them from the family. Your family marries cousins to keep bloodlines pure. You’re from a family that thinks it’s fine to purify the Wizarding World of muggleborns and halfbloods through g e n o c i d e. I’ve never heard you utter a word against them. Nothing. A fuck none. I think you think you’re better than people because of their blood status.” Her last sentence wasn’t as firm as she believed it to be, not after what she’d read and what she now knew. “I think you’re far too fucking comfortable and that you could care less what happens to anyone but yourself. I can’t entirely blame you for that, when your family probably doesn’t give a fuck about you as a person but rather what you can do FOR them but I think you’re selfish.” She scoffed, the usual solid conviction she held behind her words nowhere to be found, not when she had concrete evidence that Regulus did something against what made her truth factual. 
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“I die, which is not extremely unexpected but you die. You die young. Rather soon, if we’re being technical. You die young HELPING to save the Wizarding World from Voldemort? You do something brave, something I really can’t see the you in front of me doing. Why?” If there was curiosity in her voice, it wasn’t distinguishable from the sheer disbelief and the hint of desperation because she wanted to understand. “Did you regret being such a fucking horrible person or were you trying to stick it to halfblood who’d gotten more influence in life than you could ever gain?”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
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“i’m quite alright both mentally and physically,  it’s just that i really can’t get the hang of everything.” the blonde shrugged her coat on before standing up. she made a short glance to her bag and turned back to the other, one of her eyebrows arching up in thought. “– i don’t even know how to explain it?” emma laughed lightly at the other’s nickname for her, tilting her head to the side in pure interest. “quidditch queen?– now that’s a first.”
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That was a mood Marlene could definitely relate to, though she didn’t admit it out loud as she put on her coat, fastening each button as she heard Emma talk. She nodded and looked up and laughed, arching an eyebrow at her last comment. “I’m sorry, but aren’t like one of the most up & coming LEGENDS? I think that’s what that article in the Prophet said. You’ve got no business being humble, be big, big & bright. You’re a queen.” Marlene went to grab Emma’s bag, “I’ve got it.  -- I do figure we’ll get a hang of most things around here, but I don’t know how long we’ll be staying or what they’ll do to us with what we know. I keep hearing about something called the internet that sounds amazing, though.”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
Her face drained of colour, and she stared at the other girl for a couple of minutes. “I…what? I…tortured children in the future? By the future, I mean the future that was supposed to be actual future before all of this happened. How did you find that out? I do actually care! I’ve been trying to find out what I did, and you just think you can drop an awful bombshell like that on me. I’m not heartless. I’m not! Oh, Merlin, something really awful must’ve happened. I’d never lose my morals that much. You’re obviously telling the truth, you’re not so heartless to make a joke about that. At least, I hope you’re not.” She fell silent, biting her lip. Why couldn’t she have had a nice future or something nice happen? Just once, it didn’t even have to be too often. She sat down, curling herself into a ball. Her anxiety levels were hitting the ceiling and she was struggling to breathe. She hadn’t had an anxiety attack in so long. She definitely didn’t miss having them. After the serious abuse she’d experienced at the hands of her parents, the fact that she’d end up so awful as to inflict similar things on children really scared her. She hoped she could change her future, and make sure the new her wouldn’t do that.
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     Sometimes, when Marlene’s words flew out of her mouth like the weapons they were ( but weren’t always MEANT to be ), it actually hurt people, and though she didn’t want to feel bad for something she had said to Alecto -- she did. Marlene forgot how often people wanted to live in ignorance, how often the truth was not something they didn’t want to hear or at least couldn’t handle. She didn’t know how to comfort Alecto but felt something guilty start to eat at her as she watched the girl suffer. Even though the Alecto she had read about had done horrible things, the Alecto in front of her hadn’t. It wasn’t easy to process, it again challenged her in a way that interested and infuriated her, but she bent down next to Alecto, trying to think of what to say that could comfort her. “I’m not joking, not about something like that.” You fucking idiot, Marlene. Careless. Ruthless. Callous. Unfiltered. Hurtful. Her brown eyes scanned Alecto intently, she didn’t know how to help, not with her, and she felt lost & angry at herself for not being better. Not being as good as she knew she could be & was.”If it makes you feel better, me and my whole family die. Guess I was being that royal of a dick.”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
She decides God is no good, but he must exist, / he must exist so she can hold him accountable.
Ada Limón, from “The Echo Sounder,” Lucky Wreck (via 7-weeks)
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
( send me AFRAID! for a starter based around a phobia my character has )
❝ no, marley i’m – ❞ ( SHRIEK. ) ❝ get that FUCKING bumblebee away from me ! it’s – shit, it’s coming at me – MARLEY ! ❞
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      Marlene laughed as she stood in front of Frank, jokingly protecting him from the evil enlarged bumblebee ( it was a fake, a spell she’d found ) as it came for them. “HA!! This would be a perfect way to fuck with Andrew too, wouldn’t it? It’s not real, Frank. But your shrieks were. I didn’t know you were THAT scared though, blimey.”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
sure, she wasn’t on the team, but being on a broomstick was probably the only thing that fay loved wholeheartedly. with flying came a sense of tranquility like no other, yet the thrill of adrenaline that coursed through her veins was undeniable. the pitch was practically abandoned, fay only really being the only one there for hours on end. “i could fly forever and never get bored. what about you?” a smile is set on her bright features, broom in hand as she stood on the pitch after flying down to greet the other.
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     Throughout everything that had happened, Marlene had had the pitch and she had had flying. “I’d have to agree actually, I was thinking we should gather up all the different generations and have some sort of Quidditch TOURNAMENT or something. I’ve given up on school until they’ve gotten everything fixed.” Though that wasn’t entirely true, as Marlene still did the assignments she had to and scoured through book after history book, she just wasn’t attending classes as much. What was the point when the Ministry & country were in shambles and she wasn’t even in her own time? When she’d be dead in a few years her time anyways. “D’you play Quidditch too?”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
I’m a universe Of shattered calm Stars, collapsing in and of Each other: I awoke burning.
(via driftlight)
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
   swallowing back the laughter bubbling in his throat at the girl’s outburst, fred swipes a roll from the basket and takes a bite out of it — before following her gaze to the slytherin table, watching as the poor, unfortunate bloke ( unlucky is more like it — unlucky to have been caught in the cross hairs of a flying meat pie ) jumps to his feet and glowers at them, answering his silent challenge with all the sweet, slytherin pride he can muster. good for him. “me ?? i’m just an innocent bystander.” caught in the cross hairs of her sharp tone. bet she can give howlers a run for their money when she decides to get serious and lets all that loudness out — turning it into a symphony of demands and accusations. “& ditchin’ you never crossed my mind,” he adds goodnaturedly, throwing a smug smirk over his shoulder at the slytherin table and the boy who looks to be on the verge of bursting a vein — or stalking across the great hall to clobber him one. “i’m thinking … i’m thinking …” he rubs his chin in thought, debating whether or not he should jump into the impending fray. “ugh. maybe we should make a run for it. doubt anyone wants to stick around and watch a bloke spontaneously combust into a million, angry pieces.” he clicks his tongue and shakes his head, an expression of pseudo-sadness settling over his face. “but i have to admit — i’m not entirely comfortable running away with someone whose name i don’t even know.” 
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gracing her with one of his infamously innocent smiles, fred folds his arms atop the table, eagerly awaiting her introduction. “mine is fred, by the way — fred weasley.”
     The fact that he had the gall to do this, to act innocent, to play around after he’d disturbed her in the many ways she’d yelled at him about, made Marlene’s anger increase tenfold, but hearing that he wasn’t going to ditch her made her think that he may have had a shred of honor or decency. “You’d better think quicker,” she said in between his musing, being as impatient as she always was. Especially with strangers who’d gotten her into a mess like this. “You’re not entirely comfortable running away with someone who’s name you don’t even know? How’d you think I felt when you pulled that STUNT of yours? Right in front of my fucking coffee, too! I can’t believe you’re a Weasley, Arthur is so much more even natured than this. So. Much. More.” Quickly, Marlene punched his shoulder, and used that same shoulder to push herself up & grab onto it, tugging him in the direction out of the Great Hall. “You know, while I’d love to stay around & watch that sorry sack of Hippogriff SHIT explode, for your sake, I’ll run. You’re running my reputation, you know.” Marlene looked down at the deviant again, recognizing Arthur in him. His expressions of excitement, the way she KNEW in her gut he wasn’t bad or trying to hurt anyone, that he was a good person. It didn’t make the situation any less urgent or inconveniencing but it did make it comforting to know that she wasn’t aiding & abetting Tom Riddle Jr.  
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“Sorry BELOVED, but it looks like you’re going to have to run away with someone’s name you don’t know to save your skin. I’ll tell you my name when you do something more impressive than throw a meat pie at someone and run away from it.”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
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She couldn’t deny that doing something normal certainly sounded like a good way to go about dealing with things, she’d even carried on doing her homework as normal, but taking notes in Binns’ class? “I get it. I do. But that wouldn’t be normal for me.” There was a smile on her lips as she spoke, laced with humour yet not quite reaching her eyes. Marlene clearly wasn’t in the mood for joking, and honestly neither was Isabelle.
“I am,” she nodded, confirming that she was in the same dorm as the other Gryffindor seventh year girls. “Speaking of, if you’re really wanting those notes, Lily probably has them.”
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The honesty from Isabelle, Marlene instantly respected it and nodded, “fair enough.” There was an exhaustion that hung between them, Marlene could feel it coating her bones, weighing down her insides but she refused to sleep until she knew her friends were safe & until she’d read everything she needed to. “Lily’s okay? They’re all okay?”
Even though Marlene saw their whole situation as an OPPORTUNITY, it also felt draining, and like a curse. She knew she’d be able to do what she needed in whatever time they had to help her & her friend’s futures, but it was all just so much to mentally handle. Even for her. “I don’t mean to be rude, I mean to be honest but ...  I am fucking rude, a LOT. But if I’m rude to you, I’m not trying to be rude. I just don’t like small talk or bullshit. I know we’ve been in classes together and I haven’t really given two shits about your presence but I do respect you and your family.”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
He looked at her, startled, but then glad to see a familiar face. “But hey, why Sirius is not included?” he frowned, suddenly relaxing a little bit because that was indeed a funny thing. “Well, I’m not sure, it’s annoying because it’s not a democracy” he bit his lower lip and looked at her, quite disturbed about changing the whole thing…  Wouldn’t that be bad to the space-continuous or something complicated like that? the space-time was already messed up now anyway “you read something about me?” he was indeed curious now. “Do I have my own herb shop?” was his first question. But then he realized that she wouldn’t read something like that anywhere, would? What kind of media would hold this kind of information? That would be just to easy and good to be true. Maybe he died during war, that would make more sense. Probably while trying to save his friends’ asses because that was something he’d do and probably die doing because he wasn’t good casting spells “thinking about it, I’m not sure I want to know, I might get depressed” he giggled nervously “what.. what about you? I-I bet you are doing something awesome, like being an auror and kicking ass”
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Seeing Peter, seeing more people from her time, it was grounding. “Can you believe I forgot about Sirius? You’ve witnessed Marlene McKinnon FORGETTING something, Peter Pettigrew. You better treasure that. But your concerns about our government? I like hearing that, Pete. I do. We’ve got to have more conversations about the structure of our government because I like the way you think.” Marlene watched his body language, the nervousness that she had become accustomed to seeing in others. Sighing, she respected his wishes, for now.“I always think it’s better the cruel truth than a beautiful lie, but, for you, Peter? I’ll hold off if you really want me to. I just, I think it’d be better if you knew sooner than later? But it’s fine, really. Didn’t know you wanted to open a Herb shop, that’s interesting,” she hated how she sounded then, because Marlene didn’t like to tiptoe around the truth. She smiled at his idea of a Herb shop, and thought to herself ‘if only that was what made him famous’. She supposed that she’d better talk about her own fate, honestly and openly, before she could warm him up to what she’d read about his. “I’m dead. But it’s nice to know you think I’d be doing something really awesome.”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
        it had been quite out of a sudden that seven got a secret letter from marlene. he didn’t know the girl that well - most students prefered to stay away from the boy because of his surname -, but would consider them to be, if not friends, close acquaintances. obviously, though, he’d never imagine such invitation coming from the other. but he wouldn’t decline it.
        the wolf boy had dressed up with a nice suit in order to pay respect to whomever she wanted to visit, but was very nervous to have such duty without even knowing anything. walking fast, he was able to catch up with the girl, who was just a few steps away.   “uhmm… hey… who exactly are we visiting again?”
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Keep reading
     Despite the fact that they had all been swept away from imminent danger & harm, from the threat of Voldemort, Marlene was still keeping a watchful eye. She read every book she could get her hands on. The history of what had happened since 1977 was shocking -- but it was what they needed to get the advantage in this war. Sending an owl to Seven Greyback, who she knew to be related to Fenrir ( who seemed to have caused & contributed to IMMENSE devastation during both wars ) closely, wasn’t just because she needed someone she knew to be more rational than emotional to come visit this grave but because she needed to illuminate him to the fact that he may have power to stop his brother from doing as much harm as he was going to do. She hoped she could do some good with this encounter, though, she didn’t even know KNOW him. That was probably the first step of getting anywhere. 
“Ha, you dressed up in a bloody penguin suit, you look nice, I should be wearing some black dress now, shouldn’t I?” Marlene didn’t stop to look at him any longer, and walked down to the lake towards the white grave that was slowly coming into view. “ We’re visiting Albus Dumbledore. In my religion, no one really grieves or mourns alone, and though apparently he’s long past dead .. it’s new news to me. Thank you for coming.”
“What do you think of Dumbledore, Seven? I want you to be HONEST with me, call him a lying, secretive, manipulative, bastard if you want to.”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
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To say she was unimpressed by the outburst would be an understatement. Her lips pursed before narrowing into a thin line as she waited for the girl to finish her tirade. “First of all, Miss McKinnon, whatever is going on around here I would remind you that it would be wise to remember you are still at school. And yes, perhaps I do have more pressing concerns, but that is for me and the other professors to handle. You and your fellow students should do your best to carry on as normal, and that means homework.”
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“Okay, okay, I’ll level with you, I’ll fucking level with you, I did my homework, as I always do, but how are your concerns not OUR concerns too? We’re d r o p p e d here, expected to carry on as normal but that just doesn’t make any sense as nothing is normal! Not even classes are the same, if you haven’t noticed, so I’d suggest thinking of something a lot better to tell people because that’s .... absurd.” Marlene was incredulous and not backing down, even if it meant detention for the rest of her life at school. Hell, even if it meant her being expelled -- at this point it was absurd for any of the professors to expect the population to just sit on their hands. “You have to see where I’m coming from, like, holy fucking Merlin! We’re in the future!”
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muckinnons-blog · 7 years
“I’m a journalist,” she shrugged. “If I don’t keep up with what’s happenin’, I’m out of work. A story like this one could make a person’s career,” she hummed, surprised no one had written on it yet that she could see. “I’m from the same. But I’m American, which is why practically everyone’s a stranger. Came to visit my cousins, ended up…here.”
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“Sounds like a SHIT vacation, huh,” though, Marlene wasn’t entirely impressed with her being a journalist, due to the fact that most journalists in their time were reporting news irrelevant to what was actually going on, she decided not to pick at it. “I mean, you’re only out of work if you don’t seize the opportunity to be the first to write about it soon. Or go to the Prophet Headquarters. Or other outlets. I heard about something called the internet people write their opinions on it. There must be something you can do.”
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