mowisha · 11 months
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Where do I start? AAAA I have lots of plans this year that I listed at the start of this year and I'm steadily and slowly doing my best to complete all of them! So this is like a diary post just so I can compose myself and not get too overwhelmed by all the things I wanna do.
You can keep reading on below if you're interested with my life, but this is mostly just me taking notes since I don't vlog or keep a diary with me anymore haha.
Internet Friends
This year went by so fast but I know that I also grew a lot as a person and I've met a lot of amazing people that contributed to this year. I met 2 actual friends that I found on Reddit (r/phR4Friends to be exact). Kyle invites me to all these gigs around my city and Manila from time to time and I realize that this is the kind of stuff that I've been missing out on for the past few years. Hazel is one of the best girls I've ever met and she's up for anything and even shared with me about losing my 3 year old phone! I went to La Union with her, her friends, twitter friends, and few a college acquaintances that I ended up being friends with also.
Also met a lot of new people by joining new local discord servers and it made my days less boring. It got me distracted with my plans on studying tho so I'm trying to limit my interactions and just meet up with them in real life tho. But yeah, I"m very thankful for all of them and they all treat me so nicely.
Lost my Phone
Went clubbing with Hazel earlier this year and ended up losing my phone and I think 2 years worth of photos! I was soooo sad and ended up using what Iearned working in starbucks last year to buy a secondhand iPhone 13 Pro. I have a love/hate relationship with the camera but I'm slowly getting used to it.
Concert and Gigs
Last December, I saw Keshi and this May, I saw the 1975 for the first time ever since their first show here in the Philippines last 2013. I enjoyed watching them live so much. In between these concerts, I went to a lot of local and out of town gigs and realized there were a lot of local underrated/underground music that I haven't discovered yet
Vespa Primavera 150
I saved up like crazy so I can buy myself a scooter, a Vespa to be exact. I was gonna go for the White Primavera 150 but someone in a local band told me that it was too common so he bought a relax green one and it got me thinking so that's what I'm gonna go for. I've been going back and fourth to the Vespa Shop here in Baguio but it's still not available until now. It's okay tho, I'm still in the process of fixing my driver's license. Tomorrow, I'll go and get my student's permit in Porta Vaga.
The Idea of Living on my Own
I saw a loft apartment the other day and I'm going to check out the actual thing tomorrow morning. It got me thinking of starting to live on my own and it fills my tummy with butterflies just thinking about how I'm gonna decorate it to make it feel like my home. I shouldn't be too excited because I'm not yet sure whether I'll actually get it or some other people are going to get it before me. But if I don't get the apartment, I'm already decided that I should move out this year, I'm about to turn 26!
I started crocheting late last year but I didn't get to continue practicing due to working 2 jobs and dating someone at the same time but this year, I gained a lot of time because I resigned and the relationship died lmao. I've been working on a life size BMO stuffed toyfor the past 3 months, I think? I'm about to finish it this week, I think! After this, I'll continue making tops like what I originally planned.
Half Dyed Hair
I know I told myself multiple times that I'm going to leave my hair alone and and start growing it out but I bleached and dyed it again this year. Ended up regretting it and had lots of hairfalls :( This will be the last time I swear.
Lost my Tita to Cancer
It came to a shock that my tito asked me to come to Manila asap because my aunt was already in her death bed. I spent a week staying by her side and crying. I never told her that I loved her even when she was literally dying because those words can't come out of my mouth but I know I did. She took care of me for 10 whole years and I always kept my feelings to myself because our relationship wasn't perfect but I'm thanful everyday because I wouldn't be the person I am today if she never took me in when my parents gave me and my brother away. She's in a better place now and I've already forgiven al the wrongs she's done to me.
We have 6 months left until the year is over, a lot of things can still happen and I'm excited what else is in store for 2023. Thank you for reading! :)
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mowisha · 2 years
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I've been inspired by someone in the Graphic Design Philippines Facebook Group to finally make my own graphic design portfolio on Behance. It took me the whole day to finish this one so I hope it would actually help in landing more clients :) Check it out on my Behance Profile!
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mowisha · 2 years
This blog is now up and running (after 9 hecking months!)
Why did it take me 9 months to finally finish this blog you may ask? Simply because I didn't have the motivation to do them. As an IT graduate and as an aspiring developer, I'm sure you've heard about the term 'Imposter Syndrome'. *gasps* "imposter??? sus"
If you haven't heard of the term before, it's basically
"defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they're deserving of accolades."
The reason why I haven't been applying for jobs in the tech industry is that I feel like I'm not good enough and I don't have enough experience to be applying for a job as a web developer especially since it wasn't my major and I have no experience with back-end development as a whole. I've just been all about design, html, and css all my life. So I keep telling myself,
"I should have this and I should have something that I can show before taking this step."
But tbh, I wasn't getting there and I wasn't doing anything to get there as soon as I can. I keep making excuses! Like this happened, and that happened, and I can't do this because bla bla bla. Some days I'll get into the zone where I'll design and code for 2-3 days straight and stop for how many months and it starts all over again!
Anyway, here you go. My blog site -- designed and coded by yours truly lmao. Did I mention that it's also responsive. You can easily view this webpage on your phone. Not a big thing but I spent a lot of time to make sure it fits in whatever screen you're gonna use it for! Hopefully, walang error haha.
I could've easily used some random free themes here on tumblr but I wanted them to be more personalized and I want to code the whole site all by myself so I can learn and I'll know how to fix it if an error occurs.
Portfolio site coming up, I'll also host it on tumblr and I'm still thinking if I'm gonna buy my own domain haha.
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mowisha · 3 years
Project # 1: Portfolio Site and Blogsite Theme
Stage 1: Illustrations (09-30-21)
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here's a quick timelapse. my photoshop actually failed multiple times when I was doing this vector but eh, everything worked out in the end. I know that I should've Adobe Illustrator and saved it as SVG, but I don't have the application and I'm not familiar with AI that much huhu. PNG will do for now.
Stage 2: Prototype and Layout Design (09-30-21)
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Creating the UI Design on Figma. I've been loving the color green lately so I decided to use it as the primary color for my site! Made the prototype for mobile and tablet viewing as well, including dark mode (which i won't be doing btw)
Stage 3: CODING -- HTML (10-04-21)
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Got distracted for the next 4 days (smh!) But I started coding the site today. Looking pretty good
Stage 4.0: CSS and Responsiveness -- Header Section (10-05-21)
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I implemented using SASS for this site for the first time ever and it made coding the CSS sososososo much easier!
I spent a lot of time making sure that everything looks nice in every size of the screen! Making the page responsive was what took me a lot of time to finish this section because this will be the first time that I was gonna make a responsive website. Turned out okay, I'm kinda proud of it! 💕
Also, ended up using Haikei for the back wavy SVG background. I liked this one better :) Also learned that there was something called aspect-ratio, took me a lot of time to understand this because I didn't search about it lmao. Trial and error for the sizing!
Stage 4.1: Portfolio Section (10-06-21)
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I forgot to record the trouble I had with aligning the contents in the 'portfolio' section but I spent a lot of time trying to align them every time I resize the screen. Turns out, I just had to add one line of code haha. You learn something new every day
Ended up not following the prototype for this section. The original plan was for a box to appear every time I hover the image but realized that how will that work on mobile? So I ended up following this tutorial instead!
Stage 4.2: About and Toolbox Section (10-06-21) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Spent HOURS trying to get this right, I even made a box model to follow but none of it worked lmao. I ended up putting everything on the trash and went to sleep hahaha
(10-07-21) ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) -- Ended up using this code from StackOverflow hahaha.
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Stage 4.4: Contact and Footer Section (10-12-21)
A/N: Okay I know, I slacked off for the past 5 days before continuing this project but I got a new dog, got vaccinated, enjoyed my last few days in this town, and I've planned what I was gonna do with my life this month since I'm moving back to Baguio in a week. Life has been uhhhh asdasdas. Oh and I've been watching mechanical keyboard vids for more hours than I really should instead of working my shit together. Anyway...
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I also had a hard time aligning this huhu I'm really sorry for being a noob and being a slow coder but yep! Done! Although the contact form doesn't actually work lmao. Apparently, I need to have a backend but I'm too lazy for that huhu.
Stage 4.5: Darkmode (10-13-21)
Tried to do this but I had a hard time aligning the dark/day mode logo on the right and for it to appear whenever the size gets smaller. I know I gave up too soon but I just want this project to be over, it has taken me too long. I'll save this part for next time, I'm sorry.
So yeah, things to improve:
+ dark mode + contact form
Bonus Stage:
I actually made this the other day while I was procrastinating at coding hahaha. So I think I'll be working on this tomorrow so I can finally make this blog public to everyone.
Kind of the same layout, but still different? Ya feel me, fam? I will also be changing the logo and links to handwritten PNGs to make it feel more personal yknow
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Update (06-30-22)
Update: Took a break for how many months, because I moved to a new city, adjusted, focused on work and making extra incomes, and doing my hobbies huhu but I'm back!
I did design a new website to add to my portfolio earlier this year on Figma but ended up halting it, too because I volunteered for 2 months to campaign for VP Leni for presidency. She ended up not winning and it did hurt a lot but at least I met a lot of new people and I'm proud to say that I stood my ground and fought for what I believe is right. It definitely was a time of my life. ANYWAY!!! Back to the website.
I actually started a few days ago, but I updated my Sass because apparently, the one that I was using hasnt been updated for 3 years now. Anyway, Sass stopped working and I had to use @use and @forward but I wasted a olot of time trying to fix it so I decided to stop using Sass and just transfer everything to regular CSS. My website worked again. Took me time to adjust with the syntax of CSS again, and I think I'll just stay and use pure CSS this time to avoid confusion and easy implementation between html, css, and javascript.
Goods news, again. I fixed the typewriting effect and dark/light mode!
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Other than the contact form that's not really working, I'm basically done, I just need to add more to my portfolio site and I'll put this site on live and I'm gonna use tumblr to host it. :) Next project is to code this blogsite so I can link it on my portfolio and social media!
Stage 5: Coding the Blogsite (July 4-5, 2022)
OH MY GOD AAAAA. I know I've been putting this project on the side for almost a year now. I've wasted so many months because I just didn't have the motivation because I thought I couldn't do them but I get to finish them in a span of like 1-2 days. Why do I doubt myself so much, I have so much potential. Anyway, this blogsite is now live and I'm so happy about it. I'll make a separate post for it.
Next step is convert the codes for my portfolio site so it can be rendered by tumblr again, connect my other project designs to the portfolio corner and probably apply for a company and (HOPEFULLY???) finally get hired!!
I'm still contemplating whether to move to Mania for office word or just stick to WFH because I really don't wanna waste so much time on traffic in the city. I'm blabbering now. Goodbye hahaha
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mowisha · 3 years
New Decade, New Me!
I’ve been a blogger here on Tumblr since 2010, but it’s always been the usual teen online journal from when I was in high school to college. At 23, an IT Graduate, I am now a full-grown adult and I want to start over and focus on things that will actually help me to grow in my dream career!
So first things first, I'm going to create a website design for this blog and I'm going to be documenting the process on how I'm going to make it. So my goal for today is to create the UI Design for this blog on Figma. Wish me luck! Here's to the future!
I mean, I can also make a vlog about it on youtube instead. Yeah, yeah, I think I'll do both! Stay tuned! :)
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