ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
A warm feeling ran through Mike’s body when he heard Margaret say next time. “Uh…sure!”  He said brightly.  “I mean, it’s only one of the dishes that I make so maybe I can make more.”  He flashed a smile at Katie before turning to Maya.
“I understand, it must be hard.  How about I put some aside for you then to make sure that you have some for tomorrow?”  Mike offered.     “And the next time you can request a dessert.”  He added with a genuine smile.
Maya silently smiled as she pushed her food around some more before taking another bite.
“I think she’d like that,” Katie spoke as she watched her sister nod her head
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
 Mike returned the squeeze and gave Katie a small smile. “Uh…” he blushed and looked at her father. “Just a hobby I picked up. And I like to eat, though slow cooked beef ragu over cheesey polenta is my specialty.” He said with a small smile. Looking over at Maya he gave her a soft look. “How is it Maya? Do you want something else?” Her offered gently.
“Well then perhaps you could make it for us next time,” Margaret spoke with a pleasant smile causing Katie to smile back. 
‘Next Time’ she thought to herself, ‘her mother said next time!’ 
her excided train of thought was caused to halt as she listened to Mike speak to maya. Biting her lips, Katie was slightly fearfull as to what her younger sister would say.
“It’s good,” Maya spoke in a reassuring tone, “It’s just all my medications have messed with my appetite...hopefully there are some left overs that I can try tomorrow.”
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
Mike sat everything on the couch and waited for Katie’s family.  He noticed that her mother used hand crutches, but didn’t say anything and pulled out her and Maya’s chairs for them before Katie’s.  He sat down beside Katie and took her hand under the table and squeezed it nervously.
“So…uh…I made chicken picatta.  It’s chicken, obviously, in a lemon wine sauce with angel hair pasta and a salad.”  He said softly, briefly meeting the faces of those around the table before looking down again.
Katie reached over toward Mike's hand as if it silently tell him not to worry as they began their meal. Watching her family's faces, Katie could tell that her family was impressed with Mike's cooking skills.
“Hockey, cooking, what can’t you do?” Mr. Matlin asked
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
“I thought so.”  He said with a small shrug.  “I mean, I totally understand why, but…”  Watching Katie, Mike helped her finish set the table and finished off the supper.  Placing it on the table, he looked at Katie.  “Guess it’s now or never.”  He said softly.  Taking the two bottles that were left, he placed them on the table and stood back nervously and waited.
Katie nodded her head as she stepped out of the room for the moment, alerting her family their meal was almost ready. Spotting Maya sitting on the couch Katie couldn't help but smile. Her sisters counseling sessions had been going real well and from the outside you couldn't tell anything was wrong as she was looking like her normal healthy self. 
"Give Mike a chance," Katie spoke in a somewhat silent tone toward her sister before smiling over toward her parents. "Dinner is served."
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
Mike grinned.  “Great.  I’ll get you as many tickets as you need or want.”  When her father left, he exhaled loudly and turned to Katie, leaning in for a gentle kiss.  “One down, two to go, and yes I’m counting your sister.”  He said with a slight chuckle.  Finishing the sauce, he leaned against the counter and watched her as she moved around.  “You’re amazing, Katie Matlin.”  He said, the awe obvious in his voice.  “And I’m so damn lucky that you’re allowing me in your life.”
"She'll be the toughest nut to crack," Katie admitted thinking that Maya probably held resentment toward Mike still due to what happened to Campbell though that seemed like a lifetime ago. Shuffling around the kitchen to finish things up she couldn't help but flush as Mike spoke. "I'm the lucky one I think," she spoke leaning over toward Mike to place a quick kiss on his lips before reaching into the cabinets to grab some plates.
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
your dallas thread is really good. I really like reading it! You two play your characters really well.
Thank you... My threads have been giving me such feels  
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
Mike shrugged and gave Katie a smile.  “I’m sure she just didn’t want to tell anyone.  I wasn’t exactly the nicest human being in high school.”  He said honsety.  Giving Katie a smile, he looked back at her father.  “I would never think about breaking her heart, Sir.”  He said blushing himself.  
“Anyway, Katie mentioned that you were a hockey fan, would you be up for having some tickets to the next Marlies game?”  he asked stirring the sauce.  
"This is Toronto who isn't a Hockey fan?" Katie heard her father ask with a chuckle. "So it's a yes?" Katie asked her dad of the offer to see Mike play. "It's a yes," he replied with a smile, "Anyway, I'll leave you to finishing up in here...I wouldn't want to cramp your style and besides, I have some work to finish in my home office.
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
Feeling Mr. Matln’s eyes on him, he glanced nervously over at Katie.  He knew who he was?  That he was a bad influence on Katie?  Or that he was one of Drew’s best friends.  Rocking nervously on his heels, he bit down on his bottom lip.  A frown crossed his face and he shook his head at his comment.  “No Sir, I’m not a celebrity.”  He said softly.  “Just a scrub in the AHL.”  Shrugging, he felt a blush cover his face and he gave Katie a small smile.  “Just a guy, meeting his girlfriend’s parents for the first time and desperate that they approve of him.”
Mr. Matlin nodded his head as Mike spoke.
"You know, I didn't even know Katherine was seeing anyone, especially not someone back here in Toronto," Mr. Matlin spoke heading into the fridge and grabbing a drink, "In fact you're the first guy she's ever mentioned since starting University I was beginning to think she'd let her previous relationships tarnish her thoughts on love."
"DAD," Katie exclaimed as she felt her face light up a pale shade of pink.
"Hey," her father spoke, "They say third time is the charm right? And besides...seeing my first born happy gives you instant approval in my book, just don't let me here you broke her heart okay?"
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
Mike gave her a smile and started to flatten the chicken for the picatta.  Once the garlic was crushed, he added to the pan and floured the chicken along with butter and started to cook the chicken breasts.  Hearing footsteps, he glanced up and quickly washed his hands and dried them.  Giving her father a polite nod and smile, he extended his hand.  “Mr. Matlin.  Sir.”  He said softly.  “I’m Mike, Mike Dallas.  I went to high school with Katie and Maya.”  He shoved his hands deep in his pockets and toed the flooring with his toes.
"I know who you are," Katie's father spoke as he looked Mike up and down. Katie tried to read her dad's expression, worried for a moment that he would be recognized as one of Drew's friends causing her father to disapprove of him without a second thought knowing how much damage Drew had done to her during her senior year. "Why didn't you tell me you were dating a celebrity Katherine." Katie could feel her cheeks flush.
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
Mike rolled his eyes, but gave her a smile.  “Impossible.”  He teased Katie.  “You can crush the garlic, or get the water on for the noodles.  It’s actually a pretty easy recipe.”  He told her standing beside her.  Gently, he bumped her hip with his and he grinned before getting to work on preperation.  They worked in sync and soon the meal was coming together.  Reaching over, he gently placed his hand in hers and squeezed it.  Hearing a set of footsteps, he moved his hand quickly before looking at the entrance to the kitchen.
"I think I could do both," Katie replied with a smile as she began to move about the kitchen falling into steps with Mike as soon a breathtaking aroma began to fill the room. She'd been lost in the moment that she didn't notice her father standing in the doorway.
"Hey dad," she replied
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
“Chicken piccata over angel hair pasta and a side salad.”  He replied, giving Katie a smile.  Not seeing Maya or her parents in the room, he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.  Pulling away he gave her a soft smile.  “I missed you.”  He said quietly.  Starting to pull out the ingredients, he pulled out an apron and pulled it over his head and tossed one at Katie with a smile.
Kissing Mike, she didn’t care if her parents entered the room in the moment. “Sounds lovely,” she replied reaching for an apron of her own, a slight smirk crossing her lips.
“I missed you more.”
Sure, that could of easily opened things up for argument however she swiftly remedied that by adding, “So, what do we need to do for prep work?”
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
Mike smiled when Katie opened the door, leaning down and giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.  “Hey.”  He said happily.  “Thanks.” Toeing off his shoes, he placed them alongside Katie’s and handed her the glass bottles.  “Not all for drinking.”  He said with a shrug.  “One is for drinking, one is sparkling juice, and one is for cooking.”  He explained.  He rambled when he was nervous, and he was seriously nervous. Wiping his hands on his pants, he gave Katie a weak smile before taking a deep shaky breath.
Placing the bottles on the counter, Katie nodded her head never expecting them all for drinking , well at least not that evening anyway.
“So chef,” she replied once she helped him with his bags, “what are we cooking tonight.”
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
Mike took a deep breath and ran his hands over his skinny jeans.  Gathering the groceries from the back of the car, he headed up to Katie’s front door.  He had plans to blow her parents’ minds, and he hoped that it would be possible.  He liked Katie a lot - hell - he knew he was falling head over heels in love with her.  He balanced three bottles of wine in his arms, two for drinking and one for cooking, as he knocked at the door.  Taking a step back, he toed the top step nervously as he waited. 
Smiling over toward Maya who was sitting on the couch reading a book, Katie made her way over toward the mirror that hung in the living room. Applying a layer of lipgloss and tying back her hair into a high ponytail the young woman couldn't help but chuckle thinking about how she never was one who cared about make up or looks and wondered when she started. Hearing a knock on the door she lit up like a kid at christmas. 
"He's here," she spoke stating the obvious as she ran to open the door. "Here, let me help you."
Meeting the parents
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
“That’s fine too.”  He said quietly, watching her as she sat next to him.  Mike watched silently as she climbed out of the car and he gave a slight wave.  “I miss you too, Katie.”  He said softly, watching until she got safely in the door.  Once he heard her front door shut, he leaned back against the soft leather seats and sighed deeply.  He was falling so hard and so fast, but he never wanted this feeling to end.
Katie watched from the window as Mike’s car pulled away letting out a slight sigh. She hadn’t felt emotions so  deep before. Noticing the lights on in her father’s study a smile crossed her lips thinking about Mike coming over to spend time with her family and Maya on hopefully their next date.
“Dad we need to talk...”
Year of the Rooster
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
“Nope, that’s fine.  I’ll text you my game schedule.  I have a game in Albany, but then I think we’re back for a bit.”  He said with a smile.  Reaching for her hand he kissed her knuckles softly before looking at her.  “Thanks for everything Katie.”  He said quietly.  Turning off the car he looked at her.  “I don’t have words to tell you how I feel right now.”  He admitted, “but you make me feel like I’ve never felt before.”  He placed his hand gently on her cheek and gave her a light kiss on the lips before pulling away.
“I’m sure we’ll be able to pencil something in,” Katie replied twisting her fingers with Mikes now that the car had stopped, “If not cooking at my house then perhaps a movie or coffee at the Dot?”
Words could not express how she had felt either as she attempted to deepen their kiss before heading out toward her door.
“I miss you already,” she called out.
Year of the Rooster
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
“I figured as much.”  Mike said with a smile.  He pulled onto the freeway and headed back to her place.  “Well, ask them what day works and I can bring over all of the ingredients and we can cook…well I can cook and you can be my sous-chef.”  He gave her a grin.  “And Maya can come if she wants.  No pressure.”
"Is next week too soon?" Katie asked with a raised brow wanting to lean over to give Mike a peck on his cheek though restraining herself so she wouldn't cause a distraction.
"Anyway I'll get with my parents about an exact date and get back to you ASAP." As they pulled into her driveway she smiled at the anticipation of it all however at the same time it was the worst time of her day...having to say goodbye to Mike.
Year of the Rooster
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ms-katie-matlin · 7 years
Mike smiled and kissed her hand gently.  “They can come over to my place, or I can cook at yours if it’s easier and easier on Maya.”  He said softly.  When the car heated up, Mike backed up out of the parking spot and started to head back to Katie’s place.  
"As much as I'm sure that they'd love your place," Katie replied with a smile, "It may be best for Maya if she sticks to a familiar environment that way it doesn't overstimulate her."
Year of the Rooster
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