mslaurynhill · 6 years
I’ve remained patient and quiet for a very long time, allowing people to talk, speculate, and project, while keeping my nose to the grindstone fighting for freedoms many folks aren’t even aware matter. The arrogance of presumption that allows someone to think that they could have all the facts about another person’s life and experience, is truly and remarkably... presumptuous. 
People can sometimes confuse kindness for weakness, and silence for weakness as well. When this happens, I have to speak up.
I apologize for the delay in getting this posted, I was late in hearing about it. I understand this is long, but my last interview was over a decade ago…
‘Addressing Robert Glasper and other common misconceptions about me (in no particular order)’
By Ms. Lauryn Hill
-It’s not completely informed, but he’s entitled to his perception. Context certainly helps though.
-You may be able to make suggestions, but you can’t write FOR me. I am the architect of my creative expression. No decisions are made without me. I hire master builders and masterful artisans and technicians who play beautifully, lend their technical expertise, and who translate the language that I provide into beautifully realized music.
-These are my songs, musicians are brought in because of the masterful way that they play their instruments. I’m definitely looking for something specific in musicians, and I absolutely do hire the best musicians I can find. Not every band had that particular ‘something’ I was looking for. That doesn’t make them bad musicians, just different than what I needed in that particular moment.
-The Miseducation was the first time I worked with musicians outside of the Fugees who’s report and working relationship was clear. In an effort to create the same level of comfort, I may not have established the necessary  boundaries and may have been more inviting than I should have been. In hindsight, I would have handled it differently for the removal of any confusion. And I have handled it differently since, I’m clear and I make clear before someone walks in the door what I am and am not looking for. I may have been inclusive, but these are my songs.
-I have come across the occasional musician who thinks they already know what I want, feelings and egos can be easily bruised when you tell them they actually don’t. I am never trying to intentionally hurt anyone’s feelings btw, but when people insist that they know you and don’t, you may have to be equally as firm to demonstrate otherwise.
-I am paying for a service, and looking for something SPECIFIC, which isn’t up to someone else’s interpretation or opinion. I have my own idea of what works for me. That shouldn’t offend. 
-And I definitely don’t like to fire anyone. It did take me meeting a lot of people over a number of years to find the right musicians, but my current band has been with me for a long time, the newest members probably 2/3 years, some as long as 7/8 years now. I was looking for a similar natural chemistry with new musicians that I’d had with the Fugees and Miseducation bands. I’d literally grown up with some of those musicians. That isn’t easy to find.
-In 2008, I had only a young man helping me and my Mother, after disbanding my former support staff. No idea why any musician would have had knowledge of what I was being paid, not sure what he’s saying is accurate. Don’t have the details or recollection of cutting the band’s pay in half. If fees had been negotiated and confirmed without my knowledge, I may have asked for them to be adjusted. But I would never just cut a musician’s pay arbitrarily unless I had a legitimate reason. There are artists who do cut pay though, James Brown was notorious for docking musicians if they did something he didn’t like, I’m sure there are others.
-It was necessary for me to reestablish trust and cultivate a new environment. I was looking to challenge myself artistically. I was also openly challenging music industry norms. I’d left ‘the machine’. With ‘it’ went some polish, but the cause we were fighting for, creative integrity, was worth far more than a little polish to me. 
-When you’re a popular artist or public figure, people can sometimes forget that you’re hiring them to perform a service, and that you’re not the one there to entertain THEM. I didn’t scream or yell. Maybe I didn’t provide the experience that a musician may have wanted or expected during that time, but I was straight-forward, direct, and about the business at hand. 
-Making my art is a labor of Love, but it’s still labor, and can be labor-intensive at that. If a musician was looking for a cushy job filled with the same trappings I was purposely weaning myself from, we wouldn’t have been on the same page anyway. Make no mistake, addiction is a common snare laid to dismantle the integrity of artists. My environment, at that time, operated more like a rehabilitation clinic than an after-party.
-I don’t think most people, perhaps not even some celebrated artists, are aware of the battle it takes to be an artist and remain true to what you really think. I don’t even ‘practice’ small talk, so I’m never confused with someone who can be seduced. There are traps all around, what could look like a successful career in entertainment today, could be an addictive lifestyle of convenience attempting to control you tomorrow. I set the tone with every band that working for fame and accolades is a different walk than fighting for personal integrity and making art that doesn’t compromise itself for money.
-I’m confused as to why such a principled musician, who thought I ‘stole’ from his friends, would show up to work for me anyway. 🤔 If that was hypocrisy or opportunism instead of genuine interest, it would further explain why an artist would feel the need to put his or her guard up.
-No matter how incredible the musicians who play with me are, MY name is on the marquee. The expectation to make it all come together is on me. The risk and the financial losses are on me. Hence, MY VIBE, though not the only consideration, is the priority. Few people actually know what this road is like, but many want to judge and comment, having never done it. Try doing what I’ve done yourself. If nothing else, you will gain some insight into and respect for my process.
-During the time in question, I also believe I was playing a lot of new music with controversial content. FOR ME, rehearsal was about readying myself for the battle I knew I was entering into for simply not allowing a system to pimp me. If I was on edge, I had good reason to be.-Perhaps my seriousness and militancy in the face of tremendous resistance was misinterpreted as meanness, or that I was unloving or uncaring, when my true intent was to protect. I wouldn’t be the first Black person accused of this. I don’t think of Harriet Tubman’s skills as those of a hostess, but rather her relentless dedication to helping people who wanted out of an oppressive paradigm. #IGETOUT
-People also unwilling to ‘play the game’ might have found that environment refreshing. Straight talk isn’t devoid of Love, it’s just devoid of bullsh#t.
-And just to clear up an old urban legend that somehow people still believe, I do not hate white people. I do, however, despise a system of entitlement and oppression set up to exploit people who are different. I do loathe the promotion and preservation of said system at the expense of other people, and the racist and entitled attitudes it gives rise to. The lengthy history of unfairness and brutality towards people of color, especially Black people, has not been fully acknowledged or corrected. The expectation is for us to live with abuse, distortion, and deliberate policies, meant to outright control and contain us—like we're not aware of our basic right to freedom. I resist and reject THESE ideas completely. Like many Black people, I work to reconcile my own generational PTSD. I do my best to Love, pursue freedom in body, Spirit and mind... and to confront. To repress everything  in the name of 'getting along' is to deny our right to healing. It's an ugly, distorting and complicated history at best. We've been shaped by it for better or worse. I just choose not to pretend that it's not there in order to maintain public approval and gain economic advantage. My true white friends and colleagues and I discuss these schemes and machinations, and the distrust that people of color would naturally have toward such a system and towards those who agree with it. We don't run from those conversations, we run into them, which is why I can call them friends and colleagues. Within these relationships I can be my complete self, and not a splintered individual/soul repressing the truth about generations and generations of abuse.
-There were lots of issues both personal and in the world of entertainment during that period that needed resolve. I was definitely going through a significant transition. I no longer felt safe.
-There’s an entire album about that, it’s documented and called Lauryn Hill MTV Unplugged. For some, the Unplugged album provided useful insight during dark times, gave important context on some real but hidden issues, and helped people going through personal struggles, because I’d exposed myself in such a raw and vulnerable state. -Who are you to say I didn’t do enough? Most people are probably just hearing your name for the first time because you dropped MINE in an interview, controversially. Taking nothing away from your talent, but this is a fact. 
-The Miseducation was my only solo studio album, but it certainly wasn’t the only good thing I did. 
-I was also a member of the Fugees, another groundbreaking, multi-platinum selling group, who bridged social and cultural gaps, and were ambassadors of hip-hop all around this planet. We laid important groundwork upon which an entire generation of artists and musicians still stand. We broke through conventions and challenged limited world views every time we played.
-The song To Zion gave encouragement to women during challenging pregnancies. There are children who were given a chance at life because their Mothers experienced moral and emotional support through this song. -What about the image of Black women in hip hop? When exposure and sexualization of the Black female body was the standard, SOMEONE stood up and represented a different image entirely, giving a generation of young women options and alternatives of self-representation. #AMNESIA 
-And let’s not forget that I am a mother of 6…
-Not only have I been instrumental in pushing forward the culture of live music in hip-hop for decades now, but I’ve been traveling with and employing a large band for many years, despite the economic challenges in doing so. Others have followed in my footsteps, seeing the value of live music.
-Show me an artist working now who hasn’t been directly influenced by the work I put in, and I’ll show you an artist who’s been influenced by an artist who was directly influenced by the work that I put in. I was and continue to be a door opener, even if the blind don’t see it, and the prideful are too proud to admit it. I lived this, you watched this and heard about it. 
-97.9 The Box, feel free to not play my music if you agree that ‘I haven’t done enough.’
-I never told anyone not to look me in the eye, that may have been something someone said assuming what I wanted. However, I would understand why an artist would say that. It’s about reaching a level of vulnerability while making or playing your art, and not wanting to worry about being examined while you’re in that process. -There are plenty of people, I’m sure, who THINK they know me. This can happen when you do anything that people Love or feel they can relate to. Their perception of me, however, doesn’t make it my reality. Sister Act II is a movie. Rita Watson is a character I played...in a movie, for those confusing that with real life.
-And yes, Ms. Hill was absolutely a requirement. I was young, Black and female. Not everyone can work for and give the appropriate respect to a person in that package and in charge. It was important, especially then, for that to be revealed early. 
-I adore Stevie, and honor Herbie and Quincy, who are our forebears, but they’re not women. Men often can say ‘I want it done like this’ and not be challenged. The same rules don’t always apply for women who may be met with resistance. When this happens you replace that player with someone who respects you and the office you hold.
-My approach to making music is non-traditional, possibly non-linear, and more a product of my heart, soul, and experience gained through doing, than something I was taught in a formal school setting. Not much different than the genre of hip-hop itself. 
-I never held myself out as some accomplished guitar player, I play to articulate better to seasoned players what I want. It’s an instrument I learned without any real lessons or instruction. I play in an unorthodox manner and use it as a writing tool. Couldn’t or didn’t tune my own guitar? That sounds like an assumption. 
-I take rehearsal seriously, I take performance seriously, I take my art seriously. My particular preparation process suits me. To each his or her own. My goal is to feel confident and free on stage. 
-I don’t think my process is for everyone, which is why band selection is so important. It’s not just about how well someone plays, but also their attitude. I’m not offended when people say it’s not for them, no more than they should be offended when I say this doesn’t work for me. 
-Auditioning, btw, may have nothing to do with how good a musician is. If a musician isn’t accomplished, he or she wouldn’t have been called. An audition or meeting could be about whether we vibe well, whether they understood my particular musical vernacular or direction at the time. I could have a jazz beast on keys, who couldn’t necessarily play reggae or some other musical style I also incorporated into my performances.-My sound is eclectic, I’ve been influenced by a wide variety of music. Like language, music isn’t always easily translatable. Someone could be a great player, but lack the ability to capture the feel or groove of a particular style. 
-I’m attracted to musicians that are open and excited to try new things. When people think they already know what needs to be known, and aren’t interested in exploring what I’m into, that’s fine, but it doesn’t work for my band.  
-A fair weather band is a complete impracticality, a liability even. I’m expected, through my art, to pour out the depths of my soul. Some days that’s easier than others. If the crew of people supporting me aren’t built for that walk, they shouldn’t be there. #Realtalk. Some people vibe well together, some don’t. It’s ok. Ignorant patriarchy is a b#tch though, I could speak volumes…
-My standards are too high, and my process too idiosyncratic, not to work with people who really want to be there. When I don’t have that, I keep searching until I find them.
-I remix my songs live because I haven’t released an album in several years. There’s a ton of backstory as to why, but there’s no way I could continue to play the same songs over and over as long as I’ve been performing them without some variation and exploration. I’m not a robot. If I’d had additional music out, perhaps I would have kept them as they were. I didn’t, so I revise and rearrange them according to what I’m feeling in that moment. This way, my performances are heartfelt and authentic, not me just going through the motions. I can’t imagine why that would be a foreign concept to anyone who appreciates jazz. 
-And the myth that I’m not allowed to play the original versions of my songs is...a myth (anyone who’s seen my current show knows this).
-There can also be an energetic or emotional transference when I perform, and it can be heavy/weighty at times. As an artist, I’m tasked with bringing a different vibration into the space that transcends this. Not an easy gig but an important one. I can imagine there are people who value this process and don’t mind waiting a little if it means experiencing something inspired.
-Me being late to shows isn’t because I don’t respect my fans or their time, but the contrary, It can be argued that I care too much, and insist on things being right. I like to switch my show up regularly, change arrangements, add new songs, etc. This often leads to long sound checks, which leads to doors opening late, which leads to the show getting a late start. This element of perfectionism is about wanting the audience to experience the very best and most authentic musical experience they can from what I do.
-I reject being pigeonholed or pinned down by someone else’s uninformed concept of me. I’m my own person, free to explore my potential like everyone else.
- Where I am in one chapter of my life isn’t necessarily where I’ll be in the next chapter. I reserve the right to be an honest artist in those moments and not a fabrication, fake or phony version of myself, because that’s what someone else likes. 
-I don’t owe anyone self-repression. Some fans will grow with me, some won’t and that’s ok. 
-Life is to be lived, it’s not a full-time performance you put on for others, so people won’t have bad things to say about you in interviews. 
-Hip-hop was born through people who didn’t necessarily have traditional musical training, the best tools, and in some cases even instruments, but found a way to express themselves despite that. My art exists because it has a will to exist, like hip hop. 
-The album inspired many people, from all walks of life, because of its radical(intense) will to live and to express Love. I appreciate everyone who was a part of it, in any and every capacity. It wouldn’t have existed the way that it did without the involvement, skill, hard work, and talents of the artists/musicians and technicians who were a part of it, but it still required my vision, my passion, my faith, my will, my soul, my heart, and my story.  
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mslaurynhill · 6 years
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Tickets and VIP Experiences for the North American Portion of the Tour Go On Sale to the General Public Starting Friday, April 20 at LiveNation.com
Citi Presents Ms. Lauryn Hill at the Apollo Theater Announced for May 1
Los Angeles, CA (April 17, 2018) – Ms. Lauryn Hill is celebrating twenty years of her anthemic debut solo album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill with a newly announced World Tour produced by Live Nation. The GRAMMY® Award-winning artist will kick off the North American summer leg of The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 20th Anniversary World Tour on July 5 in Virginia Beach, VA. Tickets and VIP experiences go on sale to the general public beginning Friday, April 20 at 10am local time at LiveNation.com. More details will be announced soon, including international dates, as well as the full lineup with Special Guest performers at each show on the tour.
Ms. Hill uses her platform to raise money and awareness for frontline charity initiatives through touring.  A portion of the ticket sales go towards the MLH Foundation, which directly contributes support for education, health, agriculture, technology, and community based businesses and development initiatives throughout the Diaspora. Your contribution will be put to use through donations made from ticket sales to support community building worldwide. See the full list of charities below.
Of the tour Ms. Hill notes, ”This album chronicled an intimate piece of my young existence. It was the summation of most, if not all, of my most hopeful and positive emotions experienced to that date. I Loved and  believed deeply in my community’s ability to both Love and heal itself provided it received the right amount of support and encouragement. Our world today, both complex and changing, is in need of the balance between moral fortitude and cathartic expression. I hope the Love and energy that permeated this work can continue to inspire change with Love and optimism at the helm.”
In addition to her scheduled tour dates, Ms. Lauryn Hill will also be playing at the iconic Apollo Theater on Tuesday, May 1st exclusively for Citi cardmembers. The tickets will be $20 in honor of the twentieth anniversary of The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill album. All ticket proceeds will go directly to the MLH Foundation. https://mslaurynhill.tmverifiedfan.com
The Citi Presents Ms. Lauryn Hill at the Apollo Theater show will be powered by Verified Fan – the newest technology to ensure tickets get directly to the most passionate fans. Not scalpers or bots. Starting Tuesday, April 17 at 10AM ET, Citi cardmembers can register through Thursday, April 19 at 10PM ET to unlock access to tickets and use their Citi card to complete the ticket purchase if verified. Only fans that have received a unique code will have the chance to purchase tickets for performances on Monday, April 23 at 10AM ET. Register now for the Citi Presale powered by Verified Fan at: citiprivatepass.com and for additional information.
Exclusive VIP experiences will be available for all tour dates. VIP experiences include a meet and greet with Ms. Hill, complete with photo opp and autograph signing, as well as a package where fans will have an opportunity to watch a portion of the show from on stage. VIP experiences can be purchased as an upgrade when buying tickets. Limited edition specialty merch items, designed by Ms. Hill, will also be available at all shows and online. For more details on VIP experiences, please visit www.MsHillVIPs.com and www.MsLaurynHill.com.
Citi® is the official pre-sale credit card of The Miseducation of Lauryn Hil 20th Anniversary Tour. As such, Citi cardmembers will have access to purchase pre-sale tickets beginning Tuesday, April 17at 2:00pm local time until Thursday, April 19 at 10:00pm local time through Citi’s Private Pass® program. For complete pre-sale details visit https://www.citiprivatepass.com/.
Multi-platinum artist Ms. Lauryn Hill rose to prominence with The Fugees and took the world by storm two decades ago as a solo artist with The Miseducation of Ms. Lauryn Hill. Singles including “Doo Wop (That Thing)” and “Everything Is Everything” catapulted her to superstardom, ultimately lauding her with ten GRAMMY® nominations and five GRAMMY® Award wins.
Thu Jul 05 - Virginia Beach, VA - Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater at Virginia Beach
Sun Jul 08 - Bristow, VA - Jiffy Lube Live
Wed Jul 11 - Boston, MA - Blue Hills Bank Pavilion
Fri Jul 13 - Philadelphia, PA - Festival Pier at Penn’s Landing
Sun Jul 15 - Wantagh, NY -Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater
Wed Jul 18 - Toronto, ON - Budweiser Stage
Fri Jul 20 - Detroit, MI - Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre at Freedom Hill
Wed Jul 25 - Charlotte, NC - Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre
Thu Jul 26 - Raleigh, NC - The Red Hat Amphitheater
Sun Jul 29 - Tampa, FL - Al Lang Stadium
Tue Jul 31 - Miami, FL - Bayfront Park Amphitheater
Thu Aug 02 - Jacksonville, FL - Daily’s Place
Fri Aug 03 - Atlanta, GA - State Bank Amphitheatre At Chastain Park
Sun Aug 05 - Nashville, TN - Nashville Municipal Auditorium
Wed Aug 08 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center
Fri Sep 07 - Las Vegas, NV - The Joint
Sun Sep 09 - San Diego, CA - Open Air Theatre
Wed Sep 12 - Portland, OR - Portland Memorial Coliseum
Fri Sep 14 - Vancouver, BC - Festival Lawn at Deer Lake Park
Sat Sep 15 - Seattle, WA - ShoWare Center**
Thu Sep 20 - Mountain View, CA - Shoreline Amphitheatre
Sat Sep 22 - Phoenix, AZ - Comerica Theatre
Mon Sep 24 - Albuquerque, NM - Isleta Amphitheater
Wed Sep 26 - Denver, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheater
Sat Sep 29 - Houston, TX - Smart Financial Centre at Sugar Land
Sun Sep 30 - Dallas, TX - The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory
Wed Oct 03 - New Orleans, LA - UNO Lakefront Arena
Fri Oct 05 - St Louis, MO - Chaifetz Arena
About Live Nation Entertainment
Live Nation Entertainment (NYSE: LYV) is the world’s leading live entertainment company comprised of global market leaders: Ticketmaster, Live Nation Concerts, and Live Nation Media & Sponsorship. For additional information, visit www.livenationentertainment.com.
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mslaurynhill · 7 years
Ms. Hill & Nas North American Tour
See Ms. Lauryn Hill and Nas on their North American Tour. Tickets on sale now. For tour dates, tickets, and more info visit www.mslaurynhill.com.
VIP packages available at http://mslaurynhillandnasvip.rockandrolltshirts.com
Coming to a city near you:
9/7/17 Chicago, IL; Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island 9/8/17 Sterling Heights, MI; Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre at Freedom Hill 9/10/17 Toronto, ON; Budweiser Stage 9/12/17 Boston, MA; Blue Hills Bank Pavilion 9/14/17 Camden, NJ; BB&T Pavilion 9/15/17 Bristow, VA; Jiffy Lube Live 9/20/17 Raleigh, NC; Red Hat Amphitheater 9/22/17 Miami, FL;Bayfront Park Amphitheater 9/23/17 Jacksonville, FL; Daily’s Place 9/27/17 Houston, TX; Smart Financial Centre at Sugar Land 9/28/17 Dallas, TX; The Pavilion at Irving Music Factory 9/30/17 Austin, TX; Austin360 Amphitheater 10/3/17 San Diego, CA; Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre at SDSU 10/5/17 Los Angeles, CA; Hollywood Bowl 10/7/17 Mountain View, CA; Shoreline Amphitheatre 10/10/17 Seattle, WA; WaMu Theater 10/11/17 Vancouver, BC; Pacific Coliseum
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mslaurynhill · 7 years
To My Fans In Pittsburgh:
We apologize for the extremely late start last night, there were factors out of our control. Due to the snow yesterday in NYC, half of my band, and some members of my crew, were stuck at LGA airport all day. After several cancelled and delayed flights throughout the day, they arrived late last night, and went straight to the venue for the show. The promoter notified people of the new start time through social media, and as fans got to the venue. In hindsight, we should have cancelled the performance and rescheduled for a later date, but we decided to try and make it happen. We are working on scheduling another performance in Pittsburgh later this month, before the end of the tour, for the people who bought tickets to my show last night. More details will be announced over the next few days. We look forward to seeing the fans in Pittsburgh again in a few weeks. Thank you for your understanding.
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
‘Rebel/I Find It Hard To Say’ Out Now
Old tune, new Version, same context, even more relevant now: sick and tired of being sick and tired. - MLH Stream 'Rebel/I Find It Hard To Say' now on Tidal http://tidal.com/MLH
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
TIDAL X 10/15
A solid education is part of the foundation upon which informed decisions are made and limiting circumstances are overcome, also known as empowerment. On October 15th, I'll be joining TIDAL for TIDAL X 10/15 to support education. This year, with the help of Robinhood, we plan to inspire real change for education initiatives nationwide. Tickets on sale now: tidal.com/1015
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
Ms. Lauryn Hill has announced additional dates for The MLH Caravan: A Diaspora Calling! Concert Series. The tour, presented by Ms. Hill, in association with Live Nation and global music and entertainment platform, Tidal, will be traveling to New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and many more cities across North America. In additional to her headlining shows with The MLH Caravan, Ms. Hill also has some festival performances scheduled, with stops in Paris, St. Louis, and Tokyo. 
The concert series will bring aspects of the inaugural Diaspora Calling! Festival to the road. Each show will feature performances by artists from different parts of the African diaspora. Artists confirmed to perform at shows throughout the tour include Nas (Queens), at a newly added date in San Francisco, as well as a sold out show in Berkeley, Machel Montano (Trinidad) in Philadelphia, Kehlani (Oakland) in New York City, San Francisco, and Berkeley, plus many more, including Soul Rebels (New Orleans) with special guest Talib Kweli (Brooklyn), Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 (Nigeria), EL (Ghana), Little Simz (London), Jesse Royal (Jamaica), Noname (Chicago), JoJo Abot (Ghana), and Paul Beaubrun (Haiti). Additional guest performers, as well as the full lineup for each show, to be announced in the coming weeks. Full tour schedule listed below.
  Of the concert series Ms. Hill says: "The MLH Caravan allows me to continue the theme of unity and celebration of the many facets of cultural and artistic beauty throughout the African diaspora while on tour this summer and fall. In these days of tension, tumult and transition, an exchange of this kind can yield direction, expression, understanding and empowerment as well as connection, self Love and appreciation that hopefully overflows into our respective communities." 
VIP experiences are available at each show. Options include a Meet & Greet and photo opportunity with Ms. Hill, limited edition merch bundles, as well as a package where a limited number of fans will be able watch the show from on stage. Look here for more details. 
Tickets go on sale Friday for the Bill Graham Civic Center in San Francisco on November 3 with Nas, Kehlani, and Seun Kuti & Egypt 80. Tickets for all other shows are on sale now. Go to www.MsLaurynHill.com for tickets and more information. 
TIDAL members will have access to an exclusive pre-sale. Members can find details for purchasing tickets by logging into the TIDAL accounts via web browser, desktop app, or mobile app. 
Citi is the official credit card of The MLH Caravan: A Diaspora Calling! Concert. Citi cardmembers will have access to presale tickets through Citi's Private Pass Program. For complete presale details, visit  www.citiprivatepass.com.
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MLH CARAVAN: A DIASPORA CALLING! CONCERT SERIES DATES: 08/27/16 - Philadelphia, PA at The Mann Center with Machel Montano, Soul Rebels featuring Talib Kweli, and Jesse Royal
09/01/16 - Chicago, IL at Ravinia with Soul Rebels, Jesse Royal, and Noname
09/02/16 - Detroit, MI at The Fillmore, with Soul Rebels, Jesse Royal, and Noname
09/04/16 - Minneapolis, MN at First Avenue, with Noname
09/09/16 - Paris, FR at Fete de L'Humanite Festival
09/11/16 - St. Louis, MO at Loufest
09/15/16 - Toronto, ON at Massey Hall, with Paul Beaubrun, plus more to be announced
09/16/16 - Toronto, ON at Massey Hall, with Paul Beaubrun, plus more to be announced
09/18/16 - Cleveland, OH at Hard Rock Live Rocksino, with special guests to be announced
09/24/16 - Atlanta, GA at Chastain Park, with special guests to be announced
09/25/16 - Tuscaloosa, AL at Tuscaloosa Amphitheater, with special guests to be announced
09/27/16 - Memphis, TN at Orpheum, with special guests to be announced
10/20/16 - Los Angeles, CA at Greek Theatre, with special guests to be announced
10/25/16 - Osaka, JP at Zepp
10/27/16 - Tokyo, JP at Zepp
10/29/16 - Yokohama, JP at Red Brick Festival
11/01/16 - San Diego, CA at Copley Symphony Hall, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
11/03/16 - San Francisco, CA at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, with Nas, Kehlani, and Seun Kuti & Egypt 80
11/04/16 - Berkeley, CA at Greek Theatre, with Nas, Kehlani, and Seun Kuti & Egypt 80
11/06/16 - Seattle, WA at McCaw Hall, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
11/08/16 - Vancouver, BC at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
11/10/16 - Portland, OR at Keller Auditorium, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
11/12/16 - Las Vegas, NV at The Foundry at SLS, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
11/13/16 - Phoenix, AZ at Comerica Theatre, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
11/27/16 - Austin, TX at Moody Theatre, with Soul Rebels, Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
11/29/16 - San Antonio, TX at Aztec Theater, with Soul Rebels, Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
12/01/16 - New Orleans, LA at Saenger Theatre, with Soul Rebels, Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
12/06/16 - Tampa, FL at Mahaffey Theater, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
12/08/16 - Orlando, FL at House of Blues, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
12/09/16- Miami Beach, FL at The Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater
12/11/16 - Raleigh, NC at The Ritz, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
12/13/16 - Indianapolis, IN at The Murat Theatre, with special guests to be announced
12/15/16 - Louisville, KY at The Louisville Palace, with Soul Rebels, plus more to be announced
12/18/16 - Silver Springs, MD at Fillmore, with Seun Kuti & Egypt 80, plus more to be announced
01/31/17- Pittsburgh, PA at Heinz Hall
02/02/17- Cincinnati, OH at Aronoff Center
02/04/17- Milwaukee, WI at Riverside Theatre
02/07/17 - Columbus, OH at Palace Theatre, with special guests to be announced
02/09/17- Nashville, TN at Ryman Auditorium
02/14/17- Atlanta, GA at The Tabernacle
02/23/17 - Boston, MA at Wang Theatre, with special guests to be announced
02/25/17 - New York, NY at Radio City Music Hall
04/28/17 - Charlotte, NC at Charlotte Metro Credit Amphitheatre, with special guests to be announced
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
Watch Ms. Hill’s full episode of Austin City Limits on PBS or at http://www.pbs.org/video/2365815565/
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
DJ Khaled, thank you for that acknowledgment, and thank you Nas for blessing up the chune lol. Fugee-La was a special song for us. I have fond memories of us and Salaam recording that song. My son, Zion, ironically laid his own thoughts down in verse on this same song recently. There must be something in the air. May God bless your family and the arrival of your new child. I also remember that Humble Lion show! Grace and peace to both of you. xo, MLH
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
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Ms. Lauryn Hill, in association with Live Nation and TIDAL, has announced The MLH Caravan: A Diaspora Calling! concert series
“The MLH Caravan allows me to continue the theme of unity and celebration of the many facets of cultural and artistic beauty throughout the African diaspora while on tour this summer and fall. In these days of tension, tumult and transition, an exchange of this kind can yield direction, expression, understanding and empowerment as well as connection, self Love and appreciation that hopefully overflows into our respective communities." -MLH
With the overwhelming success of Ms. Lauryn Hill’s inaugural Diaspora Calling! at Brooklyn’s historic Kings Theater, she has announced The MLH Caravan: A Diaspora Calling! Concert Series. The tour, presented by Ms. Hill, in association with Live Nation and global music and entertainment platform, Tidal, will be kicking off August 27th in Philadelphia, PA and running through November, stopping in Chicago, Toronto, Boston, and many more cities along the way (full dates below).   The concert series will bring aspects of the inaugural festival to the road. Each show will include special guest performances, by artists from throughout the African diaspora.
Full lineup for each show, as well as additional dates, to be announced in the coming weeks.  On August 4th, TIDAL members will have access to an exclusive pre-sale beginning at 10:00am local time. Members can find details for purchasing tickets by logging in to their TIDAL accounts via web browser, desktop app or mobile app.
THE MLH CARAVAN: A DIASPORA CALLING! CONCERT SERIES DATES: 08/27/16 - Philadelphia, PA at The Mann Center 09/01/16 - Chicago, IL at Ravinia 09/02/16 - Detroit, MI at The Fillmore 09/04/16 - Minneapolis, MN at First Avenue 09/13/16 - Louisville, KY at The Louisville Palace 09/16/16 - Toronto, ON at Massey Hall 09/18/16 - Cleveland, OH at Hard Rock Live Rocksino 09/22/16 - Indianapolis, IN at The Murat Theatre 09/24/16 - Atlanta, GA at Chastain Park 09/25/16 - Tuscaloosa, AL at Tuscaloosa Amphitheater 10/01/16 - Boston, MA at Wang Theatre 11/01/16 - San Diego, CA at Copley Symphony Hall 11/06/16 - Seattle, WA at McCaw Hall 11/08/16 - Vancouver, BC at Queen Elizabeth Theatre 11/12/16 - Las Vegas, NV at The Foundry at SLS 11/13/16 - Phoenix, AZ at Comerica Theatre
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
I wanted to address the recent reports in the media that I have new tax issues. This is not a new situation, I'm still taking care of past taxes. This has been an ongoing process, and I have been working steadily towards a resolution. It has been an uphill battle, but we're getting over the hump. I left the game, I wanted out, the way it was organized needed adjustment. When you eat a lot of other people's debts like I did, and become financially responsible for as many people as I did, a break like the one I took was necessary. It took bold, courageous moves, and cost me certain economic comforts. But it's getting better every day, thank God, and I'm living a much more liberated existence because of it. Thank you for your concern, MLH
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
Thank you EVERYONE for your Happy Birthday messages! I'm catching up on much needed rest and family time. Virtual hugs and kisses, ❤️😘MLH
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
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A limited run of Diaspora Calling! posters are on sale tonight at King’s Theater
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
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“Diaspora Calling! is a collection of works intended to celebrate the rich tapestry of artists from the African Diaspora while also illumining persistent and irrepressible themes... Even if we work independently, we are a resounding collective voice, both reconciling and embracing our relationship to history, our origins, our future and to ourselves.”
Ms. Lauryn Hill, in association with TIDAL X, has announced Diaspora Calling!, a three-day series of music and art experiences, to take place at Brooklyn’s beautiful and historic Kings Theatre. Starting tonight through Friday April 15th, Ms. Hill will present a series of events, focusing on various forms of visual art, featuring performances by artists from Africa, and throughout the African diaspora. The grand lobby of the Kings Theatre will be transformed into an art gallery, featuring some of the most innovative and iconic contemporary artists of the African diaspora, with a special focus on art and artists from Haiti.
Tonight, Ms. Hill will introduce the art gallery at a private opening celebration with music by DJ Spinna, DJ Juls, and more. The gallery will then be open to the public on April 14th and 15th, from 12 - 4pm. The gallery was curated by Ms. Hill with the help of MoCADA, Nader Haitian Art, and The Haiti Cultural Exchange.
On Friday, April 15th, Ms. Lauryn Hill, is turning her sold out concert into the first inaugural Diaspora Calling! Music Festival. Ms. Hill will headline the show, which will also feature performances from Machel Montano (Trinidad), Stephen 'Ragga' Marley (Jamaica), Stonebwoy (Ghana), Mr. Eazi (Nigeria), EL (Ghana), Wondaboy (Nigeria), JoJo Abot (Ghana), and Paul Bearbrun (Haiti).
Friday’s Diaspora Calling! Music Festival will be livestreamed pre-paywall for fans and TIDAL subscribers alike on tidal.com
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mslaurynhill · 8 years
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Ms Hill is performing LIVE at The Belasco Theatre this week on Wednesday March 2nd!! Tickets on sale now at http://www.ticketmaster.com/ms-lauryn-hill-los-angeles-california-03-02-2016/event/0900505A89041C9C?artistid=795402&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=202
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mslaurynhill · 9 years
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Enter now at http://bit.ly/MLH_Grk_Win
Get tickets to see Ms. Hill perform at Greek Theatre L.A. on Sept 14 now at http://www.axs.com/events/280157/ms-lauryn-hill-tickets
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mslaurynhill · 9 years
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I'd like to thank Jadakiss, Fabolous, and DJ Clue for coming to celebrate Zion's 18th birthday yesterday. Not only did they come to 'celebrate life' with us but they 'blessed up' the stage and crowd. Zion was elated and everyone got to witness these gracious brothers helping to welcome my son into young adulthood. Thank you again.
Community, friends and family who came to celebrate with us, thank you also! I hope you had as much fun as we did. Thank you all who helped make the event such a delight.
Zion, Love you bad! Happy Milestone son! I wish you Love, happiness, Wisdom, enlightenment and Divine favor.
Love, MLH/Mommy
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